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2536363 No.2536363 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people on 4chan racist and misogynistic? I'd like to think that they're trolls, but I doubt it. It seems like a lot of people here really are young adult white males who sincerely hate women and minorities. It's just...sad. I'm not trying to troll; I guess my question is, do most guys really hate women as much as it seems like? It's very depressing.

>> No.2536368

show tits for an answer

>> No.2536378

I got exposed to the truth.
Niggers and Women are dumb.

>> No.2536380

It seems like the anonymity has led some people to be more rambunctious. Some may be trolls while some are still sincere.

The worst part of it is that the constant barrage of misogyny and racism that is then tolerated makes it seem passable to others who were apathetic to begin with.

It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.2536381

>are young adult white males who sincerely hate women and minorities

Oh bohoo, someone call the waambulance. Get your head out of your ass you cunt. You are the one who made fun of all the people you met behind their back because you are an insecure bitch and here on 4chan where people can speak freely about their encounters with your kind, you realize there were people behind your insults who now have the power to act like you did your whole life.

>> No.2536386

edgy enough to post gore, not edgy enough to have different politics than dad

>> No.2536394

I don't hate women when they behave like women. I hate feminism and the way it has ruined society.

>> No.2536395

Isolation from reality breeds stupid ideas. Also, anonymity hurts when it comes to encouraging people to have ideas that they can support. The end result is right-wing or left-wing nonsense, and at this age group English speakers usually don't have enough exposure to left-wing nonsense to really indulge in it.

>> No.2536396

Yeah, I think your point about the vicious cycle is right. It's so so prevalent that it has a normalizing effect. I guess I'm concerned because younger people see it and start to think that it's acceptable and, for lack of a better term, "mainstream".

>> No.2536400

Because we, being young, white, American males, are treated to vomit inducing displays of uncivilized behavior and ridiculous double standards on the part of, respectively, most black people
and women we come across on a daily basis. We are angry, and we have a right to be. However, we cannot voice our true feelings in public, for we will be cast down and shunned by society at large,
so we come here.

>> No.2536402

They don't hate them and they're not trolls. The anonymity of 4Chan allows people to say things without any accountability or responsibility whatsoever, not even a normal message board allows that. It's a freeground. So, they're just using the opportunity to get out their Tourette's-like urges and say racist, sexist or whatever else-ist things just to say them. See what it's like. 99.9% of them do not actually feel the way they act like they do, and 100% of them would not say those things in public.

>> No.2536403
File: 98 KB, 776x602, get a loaf of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly you're a psychic and know everything about OP's inner thoughts.

>> No.2536410

I typed out a long post to respond to this and then deleted it because if you really think feminism has "ruined society" and that traditional gender roles are mandatory there's no way I can convince you of how wrong you are. You'll either learn from life experience or not at all. Ugh this is all so depressing. I'd love to know how old everyone in this thread is.

>> No.2536415

Lol yes please tell us more about what you think feminism is, how it has affected society, and why this effect has been negative.

>> No.2536416

I would say that a majority of 4chan users are sexist and misogynist. Their conception of gender, feminism and equality is ridiculous, eg. the nice guy threads in which they bemoan the sorry affair of being friend-zoned. Then they proceed to express a disgusting opinion that they "deserve" girlfriends because they're nice and not douchebags. But that sense of entitlement is actually what makes them the opposite of nice guys.

>> No.2536417

yes young white American males: truly the most oppressed group of all. It's like you have no experience in the real world and all of your opinions are based on articles you read online.

>> No.2536420


>> No.2536425


Why? Why do you want to be liked? You have power. You can destroy the life of anyone you please with a false rape allegation. You can get anything you want in life for the asking - for the merest hint of sexual interest. The nature of power is, you can be powerful or liked. Never both, for long, for many people.

>> No.2536428

Normalizing! That's the word I was looking for. Thank you.


Stop whining. You're the least oppressed group on Earth.

>We are angry, and we have a right to be. However, we cannot voice our true feelings in public, for we will be cast down and shunned by society at large...

You're completely wrong. If you really wanted to, you could voice that opinion in most countries without harm coming to yourself (You'd be called an asshole in some places, but hey, they'd be right).

Other opinions belonging to other groups of people on the other hand, are not as free to be open.

>> No.2536429

33 year old white male here. I was racist and misogynistic as a teenager, and I would have fit right in with the /pol/ crowd then. Thankfully, I grew out of it.

>> No.2536436

It's more difficult than you think to get a false rape accusation through. Especially with fucking crime scene science.


Of all the rape accusations you only hear of the ones that are controversial. Confirmation bias. Dumbass.

>> No.2536444

This seems to confirm my guess that most of this hateful stuff comes from the younger crowd.

>> No.2536446
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not pictured: fedora

>> No.2536456

The stuff you read on 4chan is what's actually going on in a lot of people's heads most of the time. Behind the veneer of civilisation and socially-mandated tolerance, a large number of ostensibly decent people are absolute cunts.

>> No.2536457


Ironically, you just clearly illustrated why things are the way they are. Young, white, American males are not allowed to have opinions like this, because we are a "privileged"
caste. Vocal feminists are tolerated, as are racist black people, because of the discriminatory history associated with them. We are allowed no such lenience. This creates

>> No.2536462

So why do you assume I'm not male?

>> No.2536465


>This creates resentment.

maybe if you're a big fat baby who's scared of losing your unearned privileges

>> No.2536467


No, it's extremely easy to make those accusations. It's harder to get a conviction from them, but it's easy to make them. Whether the charges are dropped through lack of evidence or not is irrelevant to a guy who's killed himself.

>> No.2536469


Since when did feminism become a slur on the level of "racism"? You do realize that there are about a thousand different flavors of feminism, and feminists have profound disagreements about the issues they think are important and how to address them. Using it as a blanket term like this just makes you seem ignorant.

>> No.2536472


They were earned the only way anything truly is: they were taken.

>> No.2536474


oh cool you're a fascist

enjoy being liquidated under the dictatorship of the proletariat

>> No.2536475

Men can make false rape allegations against men too. You're complaining about all this "power" women have and it's all founded on this notion of false rape accusations as being some all-powerful hegemonic tool, but you have the same power. Nothing's stopping you from making the same sorts of accusations. And i'm still not clear how being able to make a ralse rape accusation (again, you have the same ability) gives women any sort of social power, especially considering how a woman making an accusation of finds people dismiss it because "lol women just make it up/she wanted it"

>> No.2536479

Most racism in /lit is brought to you by this cunt:


She frequents 4chan and have made threads like "why is Bell Curve the best book". She is a stupid racist and is looking for support for her views.

>> No.2536480


Don't joke. Sexual and racial equality are important issues. The dictatorship of the proletariat is not going to happen.

>> No.2536481


why the long face

>> No.2536483

Hey guess what both leftist fantasies of revolution and social darwinism are dumb as all hell and you should be ashamed of yourselves for being so ignorant about the world that you still believe in them.

>> No.2536484


Except no, that hasn't been true for decades.

>> No.2536485

On 4chan there are the trolls who do what they do solely for reaction value, and the ones who really belive what they say. The latter is usually more opinionated towards reactions. Im one of the former, and I think women are just dandy. just that we cant understand a damn thing about you.

>> No.2536488

What hasn't been true in decades? And how many decades?

>> No.2536490

What I love is the way many women are left weaponless if you refuse to be ashamed. I also love the terror that enters many women's eyes when they realize you aren't attracted to them, because without the magic lure of tits and cunt, they are nothing.

>> No.2536494
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For some people, women are an unsolvable puzzle. So they cheat or opt out by declaring that the game is rigged, that it's unwinnable due to constructed obstacles like the illogic of women. But this is a deficiency of their perspective. It was never a game to be overcome. It was a free roaming exercise.

>> No.2536495


The 'women don't get taken seriously when they report rape' canard. Men fall over themselves to take rape allegations seriously. Hilariously - call it Darwin's revenge - the reason they make such a production number of their empathy is because they want to fuck you. And you know it's true.

