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2499789 No.2499789 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of /lit/'s favorite insults?

I find that it's nice to have a large vocabulary or at least uncommon words with which to berate others while they have to resort to overused expressions and simple words.

A few of my favorites:
>half wit
>mouth breather
>knuckle dragger

>> No.2499796

ultimate worstcunt

>> No.2499800


When said from a British accent (even welsh) it has a strong meaning. You know you fucked up when someone calls you it, the anger behind it is perfect.

When Americans say it, it is adorable, like when a kid says a cuss word.

>> No.2499802

is "worstcunt" your ultimate insult or is "ultimate worstcunt"?

>> No.2499805

You are such a great guy.

I bet you sound so clever dicing out those sophisticated insults at those you find below your station.

And you even put in the thought to avoid mainstream insults.


>> No.2499806

OP here,
while I agree that the word cunt has a certain bite to it, I was thinking of situations where I'm not blinded by rage.

>> No.2499808

>When Americans say it, it is adorable, like when a kid...
ding ding ding, we have a winner

>> No.2499809

see you had fun trying to insult OP but with gay prose rather than certain adjectives.

You're halfway there

>> No.2499814

you can say 'worstcunt' alone, but I find adding the 'ultimate' gives the whole thing a nice rhythm in a sentence.

get a load of this sensitive flower.

>> No.2499815

Getting called a cunt in a Scottish accent is fucking terrifying.

Getting called a cunt in an Irish accent is like getting called a 'rascal', it's the equivalent over there of 'oh you'.

My dad calls my mum a cunt pretty much whenever he refers to her in conversation.

>> No.2499823


>> No.2499825


Goldmine for insults.

>Haw you ya wee dobber
>I'll pump yer maw ya shitey wee jakeball
>Want chibbed ya greasy knobjockey?

>> No.2499826
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I came looking for fun new words to sling and all I get is cunt. I should add that I'm American, so it won't have the same force yuros exude.

>sensitive flower
I chuckled

For the remainder of the thread, we can practice suggested insults on >>2499805

>> No.2499828

kreten (cretin)
bedak (fool)
grozen/slab človek (terrible/bad person)

>> No.2499832

>fucking soap dodger insults.
Fuck off ya weedge cunt.

>> No.2499835


Now we're getting somewhere!

>> No.2499836


>> No.2499842

shakespeare is pretty good for insults:
Thou clouted boil-brained flax-wench!
Thou fawning earth-vexing dewberry!
Thou lumpish swag-bellied whey-face!

>> No.2499844


the best of them all is still faggot, or more accurately OP is a faggot.

>> No.2499845

seemingly what this entire exercise could be defined as. A good one nonetheless

>> No.2499846

I lol'd

>> No.2499848

Australian insults are the best, you uleh.

>> No.2499850

Everyone say "you fucking cunt" in your native accent, shit's gonna be hilarious.


>> No.2499852


>> No.2499853

I've always liked pleb; it's in the same vein as rube
A rustic feel to them both

>> No.2499857

thats the kind of shit that'll make you shit your pants and run the fuck away
live in Lincolnshire but born and raised in Yorkshire

>> No.2499861

Pleb (oh wait, lit already knows this right?)

>> No.2499866

can some Americans do the vocaroo cunt challenge? It will amuse me...

>> No.2499868

thats actually pretty scary

i like yorkshire accents

>> No.2499869

haha. bookmarked

>> No.2499870

yeah, kind of lost mine, lived in Lincolnshire for 6 years now...

>> No.2499874

I just prefer to tell someone that their daughter and moor now make the beast with two backs.

>> No.2499876

People generally scared of that? Shit, being scottish must have desensitized me to that shit.

>that feel when you sound like a ten year old

>> No.2499878

there are no americans on /lit/

>> No.2499880

OP here. I posted earlier in this thread that I'm American.

>> No.2499884

>I came looking for fun new words to sling and all I get is cunt...

I expected more from this thread

>> No.2499888



>> No.2499891
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then do it faggit
pic related

>> No.2499893

Thou art a villain.

>> No.2499897

>I expected more from this thread

its a pissing contest, one way or the other.

>> No.2499898


Here's my cunt.

>> No.2499899

I just realised I don't have a particularly threatening voice.. I thought the Australian accent may have swung it, but no..

>> No.2499901
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(for liberals) New York-Jewish-left-wing-liberal-intellectual-central-park-west-Brandeis-University-with-the-socialist-

>> No.2499903

Durr... http://vocaroo.com/i/s0j2YXoedxDq

>> No.2499911

More cunts please.

