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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 301x316, animal_collective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2492702 No.2492702 [Reply] [Original]

God tier: Paperback

Shit tier: Hardback

Doesn't physically exist tier: e-books

>> No.2492709
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Hardback is sexy, but not practical.
Much like me.

>> No.2492725

>Tegan and Sara
They make alice glass look attractive

>> No.2492737
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Information transferrence methods?

Interestingly, paperbacks and hard covers DON'T physically exist, notwithstanding the medium that is used to carry the information. The same paper and ink that carries The Odyssey could just as easily carry See Spot Run... the same way an e-reader that can display this thread can display something worth reading like the digital copy of Hustler (in that case, far more rewarding as well).

>> No.2492738
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>> No.2492747


I agree, normal paper is laughable. If it isn't gilded bible paper it's worthless.

>> No.2492751

> unacquainted with "the medium is the message" or hopes it won't matter.


>> No.2492773

Too much /mu/.

>> No.2492774

IMO paperbacks suck.

Hardbacks are awesome but they take up way to much space.

e-readers are the wave of the future. Hardback size and text/margins sizes as you see fit. Once e-ink gets color then physical book media is dead. (exception being high end artbooks)

>> No.2492775

>implying e-books don't physically exist

>> No.2492778


Paper is better than your electronic words on a shitty cheap plastic screen. Pray tell CUNT what are the most important documents printed on? PAPER. Contracts too are illegal unless on signed paper and you CUNT most of the most important things like arms treaties are still ON PAPER IN A FUCKING BOOK USING A PEN YOU CUNT!

>> No.2492785

you sound upset.

>> No.2492790
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>signing contracts

>> No.2492791

>e-readers are the wave of the future.
>wave of the future


>Hardback size and text/margins sizes as you see fit.

That's not even a proper sentence.

You are the reason e-books are a step backward. The fact your writing skills are laughable is the main reason we should keep books in paper form. You e-fuckers with your 5 zillion illegally downloaded books which you pretend to read. FUCK OFF.

>> No.2492799

The irony.

>> No.2492801


Yeah you cunt face. You know what grown ups with money do? Sign contracts....you know. Oh no you don't because no one takes you seriously in real life and would never enter into a contract with a moron like you. Stick to your illegally downloaded e-books you will never read. But hey one less excuse to actually get a job and earn any money: "I gets my books fa frii hurr durr".

>I have 5,000 books on my Kindle so I must be well read.

>> No.2492806


Hope you are trolling.

>"The fact your writing skills are laughable.."

Yes "your" is correct YOU THICK FUCKING MORON. Read it again. Then please go back to school (if you ever went to one in the first place).

ITT: thick cunts who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

>> No.2492813
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>Needing to work to earn money

>> No.2492819

No one is saying the hipster 5000 books on a kindle thing.

However, e-readers are the future. They are vastly more versatile and are tremendous space savers.

I seriously was able to donate a HUGE portion of my personal library because I was able to transfer all of it. It's going to make moving into future apartments so much easier.

>> No.2492820
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>> No.2492823

>Person who reads paper books: 1

>Retard who downloads e-books illegally and never reads any of them as is apparent by his/her/its poor grammar and reading comprehension: 0

The American education system, brought to you by McDonalds (proud sponsors).

Pizza is a vegetable hurr durr

>> No.2492826


Obvious troll is obvious.

Learn to adapt paperfags.

>> No.2492827


So what are the other options fuckface? Criminal activity?

ITT: losers who have no sense of reality.

Newsflash cunt face. Donald Trump works for his money...yes it's defined as work CUNT.

>> No.2492828
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>likes American Football and not the superior manly sport of ICE HOCKEY

Fucking girls.

>> No.2492831

>complain about american education
>its still better then the rest of the world

>> No.2492832

>It's going to make moving into future apartments so much easier.
Because you don't own any possessions, just physical media.

Do you really need your books to be that portable? How many do you usually read at once?

>> No.2492834


>point out the obviously crap american education system
>be called a troll

Still doesn't make it less true.

How loud do you want me to say: PIZZA IS A VEGETABLE AS DEFINED BY US LAW???