>> No.2536498

>What I love is the way many women are left weaponless
>I also love the terror that enters many women's eyes
>they are nothing

>> No.2536500

yeah too bad we are attracted to them. Men could easily be lured to do anything only with the sight of a woman. The 'battle against women' is the most stupid thing anyone could come up with, since we need women more then we need men - unfortunately enough, fucking men isn't going to help mankind prosper.

Learn to appreciate women for what they are, rather than hate them for what they are not. The hatred of feminism within young men is probably some sort of closet homosexuality which they just can't come out to show because they come for conservative families. Whatever the cause, it's fucking stupid. Stop it already.

>> No.2536502

This is the god's honest truth. That exactly why they keep coming back when you treat them like shit, because they want to gain that slight edge with their attractiveness and the more you turn them down the uglier they feel. So when you do give in and have sex, they feel sexy for a short period. Craziest fucking mechanism in the world.

>> No.2536504

A lot of the tasks that would once have been performed by servants are now performed, for pretty girls, by those friend-zoned beta males. The horrified discovery such girls make when they come to 4chan is like Ceaușescu discovering after years of state-aided self-deception that the people of Romania weren't really his buddies, or aristocrats not knowing why the peasants want a vote when they've been given so much. Like I said, control or love. Choose one. Nobody has yet managed the trick of having both.

>> No.2536508


High five!

>> No.2536511


Yeah, it's a pity people can see the context you wrenched those phrases out of, otherwise that might have worked.

>> No.2536512

>Like I said, control or love. Choose one. Nobody has yet managed the trick of having both.
Sadomasochists have.

>> No.2536513

Women aren't puzzling. Work out what they want to hear, say it, fuck them. They're clear as capitalism.

>> No.2536514

>What I love is the way many women are left weaponless
>I also love the terror that enters many women's eyes
>they are nothing

>> No.2536515

I'll stick to banking.

>> No.2536516

Okay, it looks like this thread has become a closeted woman-hating circle jerk.

>> No.2536517


No, that's a consensual control. No dominant finally has control he wasn't given.

>> No.2536519



>> No.2536523

>Like I said, control or love.
>No, that's a consensual control.
Control's control. Whether it's consensual is moot and subjective.

>> No.2536524

time for another long vacation from /lit/ i think

let me know if litmod ever gets hit by a bus or something

it's been real

>> No.2536525


No moron, you know nothing about the world of kink if you think 'consensual is subjective'. S&M is not about abuse.

>> No.2536526


>> No.2536527

It's been real, bitch, come around any time you want to lose an argument.

>> No.2536530

No! Not on my /lit/!

I hate you people.

>> No.2536533

I love women, particularly the bit that milks my man-batter.

>> No.2536537

People who call themselves sadmasochists might allow a dominant relationship, but some may think they are compelled to such a relationship (they never consented to be sadomasochists). People being dominated in other ways may feel they can always make the choice to not be so (so women's sufferage movement felt they could bring about change, and so to some degree felt they could consent or not).

>> No.2536544

welcome to the internet, op. where people will say whatever because of the lack of accountability. also children (both young and old) like to have scapegoats for their own shortcomings. something that everyone does, but what separates people is those who try to avoid and those who don't care.

>> No.2536549

The hilarious thing is that while one segment of the population is using postmodernism to fool themselves into thinking that masochism is relevant to women's suffrage, another big segment of the population are bitter, authoritarian misogynists who don't respect any opinions that don't come from Fox News.

>> No.2536554

>masochism is relevant to women's suffrage
Obv. it is. Idiocy and ignorance are no replacements for an argument.

>> No.2536561



You've never met any sado-masochists, have you? No abusive relationship lasts in that community, they're constantly vigilant. Contrary to your whitewashed, vanilla idea of gender socialization, people's ability to make these distinctions INCREASES in proportion to their interest in playing with liminal states. Stop assuming that everyone becomes fascist without your supervision.

>> No.2536567

Putting words in people's mouths isn't the same as making an argument. Also, sadomasochism isn't a community, though communities are based around it.

>> No.2536572


I'm not making an argument, I'm stating a fact, you mendacious cunt.

>> No.2536574

Someone can't tell the difference between their opinion and FACT.

What covers that in the DSM?

>> No.2536580


I haven't stated any opinions, only facts. You have lied, from a basis of zero real-world experience. Why are you trying to police people's sexuality? Why do you think people are too stupid to know what they enjoy without some asexual academic looking over their shoulder?

>> No.2536584

Who's the girl in OP's pic? I want to jack it.

>> No.2536587


what's the name o that triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim?

>> No.2536592


>implying irreconcilable fact-value dichotomy

>> No.2536597


> implying someone's going to get beaten up now because you didn't shut the fuck up, cunt

>> No.2536604

Who's the girl in that pic, OP.

>> No.2536608

Hey. Hey listen! You guys should have a slapfight over whether referring to a sadomasochism community as sadomasochism is a big enough semantic error over which to declare mental illness.

>> No.2536617


Mental illness was imputed because I reported accurate information about a community about which the other poster knew nothing. I never made any similar imputation.

>> No.2536620

Well considering that the average female IQ if 5 points below the average male IQ I think it's fair to say that women are inferior.

>> No.2536627


This is a biased statistic, that overlooks the fact that women have a automatic disadvantage in that they're so busy being delicious.

>> No.2536633

The best part is that the only people who care about which group is 'inferior' as a whole to another are social darwinist stormfags whose bathtubs are full of meth.

>> No.2536648

Facts? Quick drown it out with lies, slander and accusations.

>> No.2536649



I mean...

what's the basis for this? It sounds like a stereotype, but since when are there tweaker white nationalists?

>> No.2536652


Pretty much. Thank you for restoring my faith in /lit/.

>> No.2536658

Meth is the drug of choice for white nationalists. I'm actually quite surprised you weren't aware of that. They even have threads about recovering from meth addiction on stormfront. If you want to become friends with a stormfag, offer to buy him some sudafed.

>> No.2536664

Isn't the drug of choice alcohol? As it is for all of humanity?

>> No.2536665

The bottom line is this: women are simply inferior in a RELATIVE sense of the word. Clearly we can't establish any objectivity but relatively speakng women are ifnerior to men. They are the weaker gender both physically and mentally and have an unconcious desire for domination that rivals that of dogs. Honestly, these facts simply aren't deniable.

>> No.2536668



How the fuck did that come about?

>> No.2536672


ur wrong

There, I just used as much 'facts' as you did in your shitty post.

Did no one teach you that if you plan on making grand claims of "fact", you need grand evidence?

>> No.2536674

Interjecting here, but in my neck of the woods it's because meth labs are easier to hide and operate than a moonshine still, risks of disastrous explosions notwithstanding, so moonshiners started making meth when they cracked down on illegal liquor production in the early 90's.

Also there's a demand for strong stimulants among truckers, many of whom fall into the rural white middle aged southerner category.

>> No.2536675

I feel like people on here hate niggers and women so much because they're reacting against the liberal conditioning found in institutions of higher learning. All I was made to read in my literature classes were female authors because my class was predominantly female. It really stunk.

>> No.2536683

OK yes technically that is true in a way that is not useful to the discussion.

No idea. It would probably be a good thesis topic for a sociologist. Somehow, meth thrived in trailer trash culture. There might be some kind of underlying psychological basis in which the paranoia that meth causes leads to racist feelings, but I really don't know. Bottom line, if you meet a dirty tattoo-covered white person who is ranting about "kikes and niggers" then you can be pretty sure that his drug problems involve meth rather than crack or heroin.

It goes the other way, too. White racists consistently have problems with meth. Maybe being a loser causes drug addiction as well as racism, and they feed off each other in a vicious cycle. Where they got started with meth in the first place might come from some cultural notion of 'self-reliance', since meth can be made out of household materials (that can often be purchased with food stamps).