>> No.2499915
File: 47 KB, 304x412, donnie_darko_blueshorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the cunts coming

>> No.2499919


>heid the baw

>> No.2499924


>> No.2499929

>voice breaking
how is ACTUALLY being 12 going for you?

>> No.2499932


>> No.2499933

clog bastard
clueless dickmunch

are some of the ones I've used in the last hour or so on 4chan. Maybe they're my favourites, who knows?

Shitehawk may be one of my absolute favourites though.

>> No.2499936


>> No.2499937

American here


>> No.2499940

adding turbo- or robo- as a suffix to insults is p cool

>> No.2499941


>> No.2499942

I am highly amused

>> No.2499946

"how can you possibly be so stupid"

>> No.2499953

little boy

>> No.2499954
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>> No.2499958

to an extent, but it also shows that you're a basement dwelling permavirgin.

Oh theres another addition to your list: perma-

>> No.2499961
File: 38 KB, 378x500, yay-new-shoes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad I could be of service

>> No.2499962


>> No.2499971

What? Usually only insulting people in the heat of the moment, so I tend to stick to "tried and true" insults. These tend to be very effective if said directly to someones face.

Of course, my intention is to insult, not confuse or be funny.

>> No.2499979

2/10 for getting a response

>> No.2499980
File: 290 KB, 500x382, lights_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite is mongoloid. I've taken to saying "shite" instead of "shit" as well, though that's not really an insult.

Faggot is best when it's pronounced distinctly as "faggit" with a sort of nasal quality. Adding "little" before the insult adds to the effect.

>I'll pump yer maw ya shitey wee jakeball
I just busted my gut.

>> No.2499985


>I've taken to saying "shite" instead of "shit"

You'd better be British/Irish or else you'll sound like an idiot.

>> No.2499997

>Does being half-Irish but never having been to Ireland count? Derp~
I'm Canadian, but the majority of my friends are English. It's rubbed off on me. I probably do sound like a fuckwit when I'm not around them and say it though.

>> No.2500001

Degenerate is pretty good too.

>> No.2500018

bog whore

>> No.2500019


>> No.2500021

Arse bandit

And so on

>> No.2500022

stupid fucking cunt

>> No.2500024


Also, it can be an insult, you shite.


In British swearing, any word can go anywhere, they're all wild cards.

>Fuck you you fucking fucker
>fuck that you shit, it's cunting it down, youfuck off to the bastard shop
>Suck my wanker you cuntfucker

It's all about intent.

I have heard, or said, all of the above in the last two days

>> No.2500035

>you cuntfucker
is that actually an insult? I mean I guess if you're like in some very gay community it might be.

>> No.2500038
File: 316 KB, 500x262, lights_47.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I also like calling unattractive females by the following: nasty, slag, nasty slag, and slagnasty.

This is Lights on Epic Meal Time.

>> No.2500046

Someone took my favourite one but spelled it wrong.


>> No.2500052

slag. I enjoy that

>> No.2500053

I fucking love American accents but in the insult business, the scottish clearly lead the game.

>> No.2500061
File: 4 KB, 91x121, 10014942852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread


The #1 Cunt

>> No.2500063
File: 62 KB, 1032x649, Python_knockers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
I agree that Scots take the cake.
Anybody care to analyze why insults in scottish language sound so gratifying?

Is it maybe the guttural nature of the language itsef? It sounds a bit more forceful and angry?

>> No.2500072
File: 1.47 MB, 300x225, JS ronnie lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500084
File: 94 KB, 600x450, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500265

Cockjuggling thundercunt.

>> No.2500279

>faggot (my go to)

>> No.2500294

Chode hoagie

>> No.2500296

I wish my Glaswegian grandmother was here so I could make her snarl YOU FUCKING CUNT at my laptop so I could record it. There have been some excellent examples so far, but you would seriously think you were about to die very fucking imminently if you heard this woman call you a cunt. Which she calls pretty much everyone she comes into contact with.

>> No.2500314

Have you used cultural marxist?

>> No.2500388

knuckle dragging troglodyte

>> No.2500397

>Mary Jane

>> No.2500405


>> No.2500410

>failed abortion

>> No.2500895

Probably "worm", "cuckold", or "ape". "Nigger", "cunt", and "slut" are also classics for a reason.

>> No.2500942


>> No.2501054

Well, the Dutch stand-by of course: Cancer sufferer.

