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/lit/ - Literature

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2524404 No.2524404 [Reply] [Original]

> i appreciate art and aesthetics
>reads books on kindles


reading books on kindles is for casuals, its like saying "I saw pics of the Louvre online; thus I've been there in real life"

>> No.2524418

Dissimilar analogy. The essence of the book is intangible. And this is coming from a paper fetishist.

>> No.2524434

words = literature
paper = not literature

this is a literature board, we discuss literature, not the mediums in which they are presented.

>> No.2524503

This is a terrible 'troll' who probably came from /v/

>> No.2525330
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>dat false analogy
Oh OP, you can't Brie serious!!

>> No.2525339

/lit/ - Terrible Puns.

>> No.2525343


>> No.2526195

Whaddaya want fer nuthin'?

>> No.2526197

Paying for digital media is just fucking retarded in general. I agree with you OP.

>> No.2526202


>> No.2526207

Seriously guys, what do you think's going to happen when physical media is phased out completely? Pricing will be arbitrary and not dependent on the resources used to manufacture the product at all, since the manufacturing process is pretty much as simple as copying a file. Prices will be completely arbitrary, there will be no real standard with which to determine a text file's value other than what the publisher feels they should make from it and how much they should charge to cover royalties to the author.

The second the physical book is taken out of the picture, the corporations have complete control, especially with restricting technologies like DRM that can limit your use of a file. That already happens in music and video games, there's absolutely no reason to assume it won't happen with books as well. Apple places restrictions on files bought from iTunes to where you can only copy or burn a file to a disc a certain number of times, video game companies like EA and Capcom lock you out of content that is already on the disc you paid for to force you to buy it later as "DLC", and the film industry has ensured that making a copy of a DVD is not something that's user-friendly. When you buy something and have it physically sitting on your shelf, a corporation can't walk into your house and take it away from you if they decide you're using the product you bought and now own in a way they don't agree with.

>> No.2526230

>implying I don't pirate everthing

>> No.2526235

Ponder this, /lit/erates, I am a visual artist, and fan of all types of analog mediums. Up until a year ago I was also completely against the idea of ever reading books on an electronic device. I called people sellouts for buying ereaders and said they held no love of reading or the actual emotional, sentimental, and physical attatchments that go along with being a lover of books. Enter the worst night ever. I lost my right eye in a freak accident. I can no longer read any book that is publication that is not in large print without getting blurred vision and a massive stress headache. FUCK!!!!!! I received a Kindle as a X-mas gift and can now read again without struggling. Irony at its best.

>> No.2526234
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>> No.2526238

>Prices will be completely arbitrary, there will be no real standard with which to determine a text file's value
What sort of value are you talking about? Monetary? Artistic? Throw us a bone here you stupid asshole

>> No.2526251

>Pricing will be arbitrary and not dependent on the resources used to manufacture the product at all, since the manufacturing process is pretty much as simple as copying a file. Prices will be completely arbitrary,

>can't into Econ 101

Pricing is subject to supply and demand and there are plenty of substitutes for one book or another. So if a writer decides to release a fantasy book for 100 dollars no one will buy it, they'll just by GRRM instead for 8bucks or pirate it.

>The second the physical book is taken out of the picture

we'll pirate it easily just like video games and movies. next.

>> No.2526252

>entire post is about pricing and corporate control

Why don't you take a guess?


>> No.2526253

Fuck you OP, if you pee war and peace in the snow I still would read it. Yeah, I have a kindle, it's awesome; deal with it.

>> No.2526261


How did you lose your eye?

>> No.2526264

In a bar fight.

>> No.2526267



>> No.2526273

Two eyes walk into a bar.

One walks out.

*ba dum tshh*

>> No.2526277


It's cool we're all friends here tell me how it happened

>> No.2526275

Do you wear an eyepatch? Does it make you look like a badass and get you girls, or do they just recoil away from you in fear?

>> No.2526291

It wasn't a barfight, it was a gunshot. Burst my eye from impact. Nothing else besides a few scars. I have a fake eye now. I don't really like the looks of it, though, so I'm getting a small eyepatch made soon. I'm a girl, so the big ones you buy in the stores just don't fit on my face and dont look too good. Finally, yes, I get the girls because I am a harass.

>> No.2526293


>> No.2526300


Who shot you?