>> No.2492835


My main complain about hardcovers is that they're too expensive and of course they typically put those out first and delay the paperbacks so they can make more moneys.

Also, some of them are horribly made. Like it's too thick and you almost have to snap the book in half when reading the middle pages.

>> No.2492836
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>He doesn't know how to make money without signing contracts

>> No.2492837

There is a very irritable British fellow in this thread.

I find it to be quite humorous.

>> No.2492841
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Can't we all just stop fighting and enjoy literature together? ;_;

>> No.2492845


You signed a legally binding contract to see this site, and you are responsible for the content you posted on it.

If you have a facebook account, or any software you didn't personally code on the computer you used to post that... you've entered into a legally binding agreement.

Paper is useful, but it's becoming less so. If you've bought a house in the last 20 years, your offer/purchase contracts aren't shuttled back and forth between lawyers' offices by courier, they're either emailed or faxed. I've bought 3 cars without a single piece of paper being passed between me and the purchasing company. I kept a hard copy, and digital copy of the purchase agreement, but the paper copies are usually gone within a year.

Also, you do realize that if you e-file your taxes, you're still obligated to agree to a statement at the end of the file, right?

It's all still legally binding. Just because it isn't on a piece of paper means nothing: Agreements used to be made with a handshake.

>> No.2492846


Pizza has olives, onions, green peppers, etc. on it.

Enough of them counts as a serving of vegetables.

Why are Europeans too dumb to understand this?

>> No.2492847

>american education
>better than europe or asia

>> No.2492850

You have to break the binding... it's a pain, but if you do it right, you won't have to worry about the binding letting go after 20-30 years.

>> No.2492851
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>be american
>be poor
>be bankrupt
>be on food stamps
>owe trillions to China
>no longer considered a superpower
>retarded populace "fuck yeah murika lets blow shit up woop woop"
>retarded government ("pizza is now a vegetable according to US law) lol

>"america is still the best in the world"

>> No.2492852


The good portion of my personal things are books. It SUCKED having to use dozens of bankers boxes to tote them everywhere.

>> No.2492853

>they think pizza and potatoes aren't vegetables
suck it yuropoors

>> No.2492854

>Pizza has olives, onions, green peppers, etc. on it.
Real pizza has tomato, cheese and oregano as a "topping", and nothing more obese glutton.

>> No.2492857

>american college education
>equivalent to kindergarten in Europe or Asia

>> No.2492858

>pizza is now a vegetable according to US law.

Only to get out of taxes. It's not out of some retarded idea that they are actually vegetables.

Although I agree


>> No.2492860


That's all you Europoors put on your pizza?

Jesus Christ.

It must suck having to haul your water up from a stream, too.

>> No.2492865

>my car has rubber in it
>therefore my car is rubber
>murrikan logic

They should serve bloody mary's in school since it contains tomatoes, therefore it must be healthy, right?

>> No.2492863


>no longer considered a superpower.

I hate to tell you something, the USA may be on hard times but they are still the only major world superpower. China and India are still at least a few decades away from being actual superpowers.

>> No.2492864

ITT: Trolls. Trolls everywhere.

>> No.2492867

Pizza pie is not a pizza, it's a pie.

>> No.2492868
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This is illegal in the United States of America.

>> No.2492869

Decorating your apartment got a lot harder though. I'm keeping a bunch that are my favourites, or that are classics that I'm still meaning to get around to reading.

That being said, I buy the book/DVD/CD if I enjoy it and I can get it here. I don't believe in buying anything I can't try before I buy.

>> No.2492872


hahahaha you americans are retards. The fact that your government said it "IS A VEGETABLE" not "CONTAINS VEGETABLES"...is actually one like you can plant it and it should grow on soil. What the fuck shit do they put in your water in america for you not to understand this?

Should tiramisu be considered a cow because it contains milk? How about mayonnaise considered a chicken because it contains eggs? HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA



>> No.2492874

The irritable British fellow won't reply to your post because it's not logically fallacious. There's no entertainment value to be had in raging at a sensible person. Thus, I felt the need to go out of my way to point out how smart your post was. You are the reason that I got into this board in the first place. Never stop discussing things, good sir.

