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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 640x480, 2012-03-21 18.00.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2501111 No.2501111 [Reply] [Original]

my first time ever on /lit/
need someone's help with questions for Brave New World
I've never read the book and I need to answer questions
so I don't fail the class... I'm a senior I don't want to do
work and someone here probably can answer these
questions no problem. Help me out? Please and Thanks

1/2 . will be bumping with things I think are funny

>> No.2501122
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>> No.2501116
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>> No.2501124
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>> No.2501127
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>> No.2501132
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>> No.2501138
File: 50 KB, 328x480, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help me out? Please and Thanks
/b/ is full of lazy retards, OP, maybe they can help you.

>> No.2501142
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>> No.2501143

/lit/ is not a homework board. Quit being a lazy shit and at least bother to sparknote it. This is coming from a teacher who hates hearing "senioritis" as an excuse.

>> No.2501152
File: 63 KB, 474x307, 1316287281530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey english teacher, instead of being a condescending asshole, use your typing efforts to help me?

>> No.2501155

Jeez OP, you are retarded. Asking one or two questions is tacky, but understandable. Asking 18 questions means you are a lazy, lazy asshole who for some reason thinks that other people would enjoy doing your work.

>> No.2501157

Don't see you signing my paycheck.

>> No.2501159

Its a good book, I had to write an essay on it... spark notes is probably an idea to consider.

>> No.2501165


You're missing the point, what motivation does he have to do that? And before you say kindness/generosity/not being an asshole, remember that by posting this you have already established yourself as selfish/an asshole so that motivation has been completely eroded. If anyone answered you it would actually make them a worse person.

>> No.2501176

asking for fragments of sentences for answers. it probably took more time to make this thread than it would take to sparknotes this book, but i figured there would be one nice person who could take a few seconds to help

>> No.2501179


OP got quads! In return for your godlike acquisition of four identical numerals in a row this board has to do your bidding. Hang tight for 4 hours while I go read the book.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to answer these questions yourself: to do so would bring dishonor on this board.

>> No.2501188
File: 176 KB, 466x700, 1324785815547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much hope, so little expectation

>> No.2501190


Fair enough. Here's 1-5

1. You are a
2. Fucking leech
3. Who should go die
4. In a gutter.
5. You will die alone.

>> No.2501199
File: 10 KB, 244x207, 1317098786253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw that coming

>> No.2501200

troll thread

>> No.2501216

Well.. success as expected

>> No.2501224

If the troll puts more effort into a thread than those he trolled, I do believe it is a failure.

>> No.2501228

I was only being sarcastic about the position I'm in, zero answers.

>> No.2501246


How old is a senior? I'm assuming that you are an American in your final year of second level education aged 17-18.

These questions would be the same standard a 12-13 year old would be asked in my countries school system, I am not trolling or kidding. I'm shocked.

>> No.2501251

Yeah, senior is 17-18

>> No.2501254

Its not meant to be difficult or onerous, just to make sure the people in remedial english class of OPs actually do the reading.

>> No.2501259

The vast majority of American high school students are dumbfucks. Their education system prepares them to eke out a living being told what to do by everyone smarter than them. OP is one of these dumbfucks.

>> No.2501263


They are extremely easy, I think these were questions given by the teacher just to make sure the students had read the book, no analysis or comprehension required. OP isn't able to complete the questions because he didn't read the book/is an idiot.

>> No.2501264

which i refuse to do

thanks ;P

>> No.2501279

sage & reported