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/lit/ - Literature

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2520142 No.2520142 [Reply] [Original]

1. Why do you write?
2. What do you wish to accomplish with writing?
3. What sort of message or idea do you want to convery?

>> No.2520149

1. I write because I am the only one that cares about my problems and triumphs enough to read about them

2.To get things out of my head

3. ''Hey, M. it's really okay, man, don't feel so bad'''

>> No.2520154

Why is your pic Hitler?

For fun, for myself.
Pass the time.
I dunno.... if anyone reads this shit when I die let them decide what the message was.

>> No.2520160

1) write to get better at writing
2) suppress my autism
3) "why are you doing this?"

>> No.2520172


1. to exercise my creative freedom.
2. I dunno, just to formalize my weltanschauung into a comprehensive work.
3. I am opposed to movements like secular humanism or trans-humanism that aim to disabuse us of our notions of free will and discredit the idea of a human spirit. I am committed to the belief that we are more than just animals. I identify with postmodernism as I do not believe one should feel compelled to rationalize their beliefs for the benefit of others and I looks at science as merely something to be applied practically and has little place in how one forms their world view.

>> No.2520182

>secular humanism or trans-humanism that aim to disabuse us of our notions of free will and discredit the idea of a human spirit

I'm not an expert on those things, but I am pretty sure they don't do that.

>> No.2520204

well secular humanism is the belief system adopted by the likes of Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens who believe/d everything could ultimately be explained in scientific terms. Transhumanism on the other hand more or less implicitly suggests that we are nothing more than complex machines which can integrate with technology. Obviously we can do this from a physiological standpoint and we have done this to a greater or lesser extent. My major gripe with Transhumanism is when it says you will be able to load your memories onto an external hard-drive. I think ultimately trans-humanism will fail because of our poor understanding of the emergent phenomenon that is human consciousness, whether or not we understand how the various parts are moving.

>> No.2520208

1. Be creative. Tell the stories I want to tell and to accomplish my goals.
2. I loved writting and literature since I was little, so it is a goal to become a published writer and maybe one day my name will be mentioned with the other writers I adore and worship.
3. I am still not sure what kind of message I want to convey. I think I have still a lot to lern about society, politics and society. But I think if I ever want to convey a message it is probably one that will show the errors of society and humans. (I know that sounds probably retarded).

>> No.2520226


That's NOt what secular humanism is.

I don't think either idea is against free will.

As for human spirit... that's a vague concept as it is and probably could be applied to both ideas in some way.

>> No.2520239
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>> No.2520256

I think you are mistaken. At any rate there is a definite movement within our culture of people who believe everything can be explained in scientific terms and who have no concept of the ineffable. They believe we are basically robots whose actions are completely predetermined and our behavior can be explained entirely by Darwinian principles. You don't want to call those people secular humanists? Fine. But this is the movement I'm opposed to, the movement that marginalizes the individual at the most fundamental level.

>> No.2520291


I don't know what that movement is but it's not secular humanism.

Just because secular humanism rejects dogma, supernatural, and the divine, doesn't mean they think humans are automatons or that human life is meaningless or worthless.

>> No.2520373

1. I write in hopes that some day someone will make a horrible movie out of my book and I will make enough money to move out of the trailer park.

2. Make money, get bitches.

3. Don't care, just in it for cash.

>> No.2520378


I'm kind of beginning to think that science is the next religion. Functionally there's not much difference between the two for the layman, since he can understand neither. the main thing science has going for it is that it actually produces tangible benefits whereas religion is a bunch of faith based hoo ha.

However I think there's a danger of people putting too much reliance on science/applied science when it's not equipped to handle those responsibilities....

>> No.2521964

>implying there is money in writing.

>> No.2521974

>secular humanism rejects dogma
good 1

>> No.2521983

>1. Why do you write?
Because I enjoy doing so. Sometimes backed by the vague idea that I may one day accidentally make money.

>2. What do you wish to accomplish with writing?
Nothing really. I'd love to have someone read my book and say "Wow, that was really good!"

3. What sort of message or idea do you want to convery?
Convery is not a word. And there is nothing I wish to convey. I write fantasy. No morals, no meaning. Just adventure, kinship, and mild violence.

>> No.2521987

>so that people can experience >that feel that I made, just how I like reading novels and having feels

>a huge audience, lots of cash, paradigm shift that makes it uncool to shit all over the united states constitution

>this shit is bad, stop doing it. whatever you're doing.