>> No.2536684


Fascinating. Thanks for this insight!

>> No.2536688

>i hate reading about anything other than myself or people like me

>> No.2536689
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Well all women have an innate inferiority complex bred by their conprehension of their own inferiority and their historical position as the "2nd gender" so they willfully submit themselves to wearing glaringly insulting things like "make up" and whanot. Honestly, I could write a book on why women are inferior.

>> No.2536698

I was a racist before going to college at all, and the ridiculous PC dogma they shove down students' throats during orientation reinforced that, but around junior or senior year I somehow learned enough about the world that racism revealed itself to be idiotic. I get the impression that critical theory nonsense alienates people but that real knowledge leads to real enlightenment. (not that I'm some kind of enlightened super-being, but I'm enlightened enough not to be a stormfag, as low as that bar is)

>> No.2536700


This is pretty much the reason why only men are genius level writers.

But hey... its only "facts"

>> No.2536704

>All I was made to read in my literature classes were female authors because my class was predominantly female.
So you reacted against a gender imbalance in a literature class to the point where you became a misogynist? Are you sure the misogyny didn't come first?

>> No.2536710
File: 7 KB, 593x172, fuck_your_spam_lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently, the newly fascist /lit/ thinks pic related is spam.

WTF is this shit, anyway? It's getting worse than captcha, and captcha sucks cocks for pleasure.

>> No.2536713

Being forced to read any of the absolute shite women pass off as literature would turn anyone into a misogynist.

>> No.2536714

Women are 'worse' in terms of physical strength and 'worse' at comedy and 'worse' at chess and 'worse' at writing literature, therefore women are 'worse' in an entirely different sense of the word, and we should use this conclusion to guide our behavior in a way that mistreats women.

Sorry, does not follow.

>> No.2536716

I quite like meth, but I'm not a racist, or a southerner.

Should I stop using it? I really don't want to become a racist. It seems like hard work.

>> No.2536717


>'worse' at chess

No, they've just got better things to do.

p.s. I'm fucking shit at chess, because I've also got better things to do.

>> No.2536719


Keep using it, but bear in mind that asexual middle-class academics will judge you. Especially if you have tattoos.

>> No.2536724


I don't doubt you could write a book, and I also don't doubt you wouldn't cite a single useful source of information in it.


>correlation = causation

I don't think so, buddy boy. You look as silly as those retards citing crime statistics or IQ charts regarding race.

The only way in which you could approach this that would result in reliable conclusions is from the physiological differences between men and women. Get to it.

>> No.2536727

Ok, so I think we've all come to the conclusion that women are inferior. I think Nietzsche would obviously agree. So we should move on and discuss our great male writers.

Someone should start a thread on Saul Bellow.

>> No.2536731

No really, female chess players are worse than male chess players on a professional level. They split up the leagues in the same way as any other sport. There is no evidence to suggest that the female chess players are less dedicated than their male counterparts.

This is not meant in any way to excuse misogyny or the other conclusions that the stormfags reach from this evidence (namely, that there must be a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to bring about the end of white society, and the people who don't realize this have been brainwashed by said conspiracy).

>> No.2536732

on a macro level I think it's patently obvious that women aren't quite as intelligent as men. But they should have equal opportunities anyway. Affirmative action, however, is pure bullshit.

>> No.2536735

male dominate the top of every single field. including being sexy.

Read up on what the entrance of male doctors into midwifery did to the birth mortality rates

>women in charge of looking after other women

>> No.2536737

I'm always baffled with tying feminism with anti-racism nonsense.
They aren't at all fucking alike, noone "hates women"
Most "feminists" actually hate women and wish they were men.

"minorities" is a goddamn buzzword too, would you go to china and demand they treat you specially and give you handouts/affirmative action? No they would tell you to fuck off.

Except in our countries this sort of suicidal degenerate leftism is considered the norm, i really don't understand why.
These are our countries founded and built by our forefathers, to piss them away for money or to make you feel good being altruistic is treachery of the worst sort.

So you are enlightened enough to think that non-whites colonizing our countries is no big deal, huh?

Strange how liberals constantly blather on about how oppressed "minorities" are, and yet they want to make themselves + their own race/kin minorities!

>> No.2536738

Let's say I did and let's say the data shows that infant mortality rates dropped as a result. What conclusion should I reach?

>> No.2536741

Women are not a fucking exercise, you are not supposed to be spending a significant portion of your life trying to woo women. And psychologically its unhealthy for women and men to be promiscuous.

The whole point of monogamous relationships is that people can be productive and be able to plan a future.

>> No.2536745

It's more like the guy is claiming to be the S&M king who defines a particular group of sexual practices in its enirety.

I'd be sorry your majesty about not following your regulation, but I'm an anti monarchist.

>> No.2536748

You think a monarchy means tyranny?

Different forms of selecting government have nothing to do with the amount of freedom exercised by the citizens in the country.

And i think it should be pretty damn clear that democracy is bad bad bad

>> No.2536752


>And psychologically its unhealthy for women and men to be promiscuous.

[citation needed]

>> No.2536754

>You think a monarchy means tyranny?
No. I just don't like monarchy. Tyranny may or may not be okay, indeed anti-monarchist revolutionaries may be tyrants.

>> No.2536758

whats wrong with monarchy?

>> No.2536759

I don't hate women.

It's just that sometimes... a man needs man-time.

>> No.2536760
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Isn't this all about women splitting off voluntarily so they can still be "world champion" without so much competition? [this is not meant to be misogynistic, more a comment on the vacuity of society at large]

>Oh wow I am good at chess
>fuck me, Boris Karloff or Kasparov or whatever the fuck he's called
>He's tough
>I play Do-Gud Bird from Korea
>I world champ now.

And it's not just women - poker players and Starcraft II experts want to be considered "world champions of sport" without facing big rough men.

I honestly do not know why there are seperate women's competitions in darts/snooker/chess or whatever other than the reasons I've made up [citation fuck you] above.

In equestrianism and croquet and bridge (all pretty similar to the separated "sports" above), women compete equally with men, and often win.

>> No.2536762

Yeah, the problem with stormfaggotry is that this is as deep as the thinking goes. There's an 'us' of white people, and non-whites are 'colonizing' 'our' countries, and a self-destructive cadre of white liberals or leftists who are culturally and morally degenerate. Altruism and other signs of weakness within social darwinism are the results of treachery by these liberals or their Jewish leaders.

This is all very palatable to the people who are already inclined to believe it. When I was a stormfag I would have looked at the above statements and said "well, duh, obviously". The real world doesn't work that way, though. Whatever you say might be wrong, and it is therefore in your best interests to support these beliefs. An ideology that depends on its adherents forever remaining uncritical of these assertions cannot thrive and does not deserve to.

>> No.2536763

What's right with monarchy?

>> No.2536764


The problem is that nobody cares how silly they look to you: you're only cunt.

>> No.2536768

no matter how much we claim to hate women IRL, it's not like most of 4chan is rushing to embrace their fellow man. we're a generally misanthropic bunch
misogyny (and by extension racism) is only prevalent because there isn't a word for the hatred felt for whites or males by themselves

we hate women because they won't sleep with us. and because a vast chunk of them are imbeciles. as are men. but they're easier to ignore, we're not trying to sleep with them

>> No.2536769
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But I have a penis...

>> No.2536779

No no no no
this is EXACTLY how the world works, this is how the non-whites view it too!
No non-white country accepts mass immigration as our leftist run countries do. And plenty of white countries don't accept them either.

And hell, you goddamn liberals TELL the non-whites to view everything in us vs them frame of reference, and then you tell whites "oh we're all individuals and you don't deserve your own countries/cities/communities/societies/gyms/schools/etc"

It is exactly treachery.

>> No.2536782

wait some people aren't trolling when they are being racist and misogynistic?

holy shit that is sad

>> No.2536783


>> No.2536784


Inevitable troll reply.

