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/lit/ - Literature

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2502439 No.2502439 [Reply] [Original]

how many of the top 100 out of the board's list have you read?


5 or less : get the fuck off of /lit/
6 - 15: entry level plebian, you can only lurk
16 - 25: intermediate
26 - 40: seasoned /lit/erate
41 - 60: advanced
61 and above: grandmaster

>> No.2502440

wrong link:


>> No.2502446

lol I read seven, all of them in school.

>> No.2502451

Nine off the board's list, six more off the reader's list.

I read a lot, but I don't read the popular classics much. I don't think that makes me less of a poster.

>> No.2502452

>back talking

Shut up pleb, you're supposed to be lurking.

>> No.2502453

only 14

>> No.2502454

where to get this list

>> No.2502457


but I've read the first four books (of 12!) of Powell's novel cycle.

Always pumped to see Arnold Bennett get some love

>> No.2502458

Yeah, no. I've been one of the more active contributors on this board for nearly two years. Not the shitposting either.

>> No.2502459

65 apparently, though not yet the entirety of the Powell or Durrell series. Interesting pattern I notice
1-50 - everything but a few
50-80 - little over half
80-100 - nothing

>> No.2502461

>I've been one of the more active contributors on this board for nearly two years.

No wonder /lit/ sucks so much. Now get the fuck back to lurking

>> No.2502462

One list is biased. You should take 5 top 100 lists from separate places and then give each book a score based on how many times they show up in each list.

Take the top 100 most recurring books.

>> No.2502463

The Reader's List

by Ayn Rand

by Ayn Rand


>> No.2502468

>Not including L. Ron Hubbard in your little mfw moment.

>> No.2502470

There's a blog that aggregates everybody's best of list every single year. You could google it

>> No.2502471

Why would it suck? I don't talk about books I haven't read, but I very rarely read the popular American and British classics. I just post about other things.

I'm sorry if you believe any book not on this list isn't worth talking about, like so many of the other /lit/ posters who can't form their own tastes.

>> No.2502473


Holy shit you're right, its # 3. WTF.

>> No.2502477

You're also missing

7. ANTHEM by Ayn Rand
8. WE THE LIVING by Ayn Rand
9. MISSION EARTH by L. Ron Hubbard
10. FEAR by L. Ron Hubbard

>> No.2502479

Calm your jimmies down.

can't find it

>> No.2502485

zero lol

>> No.2502489

7 off the Board
16 off Fan's

But Starship Troopers over Forever War? I disagree.

>> No.2502490

If you graduated high school in an English speaking country you should have read at least a couple

Seriously? Not even animal farm>?

>> No.2502491


idk lol these are all 2 long

>> No.2502492

Fuck off cunt.

>> No.2502493


but i like 2 read why wont u let me poost

>> No.2502494

idk lol u r too stoopit

>> No.2502498

I got 11. Honestly I haven't heard of most of these...

>> No.2502499

Are all 100 of these books written by English language writers, and written within the past 100 years?

Their list certainly shows a wide breathe of mankind's literature.

>> No.2502501

fite the /lit* higherarkey down with top 100 list

>> No.2502503

16 off the Board list. But no Italo Calvino? The fuck?

Stopped reading the readers list after the top 3
>1 Ayn Rand
>2 Ayn Rand
>3 L Ron Hubbard

>> No.2502504


But that's all /lit/ ever really talks about anyway, sadly. 20th century English-language literature.

>> No.2502505

If somebody could find such a list that would be great.

This one has an English focus but also some non-English western stuff. There are other lists out there that try to be as broad as possible with a focus on world literature.

>> No.2502510

No Calvino cause it's a list of novels in English

>> No.2502513

I'd rather miss out on a good book than read a translation of it.

It doesn't matter how good the translation is. If it's translated then it only counts as literature on the English level.

