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File: 52 KB, 360x480, 360px-FI_bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2525096 No.2525096 [Reply] [Original]

I started a thread a few days ago asking for help with a name for by Book store/tea shop in Ottawa, Canada. I've narrowed it down to a few names:
The Readery
Read Book Read Books (pronounced however you like it!)
Black Squirrel Books
Word Well
Analogue Books

>> No.2525100

One book, two book, read book, new book

Book it, Lou

>> No.2525103

Call it "Folding in a Few Months"

>> No.2525104


>> No.2525105



>> No.2525108

PJ McHufflepuff's Good-Time Bookery and Tea-Quaffing Sedentarium

>> No.2525119

Shit, I'd go there. But I'd be disappointed when there was no tea or marijuana.

>> No.2525120

I'm biased towards Black Squirrel Books. I can't help it. My town had a bookstore called Red Fox Books and it was fun watching it slowly gather plus red foxes.

>> No.2525121

Books 'n Shit

>> No.2525123

Black Squirrel Books ftw

>> No.2525138

Book jiffing central

The tea and the queef - Books.

Smegma pub.

>> No.2525143

Black Books

>> No.2525144

Good God What Were We Thinking, Mom and Pop Bookstores Are Dropping Like Flies and We Decided to Open Another One? Please Have Mercy on Us

you're gonna need a big sign.

>> No.2525149


This is by far the best title.

>> No.2525156

>call it amazon.com

>> No.2525166

The Thousand-Story Building

>> No.2525167


>> No.2525171

Sticky Pages: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the book.

>> No.2525181
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Don't make fun of OP. He's gonna have enough grief when he's broke.

>> No.2525189

Restroom For Paying Customers Only

>> No.2525193

secondhand bookshops and the small chains like Readings and independents like Paperback Bookshop are doing quite well here in Melbourne
if you are a second hand I recommend adding cats, they are a big crowd drawer at Sybers on Chapel St
If normal then add a cafe

>> No.2525200

while two of the big chains have gone bankrupt, especially the American one Borders

>> No.2525204

I like Analogue Books.

>> No.2525206

Hey OP, girlfriend guy again;
I love your frequenting on this board, I really didn't expect to see two or three threads about your bookstore, that's totally awesome!

I have a job opportunity with the Wayfarer bookstore in Kingston, Ontario, though I may very well not be working there, the infamous owner of the shop/art gallery did take my information down for consideration, and though it's nobody's business really, I think it gives me some cred.

I've been working with journalists, poets, editors, publishers, theatre and film artists, and students in my city for the past year in various facets, mostly journalism on my part. Opening a bookstore has always been my version of the opening-a-bar fantasy that guys get. My grandmother used to operate a bookstore in Kincardine, Ontario, and her bibliophilia has survived in the blood if not in the upbringing (she never really pressed anything on me, pun not intended).

Anyway, if you're ever interested in talking shop, I'm down to be contacted. I often go to bookfairs, was just at one in Kanata earlier this month, know about market value and a little bit about what it takes to run a bookshop from reading and stories, and I am always interested in a piece of the action, that is, what action exists between the lines of book business. I'm a student at Queen's, studying languages, so perhaps my knowledge of both the provincial book market and literary culture can be of help or interest at least.

>> No.2525284

you're shit

>> No.2525286

Goddamn, this one is good.

>> No.2525287
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is this negroid individual sincere?

>> No.2525310

those are all stupid names but since you're store is going to be full of retarded hipsters anyway it doesn't matter if you have a good name or not

>> No.2525390
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>> No.2525387
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>> No.2525393

Call it Butterfly Books

>> No.2525409

The Bookshop of Babel

>> No.2525417

if i was investing in your used book store i would pull my investments based on the potential names.

>> No.2525422

The Font of Knowledge

>> No.2525424
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Stack some treadmills by the window and call it Bibliobesity.

>> No.2525425

I like these three
The Readery
Word Well
Analogue Books

>> No.2525426
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Call it
Ernest Hummingbird's

>> No.2525427

The trendy bookstore in my hipster suburb is called: Better Read Than Dead

>> No.2525443
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I have to agree with this. Listen up, OP, my dad has held a number of extremely high-level positions in the advertising and marketing fields over the course of his career. So I am in a position to help you out - free of charge. I have some names that I will let you use. If you pick one of these names, you have a shot at success.

