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File: 17 KB, 280x350, 222710743_Nietzsche_xlarge..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2531231 No.2531231 [Reply] [Original]


>He'll toss around names of great intellectuals -- Nietzsche, Spinoza -- as if they're as culturally relevant as Justin Bieber.

>> No.2531244

But they're not as culturally relevant. If they'd said historically significant or of interesting philosophy, then yes.

>> No.2531246

wtf is this shit?

>> No.2531248

The photos at the top of the article made it seem like this guy was a kid, so I was impressed by his familiarity with Nietzsche and Spinoza and by his writing. But then I realized he was a 42 year old.

>> No.2531247

The people who know who Bieber is are the ones who "toss around" the names of famous thinkers. Facebook profiles are self-indulgent, autobiographical shrines to your own ability to posture.

If we've reached the point where people talking about the things they've read are to be diagnosed with mental problems, and talking about dead white guys is now considered an "antisocial" level of spergin', it's no wonder autism diagnosis rates are on the rise every year.

>> No.2531250

they are surprised that a 40 year old knows nietzsche and spinoza?
fuck civilization

>> No.2531252

>American civilization


>> No.2531253
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how is somebody who walks, talks, lives on own, went to college, (presumably) employed, lives independently, etc. autistic?
i think psychology needs to stop pathologizing personality traits

>> No.2531254

>"I think there's just this judgment that happens whenever there's a neurotypical in the room," Tanaka explains, using the autism community's term for someone who doesn't have a neurological disability. "Part of the magic that's happening is because neurotypicals are not allowed."

can i lol at this? is it okay to lol at this?

>> No.2531255

spectral disorder mo fucker

>> No.2531256

This should make us all feel terrible.

>> No.2531261

yes it is

>> No.2531268

Funnily enough, on another forum, some people were speculating about a musician being autistic. Basically in American culture, anyone who excels at anything, puts any effort into anything, or manages to be at basically anything is autistic. People in American culture cannot fathom doing anything other than going to their 40 hour job and sitting around like drooling retards in front of the television.

They are absolutely amazed that someone had the willpower to practice a art, excel at anything at all, or have knowledge about anything other than American Idol.

>> No.2531276

the whole concept is stupid
if you function, you do not have a disorder
what the fuck does "high functioning autism" mean? maybe you're just a smart, awkward fuck with a stupid voice

>> No.2531311
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Oh god, this.
Pic related, it's 85% of the population.

>> No.2531317

>great intellectuals

I know, it annoyed me too

>> No.2531321

>hasn't read Nietzsche's oeuvre but blathers about it anyway

Sure is Betrand Russel in here.

>> No.2531327


There is a difference between fully functioning, functioning at an impaired level, and not functioning at all.

High-functioning autism falls into this middle category.

>> No.2531333 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 450x604, Pene_o_verga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick 1
fucking normals

>> No.2531342

>What I choose to do is change the course of the future for persons with autism, because I believe in them and I believe, given the right support and environment, they will be a strong force in repairing the world.

Why would autists in particular be a strong force in repairing the world ?

>> No.2531348

maybe because they are more interested in spinoza than bieber

>> No.2531352
File: 114 KB, 312x274, 1225597346755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though it's a hasty generalization, after moving to the US about 2.5 years ago I fully agree with you.
Going to college it's always the material that's hard, not the lack of studying and practicing. Oh, and I should feel good, since I tried, never mind failing, that course is soooo hard, ain't it?

I'm just happy all the classes I got in college are now math/physics/compsci related, no fucking bullshit like I had to go through in eng101
>celebration of black homosexual literature!
or anthropology 101
>da white man is inherently prejudiced and discriminating unlike all other just and peace-loving races
Fuck it, I love literature, but any lower level English courses are a fucking joke.

>> No.2531354

Owh you mean like... all the autists read Spinoza and Nietzsche ?

>> No.2531358

Oh and one prof asked me outright if I'm autistic because I was the only person in class to sit quietly for the duration of the whole lesson and I kept getting scores above 100 points.
FUCK anthropology 101.

>> No.2531364
File: 118 KB, 960x512, 1327661951049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


niggers love peace

>> No.2531366


Do not complain : in my country, the simple fact of evoking the notion of "race" is seen as racist, and we're teached that there is only one human race.

>> No.2531382

oh wow you're so fucking rebellious and hardcore

>you are racist, if you weren't then you wouldn't even be interested in race issues

>> No.2531388

bored soccer moms and the psychiatric establishment that caters to them have changed the definition of autism from "debilitating mental disease" to "smart and antisocial"

>> No.2531410

But I'm not even antisocial, it's just when I'm learning, I like to focus quietly on the thing I'm trying to learn.
From my point of view - all the other people in that class looked like they just took some amphetamine and were all hyper.
It's basically what the other anon said, being able to focus and excel at a hobby means you're sick/autistic/boring etc.
I got this one fucking clown in my compsci class who always argues with the teacher about the material and who always says that he KNOWS how to write a program, but he never actually writes it and gets mediocre grades because, as he says "studying is boring".
God, I know there are good people in the US, but there's just so few of them.

>> No.2531427

>show sign of intellectual life
>must be on the spectrum

And they say psychiatry isn't a bullshit pseduoscience.

>> No.2531429

Fucking hell ...

America - where being good at something is a disorder.

>> No.2531503

I'm have quite a bit of natural intelligence, but because I didn't have any patience for the bullshit in the American high school education system, I was perscribed Adderal in my junior year.
When I was in kindergarden, first grade, and second grade I already knew all that they tried to teach, so the entire school staff was convinced I was an autist. I know many people who took anti-depressants as teenagers when they were clearly just going through the same angst anyone else does.
America needs to get its shit together or I'm going to start calling "conspiracy" on the pharmaseutical companies.

>> No.2531516


>I'm have

...Yeah, bro, you were just too smart for the system.

>> No.2531518

Any sort of knowledge or intellectualism counts as a disease to americans

>> No.2531524

>turn 16
>be diagnosed with aspergers
>leave elite high school because it's making me feel like shit, never to return
>isolate myself, examine myself, educate myself
>3 years later

>> No.2531554

the other day i overheard someone say "wow you read an entire book? that thing is like 500 pages...what are you, autismal?". yes, he said "autismal".

i turned to look and it was two grown men. thank god they didn't see me reading against the day, they might've burned me at the stake or something.

>> No.2531872



>> No.2531892


>> No.2531898

>If we've reached the point where people talking about the things they've read are to be diagnosed with mental problems, and talking about dead white guys is now considered an "antisocial" level of spergin', it's no wonder autism diagnosis rates are on the rise every year.

Very good point. I believe that CNN is trying to deal with the fact of our time that now people have complete control over what information they are exposed with.

I also disagree with the way antisocial is used, not just here, but in general. Antisocial should be used to indicate ones lack of care for his fellow man. This is how it is translated from the German, at least.

One could make the argument that going around engaging people with Bieber gossip is much more antisocial that discussing philosophy. CNN and the like are the antisocial organizations of today considering they pay people to write this shite.