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/lit/ - Literature

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2509306 No.2509306 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /b/ what are some books that you hate?

Not including "Atlas Shrugged" or "Hunger Games" Series.

Also, why?

>> No.2509312

I hate "1984" because everybody has read it.

>> No.2509317

Everything from the Gor-series for being extremely misogynistic and having no clue about biology.

Twilight, of course, for being trashy YA.

On that note, most of YA is pretty crap.

Two books I severely disliked, and that left me disappointed: Starship Troopers and Ender's Game.

>> No.2509318


>> No.2509325

Russell's History of Western Philosophy
Parenti's Julius Caesar, to a lesser extent Zinn's People's History
Any pop history garbage like 1421
Anything with the word "abridged" or 'selections" on it fuck you what's the point

>> No.2509331

Why did you hate People's History? I'd just like a reason.

>> No.2509339

you know that Ender's Game has more novels after it right?

>> No.2509345

Everything by Stephen King. He sounds too much like a Liberal apologist with a hint of Amishness.

>> No.2509347

Less Zinn, more the Zinniature historians it spawned, like Parenti. "People's history" is valuable but too many politically motivated people I know, especially Marxists, use it as a jumping off point into Marxist historiography without any respect for the historical profession.

>> No.2509352

So? I didn't like Ender's Game, does a single book "get better" by the books that follow it? How would that make sense?

That would be like saying that the third LOTR-book ruined the first.

>> No.2509354

Fucking hipster. I don't even like the book, but that's an awful reason to hate it.

>> No.2509357

Good reasons.

>> No.2509362

Fight Club and Choke because it gives a t.v. eye view of ''marginalized'' culture, acts as a voice to suburbanite angst and is therefore mostly drivel and because it is very popular, a lot of girls who i think are hot like it and I can't even pretend to like it in order to sleep with them.

>> No.2509369
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On that note I'd like to say that I found "Life of Pi" to be utter garbage. I was forced to read it my senior year in high school.
Way to pretentious and definitely not good enough to support the author's ego.

>> No.2509372

That hot girl confused my senses :)

>> No.2509378

You may be thinking of Fight Club the movie. Fight Club the book is nothing like this and Palahniuk's experience with Oregon's working class culture is pretty solid. It may not be the easy handbook to being a man of today like some people claim it is but it's a pretty solid read.

King's writing changes dramatically depending on the era. King in the 70s was still getting over being a hippie but is fantastically creative, he just didn't really know what he was doing. King on drugs (roughly everything up to the Tommyknockers) has some politics mixed in but the politics don't detract from the story. King after the intervention and before the car accident was mostly unmotivated. His work ethic was gone. Maybe drugs aren't so bad after all. And finally King after the car accident is a completely different human being. His only super political work since then (Under the Dome being about Bush and Cheney) was a trunk novel from the 70s.

>> No.2509383

Brothers Karamasov!

I read that shit a while ago. The characters were fucking stupid, the whole emotional shit was over the top and it was BORING AS HELL!

Fuck you Dostoyevsky, fuck you russia! Your shit sucks!

>> No.2509385

>His only super political work since then (Under the Dome being about Bush and Cheney) was a trunk novel from the 70s
This is also why it's the best thing he's written since 1985, although 11/22/63 was way better than I thought it would be. I was almost ashamed of how much I enjoyed that.

>> No.2509387

Oh you just reminded me i fucking HATE ishmael and story of b..seriously even though i have affinity for radical environmentalism i cannot stand how preachy those books are, and they are written with such poor skill..derivative crap and i hate the people who love those books

>> No.2509389

Did i say I was talking about Fight Club the movie? No, the book is what I was referring to. Palahniuk could be neck deep in shit and still would not be able to tell you how it really smelled. His books reek of inauthenticity which is doubly annoying considering his topics refer to places and groups which are simple for anyone to access.

>> No.2509394

What's so bad about The Hunger Games? Even Atlas Shrugged had its merits... The film != The book...

>> No.2509395

I was trying to give you credit. Your criticism has merit for the movie but not for the book. Unless you're one of those "ONLY I KNOW WHAT THIS EXPERIENCE IS LIKE IF IT DOESN'T CONFORM TO MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IT LACKS AUTHENTICITY" fags. You're not one of them are you? Are you?

>> No.2509397

Because /lit/ hates everything. 4chan hates everything.
You like a book? Too bad you're dilettante hipster faggot and you deserve to die.
You enjoy things? You can't be serious. Surely you're joking.

>> No.2509399

Oh yes, Ishmael was pure crap.


Turns out, first aborigines killed all large animals which led to the spread of Eucalyptus-trees everywhere which in turn lead to desertification of Australia.

Maori killed all large animals on New Zealand.

Native Americans drastically changed their environment, too: http://smithsonianscience.org/2011/05/native-americans-were-changing-environment-in-north-america-lo

The entire book pissed me off so much, I was glad when that shitty monkey disappeared. The rest of the story was just something about the narrator's car breaking down, which was one of the weirdest breaks I've ever encountered in a book.

