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/lit/ - Literature

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2514856 No.2514856 [Reply] [Original]

Alrighty, 4channers. As a new resolution I made, I promised myself that I'd explore the depths of 4chan beyond just /b/ and /soc/, so the lucky boards that I decided to visit and post on are: /adv/, /hr/, /lit/, /p/, /po/, /r9k/, /tv/, /v/, and /x/. Congratulations, you are the best of the best.

Okay, next up's /lit/. So, guys, I have a question. Is it me, or does The Hunger Games seem to be a ripoff of the Japanese series of books and movies "Battle Royale," which was a ripoff of the 1987 Schwarzenegger film "The Running Man"?

>> No.2514860

go to /pol/

>> No.2514864
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oh man this is so cool. you chose US. i...i don't know what to say...i can hardly even concentrate on your question due my elation. oh...oooh...oh god...my boner. oooooh. i came. thanks op.

>> No.2514872

I know this is obviously a troll... no one can be this stupid.. but please... PLEASE.. go fuck off right back to /b/ and never come back.

>> No.2514879
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> beyond just /b/ and /soc/
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.2514888

It's honestly not a troll. And my question is serious, because after hearing the premise of The Hunger Games, (due to an absolute refusal of reading any of the books or watching the movie), that's what the unoriginal, over-hyped thing sounds like.

>> No.2514889

No, it all began with "The Lottery" by St. Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.2514886

Go away.
We hardly ever discuss stupid books like Hunger Games/Twilight here. Nobody cares that it ripped off Battle Royale.

Here, we discuss good shit, mainly canon literature, and our own weird /lit/izen taste for postmodern garbage like Infinite Jest or Pynchon.

There is a subsection here who keep to themselves who read lots of Fantasy/Sci-Fi and most people here leave them to their own devices, they are really nice cool people. Even they hate trash like the hunger games.

We are mostly philosophy and english undergrads and we also discuss philosophy a lot. Any liberal arts shit can come up for discussion here.

If you don't want to have a decent discussion go somewhere else and stop shitting up our board, which is moderately untainted compared to the hellholes of shit that are most other boards on this site.

>> No.2514896

Oh, interesting. So, this isn't a bitching board? Lovely. No, don't get me wrong at all. I love reading and discussing literature, philosophy, etc. That's great. Is this board also for sharing personal works, like poems, short stories, etc.? Or is that frowned upon?

>> No.2514898

I actually have read that. But, "The Lottery" sounded more like a hilariously dark situation. it wasn't so much that the whole society was bent on public executions and duels to the death, more as it was some hick town in the sticks with nothing better to do than what they did.

>> No.2514901


This board is pretty open, people post stories and poems here for critique all the time, feel free to even if you only have a few sentences/ a paragraph down. We give harsh feedback, but we will give you feedback as opposed to ' lol ops a fag, story suuxx'

>> No.2514909

Terrific! I actually have a series of short stories (2 as of now), about 10,000 words each. They're fantasy/adventure satire. Would be of interest to the high-brow /lit/erary types?

>> No.2514913

>not a troll
Dohohohoho.... riiiiiiiight.... I know this is a troll because the fact that Hunger Games shares many similarities with Battle Royale, the Running Man, The Lottery and perhaps hundreds of other similarly themed IPs is such universally common knowledge, it is absolutely not worth showing your pleb cred by even mentioning it.. especially around hipsters who name drop Joyce and Pynchon in nearly every thread.

Do you think you're the first person to figure this out? Do you think this is the first time anyone has ever compared those stories? Have you not seen the literally hundreds of news stories since Hunger Games came out that mention Battle Royale? Of course not, you're a troll.

>> No.2514920

>So, this isn't a bitching board?
It is.
>Is this board also for sharing personal works, like poems, short stories, etc.?
Some do that.
Now how about you lurk some more and stop asking being spoon fed.