>> No.2501085


Oh god this is gold. You niggers seem to hurl around deadly diseases as insults all day everyday.

>> No.2501094

Mikhail Lermontov, "A Holiday in Peterhof" - "Петергофский праздник", 1834)
And so, I will not pay you
However, if you are a simple blyad' (bitch)
You should consider it an honour
To be acquainted with the cadet's khuy (dick)!

Итак, тебе не заплачу я:
Но если ты простая блядь,
То знай: за честь должна считать
Знакомство юнкерского хуя!

>> No.2501095

Krijg de tyfus, klerelul

>> No.2501114

Usually cunt, but that's because I only insult when I'm pissed off because one or both of us being retarded

>> No.2501163


>> No.2501737

this could be the new pleb

>> No.2501755

Stop enjoying Lights. She's female Owl City.

>> No.2501761

i try not to use gendered or racist or otherwise bigoted insults

that's just me tho

>> No.2501774
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Dickhead or dickhead with a blue suit.


>> No.2501777
File: 38 KB, 527x585, 1329688258397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch piece of shit
punk bitch
bitch faggot
fat homo

>> No.2501905
File: 47 KB, 435x571, casting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaze upon thy destiny, with this sword I will cleave your lying maggot mouth from your swine head!

>> No.2501912

Bastard is my go to. Usually preceded by fuck in some form.
Also "God damned son of a bitch" comes to mind as something I'd say.
I stay away from cunt or bitch because that is usually said by foreigners or ghetto boys.

>> No.2501917

I usually go for "Well if it isn't fat stinking billygoat Billyboy in poison. How art though you globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, though." that usually puts them in their place

>> No.2501927


>grozen človek

You insult people by calling them a bad person? Ruthless.

>> No.2501943

>Foul swine
>Meat sack
>Barbarous ingrate
>Ungrateful chickenfucker
>Worthless, feces-ingesting reprobate
>Childish bafoon
>Down with the syndrome
>Poor decision-maker
>Great big fuck

>> No.2501951

Salad eater
Mixamatiodal rabbit
Failed abortion

>> No.2501952

It's actually harsher than name calling now isnt it?

>> No.2501955

I prefer "blbec." Short and to the point.

>> No.2501968

I usually tailor insults to the occasion, however, my favorite recent ones have been:

Nice shoes! Did you find them in your mums closet?

The last time I fucked your sister she called out your name, so I pulled out my thumb and stuck my dick in her ass.

You aids infested needle dick

Please castrate yourself for the good of humanity

Or my mates favorite:

Nice shirt! Do they make them for men?

>> No.2502016

i like to say "get your hands off me you savage!" with a lispy accent. Get's em every time.

>> No.2502017


middle-school tier, which may be fitting.

>> No.2502020


>> No.2502022

fitting like the woman's clothing you like to wear, faggot.

>> No.2502023

I call people 'flaws', or something that undermines their sense of self-worth.

>> No.2502029

myxomatoid is my favourite so far

>> No.2502033

wispy dicked faggot

>> No.2502034


>> No.2502148
File: 11 KB, 280x223, Vinnie+Jones[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is gold. Especially liking the 'you fucking cunt' challenge. Saaf London here, would contribute if my mic worked.


-'Bint' is a particular favourite, can be substituted for 'winty'.
-'Chutney ferret', 'turd burgler' and 'poo-poo chewer' for those who bat for the other team.
- 'Knave' and 'harlot' for the retro disser.
-'Itinerant gentleman' is a good one for a tramp.

Pic Related: if this man called you a fucking cunt, you'd know about it.

>> No.2502301

> Malignant Squirrel

Best used in a Scottish accent

>> No.2502325
File: 237 KB, 630x729, WRjAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2502331

grody fucker
nihilistic chaser bitch

>> No.2502337


My friends all get weird when I say "mongoloid" because it's racist to someone probably. Meanwhile nobody cares about a colloquial "nigga". I do love mongoloid though.

My top insults are hyperfaggot and ass castle.

>> No.2502339

artless aryan manchild

>> No.2502343

Cunt and faggot are the two that I use the most. When I'm really angry and I let it all hang out, I like to pull out 'bitch-made nigga.'

>> No.2502349

I always liked using ree-ree (retard) or mongoloid.

Any insults where the recipient has to repeat the word out loud to him or herself in question form immediately afterwards gives me satisfaction.

>> No.2502355

fucking breeder pig