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/lit/ - Literature

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2500771 No.2500771 [Reply] [Original]

>Why do you always talk like a robot, anon?
>How come you never speak to us?
>Why do you walk so funny?

>> No.2500777

I guess I just was trying to be mysterious and charming. I'm sorry. I'll make an effort in the future. ;-;

>> No.2500776

Because starting when i was 7 my 19 year old cousin raped me every weekend for 3 years, until he died in a boating "accident".

>> No.2500783

Does this kind of thread actually upset anyone? I'm honestly asking.

>> No.2500782

You killed him!

>> No.2500790

but you'll never prove it

>> No.2500791

Not anymore, no. At one point, yes. But not anymore.

>> No.2500792
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>that feel when your awkwardness and constant silence in class quickly brand you as "that weird guy"
>that feel when people pointedly exchanging pleasantries and greetings with one another but passing you over in silence
>that feel when girls feel uncomfortable sitting near you

i am shielded in my armour

>> No.2500789

fuck women

>captcha: execrable ingsuilt

>> No.2500798

i'm kind of upset that it has nothing to do with literature yes

>> No.2500800

I didn't actually relate to it and I'm socially inept.

>> No.2500802

i'm kind of upset that peopel post more in these threads than threads about literature yes

>> No.2500813

If your armor were doing its job, you wouldn't know that feel. Consult your emotional blacksmith to see if you need a repair.

>> No.2500815

how do you know that? more posts doesn't translate to more people, why this whole thread might just be you and me.

>> No.2500818
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>> No.2500821
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>Is he reading a book?
>Omg, I think he is reading
>Go and talk to him
>No, you
>Dare me to?
>Okay, go do it
>"Hey anon, are you actually reading a book?"
Y...Yeah... Have you read it?
>"No silly, I don't read books!"
>"You are very quiet, anon"
Thanks, I think.
>"I didn't mean it as a com- Oh my god, Emma? Emma! What's wrong!?"
>"Someone call an ambulance!"
What is going on
>"Get her on the floor away from the chairs!"
I'm just trying to read
>"She's swelling up! Why? Anon, do something!"
Why is there blueberry juice on my book
>"Oh my god! Emma! Stay still, we'll roll you down to the doctors to get you juiced!"
This is vintage Hemingway
>"Clear the hallway!"
What is going on
I just want to read
Why is there societal pressure for me to be accepted by girls

>> No.2500828
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the word you're looking for is 'social'

>> No.2500830
File: 85 KB, 417x498, herrkafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a normal walk and a normal voice and I can't see the slightest God-damned reason why anybody should stare at me

>> No.2500832

>Go out in public
>People stare at me
>Every single person is staring at me
>Do I look weird
>Start to think I am just imagining it
>Yeah, it's all in my head, there is no reason for people to stare at me like that
>Walking in public with a friend one day
>"Hey anon, why do people stare at you so weird?"

>> No.2500835

I'm very handsome. I get a lot of first dates and basically zero second dates because my personality is awful, I guess.

> and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

>> No.2500836
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>Why do you never smile, anon?

>> No.2500837
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>implying that everyone on 4chan is a mouthbreather

>> No.2500839

>why are you so quiet?
>how come you never talk?

=my entire school experience

>> No.2500843
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>> No.2500847

>stop talking about poop and jerking off, ugh

my middle school experience

>> No.2500856

>why are you so quiet?
>how come you never talk?
>Whereof one cannot speak...
>Umm.. okay

>> No.2500956
File: 120 KB, 399x388, weeping toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on bus on my way to school
>two girls behind me
>"look at him, he's as tall as a lamp post"
>"and he's so ugly too!"
>they giggle
>when we get off they shove me from behind, giggle, and run off

>> No.2500993
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join me in mainland europe man, you don't get that shit in civilised countries.

>> No.2500998

in mainland europe you get gypsies robbing you and niggers/muslims attacking you.

God forbid you defend yourself, then you would go to prison for hate crimes.

>> No.2501004

I hear that there are dragons there, and all the people are really ghosts.

Never leave America, man.

>> No.2501008

why do you dress like a man? Are you a dyke? Do you have penis envy? Do you piss standing up? You desperately want to have a penis, don't you?

>> No.2501033


It's called a uniform, spaz.

>> No.2501035

Girl with penis envy detected

>> No.2501045

I don't fucking get why people tell me I walk funny. They say I stand unnaturally straight, but it feels normal to me. What am I supposed to do, hunch over?

>> No.2501053


they're flirting.

>> No.2501056

Girl with penis detected.

>> No.2501059

Why is a little girl asking why I never speak to her?

>> No.2501070
File: 57 KB, 300x486, how-to-win-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gives, /lit/? Why are these threads so popular? For being the "smartest" board, there sure are a ton of emotional wrecks that post here.

Isn't emotional intelligence just as important?

Whether you choose it consciously or not, one should be in complete control of their emotions around others and therefore, complete control over any typical social situation.

Read books that will help you control your emotions better if you have to. A few years back, I read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, and it really helped me take control of my thoughts. (PROTIP: the book isn't about money....at all...rather he just seemed to have marketed it that way to increase sales)

pic related - another recommended read for all you social failures.

>capcha socius anowho

>> No.2501294

Sure emo intelligence is important, but many people have different brain chemistry than you and being emotionally stable isn't an option a lot of the time

>> No.2501312

>brain chemistry
Always makes me think of a chemical soup in a skull.

>> No.2501396

Goddammit I hate women so fucking much

All of my hate

>> No.2501403
File: 8 KB, 184x184, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I meant to post this thread on /v/ but I'm not going to delete it now.

>> No.2501415

When you truly disregard them, you will not care about your "failures" to court them. And then, like magic, one will come, and show you her vagina.