>> No.2514924


Post away, we get all sorts of stories posted here, I think I just saw a short stories thread on the front page a second ago, so maybe post it there? The great thing about /lit/ is that you won't get a thread full of people posting tl;dr. lol

>> No.2514927

Alright, yeah, I guess you caught me. I mean, it was more of a rhetorical question, but I guess I was asking (since I've never read the books or seen the movie) if that it was just a coincidence and if it was anything beyond that. Guess it's not.

>> No.2514931

You got to admit, however, that that would be fucking hilarious. To post "tl;dr" on the /lit/ board.

>> No.2514936
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I'm surprised this doesn't get mentioned more in these arguments...

>> No.2514940

Might I ask you your MSN or skype? :)

>> No.2514946

Yeah, but it does look like a kick-ass movie.

>> No.2514947


Yeah we are a bitching board, but I'll argue that when we bitch it is more interesting, since we all actually know how to argue and don't let people get away with 'herp derp niggers lol'. So the bitching is more high-brow and refined lol.

>> No.2514948

Sure, you may ask.

>> No.2514949

Theres this new thing they just invented.. called Google.. maybe you've heard of it.

If you go there and type in "battle royale hunger games", you will see literally hundreds of comparisons between the two.

With your amazing powers of observation I bet you could probably Google up all kinds of stuff!

>> No.2514953


>> No.2514957

>lol ops a fag, story suuxx
>tl;dr. lol
>herp derp niggers lol

Okay, okay. As a regular /b/-tard, I need to step in. We don't talk like that ALL the time, guys. You know that that talk is mostly ironic, right?

>> No.2514964

Why are you being so hostile? Yeah, okay, maybe I did pick a hackneyed topic to start off this post on /lit/. I get it.

>> No.2514966

>As a regular /b/-tard
Suicide is the only solution for your shame and embarrassment.

>> No.2514970

>doesn't go to /pol/

It's been awhile since /b/ but /pol/ literally does go 'herp derp niggers' There is a rednecks vs niggers, who'd win in a fight thread with 200+ replies on the front page right now. 7/10 of the threads on the front page right now consist of racist herp derp.

>> No.2514982
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>Why are you being so hostile?
The fuck do you think you are?

>> No.2514997

It's plebeian trash like you that shits up boards outside of /b/ with useless threads like this one. I bet you're going to go to /v/ next and talk about how crazy the end of Mass Effect 3 is... or maybe you'll stop by /a/ and try to talk about how Gurren Lagann and Naruto are your favorite series. Go to /x/ and start up a Grifter thread, thats just what they need over there.

>> No.2515004

I'm sorry, but I was under the impression that this was a board filled with, what was it?
>mostly philosophy and english undergrads

Right, who enjoyed being civil and, damn, what was it?
>when we bitch it is more interesting, since we all actually know how to argue

Yes, and so you people held yourself up to a higher standard of treating people. One with dignity and restraint? Yeah, of course: shit's fucked up on the internet, people are assholes. That's my /b/ skin. I was just trying to try on this /lit/ skin, one where I could hope to talk to respectful individuals who didn't just shoot newcomers down, albeit the first ideas they were bringing to the table were unoriginal.

>> No.2515019

Because the opinions of a single poster are norm.

>> No.2515025

I actually haven't played Mass Effect 3, nor am a fan of Anime, but I understand your view point. Boards don't need self-righteous, know-nothing drifters to wander in aimlessly like children, contribute nothing, and get upset when the usuals call them out for being unhelpful. I honestly just wanted to post a sort of sample thread in each board, just to get a feel for what each one was all about. I had no intentions of continuing such lay discussions outside of the sample thread. If you sense me to be a threat of any sort, the kind where I'm an indicator for the flood of cancer that's to come, be not concerned, for that's not what I'm all about.

>> No.2515026

holy fuck get out of here you faggot


also go see a doctor about your autism.

>> No.2515035

hi! what would you like to talk about?

>> No.2515039

>not understanding use of exaggeration to make basic point, self-acknowledging in its lack of validity for purposes of humor

I thought you guys had this "reading between the lines" and "analyzing every minute detail" shit down.

