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/lit/ - Literature

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2499801 No.2499801 [Reply] [Original]

im looking for long books (800 pgs or more), any suggestions?not too old books and they dont have to be from a book series.

>> No.2499812

Infinite Jest
People will say Joyce, don't. Fuck Joyce.
Count of Monte Cristo
Wind-up Bird Chronicles (I think it's over 800, can't be bothered going to check.)

>> No.2499821

Don Quixote
The Bible

>> No.2499830

i asked this to a friend and he said the same, fuck you both

>> No.2499833

Lawrence Durrell - The Alexandria Quartet.

If we had italics enabled, the "dare" in my "I dare you" would be so slanted that it would hurt your eyes.

>> No.2499843


Tigana, by Guy Gavriel Kay

its ~700pages, stand alone fantasy epic, very good shit

>> No.2499851

i have joyce´s ulysses and i feel like im never going to read it, althought it was expensive as fuck

>> No.2499855

the illuminatus trilogy (it's sold as one book)
battlefield earth
gravity's rainbow (not quite 800 pgs)

>> No.2499856
File: 1.32 MB, 2800x2500, Doorstoppers_list_for_wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick
Dostovesky 's novels

>> No.2499859

Infinite Jest
House of Leaves
Gravity's Rainbow

not all >800, but all pretty good long books

>> No.2499862
File: 31 KB, 284x475, tigana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2499867


>Dostovesky 's novels
>Moby Dick

>> No.2499871

Moby Dick was discovered in the 20s because the prose matched the modern writing it was embraced

>> No.2499879


>implying Moby Dick is not old as shit

>> No.2499881

Stephen King's the Stand.
Gone with the Wind (might be a bit too old for you not sure though, still readable).
Atlas Shrugged even though I only liked the first 2 parts of the book.
Also Don Quixote is really old, but I remember I read about the first half of it in high school and I really enjoyed it, I thought it was quite funny. But than someone person who wasn't Don Quixote was going on some long love story or something and that kind of made me bored of it. I probably should finish it eventually though.
I probably wouldn't automatically rule out old books, a lot of them are quite easy to read and get into even though I do get where your coming from, some old books are kind of harder to follow because of the differences in language and such.

>> No.2499906

It is also based on the translation of some old works. Don Quixote has a a nice translation by Edith Grossman that even Bloom approved of, he wrote the introduction.

>> No.2499917


im spanish man, i dont need any translation haha

>> No.2499934


On an unrelated note, why do people always say the y couldn't keep up with Ulysses, and stopped reading it. I have yet to read it myself, is it really such a confusing book?

>> No.2499944

Wheel of Time. Thousands of pages.

>> No.2499945


It jumps from character to character and place to place without any regard for anyone, especially the reader.

>> No.2499948

OP are you the same guy who has asked this question several times recently?

Or is there a sudden craving about e/lit/es for contemporary behemoths?

>> No.2499950

I read it all.
It's not confusing.
Just not very good.
Read Petersburg and Mrs Dalloway instead.

>> No.2499956

>has not read Ulysses

>> No.2499967

In Search Of Lost Time by Marcel Proust.

The page count depends on the edition, but it's 4000+ in most editions.

>> No.2499999

i asked on /tv/, not here

>> No.2500172


>> No.2500206

>op posts pic of toilet-tier fantasy
>recommend proust
way to know your audience