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File: 21 KB, 190x323, WaitingForGodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2493786 No.2493786 [Reply] [Original]

What am I to make of this? Is it an allegory, or some kind of comment on the human condition?

I'm baffled, but on the other hand, I enjoyed it a whole lot. It was chilling at some parts, and sometimes it felt like a fun surreal buddy comedy.

>> No.2493800

You just got trolled.

Because life is a troll.

>> No.2493805

I thought that it was just one big surrealist representation of Absurdism, personally. It pokes fun at our method of communication, partnerships, slavery, indecisiveness.. things that we think, or at least thought at some point, to be "normal." I see Godot as the "ideal" that people strive to reach that's probably the most absurd thing we do: try to become "perfect" when such a thing is impossible, which is why Godot never arrives. His absence and the inconsistencies in his description could also show that people don't agree exactly on what the ideal person even is.

That's what I got when I read it.

>> No.2493828

A. The guy who wrote it was a total dick.
B. It's the journey, not the destination, taken to an extreme in which there is no destination anyways.

>> No.2493837

godot = God

waiting for God and he doesn't come. God doesn't exist.

Checkmate theists.

>> No.2493844

Beckett has explicitly said that Godot isn't god.

>> No.2493855


>> No.2493857

Learn to use 4chan.

>> No.2493867

Oh no! my point was completely lost because I misclicked.
Fuck yourself, my point still stands. Beckett was a dick.

>> No.2493925

Godot is a shoehorn. That's why they waited for so long - they had both taken off their shoes and couldn't leave without Godot's assistance. That's just my interpretation though.

>> No.2494061

weird i just reread this yesterday. OP, read the wikipedia article, it has a bunch of takes on it.

basically the first guy who responded got it right. beckett trolled everyone with this play and refused to give any definitive answer for it, saying there WAS no definitive meaning. only when he realized that everyone tacking on takes made the play so popular did he soften up a bit. he said that "when he wrote he went into a trance-like state so he might have subconsciously put meaning into it." what a douche.

however godot is NOT god, never ever ever, however easy it is to read it that way.

>> No.2494636

there is no specific meaning to the play because life has no meaning
all the same, you can read whatever you want into it, just like life

the play is the ultimate modern representation of the human condition, full of suffering and absurdity, we try to find some meaning something to life for (Godot) but in the end it's nothing

it's also pretty funny

>> No.2494640

which is worse?
Godot represents nothing that never comes to be
Godot represents everything that never comes to be
it's a staged koan

>> No.2495334

ITT plebs cant formalism

>> No.2495335

Godot is death. They want death to come, but it won't.

>> No.2495356

Godot is sandwiches.

Who doesn't like sandwiches.

>> No.2495361

Godot is Tao Lin.

>> No.2495585

There's a missing act in which Godot arrives late and apologises.

Then it becomes a pretty straight three man comedy.

Probably for the best that it got lost.

>> No.2495709

Becket has expressed that both of these things are false and that he regrets naming it "Godot" because people get too caught up with the God comparison.

The book is surrealist, that's it. Do not try to make it something it isn't.

>> No.2495728

Beckett sure was egotistical.

>> No.2495780

In every thread on /lit/ ever you mean.

>> No.2495950
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