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/lit/ - Literature

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2528014 No.2528014 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit forever alone? Do you read books to escape your horrible life?

>> No.2528025
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i basically can't talk to people i don't know
i'm extremely intimidated by everybody
i'm kind of like the guy from no longer human minus the intelligence
no friends, only have had sex because of girls that feel bad for me, drink whenever i can, etc.
i definitely use books to escape from my life

>> No.2528032

I have my books and my poetry to protect me. I am shielded in my armour. Hiding in my room, safe within my womb. I touch no one and no one touches me.

>> No.2528037
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I'm married.

>> No.2528044
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I'm an attractive, well-spoken, tallfag musician who enjoys all the arts. I'm also a lawyer. No, I am not forever alone. I'm pretty surprised that /lit/ has so many "horrible-lifers" as I've always thought that reading and the talent at school that correlates highly with reading level would lead everyone on here to more advantageous economic circumstances.

Anyway, stay in school, don't get hooked onto drugs or booze, and work summer jobs. This is my advice to you all. Plan for your future.

>> No.2528050

you get a lot of smart/semi-smart/average but thinks he's smart but massively socially inept people on 4chan in general
idk why you would find this surprising

>> No.2528053



>> No.2528057

Currently yes, I'm definitely doing that. Had a failed relationship, few failed dates, and trying to get myself immersed in anything to get over the desperate need to depend on and love somebody.

>> No.2528059

Social ineptness boils down to how attractive and confident you are. It's got nothing to do with intelligence in my opinion. Part of being intelligent is realizing how important your looks are as social lubricant, and working on it by exercising and dressing well.

>> No.2528062

I just want to say "social lubricant" is a yucky phrase.

>> No.2528093

I love you bro

>> No.2528098

Anyone else is trying to avoid books dealing with sex and relationships as much as possible? I just cannot symphatize with a hero who fucks different chick in every other chapter.

>> No.2528103

It makes you wonder, both about yourself and the people who enjoy those kinds of books.

>> No.2528113

I read books to better my horrible life by learning from the greats of history.

>> No.2528116

how did you do the confidence raising part? i've gotten to the point where i look like a normal human being, but due to my past i basically feel like a disgusting subhuman beast

>> No.2528127

I'm fucked in the head.

>> No.2528143

Kind of. I read books to gain different perspectives and realize that my problems are really trivial outside of my own self obsession.

That said

>no friends
>no gf
>that feel

>> No.2528144

yes and yes

>> No.2528832

I'd say a man's donfidence may have a negative corrolation with his inteligence.

>> No.2528889

I have a phobia of men (I'm female) and any unfamiliar situation gives me a panic attack usually culminating in vomit. I haven't left my apartment for months. I hope I die in my sleep soon.

>> No.2528915

No and yes.

I feel that I'm inferior to a lot of my friends in certian aspects, but I think I'm a lot more well-rounded than many of them.

Only one of my friends is a really huge book reader, so I usually come to /lit/ for insight and discussion.

>> No.2528919

I've never dated in my life.

I read books because I find them interesting

I watch anime to escape, because its a whole lot easier

>> No.2528917
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>> No.2529007

It's funny. I think I am lacking in many aspects (though almost always willing to improve), and am very, very self-critic, yet that doesn't stop me from having high self-esteem (if it can be called so) and having confidence. Another key factor is not really giving a fuck about most things.

>> No.2529029

I never understand why people want to bring their problems on 4chan, a kind of place where you can get away from these problems.

>> No.2529030


No real friends (hate the ones I have, only pretend to enjoy their company because being alone is worse than being surrounded by pseudo friends.)

No girlfriend. Virgin.

No aspirations beyond "being a writer."

Rarely leave the house, and when I do I feel sick, like a salt water fish in a swimming pool.

Extremely addictive personality.

Why wouldn't I want to escape?

>> No.2529032

I feel bad for stagolee sometimes.

>> No.2529051

I'd be your friend. I'm largely a hermit as well and know the isolation.

>> No.2529062

>look at me white knighting.

>> No.2529066

Not horrible. Was a late bloomer so I have little to no confidence when dealing with girls, as I feel as if I am behind the curve and have nothing to offer physically. Almost 20, never had a girlfriend, virgin. But yea, I try to distract myself from it by whatever means necessary, whether it be school, friends, movies, writing, or books.

>> No.2529074

Moderate social life.
I'm an introvert so I don't really venture out alone and I have a difficult time establishing new relationships. I tend to keep the friends I do make and generally situate my relationships as I know you or I don't.