>> No.2536795

Not that guy but you're over analysing.
Modern feminists tend to be working for female superiority rather than equality. In how many divorces these days does the father actually get custody?

>> No.2536797

There was less serious misogyny when there was more gore being posted.

>> No.2536800

I don't know. How many?

>> No.2536802


Though to be fair, how many men care about those dumb enough to get married in this secular culture?

>> No.2536806

"Modern feminists" are not a homogenous group, and the inequities of child custody are the result of EXTREMELY long-standing biases in our society and have exactly nothing to do with any kind of modern feminism.

>> No.2536807

Because there are races and people from different races differ in relevant ways.

Because women suck ;), but mostly because the gender feminists and other social constructivists are so damn annoying.

>> No.2536828
File: 85 KB, 656x921, Augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are tons of points in this thread for why women are inferior, anyone who isn't shitting themselves would read through this thread and come to the conclusion that women are inferior and deserve to be dominated by the stronger gender. They honestly shouldn't even have the right to vote, if you ask me, the Athenians knew that shit and so did the Romans and the early Americans.

>> No.2536829

>long-standing biases in our society
lol feminists

Monogamy and marriage and gender roles are the bedrock of civilization.

A single authority is a good thing look at how the jews had corrupted local authorities in middle ages but there still remained a monarch with the power to expel them.

Of course they bribed their way back in, and in our "progressive" "democratic" governments, things just get worse and worse and worse.

The monarch also wants to keep the country strong to pass on to children, a single authority deciding foreign policy keeps things consistent.
Look at how schizo US foreign policy has been because of these highly placed communist traitors and changes in government.

>> No.2536834


>There are tons of points in this thread for why women are inferior

Sure, 'points', but can you show me the posts with the hard evidence?

>> No.2536835

You get so annoyed by an academic clique so small and irrelevant that most people don't even know it exists that it causes you to hate an entire gender? Really? Are you sure that's your genuine thought process, and not a rationalization you came up with after the fact?

>> No.2536840

>so small and irrelevant
da fuq? They are literally the dominant paradigm in this day and age, say good bye to your career if you disagree with them.
Most government policy is based on blank slate ideas too.

>> No.2536843

>A single authority is a good thing
Can be.
>look at how the jews had corrupted local authorities in middle ages but there still remained a monarch with the power to expel them.

>Of course they bribed their way back in, and in our "progressive" "democratic" governments, things just get worse and worse and worse.
So even from an anti-semitic perspective, they did shit.
>The monarch also wants to keep the country strong to pass on to children, a single authority deciding foreign policy keeps things consistent.
They want to keep themselves and lineage strong, look at Bloody Mary.
>Look at how schizo US foreign policy has been because of these highly placed communist traitors and changes in government.
You think US should return to a British satellite state?

>> No.2536844

Lol yes let's base our entire political philosophy on anti-semitism and anti-communism. The fact that it leads to a conclusion that is factually inferior to the alternatives shouldn't set off warning bells in our heads at all.

>> No.2536848

I don't fit in here at all.

I'm supposed to be somewhat smart, but I'm not really feelin' it. I've spent all my life avoiding work and effort, and I really haven't done anything of value. I don't hate women, I love them. (I'm male, by the way) I'm 18. I just got into reading, because we had this good book handed out in class two years back. I'm not a racist, I basically love everyone and everything else than myself. Reason being that I'm such a dumb, slackoff.

>> No.2536849


Look out the window. Women are still as objectified and ridiculed as ever. They're still sexual objects of competition in every form of media out there. Men are still at the top. Feminists are theory, but theory is impotent. You can't overcome biology.

>> No.2536852





>> No.2536855

What are you talking about?

I'm talking in more recent times such as the betrayal of south vietnam after fighting to defend them for 10 years, betrayal of the chinese to the marxists, worthless brothers war against Nazi's for the benefit of the communists, all these dealings with the islamics too.

Apparently muslim radicals are horrible bad terrorists, and then they install al qaida into power in libya?

>> No.2536857

Misogyny and racism take awhile to set in, especially if you've spent your entire life in the Western classroom. Give it a decade or so.

>> No.2536859

And because one man rape, it doesn't mean all men rape.

You are kind the same treatment -- how does it feel? Do you perhaps feel belittled?

>> No.2536861


Imagine you're male. Imagine you've trained yourself to think rigorously. Imagine you're literate. Then you get to university. You find that none of those things count unless you pretend respect for certain utterly unfounded shibboleths. If you've come out of nowhere and education is your one shot at a life, you'd resent it. I know you can't be persuaded to care because you'd like to see white men exterminated, but think about it.

>> No.2536862

1. That's just reality you can't wish it away
2. this is why FEMINISM has no place with "anti-racism" because WOMEN are thrown under the bus by leftists constantly.

But i guess this goes in hand with women just being dumber and more gullible.
Which is why women shouldn't have the vote and the man was the ruler of the household.

>> No.2536864
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Dilettantes, the lot of them.

As for racism, it's simply idiotic, directionless indignation from naive noveau reactionaires -Reillyism, to coin a phrase.

>> No.2536865

Was Vietnam about fighting communism or supporting French colonialism?

>> No.2536867

Any law that promotes one race or gender over another is wrong and should not exist. The problem is that these laws do exist in the US. No one really complains about this.

Add on top of this wrong, however, the fact that those people who benefit from these laws STILL whine and complain, and you have people who rightfully call those people out on their bullshit. It's true that in past generations the game was fixed against you, but this is no longer the case and now the system is set up in your favour to the detriment of society as a whole.

Now the problem with those who react to the whining and complaining is that they tend to be stupid, and their emotional reactions to the issue is evidence of this. Let's take
>>2536737 as an example.

His whole argument is predicated on the idea that diversity is bad, and this is fallacious. A monoculture is inferior. More diversity leads to greater cultural and economic production. Furthermore, he seems to erroneously conflate the ideas of economic opportunity and systematic racial preference.

It is best to ignore these emotional reactionaries. Think of them as `trolls', if that helps. But it is important to understand why they exist, and they exist because systematic preference is literally the law of the land, and those preferred by the law still have the gall to complain that the system is unfair to them. Please understand that you benefit from the current system and, more importantly, do not complain about your gender or race-based hardships that do not exist.

>> No.2536871

Condolences on choosing a shitty lit crit major and being so poorly educated that your "rigorous thinking" leads you to project insane strawman beliefs onto people you disagree with, I guess.

>> No.2536872

White people are not native to america, Stormfag.
The natives are so less in population thats it only fair to allow all types of people to come here in any numbers they please.
Europe however, is a different story. It would be much better if Arabs stayed home and improved their own countries instead of running away to the north.

>> No.2536875


Yeah sorry sport, I don't think you understand what "hard evidence" means. see >>2536724

>> No.2536877
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If being male is so superior, why are you all fucking losers who live in your mother's basements?

>> No.2536881

Racism is a tool used to get the poor to hate each other over meaningless bullshit so that they won't realize how much we all have in common and join forces.

Sexism is just a joke. Sure, most women I meet are insufferable, shallow, and annoying, but so are most men. People are like that. Ignore them.

>> No.2536884


I wasn't talking about myself. You see, you really hate white males. Your attitude to complaints of poor treatment is 'fuck you buddy, we got ours'. There's no real equality, and resentment is guaranteed. All you're relying on is their powerlessness. This is a dangerous approach.

>> No.2536887

>His whole argument is predicated on the idea that diversity is bad,

except "diversity" is bad in every single way.

>More diversity leads to greater cultural and economic production.
No, it leads to civil war.

There was no America before the europeans founded it, traitor, and the injuns are no more "native" then we are, whites or at least "Caucasians" were here first anyways.

>The natives are so less in population thats it only fair to allow all types of people to come here in any numbers they please.

How does this make any logical sense at all?

>> No.2536890

>retarded marxist spotted
seriously just shut the fuck up

>> No.2536894

For there to be genuine rather than emotional racists here would be baffling. Misogynists - that's different.