>> No.2492875

>more is always better luxury means things are big as shit
>can't into the simple and perfect glory of Italian peasant cuisine

Bunch of goddamn barbarians. Most Americans basically have an ignorant hood nigger approach to life.

>> No.2492876

China was the undercover superpower for 50 years. They were the ones behind the Vietnam and Korea wars.

Now they carry hundreds of billions of US debt that can be recalled at any time.

So what was it you were saying about them being 10 years from being a superpower?

>> No.2492880
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this is allowed in the United States of America...but lose the chocolate eggs because they are too dangerous and thus against US law

>> No.2492883
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You sound angry. Does your butt hurt?

>> No.2492885
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Sounds like Europe alright.

>> No.2492887

This thread is done being funny now. I'm going to report it, if you guys don't mind.

>> No.2492889

Eurasia has always been the continent of the utmost glory. It contains everything relevant in the history of ever. The rest of the world could disappear and nothing of value would have been lost.

>> No.2492892

So... should I get a e-book reader and pirate books or buy more books off amazon?

>> No.2492893
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>> No.2492897

Hardcover books are nice if you only read at home and you have the space to have an awesome-looking collection. But as I do most of my reading on public transportation and at school, and I can't be fucked to take care of my books, I always go for paperback.

>> No.2492907
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Both... ideally.

I DLed a bunch of books and ended up buying the pick of the litter

>> No.2492912


bahahahahah keep telling yourself that.

There are more billionaires in Russia than anywhere else in the world. There's not only India and China but Brazil and Russia and the EU (which is still the largest single economic entity/market place in the world...bigger than the US economy by 50 per cent). Those new superpowers are growing by nearly 10 per cent per year whereas america is walking a tight rope with recession and have trillions of debt.

You are fucked and yes you are no longer a superpower. The proof is when the last military action in Libya was handed over to Britain and France because your country could not afford it.

na na na naaa..na na na na naaa..hey hey hey..goodbye (to being a superpower)

america = mass unemployment, millions on food stamps, trillions in debt, no longer a credible military force and 4 new superpowers (China, India, Russia, Brazil) each controlling the various regions (Asia, Europe, South AMERICA) and with resources america does not have = you're fucked.

>> No.2492913
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Get an e-reader and pirate books.

An e-reader only costs the price of about 10 books. You get much more bang for your buck that way.

>> No.2492920
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>na na na naaa..na na na na naaa..hey hey hey..goodbye (to being a superpower)

>> No.2492922
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Eurotrash confirmed for jelly.

There's a reason that it's always them attacking us Amerigreats instead of the other way around.

>> No.2492926

Because the only thing Americans can attack is themselves? If it isn't killing native Americans, it's a civil war, and if it isn't civil war it's friendly fire.

>> No.2492927


>You signed a legally binding contract to see this site, and you are responsible for the content you posted on it.

No cunt face, because instead of clicking on a link and then having the "I agree" pre-amble crap pop up, you can right click the link and avoid clicking on the "I agree" to view or post on here. You see now why e-contracts are so shit and worthless?

>> No.2492933

Yanks don't have actual literature.

>i like mad people roman candle poof wow so deep

Meanwhile the whole of Europe was enjoying superior alcoholic beverages and tobacco whilst reading Camus.

>> No.2492936


Just remember that we saved your asses in both world wars.

>> No.2492941


>Ignoring all other parts of this particular post

I know you're trolling, but I'm gonna play along and say something like "butthurt Euro-Peon detected".

>> No.2492942


You niggers ruined everything.

Also, wanna hear a joke?

American philosophy.

>> No.2492945




You were saying, shit-for-brains?

Us Europeans will always be a step up on you bunch of colonial rebels. We gave you our language remember? And the names of your towns and cities (new YORK, Boston (town in the UK which existed before the US of A etc.), your culture, your religion...yep you did not invent any of those rather adopted ours. Not to mention your sports are all variations of ours. You have always looked towards your superiors for inspiration: Europe. And you always will.

