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File: 163 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2493716 No.2493716 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche is still the master philosopher.
Modern philosophy has at best produced distillations and applications of Nietzsche -- see Wittgenstein and Plank for examples.

When will someone finally break from and surpass Nietzsche? I don't want to spend a decade or more carefully writing just to be pre-empted by someone else.

>> No.2493720

>When will someone finally break from and surpass Nietzsche?

in terms of having brain damage from syphilis or in terms of being really really bad at getting laid

>> No.2493726

>have a B.A. in Philosophy
>be a M.A. student in Philosophy
>never studied or read a single paper that talks about Nietzsche

OP confirmed for babby's first philosopher and thinks he understands at all.

>> No.2493731
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>> No.2493732

Read Guenon and abandon your silly idea of modern "progress."

>> No.2493733


But like, contemporary, mainstream academic philosophy doesn't really care for continentals in general, yeah?

>> No.2493736

Nobody gives a fuck about philosophy majors (aka historians of philosophy).

>> No.2493739

lmfao you mastered in philosophy

that's like wanting to be a scientist so you get a degree in electrical engineering

>> No.2493741

And adopt what? Retrogression?

>> No.2493747

Contemporary philosophy consists of wanking about problems so specialized that no one except for philosophy professors can understand them.

>> No.2493746


You've never read Nietzsche, Genealogy, History by Michel Foucault? Wow. That kind of sucks. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.2493752

Traditional metaphysics. Try some of "The Crisis of the Modern World" on GoogleBooks.

>> No.2493758

see >>2493731

>> No.2493760
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If you think Wittgenstein is a distillation of Nietzsche then you don't know shit. Wittgenstein is Jewish writing. As anti-Christ, Nietzsce is simultaneously the anti-Jew.

When will someone surpass Nietzsche at his own game? The name is Martin Heidegger.

>> No.2493764
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>> No.2493768

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.2493777


These. Traditionalism is one of the only worthwhile "philosophies" of the past few centuries.

>> No.2493780

>application of Nietzsche

>> No.2493781


He didn't even read Nietzsche until later in life.

>> No.2493782




>> No.2493787


What about your slimy, gangrenous vulva you half-witted troglodyte?

>> No.2493792


i'm glad you're playing along

tell me about the time you took the bus to baton rouge

>> No.2493794


eh... not exactly.

>> No.2493796
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>> No.2493802

everyone on /r9k/ has him beat on the latter front

>> No.2493804
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>> No.2493816

Nietzsche is of the lowest rank of philosophers. Totally disorganized and unable to articulate fully. Where you got this idea that he's the best is probably a story involving low-grade marijuana and community college.

>> No.2493836

>Read Nietzsche

I was a 10th grade, depressed fatty looking for a source of strength too, OP. Philosophy is bigger and better than Nietzsche.

>> No.2493838

I feel for those community college low grade marijuana smoking bastards, they probably don't even OWN books but have to check them out into order to get their feedcrack legit lit

>> No.2493847


stop idolizing personalities and focus on the merit of their ideas.

>> No.2493879

Hard to know what Nietzsche ideas (if any) were since he is an awful writer.

>> No.2493891

>>>Philosophy is bigger and better than Nietzsche.

Nietzsche is bigger and better than philosophy (fixed).

>> No.2493919

>Wittgenstein and Plank
Max Planck?

>> No.2493921


Ideas are a bore.

>> No.2493926

The translations into English are thorny at best, yes. He wasn't a savant incapable of communicating himself.

>> No.2493932
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>mfw People

>> No.2494620

Eh I wouldn't say master philosopher, though I would agree that he prefigured a lot of modern philosophical thought.

Wittgenstein and the philosophy of language? prefigured by Nietzche

Freud, the unconscious and psychoanalysis - Nietzsche

Quine's attack on the synthetic a priori - Nietzsche

Pragmatic theory of epistemology? - Nietzsche

Hell i can even find ideas similar to evolutionary psychology and memes (though i may just be reading them into the text)

The thing with Nietzsche is that he didn't analyze and explore these ideas as deep as these other thinkers. His writing is much more literary and aphoristic and therefore it is a turn off for many philosophers. At the same time, it makes for an easy read while being really easy to misunderstand (as well as hard to translate). This has made Nietzsche the poster boy for pseudo intellectuals who never bothered understanding Nietzsche's predecessors like Kant or Schopenhauer.

So yeah he was a kind of crazy genius. Nietzsche is sui generis and you either love him or hate him. I personally really enjoy reading him. For me reading Nietzsche isn't like reading other philosophy, you don't have to agree with him, just go along for the ride, it's a very crazy and fun ride if you know what he's doing.

