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2535698 No.2535698 [Reply] [Original]

So why aren't you a psychologist, if you're so smart?

>> No.2535699

i like slacking and abusing opiates

>> No.2535705


>> No.2535709
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I like drinking gin and reading and taking little walks and not doing very much at all.

>> No.2535713

psychologists are driven by the desire to be smarter than others

>> No.2535718

Why is the fucking uni-bomber a psychologist?

>> No.2535717


If you're not smarter than the dumb-fuck majority in 2012 you're pretty fucked, to be sure.

>> No.2535733

Psychologists are not smart, they are the butt of undergraduate study. Graduate study is a little cooler, but overshadowed now by neuroscience. Psychiatrists are MDs, so there is a wealth of training there.

>> No.2535734


Psychiatry is a joke, attempting to prescribe medical treatments for non-medical problems.

>> No.2535743
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Studying psychology (and science in general) has gradually eroded my appreciation for literature, in particular the existentialists/Camus, Freud and certain philosophies. Their theories are usually interesting to read but in the end "man is a prey to his truths" - and I feel more secure subscribing to the truths of science rather than literature/art, even if they are typically dull.

>> No.2535744

I have absolutely no interest in psychology.

>> No.2535747


This is a lie no matter who you are.

>> No.2535748

psychology is a joke. its for fucktards to sit around and theorize about why something goes through a persons mind. gtfo with that stupid shit. its fucking stupid, like eugenics.

>> No.2535749


Because fuck understanding why and how people think, and why they do things, right?

>> No.2535754


I'm sorry I don't believe in your religion, but that's no reason to accuse me of falsehood.

>> No.2535753

psychologists are driven by the desire to manipulate people, not understand who a person is

>> No.2535757


It's not a religion you halfwit. Have you never had an insight into your own moods and behaviour?

>> No.2535761


I'm so glad you backed this libel up somehow.

>> No.2535763

Not him, but you do sound like a scientologist or similar. I also have no interest in hearing or reading your literature.

>> No.2535765

personal experience, but you sound compassionate

>> No.2535766


No. No I have not. Because I'm not silly enough to believe placebos and confirmation biases.

>> No.2535767


What have I said to indicate this?

>> No.2535773

>Have you never had an insight into your own moods and behaviour?
Which you do by hooking me up to a machine and measuring my electrical conductivity. And then taking all of my money.

>> No.2535774
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Brain=physical matter that can be measured and manipulated (and therefore studied)

Brain-mapping technology will improve, and then psychology will finally become a real boy/science, with empirical evidence and everything!

>> No.2535776


>placebos, confirmation biases
>implying a fucking major scientific field has no rigour

Could you please pull your head out of your ass?

>> No.2535779
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>> No.2535781


>plebs actually believe this is what psychology is

>> No.2535783


>implying all of psychology is neurological

>> No.2535786

Pscyhology is where I sit on a couch and you take all of my money. Psychiatry is where you drug me and take all of my money. Counselling is like psychology but with more talking and sometimes I get to keep some money (though this is rare). That was scientology.

>> No.2535788


Social science is not science.

>> No.2535789

Science is not science.

>> No.2535790


>hurr durr psychologists don't help anyone
>hurr durr depression and addictions aren't major societal problems
>hurr durr folk psychology mummy and daddy taught you is better than what the scientists have determined

>> No.2535795

Depression is normal, it's not a problem. Or at least shouldn't be. It's just part of life.

>> No.2535796

burn all scientologists, and psychedelic prescription giving doctors. the which hunt is on.

>> No.2535798

No, it isn't all neurological. But neuropsych allows us to scientifically verify our theories with greater accuracy/clarity in comparison to other psych theories/paradigms.

>> No.2535800

>burn all ... psychedelic prescription giving doctors
Wait, no, don't put words in my mouth. If they're giving out psychedelics, they're a ok.

>> No.2535801


>Suicide is a natural part of life

>> No.2535803

mental abuse doesn't exist

>> No.2535806
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the only abuse is the belief that mental abuse exists

>> No.2535809

Which would produce more suicides?
1. Having depression is a problem and makes you burdensome
2. Having depression isn't a problem, and is viewed as just another part of life, not the be all and end all

This is such a complicated question that you would need several years of higher education just to ponder it.

>> No.2535814


>Be depressed
>Just accept it, don't seek help to work through it

Erm, okay.

>> No.2535816

>Just accept it, don't seek help to work through it
Why would one need to "work through it"? Do you "work through" a cold?

>> No.2535817

the way "through" is acceptance

the way out is the bottom


>> No.2535818


>Anyone ever killed themselves because of a cold

>> No.2535822
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>buttsex is good for what ails ya

>> No.2535824

>thinks people haven't died from physical illnesses

>> No.2535828


Oh, I'm sorry, were you comparing depression to the common cold, deaths from which are rare, or liver failure, which would be a more fitting analogy?

>> No.2535830

ITT: hurr durr if I don't believe in psychology it don't exist.