>> No.2515042

Hunger Games isn't that bad. We're just tired of threads being made about it. Come back in a few months, people probably won't be as militant about it then...

>> No.2515043

Don't know if you're still around, or if you still want it, or even genuinely wanted it in the first place, but my msn is: applefan999@gmail.com

>> No.2515044


Its 4chan regardless, we don't kid glove people on /lit/, we are all pretentious assholes, and we let everyone know it like this asshole is doing to you. If you mention shit like Hunger Games or Twilight here, we will instantly dogpile on you and stereotype you as a dumbass, we just might give clear and concise reasons why you are a dumbass complete with nice examples like that guy did to you.

As opposed to just saying 'ops a fag' we explain in detail why we hate you.

>> No.2515045

I appreciate your reasonable explanation, but I honestly couldn't give a shit about the series.

>> No.2515054

>implying crappy or sub-par books like The Hunger Games or Harry Potter are anything like the horrid, absolute negative quality of Twilight

Twilight makes those books look like Paradise fucking Lost.

>> No.2515056
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Or you know... you could have lurked....
I'm sorry but that whole
> I could hope to talk to respectful individuals who didn't just shoot newcomers down
did not help your edgy and advanced ironing.

>> No.2515060

Well shit, "The Lottery," was written by Aquinas? I remember reading that in Highschool, maybe middle school, and being like, "Why the fuck am I reading this? This shit was either written a few hundred years ago, or by some mediocre scholastic fiction writer."

And now that I know it was Aquinas, I now actually appreciate the story, given that it was actually a pioneering work. And this is why, all of you who like to hate on 19th century East European literature, context is important.

>> No.2515069

True. I suppose this whole thing was a bad idea. But hey, it's late at night, I'm bored, and this is the internet. Guess I'm just retarded.

>> No.2515072

Wut? Wasn't The Lottery written by Shirley Jackson?

>> No.2515075


Sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted it too. Oh well I hope this has been a warm enough welcome for you to check us out again!

>> No.2515077
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I have no idea what the fuck these two are on about.

>> No.2515079

No, not retarded. But lonely. Now go back to /soc/

>> No.2515085

It really has, actually. I was expecting either super pretentious, high-brow snobs or annoying, immature 13-year-olds who like to jerk-ff to fanfiction, when it turns out, like any good board, it's a adequately-distributed combination of the two. While I didn't have so much luck with other boards like /hr/ and /p/, /lit/ will definitely be one that I'll keep in mind.

>> No.2515107


While it may not be to your taste, I've found that /ck/ is another board like /lit/ that is actually really nice and helpful and they mostly know what they are talking about. I started going there and here mainly because of the fact that these boards weren't retarded and then I got sucked into the subculture of food and the subculture of humanities.

Even if you are not into culinary stuff, (The main thing I can do is boil ramen, so I'm not into it really) give it a shot, and you will be surprised how often the discussions there are really great. Especially shitty customers threads, or beer threads, or well it is just a really nice board like /lit/. Give it a shot.

>> No.2515123

Agreed. /ck/ and /lit/ are the only boards I contribute to or visit in any significant way.

>> No.2515134

The Long Walk

>> No.2515136
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/diy/ and /n/ are nice too, if you're into that kind of stuff.

>> No.2515141


THere is a thread there right now about people you know who are picky eaters. that shit fascinates me to no end. How the hell do those people even live? Do they take handfuls of multivitamins to make up for their entire bread diets or what?

>> No.2515154

Sounds interesting. I'll give the, each a shot.

>> No.2515158

I'd love to see a starving Kenyan boy who's a picky eater.

>> No.2515186

Fuck lets discuss all the other boards, I'd be interested to know /lit/'s opinion, heres mine.