>> No.2526302

Its the little kids that recoil in fear, especially when I take my eye out and chase them with it.

>> No.2526304
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>> No.2526308

I think I did, but I'm not 100% sure. The whole situation and po-dunk cops investigation, if you can call it that, was a big clustercuss. I kind of would like to getr therapy or some shit to find out the events leading up to the actual incident, but I'm kind of scared what I might find out.

>> No.2526323
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This is now an investigation thread.

Were you shooting at cops or did they show up to try and stop you? Were you drunk or otherwise impaired?

>> No.2526337

I know it sounds nuts, and living it is even nuttier, but I think that my companion and myself were drugged at the bar we were at earlier that evening. There were some very strange circumstances that would never normally happen, including the fact that when I was shot, we were driving (which we NEVER do, since the bar is a few blocks from our house) on a road that we had no reason to be on, hours arte the bar closed. We neither one remember anything past sitting at the bar with a "friend" we hadn't seen I a while. The cops wanted to blame my companion, that was driving, but all evidence that we did get back, took the blame off of the driver. There was NO TOXICOLOGY report ever found, from any of the 3 hospitals I was at. IVE REQUESTED all reports and have received all there is to receive. It really is a mystery.

>> No.2526339

Bump because I'm suddenly interested in this thread.

>> No.2526344

I far prefer reading paper books to e-readers, but that is an awful analogy.

>> No.2526347

>Have the original Kindle
>Battery life still holds for two weeks despite daily use.
>Have hundreds of books from ManyBooks.net that I garnered for free on Kindle or backed up on an external HD.
>Have brought my Kindle with me when I was vacationing in Italy and Greece and it was wonderful.
>Still buy books from Amazon.

But oh no.

>> No.2526350

So you only remember being at the bar and the, I assume, waking up at a hospital with one eye? Why were you getting shipped between three different hospitals? Do you live in a rural area? And I would think there would be only one toxicology report done at the first hospital just because of the condition you showed up in.

Where did the gun come from anyway? They could have done ballistics on the bullet to determine if it was from your gun or a cops. Also, if this is a rural area there's no telling what their actual procedures are for this type of thing.

So was there a car crash and that's how you were found?

>> No.2526361

your a dick

>> No.2526371

Yes, I woke up in the first hospital with my head bandaged up, they told me I had been.shot. I do.live in a very rural area where the hospital is not equipped to handle that type of trauma. I was taken.to.the closest ER equipped to deal, then moved once they had the condition stablized, then once they realized they had to.remove what was left of my eye they sent me to a hospital that had doctors that specialized in that field. I agree, the toxicology report would have only been accurate from the first hospital, but they told me they never did one! The other hospitals did not include a report in.my files and ive requested all the reports and have gotten everything they will give me. It was my gun, I have my CCDW and always have it with me. The cops said they knew what gun it was from, although, after we got my car back, there were multiple casings in the car, from both mine and my companions gun. An anon person called 911 after my.companion was found walkingbin the middle of the road, incoherent.

>> No.2526444

That's wild. I think you're right. The first hospital was just surprised/overwhelmed/incompetent what have you and skipped the blood tests, which sounds pretty dangerous since they probably had to do a lot of guess work as to your medical history.

Sounds like someone drugged you with something hard, maybe as joke, and it cost you your eye. If you guys were tripping, you were probably just shooting out the window at random. If there was any other crime that could be associated with your black out time, the cops would have come to you already so I doubt you did anything horrible.

I'm sorry about you eye, anon. I hope your patch looks sexy. It'd be a turn on for me.

>> No.2526448
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forgot pic

>> No.2526559

Yeah, ive pretty much accepted it as a fucked up night that changed my life forever. I finally just told the cops I did it and to drop it, mostly because they were more so trying to blame us and find something to charge us with than actually doing a thorough investigation. They are complete Barney Fife retards around here. Gotten over it pretty much though. If I ever find out someone actually did drug us and who it is, they're a gone ass. :) Thanks, too, I think its gonna look badass.

>> No.2526586

toasting in a prole thread

>> No.2526600

learn grammar

>> No.2526609

Uh, my kindle can hold a whole library and takes up very little space. Also, I can pirate books.

Also, art and aesthetics have nothing to do with literature in the first place.

>> No.2526640

cool stor(y)ies, faggot(s)