>> No.2536896

Why would racism be baffling?

>> No.2536900

I am a white male. I don't hate white males. You're assuming quite a lot and you're wrong. Your argument would be better served by referring to facts that actually exist rather than your fantasies about me. I can assure you, though, the resentment that you seem to think white people obviously must feel has more to do with your own feelings than any part of objective reality.

But please do amuse us with your explanation about how this is a "dangerous approach".

>> No.2536901


Because it was set up as a place for white people to talk about Japanese pop culture.

>> No.2536907


>> No.2536908


Who's 'us'? You are alone. More and more.

>> No.2536913

You liberals seriously seem to think non-whites accept your fantasies and delusions, they hold no solidarity or common ground with you.

Non-whites vote leftist because the leftists give them free stuff, not because they like the leftist policies.

You can be damn sure NONE of these immigrants would support white immigration to their countries.
Hell look at the islamic revolutions going on right now in the middle east!

>> No.2536918

Unless you are trying to convince your audience that you are literally delusional, you are failing to make your case. This silly white nationalism thing or whatever you're trying to push is ostensibly something that you believe other people should also believe, and if you'd like that to happen then you need to do the work of convincing us.

>> No.2536917

>If you believe in a stereotype, I'm clever if I use one against you!

>> No.2536920


>incorrectly assumes I'm a "Marxist", whatever that word means this week
>has no argument to counter easily observable historical facts

heh. i forget that most people don't really get language or history.

>> No.2536925

Leftism? No, anti-racism is good capitalist democracy. As soon as everyone has a vote, every candidate for public office must make like he's everyone's buddy. This is surely obvious?

>> No.2536927

Again, a lot of talk about what you incorrectly assume I believe and what group identity you incorrectly assume I have, and not a lot in the way of making a legitimate argument that could conceivably lead a sane person into this ideological hole you've dug yourself.

>> No.2536931


There is no 'us'. You don't have any friends here. I'm not a white nationalist. If you keep people down they will rise. We know this from recent history. Do you want to make people so angry that they have no reason for mercy?

>> No.2536933

Well I don't hate nigger women. I just hate women OR niggers. Sorry OP, you're so hurt by my sincere beliefs. FUCK YOU. THIS IS THE FUCKING INTERNET. SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.2536934

>except "diversity" is bad in every single way.
I believe in evolution and the theories of Darwin. You can excuse the above statement if you do not believe in these, but if you do then your idiocy is confirmed.

>No, it leads to civil war.
Only when there is systematic prejudice against a specific segment of the population, and that is what is worrying about contemporary American society. But I think we agree here that the laws should be changed.

>> No.2536935

So when negros vote 95% democrat, the republicans should pander to them?
No there is other things going on.

>easily observable historical facts
only from a marxist point of view, idiot.

>> No.2536936


DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? It's not yours to define the terms. All the argument needed - all the argument ever needed - is violence.

>> No.2536942


There's no 'should' here. The Republicans WILL pander to them, because they want to be elected. Once you have democracy, privilege is screwed. It doesn't need leftism, just capitalism.

>> No.2536943

>I believe in evolution and the theories of Darwin.
>mfw he's applying pop sci about genetics to culture and countries
>he calls me an idiot

>Only when there is systematic prejudice against a specific segment of the population

ya because if only we don't "systematically discriminate" then there will never be conflict ever again.

>> No.2536947


This is not "democracy", this is rampant political correctness being forcefully applied by outside sources at all levels of our society.

The soviets dealt a death blow to america before they died.

>> No.2536950


IQ tests have been proven a very poor way of testing true intelligence by many more competent researchers with much more accomplishments to beef their records than the ones listed in this article.

He was some dumb psycologist that had many researchers [not just women] simmer at his stupidity, then walked out. Everyone and their mother now knows how useless IQ tests are.

I'm surprised how many people on 4chan have never taken a single class that discusses the proper way to conduct research.

>> No.2536952


Because even the tiny fraction of the black folk dumb enough to vote Republican are still greater in numbers than the entire white nationalist movement. And in democracy, career politicians only care about numbers.

>> No.2536956

The Soviets have nothing to do with anything. Let me put it country simple: anti-racism is simply maximising the potential of your assets.

>> No.2536958

Let me keep it simple to you: You're wrong, idiot

>> No.2536960
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>Sexism is just a joke. Sure, most women I meet are insufferable, shallow, and annoying, but so are most men. People are like that. Ignore them.

I hate to admit, but I could probably count the number of women I've met who I didn't think were all of those things on one hand. I mean, I am an asshole, but so be it.

>> No.2536966


Not only that, but even if there was an accurate measurement of "intelligence", such results would only showcase the status quo, not explain how it came to be, which is the important part.

>> No.2536973

intelligence is genetic

>> No.2536974

hella late for this thread and it looks like it's now about arguing with dumb stormtrolls anyway, but i just want to voice my total support for being anti-racism and anti-sexism and, you know, respecting the dignity of all human beings

this hatred is just a combination of dumb humor, dumb privilege, and legitimate vitriol, the reason it's maintained the way it is is because the flow is just too fucking hard to stop and because there are too many people who are committed to this hatred in a way that is entirely inaccessible to reasoned argument of any kind. it's not representative of everyone on 4chan. /lit/ used to be so much better than this and it's sad as hell that it isn't any more.

anyway just wanted to say some stuff, gonna hide this thread now, later yall

>> No.2536975


No I'm not. Use your brain. Blacks are a big chunk of the population, getting larger all the time. A slice of a big pie is better than a whole small one. Especially if huge numbers of the rest of the population will immediately be alienated by their grabbing that small pie. If a Republican openly appeals to white nationalists, he can kiss millions of votes goodbye. Now your career politician doesn't want to stand on principle - he wants to be elected so he can award contracts to his buddies and family members. That's what capitalism does to democracy.

>> No.2536977


100%? I don't think so, champ.

>> No.2536978


Exactly. All it does is measure how well you take IQ tests, just like how the ACT and SAT are slowly being seen as something that has less merit in college admission processes. I know a person who got a 34/36 on the ACT, had a mediocre high school GPA, and has since flunked out. IQ tests are pretty much the same.

>> No.2536982

You really don't understand how things work, do you?

It's the most significant thing.

>> No.2536985


Apparently 4chan is also woefully ignorant of genetics and how they work. Genetics isn't all Mendelian inheritance, bro.

Perhaps just science in general.

What do I know, most threads with bigots are populated by 14 year old kids, therefore they make ignorant comments without having proper education.

>> No.2536986

Since you have can not comprehend and have resorted to juvenile greentexting, I will provide an example you may be able to understand since it relates somewhat to 4chan culture.

In wolf pack there is an Alpha wolf. The interesting thing is that the Alpha wolf is not always the same wolf. Depending on the time of the year, the hardships the pack is facing, and the environment in which the pack finds itself, a different wolf ascends to become the Alpha wolf. This allows the pack as a whole to survive because different qualities make for the best leader of the pack at different times.

The same idea applies to humans. Having diversity, or people of different qualities/cultures in a culture will allow that culture to overcome hardships and challenges that the culture as a whole faces.

In fact, you can look back at failed cultures/empires throughout history and the cause of downfall for each has always been, and in the future will always be, an inability to adapt to the changing times.

>> No.2536993


>It's the most significant thing.

Ok, so?

>> No.2536998


Yes I do, you don't. You're thinking tautologically. Anyone who's not an open racist is not automatically a leftist. Just someone who wants to win.

>> No.2537003

>answers comment with a question
>implying they know something

>> No.2537004

Your analogy is retarded and meaningless, that's not how human behavior works. Further "WOLF PACK" aka a TRIBE. You claim "diversity" is a good thing, yet your idea of diversity is non-whites infesting our countries, which would be from OTHER tribes.

>In fact, you can look back at failed cultures/empires throughout history and the cause of downfall for each has always been, and in the future will always be, an inability to adapt to the changing times.

um this is almost never the reason for empires/cultures falling. And hell the reason empires fragment is BECAUSE they are diverse.

so ignoring it, like all leftists do, means all their ideas are dogshit.