>> No.2494669
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>> No.2494700

If Nietzsche were truly a master philosopher, he wouldn't have been so insecure and sad. All Western philosophers are unbalanced lunatics.

>> No.2494719
File: 251 KB, 409x346, hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna get in bed, and cuddle up with your sweeping generalizations. Awww!

>> No.2494730
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I know you're a troll or at least a sandnigger, but it should be said that wittgenstein was a continuation of a general mechanism of Nietzsche's thought. nietzsche was the 'death of metaphysics' exposing the intentions of most western philosophy to be deeply rooted within the philosopher's fear and pride, with their egos giving birth to far fetched metaphysical/ontologically charged ideas. wittgenstein showed how these problems developed through language games, further continuing the death of metaphysics as we see with post-witt positivists.

>> No.2494731

Nietzsche didn't have syphilis.

>> No.2494738


I want to get on floor-lodged mattress and sexually penetrate the cranium of your arbitrary dysphemism.

>> No.2494746

As opposed to "All Western philosophers are unbalanced lunatics."?

>> No.2494749
File: 436 KB, 500x564, hrrrrrooouuuegggghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pragmatic theory of epistemology? - Nietzsche
yeah you wish buddy

>> No.2494756


They are all unbalanced lunatics. You would understand this if you weren't so limited.

>> No.2494757

Help me man, i don't want to be so limited. I want to see the insanity of everyone's thought but that of my own!

>> No.2494758

the only reason so many other subsequent philosphers were influenced by his work is because it was so aphorisitic and lacking in rational defenses that most of the claims needed justifications or refutations. see "love of fate", or most of his writings directed at christianity.

>> No.2494762


It's funny to read you be so sure of yourself. It's like watching a dog.

>> No.2494764

But that's wrong you fucking retard. All he needed was a good exegete, which he got in Kaufmann.

>> No.2494771

So cynical...

I'm serious man, help!

>> No.2494773


Bark bark. Woof woof. Go about your little activities.

>> No.2494774

I'd make a bet you're a taoist or something of the like; no reasoning and all poor allegory.

>> No.2494779


I'd make a bet you are too fucking stupid to have ever connected to the Tao. Oh what's that? You haven't? You think it's fiction because you believe what all your friends believe? You follow the herd? You're unwilling to explore the infinite possibility of universal energy? Ya, that's what I thought. Stick to Western philosophy. Taoism has nothing to do with allegory anymore than anything else that uses allegory to help idiots like you understand.
Note: I am not currently connected to the Tao, and so I'm free to be an ass.

>> No.2494788


>> No.2494800


Brain damaged, brainwashed Westerner.

>> No.2494817

>implying you can be disconnected to the tao

>talking about shit you dont know and making horrible mistakes/being a bad troll

>> No.2494826


Of course you can be disconnected from the Tao. Are you fucking stupid? You don't know what you're talking about. You think you understand Taoism from reading about it? You are a joke. Shut up and stop confusing people.

>> No.2494830

That this thread has become a spastic mess really only seems natural when you begin with "Nietzsche is still the master philosopher."

I can't see it going any other way.

>> No.2494833 [DELETED] 

>Mystic wants people to stop confusion.

I don't know what's going on, yaweh.

>> No.2494838

lol 5 star post, my friend

>> No.2494842

Are you naruto?

>> No.2494849


Kyuubi no jutsu!!!!

>> No.2494850

I'm sorry OP, but really it's all Kant and Plato. Footnotes if not.

>> No.2494854



>> No.2494860

Jeez, you guys talk about the Tao like its some 'thing'.

>> No.2494867


It's everything, which in a certain sense, is some 'thing.' But feel free to argue ignorantly.

>> No.2494877

Taoism is now propagated by the party to subjugate the Chinese populace through philosophies of intellectual satisfaction and hence apathy.

>> No.2494880


That is not Taoism. True Taoism isn't much of an intellectual activity--not in the academic sense, and no one connected to the Tao would ever wish to dominate another person or thing.

>> No.2494881

Exactly why the party is 'embracing' it again.

>> No.2494885


The Tao will deal with them.

>> No.2494888
File: 42 KB, 625x477, 352e18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the 'mechanism' of his thought, as if thinking were a machine. Very impressive, sir dilettante.

the mass cultural mystique of 'post-modernism' has trivialized the seriousness of german philosophy and created a mania of post-this and post-that, so that average morons like yourself get on chans think they are big shit. The Internet also trivializes.

Wittgenstein is still a 'metaphysician'. One could say that metaphysics already ended with Aquinas. One could say that Metaphysics ended before it began with Parmenides and Heraclitus or that were it not for Christianity metaphysics would never have been metaphysics. But the cottage industry that has risen around Nietzsche, Heidegger and their shitty french epigones provides a nifty narrative that allows people like you to feel smart, without having read a goddamn thing, in or outside college.

