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/lit/ - Literature

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2514483 No.2514483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, /lit/izens! I come to you today with an interesting tale. It is the story of a story. A story called...


I'm a student at a community college somewhere in the united states. Being that this is a Community College, there isn't a a lot of discretion used in the selecting of students. To be blunt, there is none. This being the case, there are a number of, shall we say, undesirables among us.

The story I'm about to relate is a confusing one, but please listen. I shared a class with one of these undesirables; a man-child in the truest since of the world whom I will refer to for the sake of anonymity as Abernathy Douglas. This thirty-something person had the wrinkled yet curiously youthful face of a child with progeria hidden behind massive coke-bottle glasses. Everyday in our class, he wore a fedora and (despite having been out of highschool for what must be assumed to be at least 20 years) a highschool letterman's jacket. He took notes with an inkpot and quill, written on parchment he probably purchased at Michaels. He wrote love poems and read them aloud to girls he had fallen in love with in the class. Abernathy provided a great source of amusement for everyone in the class and, as you might have guessed, fancied himself something of a writer and it's entirely likely he had some form of mental deficiency.

On the final day of class, I went into the computer lab to put the finishing touches on my final exam. Abernathy was there, reading a website about Transformers. Before he left he plopped down into the seat next to me and asked me if I liked to read and I of course said yes. Then he goes on to tell me he's written a couple of books. Would I like to read them? Well, of course, Abe. Of course I would.


>> No.2514505
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Abe transferred two files onto my flashdrive that day. Two eighty-page novellas of man-child wish-fulfillment about sword-fighting, an evil plot to take over the world, and a confusing fascination with the technology behind cell-phones. I don't know how /lit/ feels about awful things, but I quite enjoy them, and having these plopped into my lap several months ago, I feel it's time to finally share them. Yes, he named the character after himself, and because of this, my group of experts and myself have come to the conclusion that nearly everything that happens in these novellas likely relates to something in his life. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Yadayada.

Whatever the case, this is Silverblade Book 1. I hope you enjoy it even a fraction of as much as I did.


>> No.2514537
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>the truest since of the world


>> No.2514554

why the hell would you change the names of his characters. he named the characters how he wanted because he was the author. you have no right to impede upon his literary control because you think you are "protecting the innocent".

>> No.2514572

So he wrote something awful? He can get better man.