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/lit/ - Literature

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2513340 No.2513340 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck /lit/? I'm five pages into this fucking book and it's the most boring, pretentious, sloppy-eyed POS I have ever read. Fuck whoever posted the recommendation in the Hunger Games thread I made last night, demanding I read 'real' literature.

Well fuck you, I'm going to finish Mockingjay right now, because I READ FOR FUN.

>> No.2513344

On the Road is fun

>> No.2513343
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>> No.2513346

Well if it's hard for you to read more than 5 pages then you're better off with Hunger Games.

>> No.2513345

>makes entire judgment of book on first five pages

>> No.2513349

On the Road is fun...are you by any chance a 16 year old aspie?

> implying the internal monologue of Katniss is fun

>> No.2513359

>doesn't enjoy anything

>> No.2513363

Are you stupid? I said on the road was fun

>> No.2513364

It's like reading fucking sheet music. There's no context to what's going on and I'm not a 60 year old hippie so there is no enjoyment that can be gleaned from it

onyl fags like it

>> No.2513369

I have to admit on the road is written like a history lesson.
It feels like Kerouac just breezes through everything just to show of what a fun time he had.

>> No.2513371


u dumb

>> No.2513379

hmm.. I have seem to misread your comment. I'm sorry.

>I'm not a 60 year old hippie so there is no enjoyment that can be gleaned from it

so in other words you've never been out of your house to travel and have no desire to do so. guess being boring is justification for not liking something these days.

>> No.2513384

>what a fun time he had.

nah it's not entirely about that, especially the ending.

>> No.2513393

guys, I have a question.

Is this book meant to be read a certain way? The style is very different. The description says 'words as jazz'.

So do I need to play some Jazz or some shit?

>> No.2513397

Shit book isn't even in the same stratosphere as "Real Literature". It is actually more juvenile than 'The Hunger Games'. The Beats are hacks.

>> No.2513398

hmm i just kinda read it... a few times actually. you get more out of it that way.

>> No.2513399

considering how simple and stylized it is i'm not surprised you've said this. how ever for what it is it's not bad necessarily.

>> No.2513415

i'm with you, op. on the road was about old school hipsters jerking off on each other. it has a few memorable lines but that's it.

>> No.2513416
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>understands why On the Road is shit
>yet, thinks Hunger Games is better

>> No.2513418


>> No.2513419

I wonder what's going to happen when the movie comes out and all these Kstew fans read it expecting it to be like Twilight or something.

>> No.2513422

No it's just amphetamine writing. Rather, you should read it while on 'drines or something. You'd probably still get bored though after part 1

>> No.2513424


what in the holy mother of fuck does this even mean???

>> No.2513431

You really should at least READ the book before judging it.

>> No.2513435

just bought this book yesterday, starting to wonder if it's just going to be a bunch of pretentious hipster shite. any thoughts?

>> No.2513439

nah it's a pretty simple fun book, it's almost the books flaw.

>> No.2513442


>See female friend reading book in school today
>"what'cha reading?"
>Hunger Games

Apparently I unvoluntarily made a disgusted facial expression, since she asked me what's wrong.

>"It's just... you know, kind of like Twilight the second"

I learn something new about these people every day.

>> No.2513450


>> No.2513453

This is the 1950's.

>> No.2513455

They inspired the Beatles and Bob Dylan and basically founded the counterculture movement... They were extremely influential in American history, literature, and music

>> No.2513478


Listen how the man himself reads it. It shoud give you a feel for the style.

>> No.2513488

actually bob dylan said he was more influenced by woody guthrie's, "bound for glory" and could relate to it much better than on the road. he said this in the scorsese documentary.

>> No.2513491
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I've always found that intelligent and well read people who don't enjoy Kerouac aren't fun to drink with. Stuck in their own analysis and seriousness and big words that are important and cultivating themselves for the sake of being cultivated and wearing blazers and admiring Kant more than Nietzsche and prematurely balding and bitterness.

They hate Kerouac for the simple sincere playfulness of it all and the genuine childlike wonder.

>> No.2513495


Shit writer, shit book

>> No.2513500

The book isn't about the particulars of what they get up to. On the road has an important life lesson at it's heart. I'm not going to tell you what it is. It's obvious and very simple. You should be able to infer it without difficulty. Suffice to say that it's exemplified in the title and the style of writing. It's something everyone should learn preferably in their teens if they are to avoid chasing abstract notions of contentment or fleeting material gain.

