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/lit/ - Literature

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2515576 No.2515576 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /lit/.
I finally thought of a real question that I've never really been able to solve.

Ever get part way through you writing or all the way through and you want someone to look at it? Ever give it out to about 5 or 6 people and they all tell you they'll read it. Ever ask them about it only to have them say they'll get around to it or if they have said the've read it they really haven't and try to bullshit their way talking with you about it? Ever give them this stuff to read 2yrs ago and they're still TOO busy to read it?

I get that feel all the time, and pretty much have to stand over their shoulder to get them to read it. How does /lit/ deal with this?

>> No.2515578

Put a gun to their head.

>> No.2515577

write better. do you think i'm going to proof-read your bullshit? there are more entertaining things to do

>> No.2515582

Easy mode: take a creative writing class, look for a student whose work you enjoy, make that person your reader instead of your illiterate friends and family

Hard mode: learn to identify good prose yourself

>> No.2515580

Also, OP, I'd be more than happy to look at some of your work, in exchange for you taking the time to look at some of mine.

>> No.2515583

Post link to your writing here or post it here. Get shit on. People here love the opportunity. Don't share with friends unless they read often. People don't read as much it seems. Kill the ones that shit on books. It'll help thin the herd.

>> No.2515584
File: 89 KB, 659x699, 1323389705405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see me ask for a proof read from you fuck face?


I asked about a lack of motivated pre-readers. That haven't even cracked the writing to peek at. How do they know I write bad when they HAVEN'T EVEN LOOKED AT IT!

Go be a fuck wad elsewhere please.

>> No.2515585

>Hard mode: learn to identify good prose yourself
But OP will most likely fuck up identifying what he's got going for him and what he sucks at.

>> No.2515588

Post something dipshit.

>> No.2515591
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Not that stupid pal. Bad or good I wouldn't trust you guys to read over a spelling test.

>> No.2515592

OP here.

I agree with this. Writing the work I'm too close to it to identify what I've got going that's good and what's absolute shit.

This is why I ask for help from pre-readers, but ultimately have to just sail it alone.

>> No.2515594

So let me see. What do you write then: Fan fiction, short stories, longer works? I mean we wouldn't help with a novel it'd be tl;dr amateur etc. But, if it's short stories we'd help. If you think otherwise you are an idiot. Though don't post poetry on here. Lit thinks all posted poetry is shit. it is

>> No.2515595

I'm guessing you've posted your fanfics before, and were rightly told they were shit. Chin up and stop whining.

>> No.2515601

Perhaps you aren't providing any incentive.

I preread for one person on a regular basis, and he provides writing that in turn inspires what I paint, which he encourages and critiques. I often decline reading requests because it's too early to edit or needs an entire rewrite, rearrangement, and spellcheck.

What you need is an interdependent partner, or enough of a reward to motivate your reader.

>> No.2515602

Your grammar sucks, so I'm not even going to bother reading your "actual" writing.

>> No.2515606

Writing novel. So its tldr for this place.

Why would I write fanfiction? Even if I did I'd change the names of the all the people after its written to make it an origianl work. I don't have time to waste on glorifying other peoples creations by writing about it when I have my own.

And no I've never posted my work on here before.

>> No.2515610

Here I write on baited breath,
Not for love, but for death.
This world is cruel, I've come to find
My heart is dead, as is my mind.
I care no more for women or pleasure,
No more for joy, nor pride, nor leisure.
My friends are not, my family's gone
I have no brains, I have no brawn.
I loved this one as I loved another,
There's none love for me, so I'll cease to bother.
What once I was I'll be no more
I'll remain like this, a mortal sore.

>> No.2515615
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Cuz I give a 5hit ab0ut my GremmAr @ five! IN teh... NorninG?@*%

And I wouldn't want you to read it anyway. You might be too stupid to understand words.

>> No.2515617

>they all tell you they'll read it
>they'll get around to it

i wonder why they are lying to your face

tldr amateur is fucking right

this post is to illustrate your idiotic expectations

shitty writing = lack of motivation to continue

do you understand how reading should be pleasure, and not an agonising experience that has to be fucking avoided by telling the person who gave you the shit to begin with that you're sure it's quite nice and you'll get around to it later GOOD FUCKING GOD PUNCTUATION

>> No.2515618

Simplistic ryhme scheme
Disjointed rhythm
Eight year old vocab
Poor ending.

>> No.2515621

Did any of this make sense to you when you wrote it? Because I can see where you're having trouble as a writer if that's the case.

