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2520485 No.2520485 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2012, why don't you own a kindle?

>> No.2520487

I've owned one for about a year and a half now.

It's good for the popular stuff. I still have to use the library often.

>> No.2520488


Wow. Ten dollars.

fuck this shit

>> No.2520499

Is it worth it?

>> No.2520508

But I do.
And I torrent books.
Deal with it.

>> No.2520514

>Deal with it.
How could I ever deal with such a horrifying fact

>> No.2520516
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>> No.2520520

At least half of those aren't true.

>> No.2520521

Because I have a nook.

>> No.2520526


>losing data
>pages not loading

Strawman general.

>> No.2520528

you must be a genius

>> No.2520542

Everything is printed on acid paper.
Most of the books I have now will be falling apart when I die.

>> No.2520546
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>give the corporations money
>deprive the artist of income

nice 1 bro, nice 1

>> No.2520555

Implying i should give a shit.
Implying most people on lit who own kindles actually pay for anything.
Implying intellectual property laws aren't unethical and monopoly creating.

>> No.2520561

Because I like paper books.
I don't have a reason why people shouldn't own Kindle, I just prefer paper books.

Plus many of my favourite contemporary presses/'artists' release exclusively physical format.

>> No.2520569

Not OP, but if I like a book enough I buy a physical copy, even though I'm nearly blind and can't read stuff off of paper. Most people who pirate books do this.

>> No.2520571

>implying its unethical to hold a monopoly on the sweat of your own brow

>> No.2520572

>DX price is too high, not that I don't have the money for it, but it's overpriced
>Screens are still pretty small
>Don't handle PDF well
>Amazon reviews complain there is no warranty and the thing breaks down after 13 months

that's about it

>> No.2520579

>implying copy pasting someone's stuff is as immoral as cut pasting it
>implying duplication is theft
>implying anyone who pirates a work was a potential customer who otherwise would have bought said work
>implying piracy doesn't lead to increased exposure
>implying that the world should conform to wishes of artists instead of artists adapting to the ways of the world
>implying musicians didn't survive the whole mp3 download thing
>implying authors who write for profit should be read

>> No.2520599
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I've owned a Kindle for almost 2yrs, and while I got quite a few books for free, the rest were paid for.


>> No.2521109

Maybe I just don't get it, I don't see how "stealing" an eBook is any different that borrowing a book from a library. I still buy physical copies of books but I have a hard time justifying paying the same or more for a digital copy. If publishers included a digital copy with the purchase of the physical copy like a lot of movie studios do now I would buy a lot more books.

>> No.2521147

>If publishers included a digital copy with the purchase of the physical copy like a lot of movie studios do now I would buy a lot more books.

THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS needs to be done!!!!

>> No.2522948


>> No.2522962

I like holding books in my hands, and travelling with them, and lending them out, and turning the pages with my fingers. I like the smell, the way a newer book crinkles, and how it falls open on your favorite page a lot easier than the rest do.
I like physical books, because I can feel them.

>> No.2522965

whats a kindle?

>> No.2522967

I kind of like the idea of having stacks of books around. I'm sure that it's probably the worst form of narcissism imaginable, but hell, we all have our sins, right?

The only reason I would ever get an e-reader is because it has a search function. We've all probably gotten into a situation where we can recall a few scraps of words or sentences, but can't remember where the passage is located in the book. It's maddening.

>> No.2522976

Because you can't root it, meaning you're stuck with the shitty reading software that it comes with.

>> No.2522979


It puts words on a screen, what else do you need?

>> No.2523014
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>"abstract escape artists"


>> No.2523019

dx price is good compared to similarly sized e-reader from other manufacturers. i have the very first model made and it still works perfectly. handles PDF fine but the Duokan OS works even better.

>> No.2523021

the way people talk about the tactility of books makes them sound like some of the most anal retentive, uppity hipster trash on earth

i like to use ereaders because they have a thousand books on them and i get them all for free

fuck authors, fuck capitalism, fuck art and fuck writing

i'm going to read your shit for free deal with it

>> No.2523022
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>> No.2523028
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>> No.2523045

Because I'm not particularly fond of looking like an asshole in public.

>> No.2523055

downloading shit for free is the highest example of capitalism

>> No.2523056
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I don't use a Kindle because I'm afraid hackers will turn it into a bomb.

Also, I'm American, so reading isn't exactly on my list of priorities.

>> No.2523057

That says more about you than it does anyone who reads a kindle in public. You remind me of the insipid slashdot trolls that thought using an iPod in public was sign that you were a douche too.

Guess what, most people don't even bat an eye at ANY gadget in public.

>> No.2523092

prove it

>> No.2523126

-200 dollars for kindle.
-No used books
-Even the book DL's I purchase have a limited lifetime where I own them (read your EULA)
-e-books cost almost as much as new books some cost more
-Can't resell e-book,
-artist gets much less for ebook unless direct download so favorite writers tend not to sell ebooks or sell them for way more than they are worth.
-Can't get the works of writers from pre 20th century on Kindle without much hassle or the 500 hundred books Gutenberg says are important but then lose half the value of the book, especially illustrated books.
-illustrated books lose effect
-electronics in general because I've been that guy trying to read where there is no regular electricity (Africa, parts of Asia, half of greece, etc)
-1 buck for used book.

So for the price of the kindle fire I can get 200 used books, and can never get a return on my investment. It's a bad investment for me. Not worth the financial output. I can read torrented difgitial books on my computer, steal more than the handful of torrented books from the library and buy the rest in the form I prefer.

>> No.2523138

I have over 1.5TB of tv shows and movies. I haven't touched half of them. I know if I get a kindle, I will do the same thing

>> No.2523149

I have a ton of pdfs that are a pain to read on the computer, so I was considering it. But
has influenced me a bit to not buy one.

>> No.2523150

I don't use a kindle fire, i use the cheaper version with the e-ink screen so it costs me more like $100. I can put a thousand books on my kindle in under an hour after unboxing it and i don't have to worry about swapping books with assholes who are already getting a head start on the whole hipster retro book nostalgia bullshit.

i can store so many books on the kindle in 2GB of space that there's more than i'd ever bother reading over the lifespan of the device. it's quantifiably cheaper, more efficient, requires less space. there's no reason not to use one unless you need a larger screen or absolutely need footnotes on the page there with you. surprise, you can just go buy the used book or borrow it from a library still.

>> No.2523152

That's your problem.

The Kindle isn't particularly great about supporting formats and Calibre, the thing you use to convert all these dumb standards can be finnicky. That's the only practical issue with the kindle you mongs.

>> No.2523159

Does the kindle still blink black between pages? That's what put me off the most about it.

>> No.2523176


I can pack a million pictures into my computer, probably more because I have a fucking petabyte datastation (although mostly it's filled with meteorology and astronomy porn). Storage isn't the issue

Even at 100 dollars It still has too high of a cost. And before you load the conversation with "have to buy storage spaces for your books) I can build a set of shelves for about 20 cents with found wood, that is not a real issue. When you buy a kindle and purchase digital books the kindle has an expected lifespan of 4 years, if I read 5 books a week. The point at which without selling the books you can expect to have the costs of the digital downloads savings you get finally cover the costs of the kindle is 10 years from now, 6 years after the thing breaks. Which means you have to front money twice in that ten year period and never compensate for the cost. Now if someone got that for you as a gift it's a nice extra tool, but it is not calculably cheaper (calculably is the proper word you were looking for instead of quantifiable)

>> No.2523186

are you autistic?

>> No.2524019

>owning a kindle