>> No.2492952


Oh ok, you call coming in and mopping up "saved". Ok, well if it was good enough to fight for a few months at the end of WW1 when the fighting was done to "save" and in WW2 to just bomb the crap out of everything that moves (friend or foe alike..much what your airforce does today too) to "save" then..thank you very much. Pity we had to pay for it all though. With HUGE interest.

Thank you mercenaries. Your services we bought were helpful. You saved nothing. We bought you, paid for you and we have the receipt to prove it. THE MARSHALL PLAN FUCKER. LOOK IT UP. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. WE DID. You saved shit.

>> No.2492962

>that feel when you realise how much progress there could have been if Germany and Japan would have become the dominating world forces

>> No.2492983

shut up you stupid eurofag

you are the ones who bankrupted yourselves in pointless brothers wars

>> No.2492984

I thought /lit/ was safe but I guess a quick flash of European insecurity can strike just about anytime and anywhere

>> No.2492985

I started a post, which started the whole board crying.

>> No.2492989

>implying your favourite book isn't European

>> No.2492991

>you are the ones who bankrupted yourselves in pointless brothers wars

lol. Try writing that in English and I might understand.

>pointless brothers wars


The whole of Europe owes under 10 trillion in public debt. America owes 20 trillion. The EU economy is 50 per cent bigger than the American economy.

Keep living in denial America. Your public debt might go away. lol

>> No.2492992
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Degenerate Tier: Physical Media

Progressive Übermensch Tier: Digital Media

Deal with it.

>> No.2492998


Oh so does that apply for everything. I want to see you download a car or a bus when you need to go somewhere you fucktard.

Digital = useful but worthless. Physical = better overall.


>> No.2492999

>It was believed that the absence of guffaws meant American viewers could not tell if the particular show was indeed a comedy.

>> No.2493012

The moon landings were filmed in a Hollywood studio:

reporter: "how come there were no stars in the photos we have seen on the moon"

Nasa (Hollywood dept.) employee: "because the film was not fast enough to catch the light emitting from them".


The hoax will come out very soon because Russia and China will be on the moon by next year. And you can bet anything that's the first thing they will look for...nope not only the american flag held rigid by a piece of wire, but the moon buggys, landing cradles and tons of other UNISSABLE junk...if it's there. Which it isn't.

Not long now until the truth will be revealed.

>> No.2493018

I hope they do go up there and find nothing.

How glorious that would be.

>> No.2493020
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Get on my level, punk

>> No.2493036

check um

tfw americans cant tell comedy without gaffaws

>> No.2493041


Yeah 99 per cent they will find nothing. And what will be the excuse? "Martians stole them"? lol But even if that 1 per cent comes true, you know the Russians are just gonna bring them back to Earth and hand back to the US government as a "present". lol

So either way it's not good. The Russians and Chinese will have their flag on the moon soon and there's nothing Hollywood can do about it. A superpower would do something about it. Like going up on the moon. Just saying.

>> No.2493050

So what happens if they do find something on the moon? You cling to your ignorance and say both the Russians and the Chinese faked their moon landing too?

>> No.2493056
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he's either a filthy troll or clinically retarded, either way best to ignore him.

>> No.2493059

>implying we won't be able to print transportation devices in the near future
>implying we need to go anywhere in the near future

Thay said: Enjoy going to work on your paper bicycle.

>> No.2493447

I love my kindle, particularly because I am so anal when it comes to maintaining my paperbacks and hardcovers. It's gotten to the point where I
am unable to read a book if the spine has more than three cracks in it, or if I find a coffee stain on one of the pages. It bothers me to the point of obsession
and makes reading an unpleasant experience. I do not have to worry about any of these things when using my kindle, and can read in peace and focus
all of my attention on the most important thing: the text.

>> No.2493465

Soon enough, you won't live in houses. Just be content with being in a virtual space. Everything will be readily available and your body will function in a stasis pod which holds that reality afloat. All in the name of convenience, for you and those who rule you.

>> No.2493486

ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd ocd

>> No.2493493
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I prefer letterpress

>> No.2493534

I have similar problems. If I order a book and it is defective in some way (e.g., sticker that won't come off, torn dust-jacket, lighter text on some pages) I become depressed and cannot read the book. Paperbacks are very problematic for me. I am considering whether to buy a Kindle.