>> No.2502515

>implying literature only consists of language
>implying half of it isn't gibberish about human nature

>> No.2502516

>But that's all /lit/ ever really talks about anyway
>I'd rather miss out on a good book than read a translation of it.
/lit/ is trolling you too hard

>> No.2502517

Are you monolingual then?

>> No.2502520

I read:
>The Great Gatsby
>brave New World
>Animal Farm
>Lord of the Flies
>Heart of Darkness

Oh well. Goodbye lit.

>> No.2502522

Here's a Badger-endorsed list.

I've read 32 out of 100.


>> No.2502524


don't lisen 2 dem u can still be a lit/izen

>> No.2502525

Bilingual. But you could ask that same question unless I knew every language in the world.

>> No.2502528

This board doesn't have any lists. There's no sense of community like the other 4chan boards because the majority of posters wandered here from /b/ or reddit

>> No.2502529

As long as you know more than English, you can talk about books that aren't 20th century English-language literature without your problem with translation.

>> No.2502530
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That's all sci fi and fantasy though.

>> No.2502533

Exactly, that's my favorite genres.

>> No.2502534

But sci fi and fantasy aren't true art/literature.

they're crass, commercialized trash for plebeians such as yourself

How does it feel to be inferior?

>> No.2502535

I've read 20/100 of the Board's list
23/100 of Reader's list.

>> No.2502536


but hari potter is literature

>> No.2502537

You're not funny. Why don't you try your luck on reddit instead?

>> No.2502540


Why don't you discuss books instead of trying to decide who gets to use this board?

>> No.2502544

I care to disagree, but it doesn't much matter as you're so far up your own ass.

See, I read for enjoyment. Not so I can sit in /lit/ and tell everyone else how awful they are because they haven't read as many classics as I have.

>> No.2502545

>gets butthurt and starts typing seriously all of a sudden

lol u funneh
ur a comedian hari XD,

>> No.2502547

Did I say you could talk pleb? *sniffs my delicious classic filled fart*

>> No.2502549


Lets discuss a book you like from this list.

>> No.2502551

But Kurt Vonnegut is a literary nipple twister and wrote at least half of his published work as science fiction.

>> No.2502553


>> No.2502558

17 out of 200.

Or whatever the number is once you take out double entries.

>> No.2502561

29. Can't agree with this list though. No Don Quixote? No Madame Bovary? No Tolstoy? No Dostoevsky? No Eliot?

And then it includes some real garbage, running the full gamut from pretentious (Finnegan's Wake) to trash (Tender is the Night? Really? And TWO Hemingway books?). Brave New World at #5? It's not even Huxley's best book, and Huxley is a cool dude/interesting thinker rather than a good novelist as such. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man? At fucking #3?! Fuck me sideways.

This list trolled me pretty hard.

>> No.2502564

This list intentionally limits itself to english language books from the 20th century. you can't complain about bias when it is a self imposed limitation.

here's the le monde top 100, though with a few exceptions its franco-anglo centric


Here's an effort at an all time list. Some quirks - Dostoevsky gets 4 spots? - probably because of a voting system where people split the vote on similar works. Also a bit too tryhard at inclusivity for my taste.


>> No.2502566

Again, it's novels in the English language. Of the twentieth century. Good lord man.

>> No.2502575


Oh. Right. That does help to explain why they had to scrape the barrel a bit, but still doesn't really justify some of the shit they put near the top. See: PotAaaYM.

>> No.2502581

11. How embarrassing. I think I may use that list as a touchstone for what to read next. Obviously not the Readers' List. I'm not a full retard. 4 Rand books in the top 10? Epic fail.

>> No.2502587


>> No.2502588

The Great Gatsby
Brave New World
The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
Lord of the Flies
Heart of Darkness

>> No.2502609

6 from the boards list
12 from the readers list

Also, multiple Ayn Rand books in the top 10 or the reader list. People actually like her books? I've never read anything but utter contempt for her.

>> No.2502613

6. And I study literature in University. Hah.

>> No.2502618

15 off the board's list.