I'm happily married and I've never had an overly difficult time with the opposite sex. Although in the past a former lover touted me as a social leach in the respect that I always seek relationships with extroverts and manipulate that relationship to my benefit. Personally I feel that this is a suitable form of symbiosis.

My life is by no means horrible, though there are many changes that I would seek. I have a strong familial relationship, profitable employment, and a comfortable (albeit too materially focused) way of life.

All that being said, I am most definitely an escapist and I find literature to be my preferred means of liberation.

>> No.2529081


Spoken like someone who's never hung out with theoretical physicists.

>> No.2529088

I am forever alone. I read to learn, to escape, to construct new realities. I have no idea how to go about initiating any sort of relationship with a woman beyond family member/coworker/classmate, and this makes me a bit sad.

I'm trying to write.
A major plot element revolves around romance.
I have no idea how to write this.

>> No.2529100

Having sex will help everything.

>> No.2529102

Didn't realize /lit/ was so shitty.

I have a girlfriend, we've been together for 4 years, friends for 3 before that, going to get married, ect.

We read books after one another (alternating books back and forth if that makes sense) and discuss what we read.

Oh god we go shopping at these weird old used bookstores in town with piles upon piles of books and look around, or we go to libraries and just look at every book on the shelves for hours, finding weird stuff as we go.

>> No.2529107

Because there are no social consequences to sharing them.

I don't see the need to though. Self loathing and the internet seem to go hand in hand.

>> No.2529116


I fucking hate you with a passion.

>> No.2529125


Cool. Living the dream I see.


Oh shut up.

>> No.2529133
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>> No.2529137


Yeah, except none of us have ever gone hungry. Loneliness is often self-inflicted.

>> No.2529140
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Don't you know we can't even use that phrase anymore now that reddit does?
Well, I'm 18, never held a girl's hand, nothin. I don't like self-pity though, it's probably my own fault. I use running as a form of escapism, books are more of a hobby and it wouldn't make too much difference if I had them or not

>> No.2529146

>Loneliness is often self-inflicted.

No more than poverty.

>> No.2529154


Wow, are we really going to get all the whiny babbies here rationalizing their social ineptitude?

>> No.2529159

Do you often yell "get a job ya bum" at homeless people?

>> No.2529166


we gotta pull ourselves up by our social bootstraps

>> No.2529169

I have uncontrolable anxiety. It comes on unannounced, often in or just around social situations and makes me want to crush my brains with my palms, stop my heart with a closed fist, and find somewhere cool to halt the sweat.

That said I have a moderately active social life (moderate by choice) and have been sexually inactive for the last 6 months, also by choice.

Book are fun, no more.

>> No.2529202


Wow, people really do intellectualize their self pity now. There's no hope for this generation.

No, because people are far less likely to get a good job. Far more people are able to figure out human social interaction enough to get friends or a girlfriend. Poverty exists because poor people are often born into poverty and this society has poor social mobility. Whereas 'lonely' people have or have had families.

>> No.2529209


It's not even a matter of 'suck it up'. There are people out there that can help you, often at a discount if you do not have insurance.

Or you could just take a chance and talk to another human being for once.

>> No.2529210

>Far more people are able to figure out human social interaction enough to get friends or a girlfriend.

This is what neurotypicals actually believe.

>> No.2529215


No, it's a simple fact about human life.

>> No.2529216


Damn you guys are whiny. There is nothing inherently bad about being alone except that your biology tells you to go and reproduce and makes you feel shitty if you don't, as well as society. Guess what guys, overpopulation. Stay forever alone and save the planet morons.

>> No.2529217

First kissed, jeans-fucked at 17.
First and only serious girlfriend so far at 23, lasted two years, ended not long ago.
I now may or may not be mortally ill with HIV.
If I'm not, I'm alright, for somebody has loved me.

>> No.2529219

So /lit/, how do I get a girlfriend?

>> No.2529222
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>> No.2529232


A more appropriate story for me would by the myth of Tantalus.
No, I'm not who you were replying to.

>> No.2529248

Tantalus was punished because he sacrified his kid and served him as dinner to the gods. Some of you do fit the serial killer profile though, yeah.

The fox can't get the grapes, so instead of accepting that he hates the people who can.

>> No.2529255


Women recede from me when I approach them. I almost do believe I've broken some divinity's taboo, and they're punishing me in this life.
I'm happy for people who can find love. They deserve it.

>> No.2529270


It's your responsibility to change yourself if you want a social life.

Often people's attempts to get out of poverty are thwarted in ways that are quantifiable and external to their efforts.

I'm appalled anyone would trivilialize poverty by comparing to to lack of social skills.

