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File: 103 KB, 800x1311, Isaac%20Asimov_1951_Foundation[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2525925 No.2525925 [Reply] [Original]

Foundation cycle.
>Shit writing.
>Awesome plot and ideas.
>2 last volumes weird but still very interesting.
>I wish I had written something like that.


>> No.2525931

Uh, The [insert franchise here] Cycle only works for ongoing things. Like Zelda or Sonic.

Anyway, nearly everything about Foundation is amazing. And the prose is great. The dialogue is stylised but very entertaining.

>> No.2525932

Read the first two books. Agree with the shit writing christ is it ever terrible

>> No.2525936

>The [insert franchise here] Cycle only works for ongoing things

Couldn't be more wrong. Der Ring des Nibelungen, the Baroque Cycle, short story cycles such as Winesburg Ohio or Steven Leacock's stuff.

>> No.2525942


But...by definition, a cycle is ongoing. You know, cyclical?

>> No.2525952

you just have to read the first book again after you finish the last. also the cycle can refer to the story within the book (which may very well be a cycle you fucking retard)

>> No.2525957

A story cycle is called that because it's a closed loop, with the end recalling specifically the beginning. It's only "ongoing" because you could read the last page and continue onto the first page without any interruption. It should be seamless. But a story cycle is not "ongoing" outside of its own loop. So my examples that I have provided should give you an indication of how wrong you are.

>> No.2525964

OP here.

What I love in that book is the creation of an Antiquity in the Future.

There are multiple layers of time in the narration.
Time 1: what is described by the narrator
Time 2: what is predicted by Seldon
Time 3: the one in which the Final Encyclopedia is written
Time 4: the undetermined time of the reader from said Encyclopedia
Time 5: our distant future as Antiquity long forgotten
Time 6: our less distant future as mythology
Time 7: our world forgotten even by myths and legends

etc etc etc

It's one of my favorite books of all times.
Its place is between the Odyssey and The Phenomenology of Spirit in my heart.

Captcha: trantir Kandi,
(Trantor candy)
True story.

>> No.2525973


Second Foundation is my favourite book. And I agree, it's good the way it's done. I personally like the long time period the books cover, usually jumping ahead about 30 years at a time.

>> No.2525976

...he says, ignoring the posts that indicate he was wrong.

>> No.2525979


I read them and disagree, but rather than lay out my points, I remembered this was a board on 4chan, and decided to just walk away.

>> No.2525982

How can you possibly disagree? How you possibly look to the examples and say, "nope those guys were wrong. Fucking Wagner was wrong - he didn't know what a cycle is"?

>> No.2526004

Arguing with Sunhawk is futile.

>> No.2526349

OP here again,

lol @ cycle, love you guys but who cares, I want you to talk about Foundation.

I find the two last books weird but very interesting.
They're weird because the main character is human, whereas in the first three the main character was the Foundation itself (debatable). It's less a history manual from the future like the first three, and more a traditional heroic novel.

Also the writing is weaker: by focusing on the relationships between Pelorat, Trevize, and the girl, Asimov had to be on point when he wrote about love, attraction, feelings and stuff. IMO he didn't. Too cheesy.

But the quest for Earth is MINDBLOWING, on every level. Unbelievable. I loved every page of it.