1. Charnel House Books
2. Greasy Pages
3. Hipster Apartment Decorations
4. Books n Free Pastry Samples
5. Last Stop before the cheapass financed coffin your children bought for you
6. Last Stop Before the Food Desert
7. Zyklon Books
8. Snack Shop 99
9. Please Shoplift from this Store and Beat My Face in if I Protest
10. The Bottom of the Bag of Chips


weeooo weeooo!!! here come the shitbird police. you've been charged with 175 counts of felony prick behavior and 1 felony count of evading the WTC attack you should have died in

>> No.2525447

I don't like any of these.

>> No.2525454
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Fucking shit, just call it The Reading Rectum.

>> No.2525480

Just call it Lit.

>> No.2525482


>> No.2525488

Nicholas Hoare :-(

Librairie Dekcuf

>> No.2525491

colorless green ideas

>> No.2525493

[Your last name]s Tea and Books

>> No.2525495
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well gaddd damnnn, brand strategy genius in our midst

>> No.2525496


I actually love this name. With a properly-designed sign, it would be awesome. You could just call it P.J.'s for short.

>> No.2525506

Sell only tea you grow and books written by you

>> No.2525510
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perfect, OP can compete with the local childrens' lemonade stands

>> No.2525851

Sorry OP here, I went off to grab a few drinks as becoming a bookstore owner also means you must become an alcoholic. As I said last night, I'm trying to narrow names down...

>> No.2525895

Bedlam and Erudition

>> No.2525905

Hey OP, can I ask you how much your lease on the building cost and for how long? Are you the only employee, and do you sell second-hand or new books? If new how much does it cost a month, if second hand, did you just collect a bunch of books over the years?

>sorry to bombard with questions
>really want to open my own store one day

>> No.2525906

Tea and Dreams

>> No.2525929

In my rather small, local town in Norway, there's a bookshop called "the antiquarian".

>> No.2525947

My local indie bookshop is called 'Book Bonanza' for serious, and it's still doing well. Pretty sure names don't matter very much in the bookshop trade. I wish you the best of luck anyway, and cast my vote on Word Well.

>> No.2525948

The Bookery > The Readery (both have already been used fyi)

but I would name it

The Pageleaf

(Pages because BOOKS, and leaf because TEA. YEA)

>> No.2526045
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Half-Baked Mammogram

I changed my mind, I'm throwing my support behind this one.

>> No.2526079


>> No.2526094

I like Read Book Read Books.

Just keep it simple, i think flashy names might drive people away.

>> No.2526099
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>> No.2526113

Call it Dano's.

get a boozy old cop to hand out book du jour, and have the clerk say "Book 'im, Dano."

Quarto Books

Dangerous ideas in mild-mannered books.

Analog books would be my choice, but see if it's been trademarked, if it has, use the slashed zero or Theta for the O's

>> No.2526115

>Analogue Books

I actually really like this one.

>> No.2526127

I think the science fiction magazine Analog might have something to say about that

>> No.2526157

That's still in print?!

>> No.2526172


Of course:

But they'd have no reason to complain about analogue.

>> No.2526173

call it /lit/

>> No.2526186
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Willy's Books
The Phallus Of Reason
Scroty J. Junior's Page Symposium
Art Ejaculated Onto Paper
Pubic Tomes
Ode To A Dead Bookstore
Books For Everyone
Books For A Select Few
Books For Tots
House Of Ridiculous Books
Hoffman's House Of History
Not Another YA Bookstore
Many Letters
Leatherbound Dreams
Politically Correct Novel Office
Age Of Text
Books And A Cuppa

>> No.2526206

There's one in my city ( New Delhi) called "Spell & Bound"

>> No.2526224
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>7. Zyklon Books

>> No.2526606
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just realized OP is in my town.

>> No.2526613
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Appealing Words

Twisted minds

Booked Out

Flying Pages

Open Mind

gl my friend

>> No.2526623

Lit 'n' Shit.

Propaganda Shop


We Be Readin

Illiterates Anonymous

>> No.2527007

Well Read

>> No.2527010


>> No.2527013

Call it "Symposium"

>> No.2527015

I liked all of those.