>> No.2493542


You might wanna seek professional help. I mean, I my jimmies get rustled when my paperbacks get their covers bent in my bookbag, but not to the point where I can't continue reading them.

>> No.2493959

> Doesn't realize that use of the site is de facto acceptance of the EULA, and EULA is still enforceable.

Do you see why that kind of thinking is getting a LOT of software pirates in deep shit?

Nice... you realize that when an American points the finger of shame at Europeans about wars, it's irony writ large... right?

The film had to be shorter ISO: you have a highly lit subject (ie, individuals and regolith) in the foreground, and low-light stars in the background that require longer exposure times... you'll burn out the subject trying to get the stars.

Also, 2 things to shut the fuck up and chew over:
1: if the landings were fake, Russia and China would be up in arms over it, officially in the UN. They've been pretty quiet for the last 40 or so years.
2: there's a lunar laser range finder that cannot work without a reflector that was placed on the moon's surface during Apollo 12 (part of the ALSEP). It can be probed at will if you have a large enough laser.

Americans are *NO* better. Both of you, just fucking jam your tongues down each-other's asses and get on with it, would you?

>> No.2494003

> Doesn't realize that use of the site is de facto acceptance of the EULA, and EULA is still enforceable.

So what's the point of a EULA numbnuts? If I don't press "I accept", I do not enter into an electronic contract because I have not read the EULA and accepted it. Therefore you cannot invoke your rules and contract clauses on me without me first accepting it, and that's how the law works. The fact you can enter this site by right-clicking and thus circumventing the EULA and not electronically signing it by clicking on "I accept" means you have not entered into a contract. I think moot has put this feature there on purpose you fucking retard.

Pirating software and movies has nothing to do with it because there is already a set law protecting intellectual property rights.

And anyway an EULA is a civil matter in the sense you are signing a contract made by an entity or person whereas pirating and illegal download is a criminal matter so you do not need to sign a contract since it is against the law.


>> No.2494065
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If you don't accept the EULA, but you still use the site, you've accepted the EULA. It's called Accepted Use, which is a legal standard.

Also, the EULA is in fact, a contract. It stands for End-User License Agreement, and it is legally binding and need only be accepted by a click, and it states what you are responsible for and what the company is responsible for.

If you trouble yourself to ever read one of them you'll understand that they are fully enforced per international contract laws, and require no signature: you accepting or even just using (software or internet site) is deemed as acceptance.

So, they mean something... just because you don't want to believe it doesn't change things.

For someone that seems to want to hold contract law up as the great standard, you don't know too much about it, do you? Are you that colossally dense to have never heard or grasped "ignorance of the law is not justification for breaking the law"? Just because you haven't read the entire U.S.C Title 18 doesn't mean you're allowed to breach any of it.

>> No.2494093

this is the biggest butthurt I've seen in a long time, and it's not even on topic LOL

OP, awesome troll thread result

>> No.2494104

Yeah, at least March break is done tomorrow so the kids can go back to high school.

>> No.2494178



If there is some way to get into this site without accepting the EULA then it is the fault of the dumb cunt who made it so, not my fault. I found a loophole and therefore am not bound by the contract I HAVE NOT ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Have you noticed how there is now way to install most software without accepting the EULA? Well if there was a button saying "install without signing EULA" and you pressed that, do you think you would be still legally bound to the EULA of which you HAVE NOT SIGNED THUS HAVE NOT ACCEPTED???!1 DO YOU GET IT NOW YOU THICK SHIT FOR BRAINS CUNT???

I have not accepted the EULA and thus have not entered into an electronic contract and thus have not been bound by it.

It's like having a contract to sign in your pocket, tell someone to sign it, they say "no" and then a fucking thick cunt like you goes "well you are bound by this contract even though you didn't sign it". HAHAHAAH YOU ARE TOO STUPID FOR WORDS..!!!!

Oh yeah and a contract is a CIVIL AGREEMENT you stupid cunt. It is not a criminal matter. If I break the EULA it is up to the company to sue but the government will not intervene...a private entity has to start proceedings i.e. CIVIL.

That is very different from breaking the law by downloading illegal software or movies online.

