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File: 18 KB, 350x563, awakeningcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2537215 No.2537215 [Reply] [Original]

I have to read this for a class I'm taking and I just can't get through it. I tried reading it a few years ago in hike skool but to no avail. Would anyone care to talk about it? I'm not asking for you to write my papers on it, just discuss it. I just can't stand Chopin's prose; 'Tis not my cup of tea.

>> No.2537220

Yeah it's just kind of bad. To be clear, it's bad in a way that has nothing to do with the author's gender. It is a book that I dislike in a way that has no wider political implications. It's just a bad book imo.

>> No.2537227

Academic criticism in a feminist era.*

*note I love women and think they are great and would never disparage a work because of its author being female

>> No.2537232

In my post, at least, it has little to do with academia and everything to do with the culture of 4chan. For similar-in-nature but opposite reasons, perhaps: where academic criticism might take my opinion as misogynistic and hence something to be condemned, what I am specifically concerned with here is the possibility of someone taking my opinion as misogynistic and enthusiastically agreeing with me.

Basically, I just really don't want someone to see me and say "Yeah, right on man, fucking bitches can't write."

>> No.2537234

tbh i was actually feelin' how chopin grooved in that shit

i think it's an aesthetic preference more than anything else and that'll determine if you like the book or not more than anything else. i doubt hemmingway fans'll get too into it, but i'm one for rolling hillsides and expansive views and similar prose styles, so it worked for me.

>> No.2537246

I thought it was a good book overall. It has a good message that is a part of an important literary genre of "coming of age" stories. I can see how one would feel that the writing is difficult to read, but I still think it is a book that should be read and analyzed

>> No.2537267

I'm just not a fan of her mumblin', bumblin', stumblin' sentences. I like shit to be concise. I just can't bring myself to get through it because I have so much other schoolwork on my mind.

Would anybody care to discuss the book in any way? It would really help me out.

>> No.2537332

It's difficult to get around (well, it's not, though to maintain some semblance of legitimacy in criticism it is), but Chopin was a huge cunt. Stein was an even bigger cunt -to be honest I really don't understand how the semi-assembled lexical catastrophes she hocked were accepted at any point in time, never mind the more recent revival she's had. These are all things no one seems to want to address save for, of all people, Ayn fucking Rand -she either wrote something directly against Stein or else savagely satirized her, I forget.

>> No.2537442

her writing style is really thick and it tries to be experimental in ways that don't work. her short stories are fine and she probably just should have kept doing that since her ideas are very singular-per-story and don't translate well into what she was trying to do in The Awakening.

>> No.2537467

It's because it's written by a woman

>> No.2537469


Because people were better then. They had some discipline.

>> No.2537551
File: 288 KB, 381x595, German girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book writen by a woman? 'Tis not my cup of tea indeed. Women's relevancy does not encompasses any tipe of literature. Perhaps if I remind you that Human females are the only animals that you are ethically allowed to have sexual intercouse with, that would set your priorities regarding women straight?

>> No.2537564


This mysoginistic shit is getting old. FUCK YOU.

>> No.2537632

One more impotent rebuke of politically incorrect opinions and you get a secret medal of commendation from the matriarchy!

>> No.2537891

So no one will actually discuss it?

>> No.2537908
File: 158 KB, 951x635, melenchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capable of writing anything decent

Dream on OP.

>> No.2537934

I also had to suffer through this in high school. Basically society oppresses women and she wants to leave her husband for another dude but can't because she isn't strong enough to oppose society so she decides to kill herself instead of living married to a man she doesn't love. Easiest themes to bullshit about are oppressive society and freedom at any cost.

>> No.2537995


OP here, never said that this was anything decent, I said that I just cannot stand this book and will not read it if I can swing it.

Not in high school, but I was supposed to read this book during high school at one point but I blew it off