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/lit/ - Literature

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2517358 No.2517358 [Reply] [Original]

I need an American author to do a research paper on . It can't be Poe or HP Lovecraft. Halp

>> No.2517361
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>> No.2517363

JD Salinger..it would be interesting to research that.

>> No.2517365

Henry James

>> No.2517366


>> No.2517368


>> No.2517376
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I actually might choose one of these, I just need to think of a thesis. Thanks /lit/

>> No.2517381

Ayn Rand

she wasn't born in America but god damn was her literature American.

>> No.2517379

Ambrose Bierce

>> No.2517385

Fucking this.

I wrote an A+ thesis for my undergraduate honors seminar about existentialism and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."

>> No.2517399


>> No.2517408

Carl Sandburg

>> No.2517418

Christopher Paolini. He's kind of like an author

>> No.2517569

cormac mccarthy, you can feasibly watch the movies and get away with a huge amount of the paper. Since you are asking for help you are a plebian anyways, so this plus some wiki articles and that harold bloom article should get you a solid C+

>ITT: /lit/izens who expect too much out of their fellow men

>> No.2517595
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>mfw the civil war unit he was in fought in the battle of atlanta and there is a historical marker on a sleepy midtown sidestreet dedicated to him that i came upon randomly wandering around

>> No.2517607

No one said Kurt Vonnegut? Where am I right now.

>> No.2517613

John Crowley. Flann O'Connor. O Henry. EL Doctorow. Willa Cather. Sherman Alexie. Kurt Vonnegut. Thomas Pynchon. Lydia Davis. Norman Mailer. Bernard Malamud. Joseph Heller. John Cheever. John Dos Passos. Gore Vidal. Upton Sinclair. Sinclair Lewis. HL Mencken. Raymond Carver. Thornton Wilder. Richard Wright. Harlan Ellison.

how can you not think of any american authors other than poe or lovecraft what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.2517627


and try to answer his question. OP isnt quite on vonnegut's level.

OP I would recommend something like Gary Paulsen or Lois Lowry

>> No.2517632

lol damn dude that's a fucking slam. nice

>> No.2517652

But Vonnegut is for teenagers...

>> No.2517837

Mark Twain.
Get on my level, /lit/.

>> No.2517952
File: 31 KB, 338x450, faulkner-pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE American novelist William Faulkner.