>> No.2527018

"Spoilers Everywhere"

>> No.2527020

Call it "Unlucrative." If that sounds too off-putting, you can alter it to make it more welcoming/learned, like "The Unlucrativium" or "The Unlucrative Space."

>> No.2527034

I like The Unlucrativium. It sort of owns the fact that the place is a horrible business venture, which is charming, in a way. I'd visit it. Probably wouldn't buy anything, but I'd visit it.

>> No.2527038

What's bookin', book bookin?

>> No.2527039

Look at how many used book stores already exist in Ottawa:


>> No.2527078

We Put A Book in Your Book So You Can Read While You Read.

I don't have any xhibit pics

>> No.2528195

bump for more awesome names

>> No.2528210

Black Squirrel is great and you should hire someone to make an old-school sign with the name of the bookstore and a black squirrel

>> No.2528232
File: 31 KB, 480x350, ayn-rand-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this or Ayn Rand Books for Tots

>> No.2528303

"Awesome names?"

Black Squirrel Books, is kinda nice.
Parnassus, my suggestion, has some literary meaning behind it. Or you could go with the title of a good book, or a reworking of one.

-Margarita's Bookmark
-Invisible City's bookstore & tea
-Books from the Underground

Authors names?
-The Orwellian.
-Camoo Corner (Yuck)

Or just a reference
-Lilliputian books
-Caladan books
-[Open Finnegan's Wake, point randomly]

>> No.2528333

>-The Orwellian.
>-Camoo Corner
>-Lilliputian books

i would fucking vomit on those bookstores

tose are fucking terrible names

>> No.2528349

I'm the spitting image of Dermot Morgan OP. I will beat you with a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights if you call it Black Squirrel Books, I swear to god.

>> No.2528358
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So you like the others?
I was just throwing out ideas, how to approach.
...What's wrong with Lilliputian books?

>> No.2528362

That's it.
Name it: The Spitting Image of Dermot Morgan

>> No.2528363

Yeah the others are okay, I liked the invisible city one Okay

lilliputian books i sjust kind of dumb unless its a very small shop

>> No.2528383

Dog Eared Pages Bookstore

>> No.2528389

I came across a small book shop in Nassau called Books 'n' Tings. Godspeed, OP.

>> No.2528391

I also like the name, The Bookmarked Bookstore

>> No.2528395

Dogears for a used bookstore, but I like bookmark worked in, if not the whole name. The Bookmark.

>> No.2528396

Books 'R' Us

>> No.2528402

Eat, Sleep, Read

>> No.2528408

Read, Reread, Recycle

>> No.2528418
File: 829 KB, 2048x1536, Parnassos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount Parnassus is named after Parnassos, the son of the nymph Kleodora and the man Kleopompus. A city, of which Parnassos was leader, was flooded by torrential rains. The citizens ran from the flood, following wolves' howling, up the mountain slope. There the survivors built another city, and called it Lykoreia, which in Greek means "the howling of the wolves." While Orpheus was living[2] with his mother and his eight beautiful aunts on Parnassus, he met Apollo who was courting the laughing muse Thalia. Apollo became fond of Orpheus and gave him a little golden lyre, and taught him to play it. Orpheus's mother taught him to make verses for singing. As the Oracle of Delphi was sacred to the god Apollo, so did the mountain itself become associated with Apollo. According to some traditions, Parnassus was the site of the fountain Castalia and the home of the Muses; according to other traditions, that honor fell to Mount Helicon, another mountain in the same range. As the home of the Muses, Parnassus became known as the home of poetry, music, and learning.

The name "Parnassus" in literature typically refers to its distinction as the home of poetry, literature, and learning


I still say "Parnassus Books [your city]" is best.

>> No.2528422

If by best you mean most homosexual.

>> No.2528495
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Page Haven
kind of flows, doesn't it?

>> No.2528736
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The Augean Stable.

>> No.2528738

So his store is full of shit?


>> No.2528741

The Texas School Book Depository.

>> No.2528745

Can't Read, Won't read.

>> No.2528756

TL;DR: The Store

>> No.2528776

The Scratch and Sniff Lounge

>> No.2528784
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>mfw I live this city too