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2535900 No.2535900 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw being mainstream will one day be counter culture

>> No.2535901

It kind of is already, no? That's what the whole hipster thing is, innit?

>> No.2535903

Sort of, I guess. But most "hipsters" will still vehemently maintain that they are not "mainstream".

>> No.2535907

right now counter culture is like rebellious movements against mainstream pop culture eg hipsters, emos, grunge, punks and originally the hippies.

but one day every counter culture avenue will be exhausted and people will be ironically mainstream. Being mainstream will be counter culture. Essentially pop culture will collapse upon itself.

>> No.2535920

If mainstream stops being mainstream it wouldn't be mainstream anymore.

>> No.2535926

Yes, but arguing in such a manner is mainstream, resenting the mainstream is totally mainstream.

>> No.2535931

With the advent of the Internet, everybody is able to become an expert in any given subculture. When everybody's an expert in something, the subculture is gentrified by the sheer number of people interested in it. Therefore there exists a flattening of culture in the Internet age, where everything is mainstream because everybody's into everything. I think Patton Oswalt talks about this a little in an essay or something.

>> No.2535933

Mainstream as we know it today would remain. It would just be known by future generations as a counter culture.

>> No.2535936


Tattoos are a great example of this.

>> No.2535937

Interesting concept. Well thought.

>> No.2535938

that's not what gentrified means, and you should feel bad for using it that way.

>> No.2535942

An excellent example.

>> No.2535945

but tattoos are counter culture that became mainstream, not mainstream becoming counterculture.

>> No.2535947

It's all one big cycle man

>> No.2535948

Not being mainstream is so totally mainstream already.
True hipsters go to work, dress normally, and listen to good, wholesome, music.

>> No.2535950

Here's what I think would be brilliant. If a movie began with a fat guy wearing anime glasses while slamming the ham to a meth whore.

Oh, sorry, regarding the thread topic: no, because most people who are into counter culture aren't just poseurs.

>> No.2535953



>> No.2535964
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>mfw children still care about mainstream or not.

if you like something because it is unpopular it's just as bad as liking it because it's popular. it's all the same because you should be enjoying whatever entertainment you want.

>> No.2535966

>everybody's into everything
Hardly. But I agree that everybody's into something. This creates a shortage of "alternative" somethings, and the somethings recognized at some point as most "alternative" will quickly become crowded with hipsters, scenesters, cultural critics, and other such existences who subsist on the "alternative" aura, and so will hastily lose said aura.

>> No.2535969

I understand that mainstream vs underground is all how bunch of rubbish. Don't worry. Just thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss

>> No.2535975

all a bunch of rubbish*

>> No.2535990

lol..old nirvana

>> No.2535993
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>> No.2536114

this thread sucks

>> No.2536135

>walter benjamin

internet brofist