>> No.2515628

It's not tl;dr just you probably won't hear back about a whole book when there are better books out there.
Just better to provide an excerpt. Don't be such a puss and a fag. You should probably write a short story first and see if you are worth being published. Also, fuck you it was just a question don't be high and mighty about the fan fiction thing. You probably suck as much as they do

>> No.2515635

tl;dr for everybody. I hope you're feeding your readers 20 double spaced pages at a time at most.

>> No.2515639

I'd recommend putting things in Google Docs a chapter at a time, so multiple readers can use the notation tool to highlight and comment on specific portions of the book.

>> No.2515645

That's the negative spin.

Now the positive spin:

Simple rhyme scheme
Varied rhythm
Straightforward Vocabulary
An ending

>> No.2515651
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>Asking someone if they write fanfiction and not expecting them to be offended...

I'm not going to post anything on /lit/ for three reasons.

#1. I don't trust any of you.
I not going to ask a bunch of people I don't trust and who on a regular basis troll one another about who's author is better and why they're better for reading their author.

#2. /lit/ has an awful habit of trying to demoralize anyone from making anything. I'm not going to even remotely give you guys that chance. The simple fact that someone made anything puts most 'amateurs' miles above the rest of you.

#3. Theft of an idea. I'm sure this is going to get the classic 'I wouldn't want your shitty idea anyway' treatment, but it still remains that I won't even give the chance for it to happen. Especially with the notion 'If its on the internet it doesn't belong to you' crowd.

I'm asking about unmotivated pre-readers and if other annon's have had a similar experiences. Not trying to feed literary sharks.

>> No.2515662

I know what you are asking for. Honestly... You are stupid. Ask us or ask a magazine. You get published then you have talent, if not keep it up or fuck off. And get over the fan fiction thing people need to write to get better and a lot of people have come through here with fan fiction (some funny though pretty poorly written).

The stolen brilliant idea thing just made me laugh. You are acting like a cunt.

>> No.2515666

I've been thinking about trying that. But I feel a little uncomfortable with disseminating my work the world at large. Is there away to control who sees your writing?

>> No.2515668
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Who made you a mod?

>> No.2515694

>You are acting like a cunt
>You are


Contractions. People use them Mr. Spock...

>> No.2515717

But not in your essays. Actually I do not see your point. Don't and do not are just as fine. You seem to be anal.

>> No.2515720

Where or who do annon's talk to or show their writing to?

Do you show it to friends or loved ones? Or do you seek out professionals to look over the work?

>> No.2515726

Nah, I just have friends that write in talk in that tone and it sounds like shit to read or listen to.

>> No.2515728

You're acting like a cunt.
You are acting like a cunt.
The second sounds better when said aloud. I say and write don't. Because don't doesn't have the same problem as you are and you're. You are in general sounds better. You're can flow better. I use them accordingly.

>> No.2515733

Send them off. If you get printed then show them to someone. They'll most likely read it then and take you seriously.

>> No.2515739

This "isn't" a formal conversation Shakespeare. "I'm" almost certain you "don't" talk like that with your peers.

"You're" one of those people that use complete sentences in dialogue "aren't" you?

>> No.2515741

That's what I was afraid of. I suppose if I'm worth my salt at all as a writer I should be able to get ONE thing published without their help. But its pretty annoying that it takes getting published to have anyone look over and groom your work.

>> No.2515752

Herp derp calm down retard.

>> No.2515754
File: 30 KB, 485x364, 1320877167400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to have to do better than that.

1/10 for making me post.

>> No.2515755

Oh god, fucking this.

I swear to god, i've never wanted to fucking kill anyone i loved before i asked them to read my shit and they didn't do it after they said they would. All I'm asking for is a little fucking consideration.

>> No.2515761

That feel.

I know it.

>> No.2515765

Whoa calm the fuck down big boy.

>> No.2515772


>> No.2515789

I'm not even looking for praise when I want someone to read over it. In fact I'm wanting them to tear it apart to show me what I'm fucking up on. Peeps never understand it's not a pat on the back you're looking for.

>> No.2515844

Reading critically, then marking up a work is a fair time commitment, and it can be mentally exhausting for some extra badly written works. At least throw me some beers if you're going to ask me a favor that takes longer than helping you move apartments.

>> No.2515851

Most of my pre-readers owe me for that in some way. Think I'm some kind of moving monkey. Only ever had on give me a great critical analysis.

>> No.2515868

Besides. Most of them would be just playing Skyrim anyway.

>> No.2516004

Don't get these people to read it they clearly aren't interested. Try sourcing a new crowd, eg. Print out a few copies of your work next to a ballet box and leave them somewhere at uni. Explain that you want people to read and critique it. Do the whole thing anonymously.

Even if just one person picks it upmtheir critisizm is going to be more honest and worthwhile then the 6 you picked.

>> No.2516065


>> No.2518040

Bumping this from 15