>> No.2529281

>I'm appalled anyone would trivilialize poverty by comparing to to lack of social skills.
Social rejection has very real effects on emotional, mental, and physical health, and is linked with shorter life expectancies and more negative health outcomes. Just sayin'.

>> No.2529287

I hold myself in mild contempt, which is in itself a sort of egoism albeit on the other side of the spectrum.

>> No.2529291


I think not having food to eat that is nutritious has a much more dire effect on life expectancy than not throwing your sperm into some cunt.

>> No.2529293

I'm a well spoken, decently attractive male with a good amount of friends and a decent sex life.

I do use literature for escapism, but my life is still pretty good.

>> No.2529304

Nope, not a foreveralone. I've got the gift of gab in person and I'm relatively attractive. But I'm kind of a stand-offish person with a very dark sense of humor, so I don't have many friends. I have a lot of acquaintances from this or that place and I keep our socializing restricted to that place.
I get laid more by chance than determination. An interested one comes along eventually and I go for it then. Actively looking for pussy or a relationship becomes depressing quickly without the help of drugs to deaden the realization of how little people truly interact with each other.

>> No.2529314


> It's your responsibility to change yourself if you want a social life.

But I do have a social life. I just apparently lack assets that women desire. And I have attempted to change, multiple times and with various methods.


Not him, but I want to experience mutual attraction with a member of the opposite sex. A lack of sex isn't nearly as stressful as a lack of attraction. And single people die younger, even if I would rather have food over love.

>> No.2529318

>not throwing your sperm into some cunt
The fact that you think this is all it's about shows you have no grasp of the issue at hand.
And while that may be true, being murdered is worse than losing an arm, but that doesn't mean losing an arm is pleasant.

>> No.2529365
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Quite the contrary my nigger. My reading has allowed me to think clearer and quicker. I provide more entertainment to my niggers than before I began my reading endevours. In addition to this, I enjoy life more which then reflects to my social life. All my fellow niggers will note this.

Pic related: best nigger

>> No.2529466

Being socially/romantically/whatever inept is something that your circumstances may have facilitated, but it's something you continue to do. If you have no sense of personal agency and take no action to improve the situation then you will die alone most likely.

>> No.2529478

I personally read books to understand my misserable life.

>> No.2529480

that feel when none of you know true hunger or misery

that feel when you think tfw no girlfriend is something worth ending your life over

Go and volunteer at a soup kitchen. Gain some perspective ya bums.

>> No.2529481

that feel when homeless boys regularly get their dick wet with homeless girls

>> No.2529482

>implying that somebody's problems aren't valid because there exists greater problems

>> No.2529484


that feel when a person can only be so depressed biologically

>> No.2529486

>Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the worst poverty of all.
>The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
-Mother Teresa

>> No.2529493

>"Cash rules everything around me CREAM get the money dolla dolla bill yall."
-Mother Teresa

>> No.2529496


actually i was just thinking the hunger for bread would be a great album title for jay-z if he gave a shit anymore

>> No.2529499
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that feel when no bicycle

>> No.2530296


Not the guy you're responding to, but I think you're being slightly naïve. I had this exact mentality until I had sex. The mutual attraction is absolutely what is most important and most desired thing, but that is largely achieved through sexual contact. Having sex will likely change the dynamics of all subsequent social interaction.

>> No.2530318

I want some book that will make me cry, or just the best of its kind.
Any suggestions?

>> No.2530323


>> No.2530324

>“You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You're looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God!”
-Mother Teresa

>> No.2530334

>"Those curtains are fucking hideous."

-Oscar Wilde on his deathbed.

>> No.2531534
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No, I'm married. Have been for 12 years. I'm in my mid-30's, so that might have something to do with it.

At some point you realize that the more you escape life, the more it's just going to depress you because you're not doing anything about it. Balance that shit out.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.2531538
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I'm alright.

I was sort of nerdy on school tho.

>> No.2532080

yea it's partly that, also i love books. But yeah, virgin forever alone etc. Also part of the reason why I like philosophy as well, especially therapeudic philosophies like stoicism and buddhism.

>> No.2532249

I've travelled half the world, had sex with a dozen women (which in comparison to my friends is jack shit), have another couple lined up, doing well at a journalism/fiction degree at a good university, was getting paid to play soccer two years ago, am generally good at most things, decent looking albeit a little skinny, and I'm travelling the rest of the world in the next two years. I'm 21. I read because good prose gets me off and I want to be a great author. I'm socially amiable and rarely struggle to make good conversation with anyone, including strangers.

But I like you guys more than most people, even though I know I'd probably hate you if I met you.

>> No.2532250


I'll add that the dude at the top of the thread condemning drug use is retarded. Just do the right ones, like lots of acid acid and moderate amounts of weed