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/lit/ - Literature

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2496571 No.2496571 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend called me an emotionless and cold robot today. Recommend me some books based on that sentence.
I have no related pictures.

>> No.2496573

gravity's rainbow

>> No.2496576

That's actually next on my list of to-read books. How coincidental.

>> No.2496581

Read Nietzsche, because he's a hateful nihilist who thinks emotions are dumb and bad

Read Stirner, because he thinks "i dunno lol do whatever you want rape and murder are cool XD" is a philosophical system worth writing about

Read Heidegger so you can be a kool dark'n'edgy Nazi philosopher

>> No.2496603

dumbest take on nietzsche i've ever read.

right about stirner though.

>> No.2496605
File: 39 KB, 480x360, whack robut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emotionless and cold robot
>Standard Toaster !RQTOASTvfI

Try Less Than Zero by BEE, Sound and the Fury by Faulkner
>dat Jason section
Infinite Jest by DFW, The Stranger by Camus. Read some Wittgenstein, that guy was all about austerity. Read some of Hemingway's stuff. The Memorandum by Vaklav Havel is a pretty good play satirizing east-European bureaucracies; maybe you'd get a kick out of it.
And here, have a related pic.

>> No.2496611

I have no words for your nietzsche and heidegger synopsis. (unless it was humor in which case you rustled my jimmies)

>> No.2496612

Where have you been? I haven't seen you post in a while.

>> No.2496621

Been busy.

>a humorous satirization of internet trolling behavior

>> No.2496630
File: 136 KB, 800x568, teslafinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should go apologize to your girlfriend instead of asking for books. And no, it doesn't matter if she's wrong and you're right.

>> No.2496727

All's fine.
I've already read a lot of Heidegger, but never any Nietzsche or Stimer. I guess I'll look into them.
I keep meaning to read Faulkner but always forget. I've read Camus and DFW. I'll check out Wittgenstein.

Thanks to all for your recommendations.

>> No.2496807


badum tssss

>> No.2496821
File: 205 KB, 466x625, buddha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get compassionate as fuck, OP.

>> No.2496845

Shouldn't /lit/ be recommending books that make OP feel that feel? Assuming that to be the case, imma say Of Mice and Men if you haven't read it yet. Or Flowers for Algernon. If it's a happy feel you're after (although happy is harder), I'd say Steinbeck again- Cannery Row.

But then, given that OP's talking about a girlfriend, maybe it's a love-and-tenderness feel we need. I'm not sure on that, but Love in the Time of Cholera might do it.

>> No.2497075

Epictetus, he will help you get rid of that feel

>> No.2497087

Speaking of cold and emotionless robots, does anyone have any good short short stories they've read about Artificial Intelligence/ synthetic life etc?

>> No.2497093

>My girlfriend called me an emotionless and cold robot today.

Call her a manipulative and emotionally driven reactionary bitch.

>> No.2497099

lol bitter asspain by proxy

>> No.2497101
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whatever works