/ck/ - great board, intelligent conversation
/ic/ - practically a ghost town, threads on the front page stay there for several days at a time, people there are extremely helpful none-the-less, especially with fixing anatomy.
/b/ - hell hole, as we all know.
/g/ - nerds arguing mindlessly about shit nobody cares about similar to /v/
/v/ - hell hole.
/vp/ - its one thing to jerk off to dogs, but seriously Starmie porn? Magikarp porn?
/po/ - really slow, but I look it over once a month, this stuff looks like such an awesome hobby but I know I'll never be able to do it.
/pol/ - endless conspiracy theories about niggers and jews.
/mlp/ - hellhole
/adv/ - really sad and pathetic.
/rk9/ - really sad and pathetic spillover.
/fit/ - people trying to take a stand against being fat neckbeards, really heartwarming on occasion, mostly retarded bodybuilder shit.
/int/ - nonstop jokes about americans being fat, seriously, there is never a time when there isn't at least one or two threads on that front page about how fat and stupid americans are and about how everyone else is better.
/jp/ - just /a/ idiots who actually made it to year 3 of japanese and think they are the shit.

>> No.2515189


/mu/ - where all the pretentious hipsters are at, you'd think they would be here, but surprisingly they seem to have taken residence there and /fa/
/fa/ - metrosexual hipster faggots who all dress alike.
/sci/ - endless religion debates and science undergrads arguing about stupid shit, and about how much they hate /lit/ and about how math majors make 300k starting. long standing rivalry with us for obvious reasons.
/soc/ - hellhole to end all hellholes.
/toy/ - sad and pathetic. They refer to toys in their own jargon, to the point of making it a science. Really really sad.
/trv/ - about like /int/ only travel oriented, not to bad.
/tv/ - meh, they never talk about anything interesting just pedos reporting on disney stars in endless threads.
/x/ - for some reason it is where everyone chooses to stream movies regardless of whether they are related to /x/ or not, good nope threads, ok board in general, lots of bullshit to wade through though.

>> No.2515194

>/mu/ - where all the pretentious hipsters are at

let me guess, you posted one thread there and people trolled you so you got butt hurt.

>> No.2515203

Protip: there are no differences between any of the boards on 4chan
/gif/ - /r/
/r/ - /rs/+/s/
/vg/ - 9001 mainstream 1 indie games
/lit/ - wtfamireading.jpg
/p/ - gear threads, gear threads everywhere

who here have been to /tg/ or /toy/ or /m/?

>> No.2515205

speaking of being butthurt....

>> No.2515207

Posted on /tg/ once to get a DnD game going in my area. It didn't.

>> No.2515210


No hardly ever post there, the mediafire threads are fantastic, everything else is shit. They just do stupid a vs b vs c arguments like /g/ and /v/ do. And they have the two camps, extreme hipster morons, and people who listen to nothing but the beatles, korn , eminem, and slipknot. They both are constantly in an endless pointless fight with each other and it is really stupid and never STOPS. It is the same argument over and over a thousand times, perpetuated endlessly.

That is my full assessment.

>> No.2515218

Sounds like it's some shit. That's really a shame, because my taste varies from all genres...most genres of rock, to disco, to hip-hop. It would've been grand to find people with similar tastes. Oh well.

>> No.2515219

you forgot about the metal heads, classical and jazz fags. there is a lot of flavor of the week trend hopping hipsters on /mu/ but there is also alot of good stuff. you just gotta swim though the shit like any other board.

>> No.2515223

So which is gorier, Hunger Games or Battle Royale?

>> No.2515227

GET THE FUCK OUT! What, does this look like a fucking Hunger Games thread? Go gome!

>> No.2515229


You best be jokin nigga.

Battle royale has head exploding necklaces and school girls running around on an island with machine guns and various meelee knives/axes/ect, which do you htink is more gory?

>> No.2515233

I've never read/watched either of them. I heard BR was more gory "BUT NOOOOOOOUUUU HUNGER GAMES HAS THE DOGS OR WHATEVER."

>> No.2515236

/tg/ is usually okay, cool posters but a majority of the threads are just about things I don't actually care about

>> No.2515253

the "only beatles, korn, eminem, and slipknot" group are a minuscule part of the board bro.

They aren't really a side.

>> No.2515257

I like how my hackneyed, poorly done, sample, dipping-a-toe-in-to-see-how-the-water-is thread is the number 1 thread on /lit/ atm.