And why is being "racist" mean you won't win? Because leftism is the dominant paradigm of our day and age, enforced by a leftist run media.

>> No.2537016


No, it's because non-whites have the vote, and turkeys aren't going to vote for Thanksgiving. Ideology has nothing to do with it. Leftism is not simply the absense of race prejudice.

>> No.2537027


>leftist run media.

oh god my sides. where are you from? here in the USA, even the most "liberal" mainstream media is far right of center.

>> No.2537032

How far left would a person actually have to be to consider the media "right wing" ?

>> No.2537033


>so ignoring it, like all leftists do

Who's ignoring it? I'm not ignoring, it's just not enough.

When you can show how blacks or latinos or whoever are genetically inferior by virtue of their genetic makeup, you'll have a case.

Saying "intelligence is influenced by genetics" and pointing to IQ charts is so far from hard evidence it's not even funny.

>> No.2537036
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>mfw I guess fascism and misogyny is /lit/ now

Well, it was a long time coming I suppose. Sometimes communism just isn't edgy enough I suppose.

>> No.2537038


No it's not. "Genetic," doesn't mean shit. It's a huge subject. Do you mean inheritance? Most traits are phenotypic features. Einstein did not have a row of geniuses in his line, before or after him. Hawking either. His ALS is "genetic," but because of a mutation factor, which isn't inheritance.

Be more specific, if you know what you're talking about. And use the right vocabulary so you don't come off as actually being ignorant about a subject you claim to know about.

>> No.2537041

The white nationalist use of 'leftist' to mean non-white nationalists just serves to muddy the issue.

>> No.2537047

Sage for teary liberal babbys and angsty teens

>> No.2537052


Only as left-wing as Eisenhower.

>> No.2537053


An interest in Heidegger isn't to be equated to what's happening here.

>> No.2537054

good non-sequitur.

These are our countries, they have their countries, that's all there is to it.

It is literally treachery to hand our countries over to non-whites and to work to make us minorities in our own lands.

>> No.2537062

>And hell the reason empires fragment is BECAUSE they are diverse.
They fragment because they, as I said, are unable to adapt to changing times as a whole.

>"WOLF PACK" aka a TRIBE ... non-whites infesting our countries, which would be from OTHER tribes.
America has been called `the great experiment'. The idea is that people from other `tribes', as you call them, come to America and become American. They are free to keep certain things from their historical culture---a key provision---but on top of all of that is an over-arching American culture that embodies the sum of all of these different parts.

It is this belief in freedom that unites Americans and makes us all primarily American. It's beautiful really, and it has been this way throughout the entirety of American history.

>> No.2537066

It's really, really not.

There's just such a constant fucking pipeline of spam that it becomes the only visible opinion, since it's constantly repeated and since the people spewing it out are willing to challenge anyone who advances an alternate viewpoint with spamtastic repetitive hate, thereby drowning them out. It's not that /lit/ is stormfront; it's that the only people who talk about politics now on /lit/ are stormfront, because everyone else just doesn't want to deal with the fucking hassle of arguing with the same asshole who just repeats: "da fuq? fucking leftists, blacks and jews are subhuman, communism is a plot against the white race, holohoax, nazi germany was a free country." there's no point in engaging in an argument with these people because they will literally never change their opinions, and there's no use in trying to ignore them because they are incredibly vocal and willing to repeat themselves. and thus it appears that /lit/ is stormfront, and all the reasonable / good posters are driven out, and fuck this gay earth.

>> No.2537079

What? It's pretty well established that IQ tests is a very reliable way to measure intelligence. Jeeez, I hate when you try to do this, bend science to your favor.

Im not all that pleased with things being like this, Niggers acting like apes and Women being unreliable. But it's just nature, and there is science to back it up.

My wish would be for all of you to have the same intellect as a white man with a germanic or asian genepool.

But whatever.

>> No.2537085
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I can't tell if you're trolling or not.


On 4chan, such a word is usually only used when being sarcastic or trolling.

>> No.2537092
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Shut up, cunt.

Gentlemen, I think it's clear now what we must do. We must promote research in the fields of alternative repoduction in order to render the lesser gender superfluous. We need to get to a point where our society will consist of only ubermensch, a point where the dialectic resolves with the victory of the pure and superior. A world inhabited purely by white men! We built this world and we deserve al of! Don't stand idly by while pseudo-leftists attempt to drag you into oblivion. The international communist utopia will run far more smoothly when it is run and populate exclusively with those who built all the is good in civilization!

This is imply logical, pure, empirical logic! I'm 100% sure all philosophers up to Marx would agree with me. We need to abolish women and the lesser races for the good of our species.

>> No.2537093

>They fragment because they, as I said, are unable to adapt to changing times as a whole.

What are you talking about? People want to rule themselves. a heterogenous empire will always have to be held together by something, when the government falls the empire breaks apart.

Homogeneity is strength.

>It is this belief in freedom that unites Americans and makes us all primarily American.

You are aware that its basically only europeans who care about "freedom" and these sorts of ideals?
Non-white immigration will bring about the death of everything you consider "american".
Liberals digging their graves like usual.

>because they will literally never change their opinions
I suppose you often change your opinions due to someone arguing on the internet?

>> No.2537096

The problem with abolishing women, is that we would all be faggots, which is fucking awful

>> No.2537098


Heil Heidegger!

>> No.2537106


Transcend your id, animal, we'll all be asexual. Moving fearlessly forward into the grand unknown. The zenith of humanity can only be reached when women cease to exist, Nietzsche's dream will become a reality!

>> No.2537109

>American history
What? You don't have a history.
This started perhaps in the 50's - 60's and you have enormous racial problems. The foundation of American has been built upon anglosaxon and germanic values with protestant and catholic religious base.
>The American Empire
You've had super power status for what less than 50 years and your already losing power? Theres hardly been a single european country that havn't been a world power for a longer duration of time. Fuck, almost any country for that matter.

>> No.2537110

>You are aware that its basically only europeans who care about "freedom" and these sorts of ideals? Non-white immigration will bring about the death of everything you consider "american". Liberals digging their graves like usual.

Literally these exact same arguments were made when white Europeans who weren't Anglo-Saxon Protestants were first immigrating to this country. Irish and Italian Catholics were going to destroy this country's liberty and tradition and its way of life. The Pope was going to become the new ruler of America.

If you want to reclaim the idea that Italians and Irish are going to be the death of freedom in this country, fine; it'd be pretty fucking funny. But your argument is not particularly compelling unless you can point out why the argument you're making was wrong then, and is right now. The fact is, you're just xenophobic and grasping at intellectual straws to justify your position.

>I suppose you often change your opinions due to someone arguing on the internet?

I do, actually. Or, not often, but it does happen and I'm certainly open to the possibility.

>> No.2537111

better dead then gay

>> No.2537131

No, they don´t hate anybody, they don´t think as innocently as I´m guessing you do though.
Most people think in stereotypes hold prejudgments against groups of society, these often being based in truths. People can´t exactly talk about this in the open, since there´s always that one closeminded moron who thinks that saying "Women are generally worse at parking cars then men" is somehow the same thing as saying "Women shouldn´t get to vote. Also, ban abortion." So they use these forums where they can speak honestly, plainly, and air their thoughts.
To be honest it feels rather good. We spend most of our time lying about what we think but here we can speak freely.

>> No.2537132


Sex won't exist, there won't be any gays.

Do you honestly think women capable of sustaining a communist society? They'd surely ruin it, they simply aren't developed enough to realize such a utopia.

>> No.2537136

If women are far more gullible, petty, shallow, and just plain dumb, then yes they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.2537144
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>You are aware that its basically only europeans who care about "freedom" and these sorts of ideals?

Europeans don't really give a shit about freedom. Sure, they're (more) tolerant of drugs, say, but then you have CCTV on every fucking corner.

