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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 450x699, the_road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2497457 No.2497457 [Reply] [Original]

Do you need to be a father to appreciate this book? I'm not and I don't feel particularly connected with the characters. Wasn't close with my father either.

>> No.2497465

No but you need to be catholic to get the ending

>> No.2497468

Ha, as a father I've actually avoided reading this book, and found the movie especially uncomfortable (not complaining, was a pretty good movie and I'm told it's an excellent book).

>> No.2497470

Fuck this book and it's lack of punctuation.

>> No.2497476

The movie was unbearable.

>> No.2497479

>complaining about grammar

>> No.2497482

>>2497479 True, but I am not a published author. I'm just some fag on the lit section on 4chan.

>> No.2497483


>Deppression: The Motion Picture

>> No.2497484


>> No.2497489

no it wasn't, the kid was kind of a shitty actor but apart from that it was well-made, not as good as the book of course

>> No.2497493


You must have terrible taste in cinema. I bet you really enjoyed Taxi Driver and Chinatown.

>> No.2497503

Hahahaha this post was on /tv/ all of 20 minutes ago and OP was told to go to /lit/... But here everyone is just talking about the film!

>> No.2497502

My top 10:

V for Vendetta
Sin City
Dark Knight
Batman Begins
The Prestige
Lord of the Rings Trilogy

All IMDB top 200 films.

Get on my level pleb

>> No.2497507

I'm not a father and I loved it. I don't think a lot of people can relate to this father/son relationship anyway, the exceptional nature of their situation make it pretty unique.
However, the trivial and survivalist aspect of their everyday life is something that everyone can understand and relate to.

>> No.2497514

You must hate everything popular. Not the guy you were replying to, but yes Chinatown is my favourite film

>> No.2497515


Inception SUCKED
V for Vendetta AVERAGE
Watchmen AVERAGE
Dark Knight SUCKED
Lord of the Rings Trilogy YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A NERD

P.S. Best movie ever was The Matrix. This is not open to debate.

>> No.2497520


Ya, I knew your taste the second you spoke up. You like ambiguous, inarticulate garbage.

>> No.2497526
File: 19 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2497527

Oh, you're NOT the guy I was speaking with? Then shut up! Chinatown sucks! And despite being well-directed, will always suck.

>> No.2497533

Oh all the moronic traditions on 4chan, I must say the inarticulate custom of posting pictures in lieu of words as some sort of response is my least favorite--I'd rather you quote song lyrics. At least then some sort of stand is being made.

>> No.2497536

>V for Vendetta
>Sin City
>Lord of the Rings
Are you aware that you are watching a bunch of terrible adaptations of much superior works (especially V For Vendetta, good going missing the entire point of the graphic novel you fucking retards) and then calling other people plebs?

No, anon, you are the plebeians.

>> No.2497538
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>> No.2497546
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>> No.2497549

you know this is an imageboard right?

>> No.2497561


You know that doesn't in any way promote and validate cowardly equivocation, right?

>> No.2497563
File: 73 KB, 550x600, 1tatamigalaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get laid before you become a father.

Get back on /lit/'s level

>> No.2497566
File: 44 KB, 912x450, babby3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2497568


You are not irritating; you are not clever. Develop some skill, because right now you are nothing.

P.S. Yes, I know your response already, but go ahead anyway.

>> No.2497571

>it's a skill

>> No.2497573
File: 30 KB, 736x448, babby4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad, bro.

>> No.2497578


That's wishful thinking on your part, bro. Imagining yourself as effectual in any way, bro.

P.S. I wonder if you use "bro" as habitual parlance, or if you're aware that it's supposed to be satire, and use it in an unoriginal attempt at humor.

>> No.2497581

dude just ignore him

>> No.2497582


Dude, I am enjoying playing with someone beneath me. But thanks for looking out, "bro."

>> No.2497583
File: 40 KB, 352x259, babbyriddick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Argue about image use on 4chan
>I ain't mad

>> No.2497598

>I can bloviate about how awesome I am
>on an image board
>also did you see I said "bloviate"
>it's a skill

>> No.2497602


And now you've been manipulated into actually typing words. My work is done here. Good day.

P.S. Your incoherent incomplete sentences that you view as arguments are actually more akin to the syncopated ramblings of a homeless person too lazy to even own a stolen shopping cart.
P.P.S. Wash your raincoat. It's filthy.

>> No.2497607

Thesaurus status: rustled

>> No.2497612

Are you still mad?

>> No.2497614


Implicitly, unwittingly stating own limitations status: Complete.

P.S. "What's the status on that kid implicitly, unwittingly stating his own limitations by assessing low-level vocabulary as necessarily manifesting from thesaurus usage?" "Status Complete, sir." "Excellent, fire the boosters, and grab me some Gummy Bears out of the cabinet."

>> No.2497616


Are you still hopeful?

>> No.2497618

You just seem upset. I'm concerned.

>> No.2497620
File: 114 KB, 600x528, welles_orson_gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Best movie ever was The Matrix.

>> No.2497627


I'm feeling quite Zen at the moment actually. You kids are fun to push around.

>> No.2497628


>Idiot incapable of understanding the philosophy of simulacra and simulation.

>> No.2497632
File: 49 KB, 407x405, g36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2497639


So boring.

>> No.2497644


>is incapable of discerning pretentious shit from genuine thought.

>> No.2497646

You sure showed me that more words = more valuable things to say every time crazy man who thinks his apartment is a spaceship.

Also cheers for thinking "kids" is a valid insult.

>> No.2497649

Yeah, we're kids. And you're nearly 30.

>> No.2497650


I don't think kids is an insult, I genuinely believe you to be kids.

>> No.2497654


>Labels everything he is incapable of understanding as "pretentious shit."

>> No.2497657

so much oestrogen in this thread

>> No.2497658


Mid 20's : )

>> No.2497668

Okay, I guess we're done : (
I'm going to make lunch. You kids work on your repartee, and we'll play later.

>> No.2497669

LOL no that's long gone, but it's the internet so sure, mid-20s...

>> No.2497670
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling adverbs!

>> No.2497684
File: 27 KB, 489x436, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late menopause.

>> No.2497714

I'm not a father and I really enjoyed The Road. There was an empty feeling in my stomach the whole damn time, there's just something unnerving about thinking about ever having that much responsibility. Ensuring the survival of a basically helpless child, it makes me want to abstain from having children.

His style bugged the shit out of me for about an hour or so but eventually you get used to it and it actually kind of works.