>> No.2515265

tbh /lit/'s been really bad the last week or so, neonazi guys are back and just a lot of dumb people shitting the place up

>> No.2515267

We tend to take some of the worst prompts and spin them into the best, or at least longest, threads.

>> No.2515276

Well, since this thread appears to be pretty lively, maybe I can relocate my comment I made on another thread here, and have some better luck.

I read this marvelous shit-your-pants scary book of old ghost tales, but I can't for the life of me recall the name. There was one story about a young boy who ventured into a haunted house to seek out the ghost that was rumored to have lived there. The ghost jumped out and frightened him, causing him to run away in tears. But, the boy stopped in time to hear laughter back where he saw the ghost. So, he crept up behind the ghost, and scared him. The ghost scolded the boy, saying that ghosts are supposed to scare the living, not the other way around. However, the boy and the old man ghost ending up being friends, the ghost teaching him skills belong to apparitions, like turning invisible and walking through walls. He even gave the boy a test on scary, for which the boy received a B-. Does anyone have any idea what the fuck I'm talking about? I've been looking for this book for 7 years, to no avail.

>> No.2515292


was it a short story in one of these?

>> No.2515304

I don't think so...maybe. From what I can recall, the cover of this book was rough, not plastic or anything. One of those good old-fashioned books from a school library that has a texture along the cover of the book. It was a bright blue, sort of like the Tiffany and Co. blue, and it had a hooded grim reaper like figure on the cover. The word scary was definitely in the title. I thought it was like "Very, Very Scary Stories," but such a book doesn't exist.

>> No.2515397

This story can be found over here


>> No.2515456

What is the best story lit has written? Or a poster has written?

>> No.2515466

Check out The April Reader. It's not the height of literary prowess, but there are some good stories in there.

>> No.2515483

What's that? What are some stories I should start off with? I was also wondering if /lit/ has comedic stories that wouldn't be known much outside this board.

>> No.2515603

There's the arse full of farts thing. It's not really lit's, but lit enjoys it.

>> No.2515634
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/tv/ is the best board

>> No.2515644

Okay, didn't want to shit up this board with another thread about this book so I'll just ask here:

Why the fuck is this popular? The plot synopsis makes it sound like a shitty gorefest. The thing that bugs me though is that would normally not draw the audiences this book/movie does. Not going to read it so help me out /lit/

>> No.2515649

Everyone has a subconscious craving for violence, even teenage girls. A lot of girls want to hear about blood and murder, it turns them on. Same reason that Twilight was so popular.

>> No.2515654

fa/tg/uy here.

/tg/ is one of the best boards on 4chan. Generates lots of original content, has interesting discussions, full of people who genuinely enjoy their hobby. At least this used to be true :(

I've been always surprised that lit aligned people don't participated in traditional games more, both on 4chan in real life. I dunno man

>> No.2515659

Is the 2009 revision of Battle Royale a significant improvement over the original English translation?

>> No.2515664

Okay, I've been assuming that if it was just violence, then it would not get as popular as it is. I guess I want to know if there is some other redeeming quality?

>> No.2515686


Probably that the protagonist is female, bcoz shes a strong female who dont need no man to support her!

Because, you know, something becomes immediately cooler when females do something.

>> No.2515691

I think it's just a herd mentality thing. It has some appeal to it, and the whole thing just catches on. On it's own, it doesn't have any merit whatsoever. It's just a trend.

>> No.2515811

Its because people who enjoy literature for what it is tend to be much cleaner and socially capable. As someone who has tread the line between both worlds, i have found my /tg/ friends to be socially awkward, unstable, and have much worse hygiene; despite this they are extremely prone to mood swings and are very judgemental. People who read immense amounts are just normal people that its easy to have a conversation with.

Not being a troll, and of course these are vast generalizations, but I did tabletop stuff 2-3 times a week through hs and college and attended shows, store events, etc , and I just couldnt handle the crowd anymore.

>> No.2515852

You came to lit to discuss children's fiction?