>I suppose you often change your opinions due to someone arguing on the internet?

Que horrible!

The Austrio-Hungarian Empire was relevant for exactly five minutes.

>What? You don't have a history.
Yeah, nothing's happened in 236 years. A shorter history is better than a shit one.

>> No.2537149

>The Austrio-Hungarian Empire was relevant for exactly five minutes.

holy shit how typically american of you.

>> No.2537150


>abolishing women

That actually doesn't sound that bad, you may be on to something.

You're proposing some sort of communism withour women and blacks then?

>> No.2537153


That's precisely what I'm saying, women need to be controlled and dominated and in order to free our species all must be free. Women would not be able to exist properly in a stateless society. Anguish would overcome them as the female mind (which is smaller than the make mind, mind you) isn't designed to deal with the freedom that would be presented in a stateless society.

>> No.2537156
File: 1.08 MB, 3596x2102, 1318846540362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?

Sexual Economics: Sex as a Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions

Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality
http://www.femininebeauty info/suppression.pdf

Female polygyny/hypergamy

In the history of mankind as a species, some hundreds of thousands of years, 40% of men have successfully passed their genes to future generations, whereas 80% of women did. Today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. This is statistical, scientific, genetic proof that women function as sexual selectors, and men evolved risk-taking and ambition behaviours to compete for mating rights. The study was conducted by Michael F. Hammer. A lecture on the implications:

Esther Vilar's seminal work on the concept that women enjoy a parasitic relationship with men.
http://www.naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Vilar,Esther/ManipulatedMan.html The text itself.
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Esther_Vilar&oldid=442296393 Synopsis.
http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/vilar.html A preview.

Female characters are defined more by their passive attributes and their emotional responses; male characters more by their actions. This is why male protagonists are preferred in fiction, by both women and men.

>> No.2537157

Just a reminder that women are awesome and in no way inferior to males, human plurality yall

>> No.2537158
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Culture sees men as expendable blank slates, whose self-sufficiency is their own responsibility, and who must prove themselves worthy of accolade or interest. Conversely, women are inherently valuable, but typically function as inert commodities or motivation for male actors. The TVtropes links serve as quantitative evidence that this basic dichotomy proliferates the culture, to the point that it can be casually and humorously catalogued.

"Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,- that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection,- from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen."
Charles Darwin

>> No.2537162

lol op that was a good one


>> No.2537163

> Culture sees men as expendable blank slates, whose self-sufficiency is their own responsibility, and who must prove themselves worthy of accolade or interest.
>Conversely, women are inherently valuable, but typically function as inert commodities or motivation for male actors. The TVtropes links

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2537168

it's alright, common feminist instinct

>> No.2537171


I'm a guy. Dude, you're quoting TV fucking Tropes while pretending to be an intellectual. Wipe the nachos crumbs off of your balls and leave the house for once.

>> No.2537177

tbh it is fucking shameful that someone is seriously copy-pasting tvtropes links as evidence, but in a way that's hilarious insomuch as it perfectly characterizes the kind of person making this argument

>> No.2537183


And do any of these sources study the physiological differences between men and women?

>> No.2537185

vid related

>> No.2537188

guys can be feminist tvtropes is linked not quoted and the preface explains why

>> No.2537191
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>> No.2537194
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Our chart shows how men have rated women, on a scale from 0 to 5. ... Given the popular wisdom that Hollywood, the Internet, and Photoshop have created unrealistic expectations of how a woman should look, I found the fairness, and, well, realism, of this gray arc kind of heartening.

As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. Very harsh. On the other hand, when it comes to actual messaging, women shift their expectations only just slightly ahead of the curve, which is a healthier pattern than guys' pursuing the all-but-unattainable. But with the basic ratings so out-of-whack, the two curves together suggest some strange possibilities for the female thought process, the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren't good enough for her, but then she goes right out and messages them anyway. ... Paradoxically, it seems it's women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the "average" member of the opposite sex.

>> No.2537196

wait i'm pretty sure those posts were misogynist, not feminist

>> No.2537200
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There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the wage gap. Statistical analysis that includes those variables has produced results that collectively account for between 65.1 and 76.4 percent of a raw gender wage gap of 20.4 percent, and thereby leave an adjusted gender wage gap that is between 4.8 and 7.1 percent.

Research also suggests that differences not incorporated into the model due to data limitations may account for part of the remaining gap. Specifically, CONSAD's model and much of the literature, including the Bureau of Labor Statistics Highlights of Women's Earnings, focus on wages rather than total compensation. Research indicates that women may value non-wage benefits more than men do, and as a result prefer to take a greater portion of their compensation in the form of health insurance and other fringe benefits.

Although additional research in this area is clearly needed, this study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers.

>> No.2537211


It's TVTropes. It doesn't matter why it's being cited; if it's being cited at all, the argument is in trouble.

>> No.2537214


This is true.

>> No.2537216
File: 55 KB, 597x446, Dude wait what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are racist because you are naturally meant to hate those alien to you.

People are misogynistic because it becomes ingrained as a result of women being more guilty and insecure, only weakly beating back petty men's (or sycophantic women's) bitter, defensive, persistant and predatory prosecution.

>> No.2537222

not really

for example: http://www.singularity2050.com/2010/01/the-misandry-bubble.html

mostly anecdotal and pop cultural critique, but pretty correct anyway, and in the right spirit as a polemic. the tvtropes links aren't PROOF, or argumentation, again, and i'm reluctant to restate what the preface already says, but: they are there to show that even pop culture proles recognize memes like "action girls" and "dumb husband, sassy firebrand wife" and "progressive woman enlightens dumb old world man" ironically don't actually add any dignity to portrayals of women (or men) in fiction, because they caricature them in an attempt to pander.

>> No.2537236

> mostly anecdotal and pop cultural critique, but pretty correct anyway,

Yeah, because that shit is all you pay attention to.

>> No.2537238

I do hope that you aren't trying to pull the whole "WOMEN < MEN" conclusion with that report.

Last paragraph.

>> No.2537249

>you are naturally meant to hate those alien to you.
lol so skin colour/ethnicity is the most important factor for determining 'alien'?

>People are misogynistic because they are bitter about being virgins
FTFY, if they weren't virgins, they would be sexist instead.

>> No.2537258

You are bad at purposefully misunderstanding what people say. Like, really bad. Stop trolling and go read.

>> No.2537259

Because fuck niggers.

If you live your life thinking that the differences between races and sex only adheres to skin color and genitals. And amongst our complex biology and the thousands of years the different races of men spent apart from one another and the different societies and environments they developed in, that their is no difference at all, you're naive and borderline retarded. Now, I don't look at a black man and assume he's a criminal or stupid or likes to listen to rap. But I'm not surprised when he is either. And when I see a group of blacks walking down the street wearing clothes to big for them and mumbling about dumb shit I just see them as a group of niggers. And when I see some big lipped big nosed tiny eyed bitch without any sense of grace or etiquette I see those as black traits. And ultimately people want to be on top, not in the middle and not right beside. Sure, when they've been defeated or pushed to the bottom all they want is a humble little spot right beside us, but then once we allow them to forget their own drawbacks it's nothing but "OH BLAH BLAH GIRL POWER BLAH BLAH BLACK POWER WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU" and meanwhile everyone is too afraid to say anything for fear of looking like a bigot.

>> No.2537263

Women have cunts that I can put my wanker into ocassionally. Therefore they are worthy human beings.

When they put it in their mouths, it makes my gentleman go hard.

>> No.2537265

> naturally meant

Oh dear. Your philosophy has a bug there.

>> No.2537268

White men feel isolated surrounded by minorities and women, therefore surrounded by "victims", white men are in strange area of guiltiness, culpability.

>> No.2537281
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>> No.2537292

>lol so skin colour/ethnicity is the most important factor for determining 'alien'?

uh ya?

