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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 343 KB, 2048x1536, clubgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2528125 No.2528125 [Reply] [Original]

I know that 95% of people don't read more than a few books a year, but why don't any girls read? It's just...weird. Shoe shopping can't take that much time.

>implying either of these girls in the pic are even literate
>implying they don't need to be fucked hard

>> No.2528129

You're such a loser, Sunhawk.

>> No.2528133


This is new information! </sarcasm>

>> No.2528138

Females read more than males.
Get your facts straight

>> No.2528142

Women are not the problem. Proletarians are the problem that needs to be crushed.

>> No.2528146

you're a proletariat you fucking faggot.

>> No.2528150

I like shoe shopping and reading. I read recently The Night Circus and thought it was okay. I'm just reading Pratchett filler for now until I find something good.

Of course you are a misogynist troll that I shouldn't have taken my time responding to. No I will not post pics, stop posting, or do anything that you request of me because you see me as inferior. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2528152

I don't know what we'd do without you, Sunhawk.

>> No.2528157


It's easier to find a guy who's really into literature, but I meet 3 entry-level female readers to every guy who has ever picked a book in his life.

>> No.2528178

News flash: reading isn't intrinsically a more worthwhile activity than watching TV or posting on 4chan.

>> No.2528180


>> No.2528189

Grrl Powerrr!!

especially Sunhawk's reading.

>> No.2528200

sunhawk, do you have a picture for what books you've read so far this year? Im interested in seeing it!

Also do you have a goodreads? You need to get one.

>> No.2528211

Why don't most people read? This has nothing to do with gender. By definition, most people are of mediocre intelligence. Looka t yourself, for example, - you're a fucking tripfag.

>> No.2528565

lmfao at sunhawk who reads the exact same shit as some r9k virgin's vision of a cute intellectually-mediocre college graduate girl but engages with it at an even more shallow level. i always have to wonder what is going on with /lit/ posters who claim that they never meet girls who are as intellectual as they are - any third-tier state school english department is crawling with cute chicks who have far more interesting things to say about anna karenina than Joe /lit/fag does

>> No.2528578

Though the number of people who regularly read is steadily decreasing regardless of gender, it has been shown that women read substantially more than men. However, women are more likely to read pulp and Young Adult books if they do read, and men are more likely to read reputable literature. That's not to say that there aren't women who enjoy good literature or men who enjoy shitty books.

>> No.2528581

Some girls read, but either they read shit or they are ugly. (Usually, both)

>> No.2528582

Fact: The majority of university literature students are women, but a fairly wide margin.

>> No.2528586

Fact : the majority of literature students don't read books.

>> No.2528591


I'm pretty sure that's not a fact.

>> No.2528594

I'm a literature student and where I live, it is a fact.

>> No.2528598

you know i wouldn't have thought it was possible for sunhawk to go downhill as a poster

>> No.2528599

"i'm an intellectually mediocre english student at western illinois university and if you had me write fanfic about all the attractive people in my major, that would be a worldbuilding fact"

>> No.2528600

My ex-girlfriend was a far better poet than me. But she is ugly and I dated her because I wanted to suck up all of her knowledge and leave her dry. After that, I dumped her.

>> No.2528601

As a female English major I'd politely disagree. I read all the time.

>> No.2528612


Why so ancient greek ?

>> No.2528619

i bet sunhawk wears, like, sweater vests and shit.

>> No.2528622
File: 500 KB, 987x766, 1332889719001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How villainous of you. Do you have a Russian accent and pet piranhas?

>> No.2528630

What a dumb bitch.

>> No.2528645

Um, some girls read, some girls don't. Same as with guys.

I know a girl who's a psych major here who reads Sartre, Vonnegut, and Wordsworth.