16 off of Le Monde's, but I certainly haven't read proportionally that much francophone writing.

For the 100 Best Books of All TIme, Things fall apart is right up top? Seriously? That's stupid.

22 off of that list.

>> No.2502619
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>achebe at top

>> No.2502645

They put in the Book of Job
Why not just place the entire bible?

>> No.2502650


Because it's uneven. Genealogies -- ugh.

>> No.2502684

30 from the board

>1. Atlas Shrugged
Yeah, fuck you.

>> No.2502697

I prefer the following link over Modern Library.


>> No.2502705

7 in both categories, and I'm studying Lit. (and History) in University right now.

>This list fucking sucks

>> No.2502717

Well written, sure, pertinent to sociopolitical or educational themes, well, not so much.
>The Good Soldier
>Sons and Lovers

Filled with Euro and American celebrities. The list worsens the more I look at it.

The only books I've read on the even worse Readers' list are ones that are also on the Board's.

This list is irrelevant. Read people, read...

>> No.2502718


And also 7 from Le Monde's list.

>dem 7s

>> No.2502745

11 on this list
19 on this one, but it must be kept in mind that the Modern Library is pushing its own books. I also have large portions of both lists already on my to read list.

>> No.2502984
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>> No.2502992

0, come in me bro.

>> No.2503019

10/10 would rage again

>> No.2503024
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>> No.2503025

2 from the board list, 11 from the reader list (only one was ayn rand). The reader list is shit tier tho. I read most of them before I was 13 (29 now). Lots of the board list is on my to-read list, if I ever finish IJ.

>> No.2503026


I don't know why, I just laughed. Perhaps it was dry desperation, frustration full of forlorn hope in the internet. But well, opinions are opinions.

>> No.2503027


holy fuck me

>100. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. (UP:62 | WS:140 | Total:202)

at least they have 1 good book.

>> No.2503030


meh, not bad considering I have oher shit to get on with.

>> No.2503051
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7.5 but about half of the damn list is on my reading list so suck it.

>> No.2503066

6 original list
10 readers
>great gatsby

>> No.2503073

Only the Great Gatsby.

>> No.2503086

>No Goethe
>No Schiller
>No Grass
>No Lessig
>No Kafka
>No Böll
>No Hesse
>No Mann (Thomas OR Heinrich)

What a shitty US-centric list, whoever thinks this list is valid in any way deserves contempt.

>> No.2503103

its a list of the best english-language works of the 20th century

piss off

>> No.2503110
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11 on the 100 "best" list. See >>2503086 for my opinion of it.

>Finnegans Wake
>on a 100 best books list

>> No.2503113

From page:
>100 Best Novels

No "English", nowhere.

>> No.2503118

>'Infinite Jest' below 'War & Peace'

fucking shit list, fag reddit retard newfag cunts.

>> No.2503172

Pretty shitty, American-centric list.

>still managed 16

>> No.2503180

Holy fucking shit the readers top 100 is fucking awful
>Four Ayn Rands in the top 10
Oh boy, someone's new to books. I guess that's excusable
>L. Ron Hubbard up there not once, not twice, but three times

>> No.2503297

Board: 19... Most of them outside of school.
Readers: 35... All of them outside of school.

I know... I worry about the taste of that particular site. I've read Atlas Shrugged, and I'm contemplating The Fountainhead, but I worry that I'll come away with thinking I've wasted my time AGAIN on that fucking Russian-Jew troll.

There was a reason PK Dick made Charles Freck choose to die with a copy of The Fountainhead along with an incomplete letter protesting the cancellation of his gas card: both were futile efforts at literature.

>> No.2503305

22, and that's not including ulysses and finnegan's wake since i read those when i was too young to fully comprehend them.

the list fucking sucks, but it did remind me that i want to read more henry james/em forster.

