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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 168 KB, 840x935, Goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2500573 No.2500573 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a /lit/ equivalent of Rateyourmusic (A site you can rate and review music or in this case books)? I tried goodreads but the highest rated books are Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. RYM was good because it had weighted scores and attracted a patrician audience.

>> No.2500574

yeah right, let's check this site out

>> No.2500580

whats the image supposed to show?

Other then lord of the rings all the books are fucking garbage.

>> No.2500584

It's a screen cap from the goodreads poll "Best Books of the 20th Century".

>> No.2500585

>Other then

Lord of the Rings fans are illiterate. Who would've thunk?

>> No.2500589

all the cool people use either goodreads or librarything

>> No.2500591

yeah, the people on this rate your music site have terrible taste, sorry

>> No.2500594

*Notice how Harry Potter has a higher average score than 1984, The Great Gatsby and to Kill a Mockingbird*

>> No.2500596
File: 187 KB, 655x666, best ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2500600

a good book should be polarizing. If it can't piss a few people off then its just bland appeasing crap.

>> No.2500602

twilight was simultaneously the best and worst book ever last I checked

>> No.2500603


>> No.2500604

Why don't you trying looking for books that aren't mainstream then. Goodreads is great for 'obscure' book reviews.

When you look at stuff like Joyce, or Rowling etc, the reviews are just bullshit retards.

>> No.2500605

Go with LibraryThing. Much older userbase than Goodreads, but it's a lot less socially oriented.

Popular books like Harry Potter are always going to have more ratings, because children join these sites and just rate Harry Potter and then never come back. Get over that, and actually pay attention to the worthwhile features.

>> No.2500679

>RYM was good

why was?

>> No.2500695
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 1331661230834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinks LOTR is better than Gatsby
> pleb detected

>> No.2500698

>Books in OP's pic:
>White guilt
>Angsty faggot
>Gay elves
>Rich bawwwing
>Zog propaganda

>> No.2500703
File: 3 KB, 188x212, 1331569440062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> harry potter
> awesome
Middle schooler detected

>> No.2500721

Anyone surprised that the racist is 12 years old?

>> No.2500735

>paying a subscription to have more than 200 books listed

>> No.2500747

Goodreads is mainstream. Get over it, you goddamn hipster.
Just stick to recommandations and your friends' reviews and you'll never heard about all those shitty books.

>> No.2500752

Post lists of books you've read


>> No.2500755
File: 17 KB, 325x217, man-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best books of the 20th century
>only English language books
>no Camus
>no Satre
>no Hesse
>no Kafka
>no Proust

>> No.2500758

If you're capsguy.. then where are your caps???

>> No.2500759

Fuck capsguy, he rushes through books and never revisits a single one

He has nothing constructive or interesting to say about any book he read

>> No.2500761

i'm sure all of the twelve year olds who didn't register for that website absolutely adore proust

>> No.2500762

Did you even check how much subscriptions are? You can choose what you pay. You can pay $1. One dollar for a cataloging site without ads seems worth it, imo.

>> No.2500763

There are too many good books out there to linger on one for too long.

>> No.2500764

>Frances Hodgson Burnett


>> No.2500765

>Enter 200 books for free, as many as you like for $10 (year) or $25 (life).

>> No.2500767

wait.. i didn't konw caps guy was a pokebro!! HOLY CRAP

>> No.2500768

What's the point of reading a book if you absorbed nothing from it?
>but it looks good on my list, even though I've gained no reflection at all

>> No.2500772
File: 33 KB, 1066x426, librarything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. And do you not see the drop-down menus?

>> No.2500775

> implying you can't absorb things quickly
You're projecting. I just finished A Picture of Dorian Gray and The Sun Also Rises in the last four days, and I absorbed a lot from each. You don't have to linger to learn.

>> No.2500785

I doubt you have anything interesting to say, but you may try if you wish

>> No.2500788

I thought it was good, not perfect, but the best I've seen, because the ratings are weighted based on your average. If you're some tough-guy metalhead and you go through the top 100 albums and rate everything 0.5/5 then you're 0.5 won't mean anything compared to someone whose never given a 0.5.
Also the website seemed to have a lot more mature audience.

>> No.2500787

Goodreads lists and ratings are almost invariably a load of crap.

I mostly use it just to keep a list of books I've read and plan to read. Sometimes, the more detailed User Reviews can be insightful.