>> No.2494892

Haha, said like a true zealot.

I suppose china never did revel in anything but the duties imposed upon them.

>> No.2494894

>continuing the death of metaphysics

pick one

>> No.2494897


I'm not a zealot; I'm just experienced. The Tao seems to be very attentive to intention, and negative intentions seem to inevitably reap negative consequences. I do not believe in the Tao because I think it's "cool" or a nice "story." I'm an empiricist, I employ the scientific method, and I have experienced connection to the Tao through meditation that I developed through my intuition. If you are not intelligent enough to do this, then please do not think it's impossible for everyone else.

>> No.2494899


the 'mechanism' of his thought, as if thinking were a machine. Very impressive, sir dilettante.

the mass cultural mystique of 'post-modernism' has trivialized the seriousness of german philosophy and created a mania of post-this and post-that, so that average morons like yourself get on chans, after stopping by Wikipedia, and think they are big shit after broadcasting the regurgitated bile of what they read 5 minutes ago, albiet in stupider form, no doubt.

Wittgenstein is still a 'metaphysician', but this means nothing for you since you don't even know what that is. One could say that metaphysics already ended with Aquinas. One could say that metaphysics ended before it began with Parmenides and Heraclitus or that were it not for Christianity metaphysics would never have been metaphysics. But the cottage industry that has risen around Nietzsche, Heidegger and their shitty french epigones provides a nifty narrative that allows people like you to feel smart without having read a goddamn thing, in or outside college. That and your cultural impoverishment, or simply cluelessness, interprets any reference to Jewishness with the contemporary frenetic activity of the SPLC. There are quite a few academic Jews that rightly claim Wittgenstein for their own, including the biggest Jew of them all, Harold Bloom.

>> No.2494900

It's not your method I'm concerned about: it's the manner of its employment.

>> No.2494902


We read your little thoughts already. Shut up.

>> No.2494905
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i chose 'mechanism', you fucking idiot, not because im presupposing some sort of determinism, but because im talking about a genealogical approach, therefore not just an idea, but an applicable method, which is more similar to the term 'mechanism' than 'idea'.

>One could say that metaphysics already ended with Aquinas.


>Wittgenstein is still a 'metaphysician'.

it is clear from your overall confused post that you think i am referring to metaphysics as the entire field, but im only referring to unnecessarily charged metaphysics

see >>2494730 >ontologically charged ideas.

Wittgenstein was obv. writing on metaphysics. Next time re-read a post if you are confused instead of responding,

>> No.2494906

Hush yourself, I'd prefer to listen to him over your whiny objections.

>> No.2494908


The manner of the employment of what? Taoism? Knowledge? Experience? Western philosophy is a bunch of unbalanced lunatics using their minds to masturbate. If you knew what it felt like to connect to the Tao, you would realize how incorrect even the most brilliant Western philosophers have been--even more importantly, how pointless their work has been.

>> No.2494911


And yet, somehow, your preferences do not concern me. Odd.

>> No.2494913

another five star post, my friend

>> No.2494917


You don't seem to understand that everyone is not identical to you and what soothes your spirit won't necessarily soothe the spirit of someone who is not sympathetic to your fundamental aesthetic. preferences and beliefs. Just like a Christian.

>> No.2494927

You called that anon an 'ignorant western dog' before, but to call you 'dogmatic' would be an understatement.


>> No.2494935
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>mfw studying Phenomenology of Spirit

Assumptions on top of assumptions. Shieeet, the least he could have done was not start dividing shit up and offering contradictions in his work by saying the parts are the whole but they are parts which can recognize the whole. That's not even applicable to reason but fundamentally unreasonable. Then you got the Hegelian dialectic, which thoroughly misuses Heraclitus by offering it's own inherent contradictions, fucking tearing through the work as some divine shit passed own through the ages. Let's ignore causality, being, time and try to jam the metaphysics Kant sought to let go of back into the work through another angle. All his notions of consciousnesses and it's stages are something he derives from cognitive experience and something i think Kant would be against seeing as how Hegel is trying to bring the "thing in itself" stuff to the pragmatism but then wanting to divide what can be really real from the real? There is virtually nothing to bring in since a "thing in itself" is also a notion derived from cognition. He divides the subject and the object again by implying that they ever regurgitated or have anti thesis in the first place. My jimmies are beyond themselves from the rustling at this point.

Now i can see why Schopenhauer was so buttmad at this guy. Were we talking about Nietzsche? Whatever.

>> No.2494938

You don't understand Hegel? 2deep4u.

>> No.2494945



Pick one and only one.