>> No.2503314

>1. Atlas Shrugged 2. Fountain Head 3. Battlefield Earth


>> No.2503337

>Readers list
>Ayn Rand
>L. Ron Hubbard

What the fuck

>> No.2503435

someone tell me what's wrong with reddit's list? It doesn't seem that bad

>> No.2503450


>science fiction
>required high school reading
>that book everyone says the have read but havent actually
>edgy teen bullshit(Marx, Zinn et al)

The only thing that surprised me was how little fantasy there was to be found on that list.

>> No.2503464

science fiction is good

but not the garbage you find on that list.

>> No.2503469


>> No.2503471

>Ha! Fantasy? What do you take us for, plebians?

>dedEad officers

>> No.2503488

Snow Crash/Slaughterhouse Five/Hitchhiker's Guide/Harry Potter/Ender's Game/Catcher in the Rye

in the fucking top ten, bro. Some of those are decent books, but top ten material? no fucking way.

>> No.2503581
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>people not realizing the reader list is obviously a troll list

and i've read 14, currently reading 2 that is also on the list

>> No.2503594
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Yeah, okay.

>> No.2503800

i can't believe there are people who don't know that randroids and scientologists spam every best book list so that rand and hubbard are at the top.

>> No.2503886

34. LOLITA by Vladimir Nabokov
35. MOONHEART by Charles de Lint


>> No.2504322
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43 1/2
Reading SlaughterHau5 at the moment

>> No.2504331

git out of ma properdy

>> No.2504335

Twenty. I'll just keep lurking, thank you.

>> No.2504340
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I dunno, I like calling it that
Deadmau5 sucks though

>> No.2504343

Damn, I imagined these "100 Must Reads" lists would jokes to /lit/. You guys move slow

>> No.2504344
File: 1014 KB, 600x600, reactioncatinfinite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Readers List
>Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
>The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
>Battlefield Earth - L. Ron Hubbard
>Anthem - Ayn Rand
>We the Living - Ayn Rand
>Mission Earth - L. Ron Hubbard
>Fear - L. Ron Hubbard

Is this a motherfucking joke

>> No.2504361

>they don't know that Ayn Rand is the Plato of the XX century.

>> No.2504367


>> No.2504436

9 off the board list, 13 off the reader list, have maybe about a third in my collection.

I'm ok with this as know I'm one of the 'denser' /lit/ readers, but still above the average Western Australian bogan.

Honestly, almost all of my books are recommendations from lit and I have to say to say in a few years worth of reading you guys have not steered me wrong.

>> No.2504448


>> No.2504453

Who the fuck reads books anyway, that's like, totally not cool and shit.

>> No.2504462

two and a half. fuck the police.
my excuse is that i'm not a native english speaker.

Anyways imho you can read a thousand books and not understand one of them, or read just one and get it right. You decide what's better.

>> No.2504468

>implying that 'right' understanding exists at all and is attainable
Fuck yeah, I'm so postmodern my shit is an ironic unreliable narrator

>> No.2504503

what. i was just trying to say, reading a lot of books doesn't necesarrily make you smarter. not that there's one "right" way to read a book, just that you can read a book and pay attention vs. reading a lot so you can boast about it.

>> No.2504516

Ugh, Illusions by Richard Bach is on the reader's list. I was forced to read that piece of shit by my new age recovering alcoholic mother.

>> No.2504536

Speaking of pretentious....

>> No.2504569

but that's always such a misleading cop-out. yes i'm sure you could produce instances of people who've benefited less from reading 100 'quality' books in x amount of time than the guy who read 5 in the same period. but that requires two extraordinary people, the one extraordinarily dense and unperceptive and the other extraordinarily thoughtful. on average - which is the only marker that matters when speaking in general terms and certainly might not apply to you personally - the breadth of outlook, setting, styles, etc that the 100 book guy gained is going to be more valuable than the relatively limited expertise the 5 book guy got (note that this assumes the two start out with equal literary and historical background knowledge).

>> No.2505187

For those curious about the collected lists. Sadly, there is no tally of which books are most frequently seen.