You are dumb are you not?

>> No.2494182

>fully enforced per international contract laws

no such thing dick head. Your laws in your country are not enforcable in mine. And that's a fact jack.

p.s. you're a fucking idiot of the highest order.

>> No.2494191


And when you take a moment to remove your head from your anus try to read the EULA before entering this site. It's all about moot covering his ass and not being sued for any questionable content on here. So I have no fucking idea what the fuck shit you are going on about...KNOB FACE.

>> No.2494211


>He's never heard of the Berne Convention!
> laughngcopyrightlawyers.jpg.exe.png

>> No.2494516


>> No.2494519
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Look, I'm getting really tired of humoring you. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

CISG 1980. Look it up, it supersedes the UCC in the USA, and it's an international agreement.


Without these, international trade would be at a crawl, and the US, Japan, and the EU could never have become economic powers to the scale they are now. Just because you don't want it to be true, doesn't make it so.

It's called implied consent:

You are talking about expressed consent.

If you use the site but bypass the EULA, you're still consenting to be legally bound by the rules of the site. It's like being searched when you go to a secured area of an airport: you don't expressly consent to the search, but you imply it by buying a ticket.

The EULA in every case is about defining the use of the software. I reiterate that you don't know a whole lot about contract law, so you had best stop making yourself look bad with poor arguments, and worse with ad-hominem attacks and name-calling.

Pic related, if you want to get past being a /b/tard at some point in your life, aim higher than the green band... not lower.

>> No.2494520

Yep, I took the part about the Berne convention out: it's not germane to the point.

(Berne is about copyright, not contract law)

>> No.2494523

>not seeing beauty in raw existence
>relying on the labile and symbolic

>> No.2494525

The only difference between Dickens on the page, and Dickens on a reader is the distinct lack of wood pulp fibre, ink and binding glue.

The words matter, not the medium.

>> No.2494526


>Without these, international trade would be at a crawl, and the US, Japan, and the EU could never have become economic powers to the scale they are now. Just because you don't want it to be true, doesn't make it so.

An ignorant statement that you could not possibly know anything about.

Still, it is further not the case that because American law X exists so that it allows itself to trade with certain countries, that does not prevent other countries from trading with one another, for which reason you're not really relevant to the equation in this case. It is true that in being part of the system you vastly improve it, but that certainly does not mean that you define it; especially not by formal use of your own laws. In any case where you are able to enforce your own laws outside of your country should not be viewed as anything less than an international crime.

>> No.2494531

The point is that CISG became part of US law, and law in other signatory states, replacing other trade legislation through supremacy.

Without tools like the CISG, the US would have to create trade agreements similar to NAFTA for each country (or groups of countries). The common framework simplified things greatly, not enough IMO, but it made things a lot easier.

>> No.2494534


I think I might have misunderstood your point, or you mine...

American laws per se, are not enforceable outside the US, absolutely agreed.

However, there are international laws that supersede existing American law, that have been commonly adopted by the US government and other governments, which are enforceable as a unit. So brokering a deal with the US/Canada (outside of NAFTA) and breaking it results in penalties that can be legally enforced in either country.

>> No.2494535


Sure, I agree that such a law is excellent. However, it is not something that supports earlier statements made about the supposed greatness of the US.

>> No.2494542

I don't think I said anything about the 'greatness' of the US... I had said that it aided trade: the US's trade-gap is enormous, and the CISG made it easier for businesses in ratifying countries to conduct trade between each other easier.

>> No.2494606

Name me one decent lawyer who doesn't enjoy a good armchair.

>> No.2494604


please shut up, you have no idea of what you are talking about you armchair lawyer type. Just give up...you've gone beyond retarded.

>> No.2494611


The problem facing you and your ridiculous theory is: that the whole world does not take America or American law seriously since your government made Pizza officially a vegetable. Since then, when you mention "US law" everyone outside America burst out in simultaneous fits of hysterical laughter. You can see it at any high-level political gathering where the foreign dignitaries have to stifle back a barely suppressed laugh when greeting the American official. The latest fiasco from the US lawmakers? SOPA and PIPA both of which failed (wow yeah that really gives credence to the US as a legal global entity.