>> No.2513506



>> No.2513514


>This book has artistic merit.

Fuck off back to your hippie wankfest.

>> No.2513524

I found it to be wonderful entertainment.
Even if the writing isn't perfect it still feels like an honest story, and that is what matters to me.

>> No.2513528


Judging the book by its first five pages is like judging a movie by its opening credits. I'm pretty sure five pages in he's not hasn't even started his actual road trips yet. Though I will admit there is problems with Kerouac's writing style. As in he never really describes anything, though some people I've talked to just said that it added to the overall energetic vibe of it.

>> No.2513529

> Fuck whoever posted the recommendation in the Hunger Games thread I made last night, demanding I read 'real' literature.



>> No.2513531

mate, i practically spelt it out for you. if i detail anymore you won't appreciate it. read the book again.

>> No.2513537

On The Road has sort of an action mysticism thing going on. Taoism on bennies.

>> No.2513538

whats a benny?

>> No.2513541


The greatest secret ever held.

Hidden by the templars through the ages: The Message Behind On The Road:

You can make money writing 'hurr I did this' and become world famous.

>> No.2513546


Judging a book by the first few pages is perfectly valid. I do the same, you can usually tell within a few pages whether you enjoy someones writing style or not. I don't make whiny posts about how some people enjoy things that I do not though.

>> No.2513554

If you think the book is no more than a chronology of events then you are beyond help. just go watch a movie or something

>> No.2513555

>Judging a book by the first few pages is perfectly valid.

>not being able to abdapt to a writing style that's different then you're used to
>short attention span makes you unable to ubsorb the plot.

i could keep going you pleb

>> No.2513558

>Doesn't know what bennies are.
Amphetamines bro.

>> No.2513565


I can "ubsorb" a plot in a book I don't enjoy just fine, I generally do this with books I think are poorly written. If an author can not write it usually shows from the start.

>> No.2513573


This is why anti-intellectualism is rampant in America.

>this shit book has value! You just need to take college courses and read shitty books and then you'll GET IT. You wont be able to explain it(I can't) but you'll be 'INTELLIGENT'.

Fuck off dude.

>> No.2513574


Benzedrine. A stimulant, ie what Kerouac was on when he wrote this book. I find it hard to dislike his writing because it is so innocent and childlike. That being said he does come off as a bit immature when you read his books later in life. You just want him to stop drinking and take care of himself instead of dying in his forties or whatever.

>> No.2513575

Yes, benzedrine. The charming kind of amphetamine that people used to buy at the drug store as asthma medicine inhalor things and crack open into your coffee, not the nasty meth you buy from smelly bikers.

>> No.2513606

I always thought bennies sounded like fun to do but then again i used to have drug problems...

>> No.2513627

I don't even like the book, but you can't say that's it's not well written.

Then again, we are talking to a Hunger Games fan.

>> No.2513643

i haven't taken college courses on lit and especially not this since this is high school material LOL. I've spelled it out for. it's honestly not that hard to figure out. and it doesn't make you an intellectual for doing it.

>> No.2513676

>I don't even like the book, but you can't say that's it's not well written.

uhh, yes you can. read some real books, mate.

>> No.2514142
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>MFW this thread.

>> No.2514203


I don't think many academics 'hate' Kerouac, he's a great American writer, but I think On The Road in particular gets too much attention, and has a reputation that goes beyond what's in the book and is a kind of industry in itself. Personally, On The Road didn't live up to my expectations when I read it, precisely because I approached it with this mystical idea of it in my head as some kind of answer to something, or definitive piece of knowledge. I think it's a great book which gives a unique and brilliant picture of America in that place and time, and has, in my opinion, some sort of mystical value or whatever...what is Beat for example?...but I don't think it lives up to the image that the hype machine that has build itself up around it portrays...on the back of my copy there's a quote from Bob Dylan saying "It changed my life like it changed everyone elses." It certainly didn't have such a dramatic impact on me when I read it, but it's still one of my favourite books and has a definate affect...imo of course.

>> No.2514782


^After seeing the vid of him above and watching some others of him I just kind of think of him as a piece of trash..

>> No.2515443

You shouldn't judge the man on his last, alcohol damaged days. Then again, he probably was a piece of trash in a lot of ways, as are most good artists.