Or not. In which case, I recommend /tg/.

>> No.2501424

I don't try to court them. I just silently hate them from my room.

I went to /tg/ earlier and there was a thread on the front page where everyone was talking about how many cool girl gamers they knew. Fucking digusting bullshit normalfags.

>> No.2501446

babbys first Schopenhauer

or homosexuality

>> No.2501458

/tg/ used to be cool, man

fucking new mod

>> No.2501462

oh god, i laughed so hard at this

>> No.2501472
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>extreme social anxiety
>go out in public
>dissociation and derealization start to hit
>say retarded shit to people all day, don't even care
>branded "that guy who doesn't give a fuck about anything" despite the fact that you give more fucks than any of those around you could fathom

>> No.2501471

>"Why are you sitting alone, anon? Come sit with us!"
>go and sit with them
>they completely ignore you anyway

>> No.2501487

Well, see, I was cursed by an evil sorcerer in childhood and only the kiss of a princess can turn me back to normal again.

Good day.

>> No.2501484

Once normalfags become the majority a board turns to shit.

>> No.2501518

>avoidant personality disorder
>alienate self from friends and and family and acquaintances
>haven't had any good friends for years
>don't make any effort to go out and make new friend
>die alone

>> No.2501520


Just because you are good and reading and talking about books does not mean you are well adjusted.

>> No.2501525

Psst. Everyone dies alone.

Unless you're in some weird suicide pact, which isn't much healthier.

>> No.2501526


If only. Not being attracted to females would be a relief.

>> No.2501534

Why would being attracted to men be better than being attracted to women?

>> No.2501548

Because men aren't women.

>> No.2501571

This is exactly the kind of shit that pisses me off. So they insult and accost, and you're expected to reciprocate? Is there no cordiality in modern society? Can't people "flirt" in a manner befitting human beings instead of "DURR HURR I POKE YOU NOW YOU POKE ME AND STUFF FUGGHURR"?

If it weren't for retard incidents like this I wouldn't hate the idea of sticking my dick in a woman.

>> No.2501589

Not to mention the diseases. Vaginas are basically cesspits of diseased cum.

>> No.2501600
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You must BELIEVE!

>> No.2501603


They are when I've just shot my nut into them. I've lost track of the diseases I've got.

>> No.2501604

A trap would be fine, honestly.

>> No.2501625

>That feel when girls seem to like talking to you
>You have been told you are good-looking, interesting and funny
>Whenever you ask a girl out she just goes: "Oh.. oh... um.. no, sorry."
>That feel when you have absolutely no idea what you're doing wrong

>> No.2501627
File: 91 KB, 500x332, boy-fun-girl-love-Favim.com-302032_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mind works better when you've got a chick in your life, it just does. Losers on this site can claim they're beyond this but they aren't.

>> No.2501631


Don't ask. Tell.

>Let's go to Applebee's and get something to eat.
>Let's go to the theater and see a movie.
>Let's go back to my place and hang out.
>Let's go to my room so I can jam my dick up your ass.

>> No.2501633


How do you know that to be the case?

>> No.2501635

Naw, show, don't tell.

>> No.2501665


They aren't flirting at all. They are picking on you because you seem so pathetic and weak that they know they can get away with indulging in bitchy bullshit.

You fucking pussy.

>> No.2501669


>this is my cock, which I will be jamming up your ass later

You might want to rethink that strategy brah. I've got four restraining orders and 120 hours of community service because of "show, don't tell".

>> No.2501673


Don't show. Do.

>> No.2501674

Yep. He should have punched them in their whore faces. Don't be afraid to hit a woman, /lit/.

>> No.2501692
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have a seat over there

>> No.2501693
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Love where this is going

>> No.2501746

Can someone explain /lit/'s fascination with people turning into blueberries and needing to be juiced?
I know it's from willy wonka/charlie and the chocolate factory, but is that it

>> No.2501750

it's mostly just one dude who always starts threads. and then because of that it's become kind of a thing.

nice guy, really.

>> No.2501759

Experience, friends, I'm sure this wisdom won't be enough for you though, and you'll continue being miserable infinitely.

>> No.2501764
File: 10 KB, 200x240, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in high school
>Girl slaps me
>Punch her in the face
>End up dating her a few weeks later
>Things don't work out
>5 years later
>No job, no friends, virgin
>Alone on 4chan posting about punching a girl in the face
>That feel

>> No.2501765


It's a surprisingly common fetish.

>> No.2501768
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1323144434944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have dated several women and they've made me more miserable during and after the experience than I could have even imagined without meeting them.
You aren't speaking facts.

>> No.2501773

Bitches love it when men act like men and put them in their fucking place

>> No.2501825


>> No.2501836
File: 231 KB, 721x489, uhqueguapo borges casanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told that I have a beautiful voice and I always maintain prolonged eye contact. Oh, and my gait is god given.

>> No.2501837

Yeah you aren't doing it right. It's all about chilling you out and harmony.

>> No.2501844

>not doing it right
No, more like there's something wrong with women, or women who are attracted to me at least. I have great male relationships

>> No.2501858

Did you consider that their maybe something wrong with you

>> No.2501876

>hey anon
>why do you never talk to me anymore? we were doing great
>i can't talk to you.
>sorry, it's just that i can't see you eye to eye now, i need to be alone... it's not your fault
>wait, i have something for you
>what is it?
>a poem
>fuck off

paraphrasing, of course
god i miss him

>> No.2501882

I hadn't, since it logically follows that I have great relationships with everyone in my life except specifically women that I date.

>> No.2502373
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>reading this thread

>> No.2502410
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>> No.2502426

God I like the idea I'm not the only shy and harmless guy who reads books. Thanks

We should go and live together in Corsica

>> No.2502434
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