The fault your country is not really credible in the eyes of the world comes from...oh yeah your stupid, moronic, brainless politicians. So if anything, take it out on them...

>> No.2494612




and fuck off

>> No.2494615

Why should pizza being a vegetable bother you? ketchup has been a vegetable for ages.

>> No.2494617
File: 35 KB, 803x704, pizza_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you like my vegetable...I grew it myself in my yard. I collected pizza seeds and will now germinate them so I can have fresh pizza this harvest time.

>> No.2494618

No, I'd rather contradict bad information and flawed reasoning with real information and logic (when dealing with the law, that's more or less what you're doing one way or the other). Considering you haven't produced a single piece of evidence to back up your claim, or even refute mine: I'll assume you agree with what I'm saying or are prolonging the argument just to see if I'll quit, or run the thread to the reply limit. Considering the lack of substance you've currently put forth, I'll assume you jus be trollin.

It's there, in black and white. You can either read it and educate yourself, or not: your ignorance not my problem to deal with beyond proving you wrong.

Also: >>2494606
This fellow has a point.

>> No.2494619


>Why should pizza being a vegetable bother you? ketchup has been a vegetable for ages.

oh oh the Americans are coming...hide the children.

Just because a country has adopted insanity as a viable way of life does not mean the rest of the world has to follow in your footsteps.

>> No.2494621

Why? there's nothing particularly wrong with either decision. All it does is argue that tomato sauces have some degree of nutrients consistent with a serving of vegetables. Its just school lunch regulations.

>> No.2494622

jeff mangum
100+ replies
archive this post for great achievements in trolling

>> No.2494623


>Considering you haven't produced a single piece of evidence to back up your claim, or even refute mine

Asange. Explain to me why he broke US law yet is not in a US jail but instead poncing about London overdosing on late. Also explain why the only way to get him to face charges in the US is to try to extradite him via the puppet state Sweden on trumped up rape charges.

Yeah come on explain. Fucko.

>> No.2494627

First, I'm not an American.
Second, pizza is a valuable addition to the vegetable family... Even though it is patently a legume.
Third, CISG was authored and put forward to UN signatories by lawyers from 15 countries. One of those countries would come to think pizza was a veggie, and another thought you were supposed to boil pizza, while yet another thought it would be best to make it goose-step. Truly, it was a multi-national pizza effort.

Interestingly as well, ACTA (which is the piece of international legislation that mirrored SOPA and PIPA) was authored by England and negotiated by Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Korea, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States.

That, my friend... is a truly fucked up pizza... I mean.. no Italy.

>> No.2494630

He didn't break US law.

>> No.2494633


The fact that you try and justify your retarded government decisions speaks volumes about you. The fact that you don't see how ridiculous this sounds to the rest of the SANE world also speaks volumes.

What part of "a vegetable grows in the ground" doesn't you and your government get?

The fact that your government is prepared to re-classify science in order to facilitate political policy is even fucking scarier and insane.

So glad Russia/China/Inida/Brazil will take the helm when it comes to running this world. America reminds me of a mad old person who has gone crazy over the years..started off meaning well but has come to the point where America's brain has gone to mush and now the nurse (China/Russia/Brazil/India) kindly but firmly take America and retire her to a home for the elderly and the newer generation take over running things.

Thanks for everything America. But you are yesterday's superpower. Just face facts you got left in the Cold War era with your oil dependent society (in a time where oil is scarce) and your wasteful throw-away culture (in a time where resources are dwindling) and your bad habit of over-eating (in a time where food is running out).

America had their time...and now it's over. You can live in denial all you want, does not change things one bit.

>> No.2494634

>What part of "a vegetable grows in the ground" doesn't you and your government get?
What part of you're an idiot don't you get? they're not saying "Pizza is a vegetable" they're saying pizza counts as a required vegetable serving for a school lunch. Its just headlines need fewer words. Seriously, how stupid are you?

