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2539770 No.2539770 [Reply] [Original]

I swear to god if I open this shit up tomorrow and Sam even has the prologue, I am giving up on this shitty series.

>> No.2539775

it isn't worth the effort of opening the first time.

enjoy your mental picture of Dany's shit

>> No.2539778

prologue is the wildling six skins. just fyi. Varamyr.

>> No.2539783


does she poop?

>> No.2539801

Sam is in one chapter don't worry.
DwD is pretty boring imo. Feast for Crows was more entertaining. Half the book is Dany talking to peasants about their lame-ass problems

>> No.2539800

I waited for this stupid book for six years. I got it when it came out and have only managed to get through a quarter of it. I don't know if it's horrible, maybe I just forgot everyone and just don't care what the fuck happens to anymore.

>> No.2539802


For this guy's interest, someone please post the scat paragraph

>> No.2539812

>didn't understand the point of the Dany diarrhea paragraph

>> No.2539824


>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.2539827

That's a brash assumption.

>> No.2539841


I can handle the realism

>> No.2539844


are there any detailed passages about her sweaty asshole during a long hike?

>> No.2539850

what? dany poos??
im on book 4

>> No.2539851

man i can't wait to see this in the tv show!!!!!!

>> No.2539868


yes? no?

>> No.2539910

That's glorious. The whole point of this is to make her seem less of a Mary Sue with a plot armor as thick as Daario's cock.

>> No.2539914

>Mary Sue character
>Needs to be brought down a little
>What's a good literary device to do this

Book of the Year

>> No.2539915
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>Dario's cock
>Not Drogo's cock

We all know who's packing here ...

>> No.2539930

I'm pretty much only reading this series for Dany's chapters. Curently on a feast for crows, cersei makes for an ok substitute.
Really tired of reading "Ser osmund kettleblack gregor clegane" over and over again

>> No.2539937

Nah, she's ok

>> No.2539938

1/10 You got me to respond. Everyone knows that Dany's chapters are boring as shit. She had one good chapter in Storm of Swords and that's it.

>Not liking Arya
>Any year

>> No.2539935


But Dany is the worst character in the series ...

>> No.2539946

Dany is not the worst character in the series... its just that she's marooned in fucking Mereen where its all kinds of pointless shit happening far away from Westeros... I could burn all the Mereen based chapters in Dance With Dragons and be happy.

>> No.2539950

I think of her time in Mereen as sort of her testing ground for being a ruler. She's making a lot of dumb mistakes, but at least she's not making those mistakes in Westeros where it actually matters.

>> No.2539954


Very true... she's a lot like Jon at the Wall.... They are both holding on to their ideals and not wanting to give in. They will make a great couple...

>> No.2539956

The Arya chapters are great.
The Tyrion chapters after page 500 or so are great.
The Bran chapters are great.
The Jon chapters are meh.

Fuck everything else. Disappointing. :\

>> No.2539957

this book is crap, all of the characters are crap and uninteresting

>> No.2539963


Post auto negated as you didn't mention how badd ass the Davos chapters were.

>> No.2539965


Sorry. He's just not that compelling of a character to me. :\

>> No.2539967

I actually enjoyed it. He is actually a competent writer now.

>> No.2539969

I think even GRRM would have qualms about marrying the last two Targaryens.

>> No.2540001


This whole series is about them. This is a Song of Ice and Fire, Jon is Ice and Dany is Fire. Jon is Azure Assai reborn, Dany is the Mother of Dragons. They are bound by fate.

They don't have a lot of other choices at this point... Maybe Val for Jon and Young Griff for Dany....

>> No.2540007

Yeah, Jon refused Val already and Young Griff doesn't have enough time to become a real character.
Dany isn't going to have any kids, though, so maybe their relationship will end up being platonic.

>> No.2540012

They way that prophecy/curse was worded though... perhaps they can find some type of a loophole.. Dany still has her periods it seems, so biologically there is hope.

>> No.2540018


Do you have detailed textual proof?

>> No.2540035


I was thinking about how that maegi bitch put that curse on her and made reference to the direction of where the sun rises and sets... Then the Red Priestess told her to go west she must go east, to go north she must go south... Maybe it is all a matter of Dany's perspective?

Also, we know she still gets her moon blood thanks to her final Dance With Dragons Chapter.

>> No.2540039

Am I the only one here rooting for Daenerys Targaryen?

I fucking hope she takes the iron throne riding on the back of a magnificent Dragon.

>> No.2540090

I think you will get your wish, she has already ridden Drogon, he's the Black Dread reborn... I can see her helping Jon at the Wall, then the two of them going South and just cleaning shit up.

>> No.2540141

A Dany/Jon Snow alliance would rustle my jimmies in all the right way.

Needless to say, that girl has been through fucking hell and back. She's got a claim. She's got dragon blood. She has dragons.

However, knowing the series... she actually has too much GOING FOR HER now that I think Martin will fucking kill her off...

>> No.2540180


A song of ice and fire, jon = ice, dany = fire?

>> No.2540213


>> No.2540270

Don't hate, he just be Warging into Ghost until Mess can rez him. He'll be fine... in her fires it said Jon was a man, then a wolf, then a man again. LOL newb thinking GRMM is going to kill him off after all this time. He has to find out he's Rhaegar's son sooner or later too (fan speculation, but everyone pretty much thinks he's Rhaegar's and Lyannas)

>> No.2540285
File: 200 KB, 890x890, implyingsnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation
>fan speculation

>implying implications