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2537866 No.2537866 [Reply] [Original]

When I was younger, I killed my sister. I've been thinking about writing a novel/novella bout the subject, but I've been wondering what's the best way to approach it. If I write in the 1st person, am I exposing myself to legal consequences?

>> No.2537867

just call it ''if i had done it, this is how it would have happened'

>> No.2537870

not if you say it was fiction. your parents might be mad, though.

was it by accident?

>> No.2537875


>was it by accident?

not really, but it's been contrued that way ever since it happened.

>> No.2537881



(my "s" key ticks)

>> No.2537884

Please, tell how you killed your sister.

>> No.2537897

>I killed my sister

Do you, or have you ever, cared about this fact on an emotional level?

>> No.2537899


Does that mean you'd buy the book? Is this kind of thing interesting?

>> No.2537911

Is this gonna be a really shit version of Garden State?

>> No.2537921


I don't know what that is.

>> No.2537930



>> No.2537931


Yes. I was in therapy for a while, and I've had long-term problems arising from it (nightsweats, insomnia, nightmares etc).

One of my therapists said it was a good idea to write about it, but I'm not convinced she's got my best interests at heart. I think she wants me to go to jail, but she can't invoke the law because of confidentiality.

>> No.2537933

Google it then you fucking retard.

>> No.2537932


op will not tell you anything

>> No.2537943


I just did. I saw the words Zach Braff, then stopped looking.

So the answer to your question is maybe, because I don't know what the relevance is.

Will that lessen your mad?

>> No.2537948

It has nothing to do with trying to put you in jail.

Being able to construct your own cohesive narrative of an event (whether it be in prose or otherwise) is a basic, and integral, part of traumatic healing.

There's a lot of trauma theory literature concerning this.

>> No.2537949


I was fooling around in my dad's den, and I found a pistol. I was playing around with it, and my sister came into the room. She was all "oh, I'm telling, you're not supposed to be in here" then she saw the gun and I pointed it at her and said "AHAHAHAH, IF YOU TELL ANYONE I KILL YOU" and it went off in my hand. The bullet hit her in the neck, and she was pretty small - not much blood to lose. So she died pretty much there in front of me.

>> No.2537955


So you're saying I'm paranoid? That's what everybody thinks.


>> No.2537960

How would you get in any legal trouble? Unless you're some kind of Muppets Baby Coen Bros. character and hid the body or something, you've most likely been through all you're gonna go through because of this. The legal process is over. They can't put you in jail for writing about your own experiences and they definitely can't put you in jail for an accidental murder you commited when you were a kid.

Write it if you want.
And I know you're lying. Fuck off. Dumb, dumb thread.

>> No.2537964

You say it just went off OP, but it's obvious in your cold heart that you meant to pull the trigger. You bastard.

Also /k/ would have a fit with this, where was your fucking trigger discipline.

>> No.2537966


I will tell you this, OP:

Nobody will read your book because of the story or because of your writing; nobody will ever pick it up for any reason other than the fact that it was written by somebody that voluntarily killed their own sister.


>> No.2537970

FBI on the way to your house right now

>> No.2537971

No, I'm saying that you are completely missing the point of writing about your traumatic experience.

>> No.2537987
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>where was your fucking trigger discipline.

I didn't think it was loaded. I was just playing Austin Powers or whatever the fuck.

When I pointed the gun at her, I did want to kill her though. I was so fucking tired of her telling on me.

>> No.2538092

I don't think that's anything that will get you put in jail. I'd read it, learn to write though or it'll be horrible, I mean reading a book about molestation can be interesting but no one wants to listen to korn nawmean?