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2542491 No.2542491 [Reply] [Original]

What word processor do you use and why?

>> No.2542492

It's free and light

>> No.2542506

Word, because I can't computers.

>> No.2542515

Q10, because it's just a black screen with white letters.

>> No.2542516


>> No.2542518

Draft view is insulting to Allah, so I use OpenOffice Writer.

>> No.2542520

Open Office. It's basically a MS Word knock off that's free.

>> No.2542525

I write freehand. I find I write more that way for some reason. Computers and typewriters just don't do it for me.

>> No.2542541

I'm the same way, I type it up on the computer to start the editing/revising phase.

>> No.2542545

What a fag.

>> No.2542859

wordpad, because it doesn't autocorrect or format anything and it's what I started writing every non-school-related thing on when I was 12.

>> No.2542863

I mostly write freehand, but when I do use my computer, I use notepad.

>> No.2543057

>>word processor
>>not using your vast mental abilities to conjure up a world and simply will it into existence at a local book seller.


>> No.2543059

who cares. they all do the same fucking thing

>> No.2543062

I can see why people want to write there drafts freehand. With computers you just delete pieces of texts while writing. In freehand you scrap them, but they are still visible so you can work them out later or still implement them.

For publishing though, you mostly need to use a word processor.

>> No.2543073
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I feel it strikes a pleasant balance between the clutter and mess that is Word, and the often too simple Notepad.

I'm of course on Vista still, cause I'm a giant faggot, and I guess I'm just a realist when it comes to computers. With everything else though, I'm an idealist. Is only me who thinks the Windows 7 version of Wordpad is fucked up?

>> No.2543075

LOL! I made a grammar error in my post. I forgot the word "it".

>> No.2543080

open office is being abandoned. Libre Office has pretty much taken over. and it's much better

>> No.2543150

>>open office is being abandoned.

citation needed

>> No.2543164

For serious drafts, I use a white on black console word processor on a Debian without any window manager and desktop environments to distract me. It's really nice.

Sort of like this, but not that specific one; I can't recall the name right now.

>> No.2543165

on a Debian computer*

>> No.2543272
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Microsoft Word for Mac. Because I'm familiar with it and trust it not to fuck up my formatting on something important.

>> No.2543299

google docs. saving everything online. Free back-up yo.

>> No.2543313

Can we switch? I'm the complete opposite; I can type pretty dang fast, and I just get perpetually aggravated at how slooooow writing by hand is.

Anyway, I use LibreOffice. It's free, you can edit the source code (i.e., the program), and it's got all the same core functions as MicrOffice.

>> No.2543315

Q10 or openoffice writer

>> No.2543316

>letting google steal your work