>> No.2537307
File: 33 KB, 533x495, Lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race and phenotype are the natural ways of determining that someone is alien and hateable. Of course through extensive manipulation of people other factors indeed can and very much are caused to be important.

No, people are highly adaptable. They will use easy outlets like misogyny to distract themselves from all sorts of gripes and insecurities.

>> No.2537309

No, it's a feature.

>> No.2537312

Haven't looked at the thread yet,





>> No.2537314


If it weren't for the fact that blacks have lower IQ's and repeatedly prove themselves so, then skin color wouldn't be an issue. I love how people literally think we're looking at someone just because their black and assuming all these things rather then these are traits we have noticed coincide with people of these characteristics and like to identify them by that characteristic just because it's the most noticeable and easily recognized. Fucking "equality advocates" are so goddamn ignorant. Please keep fucking niggers and keep your genetic filth out of our genepool.

>> No.2537315

I bet if we ever encounter aliens and they come to live on earth, nobody will be able to say "alien" anymore. We'll have to call them alternate-earthlings or offplanet-americans or whatever the fuck.

I personally don't give a fuck - I'll be in the hills, shooting them in the brains until my ammo runs out or they finally sneak up on me. Fucken aliens.

>> No.2537318
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Okay, I'm going to put it in picture form, I don't know if you're intellectually challenged... but this was covered in 2004, and those of us that knew what the internet was in 1993 knew this to be an irrefutable scientific law.

>> No.2537324

I like cunt. I like the feel of it, the yearn against my cock. I like the taste when I get it ready, and then the heat inside.

Appear to comply, enter cunt. The choice is simple.

I'm not a racist because some cunt is black, and so far I like how that feels too. I want Asian cunt also. There are many other colours. There are women in countries I've never visited who don't know that one day I will fuck them sounder than they've ever been fucked. There are women of all nations, as yet unborn, who will one day feel my low slung old guy balls slapping against their jackhammered asses. By then I will be pretty expert, providing I can still get hard.

I don't think my interest in cunt will ever wear off. So no, sexism and racism don't work.

>> No.2537341


That's great kid, now all you have to do is provide evidence for the claim that their low IQ is caused by their race.

>> No.2537345

>young adult white males who sincerely hate women and minorities

That is a vicously dubious assumption to make. Lots of males from all races hate women, and people from all well established communities hate lots of other ethnic groups.

>> No.2537365


>Hey KID. Prove your shit KID, by the way I'm calling you KID because I'm question your maturity and development based on my own presumptions and to talk down to you and what not.

But yeah, proof.


>> No.2537371

What do you think is to be gained by espousing racist views?

>> No.2537386

Comforting interpersonal distance.

>> No.2537395

Typical western liberal. Sophists to the core.

>But why should I believe something unless it materially benefits me?

>> No.2537396
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Hey that's great stuff kiddo, I didn't ask for proof of correlations between race and intelligence though, I asked for proof of how low intelligence is CAUSED by race.

>> No.2537397

Dude, you sound 14. My little brother puts up with being called kid better than you. Either chill the fuck out, or stop trolling.

>> No.2537398

>Why are so many people on 4chan racist and misogynistic?
Racism because of bad experiences with people of color. Misogynistic because many women are abusing their freedoms granted by feministic policies. Look at the media and the written fiction scene right now, it's full of self-righteous minorities and overly-ambitious women.

>> No.2537401

>implying correlation can't suggest causation
>implying the healthy attitude toward fringe theories or theories with unpleasant consequences is to impose incredibly harsh demands on their proofs instead of evaluating them objectively like any other, less politically charged hypothesis

>> No.2537423


No no - I said why espouse those views? Not why hold them. Why express them? How can it benefit you?

>> No.2537429


>>implying correlation can't suggest causation

I didn't imply that. What something may "suggest" is practically useless information though, apart from the fact that it may motivate further, more useful studies.

>>implying the healthy attitude toward fringe theories or theories with unpleasant consequences is to impose incredibly harsh demands on their proofs instead of evaluating them objectively like any other, less politically charged hypothesis

As harsh demands as these should be imposed on any hypothesis. It is only logical.

>> No.2537440

If the consequences would be ones we don't want, we should dismiss the theories, or subject them to tests they can never pass.

You think this sound intellectually bankrupt, but IT'S HOW EVERYBODY LIVES. Who wants to outsmart themselves?

>> No.2537475

I love how this thread went dead the minute it left the front page. Proof if any were needed of the laxness of the bigot's mind.

>> No.2537501


Well, you see, traits develop in a society based on both the standards of that society and the demands for survival in a specific environment. So, say, intelligence and understanding are well valued in a culture of people, then they'll be more likely to be considered for mating amongst others. Now, say, you live in a very underdeveloped society still very susceptible to predators and harsh environments, you're probably just gonna focus and whoever can survive and solely that. I believe it's called natural selection and the theory has been around long enough for you to be aware of it by now.

>> No.2537503


>Starts sentence with dude. Ends it with trolling
>Says I sound like I'm 14.

>> No.2537505

life is an exercise, not women.

>> No.2537520


Good speculation you got going there, champ. Keep at it.

>> No.2537523


> And psychologically its unhealthy for women and men to be promiscuous.

This is bullshit.

>> No.2537561

Life is women.

>> No.2537578

>That's great kid, now all you have to do is provide evidence for the claim that their low IQ is caused by their race.

Evidence aplenty of that. Start with something like: THIRTY YEARS OF RESEARCH ON RACE

>> No.2537581

>white males

I am not even white. Also, I am very racist and misogynistic regardless of my lack of Germanic genes.

I only aprove of the following races:
Germanics in General
Greco-romans(Mediterraneans, Italians and Greeks)
And Japanese
(some indo-arabics too, some)

Slavs = Albino Niggers

>> No.2537584

>canadian website
What the fuck do canadian's know about race? the closest thing they have to a minority is French Canadians.

>> No.2537598


Right, because selective breeding isn't a legitimate, well understand and very well founded science. Cheap bits of sarcasm and ending all of your sentences with condescending nicknames for me isn't proving a point or exposing any flaws in my arguments.

>> No.2537604


>The closest thing they have to a minority is french canadians

Please know what you're talking about before you start talking about it.

>> No.2537605

It's funny seeing stormfags appeal to science when they vote for people who believe that the universe is only 6000 years old.

>> No.2537613

This is 4chan, I have no obligation to know what I'm talking about.

>> No.2537615


I'll read the whole thing in due time and judge it then, although right off the bat I see a disturbing sign


Do psychologists do work that deals with genetics and human physiology nowadays? Huh.


>isn't proving a point or exposing any flaws in my arguments.

You're the one making the claim, sport, so you're the one who has to bring the data. Like this guy >>2537578

>> No.2537618

>almost 300 posts
>not lit

>> No.2537626


You have an obligation as a human to not be a dumbass and spew out misinformation you're unsure of.


Oh really? Because you haven't even read the last guys "data". From the looks of it you read one word and tried disputing it based on that.

>> No.2537633

>You have an obligation as a human to not be a dumbass and spew out misinformation you're unsure of.
No I don't. Humans don't come with guarantees or obligations. We're born into the world carrying with us nothing but the amniotic fluid we dragged with us, but no duties nor entitlements

>> No.2537645

It would take some time to read that, and of course, if one is not knowledgeable about cognitive research to begin with, one needs to read that first. And then, it is a good idea to read the follow-up papers by the critics (same issue of the journal). Their papers made me more certain that the differences are partly genetic. They were so bad that if that it the best that environment-only experts can come up with, they are probably wrong.

>> No.2537647


>Because you haven't even read the last guys "data"

Because I'm not a superhuman who can read 50 pages of dense scientific text in 15 minutes, nor am I doing nothing else but reading said text at the moment. I will read it in due time, as I said, and judge it then. The psychologist comment has no bearing on how I ultimately judge the study.

>> No.2537689

There is also a more updated and similar text, which is a review of one of the environment-only books.

Race and IQ: A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s
Intelligence and How to Get It