>> No.2500795

>still paying to have a list of books
oh lordy

>> No.2500799

Look at how long it is taking me to read each book you stupid git fuck.

Why do I have a shelf dedicated to books I have to revisit before I do? HERP A DERP

Learn to peruse information given to you before opening your mouth.

>> No.2500796

I'm secure in my literary prowess, I'll pass.

>> No.2500804
File: 130 KB, 400x400, Boy-Smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500808

>books i have to revisit
>hasn't revisited them

>> No.2500809

> dat pic

>> No.2500816

Yes, before I die.

I started reading solely literature about two years ago, I have quite a bit in that time. The ones with the most profound effect on me go into this shelf, which I will read later in my life.

Fuck, I thought I was thick sometimes

>> No.2500822

I add people on GR because of their bookshelves, not because they're hot or whatever

But she's both...

>> No.2500824

Goodreads is good, youre just not looking at the right part of it. Find a user with good taste, follow their reviews, look at their friends list, find other users with good taste, repeat. There are tons of people with excellent taste on that site.

>> No.2500825

I understand you. I'm planning on revisiting Gatsby several times, but I have other books I want to read right now. It's not that difficult of a concept.

>> No.2500826

aight bro whateva you say

>> No.2500827

That's what people say when they're wrong and they know it.

>> No.2500829
File: 41 KB, 358x450, pee-wee-herman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw discussing a book with people who only read it once
>mfw these people never read important commentary or reflected on the works they read

>> No.2500833
File: 34 KB, 400x440, smiling-girl-face-thumb6229800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww, you want to have the last word?

>> No.2500840

Just curious, what is your field of study?

>> No.2500849
File: 20 KB, 320x400, pee-wee-doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500850

I always read reviews, discussions, and sparknotes after I finish a book...I just haven't got around to re-reading Gatsby. What's your deal?

>> No.2500853


I'd read more but I have a really short attention span.

>> No.2500861
File: 9 KB, 285x285, woman-laughing-hard-280X280-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this was a serious response wasn't it?

My fucking sides
All my fucking spaghetti

>> No.2500866

Is it gay that I saw the thumbnail of Nadja before I saw her?

>> No.2500867
File: 155 KB, 200x150, aintmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too mainstream for you? What is your advice, oh wise master of the literary arts?

>> No.2500868

You're a fucking retard.

Trying to justify the years and money wasted in studying liberals arts or some other useless pursuit?

It's okay, you can cry on my shoulder.

>> No.2500886
File: 16 KB, 261x400, Problems-of-Dostoevsky-s-Poetics-Bakhtin-Mikhail-9780816612284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparknotes is far from being important commentary, it's simply an outline of obvious information. Reviews, you really said reviews? Oh lord.

Saying you relate to the main character, or you feel a character is an "anti-hero" probably works with the bros at Starbucks.

Picture related, there is some real commentary.
Oh lord, I love how /lit/ accuses one another of having some form of an arts degree.

>> No.2500892

>implying I would buy something like that
I understood Crime and Punishment quite easily, I'm not gonna pay for someone else's opinions on it. Maybe if I was taking a college class on it, but I have all my english credits from AP classes.

>> No.2500894

You didn't answer the question.

What do/did you study?

You can bullshit and say engineering or whatever, but still. Answer it.

>> No.2500898

god you people are pathetic

>> No.2500902

Answer the question!

>> No.2500903

I guess if I won't get an answer it's because it was a useless liberals arts degree.


>> No.2500927

You're on the internet boy, you can be a stingy jew if you want
>I understood Crime and Punishment quite easily, I'm not gonna pay for someone else's opinions on it.
Aight bro, if you wish to believe there is nothing more to gain from Dostoevsky after you read the book once, then that's your thing. Imma go grab some dinner

>> No.2500934

Why won't you answer my question? ;.;

>> No.2500936
File: 18 KB, 420x317, 2-year-old-smoking-cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're still dying to know what I studied by filling up this thread with your request.

How about if I said I didn't study (I assume you mean to ask what I majored in college).

>he's implying he didn't go to college, he must be a plebe
Aight dawg, I really need o grab dinna so imma out

>> No.2500937

I'm not that guy, but let me take a stab at it. Because it's completely irrelevant?

>> No.2500939

So what do you do man?

>> No.2500945

Wait, so you're on a literature board, and yet you can't even read? Wow, you must be really lost.

>> No.2501002

"What occupation/work/job do you actively participate in lieu of college," is clearly whats being asked here.