>> No.2509401


My jimmies are rustled.

>> No.2509404

For young adult, Hunger Games is actually pretty decent. The main character isn't a mary sue, there's a moral to the story other than "having a boyfriend and being loved is the bestest thing ever!!!" and the plot and settings are interesting and maybe even slightly thought provoking.

It's not a great book because it was written by someone who has trouble completing a sentence and everyone besides the 3.5 main characters is flat and 2 dimensional but if young readers (especially girls) are looking for something to bridge the gap between children stuff and real books you could do way way worse than HG.

>> No.2509408

Oh well I am sure Palahniuk seems authentic to a lot of people, but his characters don't to me. He's not a journalist so I'm not looking for the ''real'' thing in his books, but his characters all seem like teenagers in adult bodies.
inb4 ''that's the point''

>> No.2509417

Some more links:
On Aborigines: http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-03-hunters-climate-giant-beasts-yearsago.html

On Maori: http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/human-effects-on-the-environment/1

>> No.2509420

It's mostly just fatigue from talking about it. There's 3 threads a day about hunger games. Nobody reasonable thinks it's a terrible book or worst thing ever but everyone's just tired of hearing about it.

>> No.2509439
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Holy shit Vonnegut, what are you doing?

>> No.2509623

Huge Vonnegut fan here, I didn't mind it. Read it a few years ago. eh.

I don't really "hate" any books, the ones I don't like, I don't read. And I can't hate a book I haven't read. Wasn't a big fan of the great gatsby, mind you.

>> No.2509627

For a second there I thought that guy had really really dropped balls

>> No.2509634

May I ask why?
I hear that from a lot of people and I just don't understand it. I was absolutely enthralled by the Great Gatsby. But then again, maybe I just have a huge soft-spot in my heart for underdog stories...

>> No.2509707

It's not that bad but if you read it after stuff like SH5 and Cats Cradle you'll be in for a bit of a suprise.

>> No.2509726
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>hey /b/
You missed.

>> No.2509780

do you seriously think that the character from the hunger games isn't a mary sue?
what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2509786

Mary Sues aren't supposed to be flawed.

>> No.2509787

>mary sue
>not flawed
>doesn't overcome flaws at some point in the story
have you ever even read YAF?

>> No.2509795


Not every star of YAF is a Mary Sue.

>> No.2509798
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>> No.2509799

I can't believe you're attempting to defend YAF on /lit/
tumblr is that way ---->

>> No.2509801


I can't believe you're trying to make broad, sweeping, dishonest judgments on entire genres of literature on /lit/.

>> No.2509804

YAF can be fun, and they often weave really engrossing worlds. /lit/ just needs to calm down about it imo.

>> No.2509815

Heartbreaking work of staggering genius was such pretentious crap. Boo hoo I lost my both my parents and relationships are difficult because I have a little brother to take care of. What kind of a faggoty name is Toph? Pure torture of a read.

>> No.2509980

Guys, don't even try to discuss a currently-popular series here. Most of /lit/ will stay silent while a few blowhards with a hateboner for anything popular will rage on you with wild generalizations about whatever genre the book belongs to and what kind of fans it has. The complaints won't be valid and will be mostly secondhand because they don't read them and they're mad at the people who do.

It was the same with A Song of Ice and Fire when people were posting about it 3 times a day every fucking day while the show was still on the air. I expect this to start again when season two begins.

When we see the same thread over and over day in and day out with the same fucking questions that we have already answered about the same god damn topic that we are tired of discussing... the nice people are too tired of repeating themselves to help, and the angry people's jimmies are so rustled they take the posts as personal attacks. Just let it go.

Learn how /lit/ works. When you see a popular discussed-to-death thread, tell the faggot to STFU and LURK MOAR like they used to in /b/. Answer it quickly if you have something positive to add, but flaming them just starts a long debate that neither side will ever win. You keep the thread alive, dumbass. It's not that hard.

>> No.2510107

Pride and Prejudice.

Every time a character spoke my internal monologue reacted with "SHUT UP I DON'T FUCKING CARE"

>> No.2510111

Twilight series.
Absolution Gap.

>> No.2510141


How did Ender's Game leave you disappointed? Did you not realize there are three more books in the series as well as a graphic novel and several short stories?

>> No.2510162

that woman clearly wants to be dicked

oh and I read the alchemist recently, it was pretty bad

>> No.2510182

It undoubtedly left him disappointed because it is shit. Socially awkward aspies swear by it.

>> No.2510291

Fight Club was pretty comedy noire, I find. There's a lot of disillusionment. Same sort of thing with Choke: Main character (forget his name) and his friend were going in opposite directions, but ended up just being out of phase until the house got torn down

>> No.2510309


>gratuitously verbose
>flat/dull characters