>> No.2535832

why do we want to prevent suicide and murders? natural selection is where its at. survival of the fittest. think of how uncrowded our prisons could be if we just started executing murders and rapists - instead lets lock them up, study them

rorschach was right

>> No.2535834



>> No.2535837

>were you comparing depression to the common cold, deaths from which are rare
Deaths from depression are rare. ~10% of people are "suffering from depression", nearly everyone will have it at some point in their lives.

>> No.2535838

Clinical depression is highly intrusive and can be improved greatly with CBT

operationalisation in many fields is shit but that's why psychology is so important, as well as emergent neuroscience, as well as ontology so that fools don't fall prey to realism about mental illness nor reductivism (nor romanticism, for folk theories about mental illness sometimes trickle up into research)

Also people here seem to know only about abormal psychology eg counselling and mental illness, which is a subset of psychological science

>> No.2535841


>Suicides are rare

You have to be fucking kidding me right?

>> No.2535843


Executing people isn't natural selection. It's just selection.

>> No.2535844


>operationalisation in many fields is shit

Could you clarify this statement?

>> No.2535847

let's say someone does a paper on some theoretical construct like objectification
they operationalise as gaze length
Let's say someone want's to measure intelligence, but they use only raven's progressive matrices
Barely sufficient constructs are being made

>> No.2535849


operationalization is making theoretical shit useful in the real world.

>> No.2535856

use the electric chair more

>> No.2535861

>Depression is normal, it's not a problem. Or at least shouldn't be. It's just part of life.

Why are you guys still arguing with this guy? He is clearly just a kid who has no idea what he is talking about who is just misinformed. He has obviously never experienced depression before.

Heres a hint kid: if depression comes at a time when everything in your life is going good and isn't caused by any outside factors whatsoever, that is your body malfunctioning psychologically telling you to be depressed when there are no factors causing it. That is a disorder, and needs to be medicated.

Apply what I'm saying to anything else. If your body is telling you there are voices talking to you when there aren't it is your body malfunctioning and it is a disorder. If your body is telling you you need to reorganize your clothes by color every two days when there is no reason why you should be doing this, it is your brain malfunctioning and if it is causing a major disturbance in your life then it is a psychological disease.

I think psych disorders aren't something that you can just get over like a fucking cold. They don't work that way, they are chemical imbalances in your brain.

Also, I agree with you that psychologists don't do anything but steal money, but that is because I am a reasonably smart person and I can talk through my problems with myself or my friends.

But what about people who are simply idiots who cannot work through their problems for themselves and have no one they can turn to about these personal things, don't you think that it is a good idea for them to be able to pay someone to work out their problems for them?

>> No.2535866

>He has obviously never experienced depression before.
I had PTSD after seeing someone burn to death next to me in a car accident (and suffering some burns myself). However, the "cure" for PTSD is pointing your eyes in different directions and talking to people who likely have no idea about what you're talking about, when you likely don't want to talk. And being given highly addictive drugs that make you an emotional zombie, and only prolong whatever "recovery" you're going through.

Also, depression isn't a symptom in and of itself, it's a label for a particular set of signs (which include symptoms) that poses as an explanation.

>> No.2535878

Has this ended the thread or what?

>> No.2535914

Your experience with one or two psychologists/psychiatrists of unknown quality and some particular drugs (which anybody with any knowledge of neuropharma knows are pretty variable in their effects) does not invalidate the two fields as a whole. You show me some dissidents with real education in the fields or relevant fields and I'll start thinking about disregarding something that the majority of universities in the world recognize and fund programs for. Also don't give me any of that "universities funded leeches for medicine" once, because that shit's just a deferral of evidence.

And yes, depression, like any example of behavior, is a sign. But hey, sometimes this sign just points to underlying neurological conditions (scientifically demonstrable) and not anything that's overtly socially or cognitively present (in a form other than the depression itself.) It's not "depression is the reason you are depressed" it's "your biology is the reason you're depressed."

>> No.2535954

>You show me some dissidents with real education in the fields or relevant fields and I'll start thinking about disregarding something that the majority of universities in the world recognize and fund programs for.
There's a whole field called "anti-psychiatry". Also, commodity fetishism is very meaningful and totally not a way to sidestep looking at things as they are.
>But hey, sometimes this sign just points to underlying neurological conditions (scientifically demonstrable)
Signs pointing to more signs. This idea that things are "scientifically demonstrable" wrt neurology is laughable, if common. Well, it's not always laughable, but here it is.
>Your experience with one or two psychologists/psychiatrists of unknown quality and some particular drugs (which anybody with any knowledge of neuropharma knows are pretty variable in their effects) does not invalidate the two fields as a whole.
That's "deferral of evidence". We've already had someone mention folk theories, but nearly all psychological "diseases" are unarguably folk in origin. Depression itself comes from the humour theory of medicine (melancholia, black bile).

>> No.2535959

Oh, and anyone with any knowledge of psychopharmacology (neuropharma? Not relevant here) knows that you're really only relieving symptoms, not curing. And that Benzos make you an emtional zombie (as they're meant to do, like for relief).