>> No.2494946
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>Understood Hegel and disagree

>> No.2494947
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with 'genealogy' I assume you are referring to Foucault. The irony of this is that not only does the genealogy 'step back' from methodology itself, since it only seeks, in the mode of Foucault and Derrida's Deconstruction, 'logocentrism', but 'methodology' itself is 'logocentrism'. In addition, Nietzsche himself despised 'methodology', which he called "systematizers".

So not only is there no method "to apply", as you say, but in the particular case of Nietzsche there is, generally speaking, no 'center' to be found, which is why he was so attractive to Foucault and Derrida. I'm just going to assume that you are just some butthurt adolescent that is dabbling with important things instead of a complete dumbass.

other than that, your charge of 'confusion' comes off as empty innuendo. In any case, you have certainly made an ass of yourself.

>> No.2494948

Haha, if you're not doing philosophy of math, then you're wasting your life. Go be a writer or a scientist, metaphysics died with Greece.

>> No.2494952
File: 11 KB, 293x221, retarderotic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>with 'genealogy' I assume you are referring to Foucault.
>thinks Foucault invented genealogical method.


>> No.2494954

You're a what? Photographer of bats? Well good on you son!

>> No.2494960


>> No.2494964


I assumed you were referring to him, not implying that Foucault was the 'creator'. But that was a weak defensive gesture, just like petulant child being corrected by the parent.

As a know-nothing, you are familiar with wikipedia, so here is a link. Hmmm, look at that big section on Foucault!


>> No.2494966
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honestly, do you people just google what you don't understand and write off of what you read there?
the level of retard in this board is laughable.

>> No.2494968

>I have experienced connection to the Tao through meditation that I developed through my intuition.

shut the fuck up already

its not even a good troll

>> No.2494969

Educated and unreasonable is no way to get ahead in life.

>> No.2494971


well poor baby, you've been thoroughly owned anyway. You can shutup now.

>> No.2494978
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b-but OP
He has already been surprased.

>> No.2494983


What are you, 12?

>> No.2494997


What are you, a virgin?

>> No.2495002
File: 29 KB, 500x375, goodday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern philosophy
>Wittgenstein and Plank
stopped reading there.
what kind of scholar are you to refer to Wittgenstein as part of "modern philosophy". The modern period in philosophy is pre-Nietzsche, not post (eg. Kant, Leibniz, Spinoza). I assume you meant post-modern or contemporary. Until you can frame your critique in the framework of the history of the discipline you seem to be so enamored with, I bid you good day.

>> No.2495006


>Constantly uses ad hominem attack's.
>Is insecure when others point a phallacy in his reasoning.
>Has a simplified notion of what metaphysics are and Wittgensteins discourse, probably has not read anything by Wittgenstein, Derrida, Foucault or even Nietzsche, yet spouts nonsense to get attention.

I got bad news for you buddy.
You are one of the worst wannabe philosophers on /lit/ and there are a LOT of them.

>> No.2495023
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finally, someone who knows!

>> No.2495029


he meant modern as in contemporary you doofus; no one actually uses the terms modern and post-modern in real life

they have no meaning and are arbitrary creations by Humanities professors, each having different meanings depending on who you ask

stop talking and never type a word again

>> No.2495031


modern = contemporary

is english your second language or are you dense as shit?
Genuinely curious, please respond

>> No.2495035

>thread about philosophy becomes an argument in semantics

It's like I'm really in a University course!

>> No.2495041

The modern era, not 'modern' as an adjective.

>> No.2495045

All philosophy is completely useless... I don't see how you guys haven't noticed that yet.

>> No.2495047

I'd fucking well hope it was semantic, else it'd be fucking meaningless.

>> No.2495055


>> No.2495059

a babby isnt born with grey hair asshole

>> No.2495065


>All philosophy is completely useless

all uses are useless, whats your point

>> No.2495066

I'm sure at least one must have been.

>> No.2495096


My hands are useful for opening bottles of wine and typing to you that I just opened up a bottle of wine. All uses are not useless. Your hands are probably useless though. Your philosophical treatise can be called "My Useless Hands Keep Forgetting When to Stop Masturbating: A Exploration of Dry Skin"

>> No.2495100

>Western philosophy

>> No.2495101

Jesus, you people.

0 replies

10 replies, all jokes

This thread?
Over 100 replies.

>> No.2495105

wait what's your point? parody threads don't hav emuch use besides parody

>> No.2495110

see earlier china posters.

>> No.2495122


/lit/ ignores obviously shit threads, your point?

>> No.2495126

>implying this isn't a parody thread

>> No.2495137

oh yeah i wasn't around much lsat night so i couldn't tell and it s more plausible than sonic or shaekspeare

>> No.2495149

wait for it