>> No.2536163

I am impressed Op. With only a single sentence - a single question - you manages to troll, and flesh out /lit's ignorance,pseudo-intellectualism, superficial love for philosophy, and their crave to stab at the mainstream culture.

>> No.2536601

You must be some sort of dumbass. No medication for that.

>> No.2536613
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I'm not a psychologist because I'm a psychiatrist; I'm currently doing my residency. I imagine most people on /lit/ suffer from massive inferiority complexes honestly, you shouldn't be proud that you were able to troll them.

>> No.2536619


As a psychiatrist, how do you view psychology as a discipline and field of inquiry?

>> No.2536628

ITT I learn that a board full of philosophers and stormfags can't even agree that depression is an undesirable condition that should be treated.

>> No.2536653


I think it's useful, I guess, psychologists do a lot of very productive research. Like checking out how constipated people are and its relation to OCD.


I remember this one patient with psychotic major depression. He was a teenage boy who was home from college for Christmas and started hearing whispering, the voice would tell him to do terrible things. Eventually is got so bad that he tried to commit suicide, the next week I spoke to him and he told me that he was feeling fine now that he wasn't going back to school. He then went back home and and I from what I've heard he's doing well just doing nothing. The point being that depression is often caused by submission to stressors, university was obviously a stressor for him for whatever reason so his unconscious started to lash out at the "other" that it perceived as threatening for whatever reason. Once the stressor was removed the PMD ceased to exist. Depression is similar to learned helplessness in mice, it's a form of mental submission and it certainly a disorder.

>> No.2536670

>Depression is similar to learned helplessness in mice, it's a form of mental submission and it certainly a disorder.

Philosophers: "only if you rely on discredited white male epistemology. The notion that depression 'exists' is based on privileged ideas about a 'reality' with 'facts' that white men are uniquely situated to discover."

Stormfags: "survival of the fittest! If he couldn't cure his own depression he should have killed himself!"

>> No.2536695

Fuck yeah, fellow med fag. MS3 here, doing my psych rotation next, any tips?

Why psych? You've got brass balls to go into that sort of field given the current payer model.

>> No.2536721


If depression isn't causing the sufferer pain then it isn't depression. We only treat depression when someone comes to us for help because they want to change or when someone tries to off themselves. I don't get why you just can't accept that some people are depressed to the extent that it's harmful to them.


I don't know about tips, if you go through with things just don't look sociopaths in the eye.

I went into psych because it was the field most condusive to my attributes and I found it interesting. I don't care much about money to be honest, I care far more about helping people exist, I wouldn't mind working at a clinic my whole life so long as I manage to make a difference.

>> No.2536729

What did you get on your board scores?
Also did you match a program you're happy with?

Bravo, again. Mental health seems like sort of a black box that's waiting for neuroscience to catch us up to.

>> No.2536734

And I don't know how you could infer from my post that I don't already and eagerly accept that.

>> No.2536744

Because I feel like, I'm around enough mentally degraded people as it is, OP

>> No.2536757


Hey, interpretation is a demilitarized zone, man.

But seriously, I thought you were accusing me of white nationalism or something because I expected some sort of abrasive reaction to my post. I should have read it more carefully.


208 and 219 respectively, I'd say I'm pretty content with the way the future looks. I hope to get further training in psychoanalysis (like APsaA guided training) pretty soon, which should be fun.

>> No.2536770

God, this thread really started sucking when psychiatrists got in on it.

You guys are morons, and I wish the current Andy Warhol would book the current Velvet Underground to freak you all out at some current conference.

>> No.2536772

No, sorry, I was being unclear. The majority of the people on this board are philosophers or stormfags. Obviously there are some exceptions, and you're obviously one of them.

>> No.2536785


It seems to me that most psychologists don't understand the scientific method, in that they are bad at designing experiments that give data that affirms the conclusion they are trying to make.

>> No.2536792
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Fucking prove that mental illness exists, fascist.

>> No.2536793

I agree with you about psychologists, but what about experimental psychologists?

>> No.2536810

The amount of posers ITT really reminds me why I hate this board so much.

>> No.2536818

And ~30% of them like psychoanalysis, which obviously makes them morons.

>> No.2536830

>Psychiatrists are MDs, so there is a wealth of training there.
Uhh, not really.

>> No.2536836



We're just trying to help!

>> No.2536846


For you psychiatrist guys still up, what do you think of this video?

>> No.2536847

Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.2536856


What are we supposed to do? Let schizophrenics eat you?

>> No.2536863


No, you're meant to Battle Royale the poor bastards, duh.

>> No.2536873

The voices in my head say yeah.

>> No.2537674

Yea really. 4 year degree > 4 years in medical school > residency > specialty in psychiatry for a total of 4 years.

This amounts to 12 years of training. Which is why they are allowed to prescribe medication. Also, not all of it is treatment for undetermined biological disorders like ADHD, they treat known chemical imbalances in the brain and some are involved in research.

>> No.2538094

i'd love to be a psychologist, but i don't believe i'm capable of getting a phd/masters, which is what you usually need to get a job in the industry, as far as i've been told.