>> No.2494638


>He didn't break US law.

confirmed for retardation

So I suppose they want to extradite him and put him on trial in the US for fun, yes?

booawoo imalobi amabubu hibiwibi gaga googoo (I am talking to you in a way you will comprehend more. In future, I will communicate to you in this way. Do you understand?)

foo goo goo woobibi gaga

>> No.2494644


Nope. The law specifically upholds that "Pizza is a vegetable". You can change it all you want but your congress passed the law that states "Pizza is a vegetable" (cue the rest of the world: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

..the truth seems to be making you mad. :)

>> No.2494648

the rest of the worlds children, "I wish we had food. Yams fucking suck."

>> No.2494649

>So I suppose they want to extradite him and put him on trial in the US for fun, yes?
Yeah, sounds about right.

>> No.2494650



>> No.2494652

You didn't say that in any part of your ramblings about contracts, and Assange broke a 18 U.S.C. §§ 793-98. ... in Australia. He also broke Australian law.

Now, USC Title 18 is not generally enforceable outside the US, absolutely true. But, Australian law is enforceable in Australia, on Australians.

This is why there's plurality extradition laws... but you'll also notice that Criminal law has nothing to do with Tort law, and conflating them is a foolish idea.

If he raped someone in Sweden and he's living in the UK, it would stand to reason that he should probably stand trial for rape in Sweden. Note that he's not being extradited to the US for any Espionage Act violations, even though he technically could be.


>> No.2494657

no what it said word for word is:
>SEC. 743. None of the funds made available by this
>7 Act may be used to implement an interim final or final
>8 rule regarding nutrition programs under the Richard B .
>9 Russell National School Lunch Act ( 4 2 U . S . C . 1 7 5 1 et
>1 0 seq.) and the Child Nutrition Act of 1 9 6 6 (42 U . S . C . 1 7 7 1
>1 1 et seq.) that-
>1 2 ( 1 ) requires crediting of tomato paste and
>1 3 puree based o n volume ;
Which basically says that they're refusing to change a previous decision that 1/8 cup of tomato paste counts as 1/2 cup serving of vegetables.

>> No.2494661

Nice... informational evidence. It kills so many great arguments.

>> No.2494663

>Assange broke a 18 U.S.C. §§ 793-98
Very doubtful. Assange is not a US citizen, and has no position of trust with the guvment there.

>> No.2494666
File: 28 KB, 327x332, wms8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A beautiful theory, killed by a nasty, ugly little fact"

or in this case a beautiful bit of trolling

>> No.2494667


I would prefer eating yams than eating the shit you feed your children in American schools:


But no in reality the rest of the world eats far better, albeit it in reduced quantities than your average US citizen. Only the americans have adopted the insane policy of "quantity over quality". GM food is still illegal in the EU whereas it has been legal to grow GM food products in the US for over 20 years.

Tell the Chinese they eat yams 3 times a day. American perception is stuck in the 1980s-90s...the last glory days of the "American empire" (short lived one at that).

Yeah, must be hard going from world's only superpower to big dwindling dying industrial dinosaur unable to support itself and seeing all the other medium dinosaurs growing into big strong ones while the dinosaur called america is getting old of body and mind and very soon will not be able to put up a fight against the young pretenders and so will have to leave the running of the flock to the young ones and stay in a corner of the forest all alone with nothing to eat. Oh well.

Never tastes yams...what are they like? Is it a vegetable? i.e. can you pick up the phone and order one...according to americans you can do that with vegetables. lol

>> No.2494668



>> No.2494670

ammonia soaked? they contain a small amount of ammonium hydroxide solution which has no demonstrable health risks associated. And the only reason the EU doesn't have GM food is because they're technologically backwards holding onto an ancient and outdated pastoral ideal.

>> No.2494677

GM's a goldmine w.r.t patenting. Apart from that it's just a novelty, there's far more worthwhile developments happening in agriculture now.

>> No.2494681

"mommy, I'm hungry"

>pink slime (cartillage from connective tissues in slaughtered animals...stuff not good enough for pet food). the US government bought 7 million pounds of it to feed children in US schools. Even after being treated with ammonia (cancer causing) deadly bacteria has been found (e-coli, salmonella). Yet the US government sees fit to feed that to american school children? Ok then.

If you can't see how insane the US government is then I feel sorry for you.

Give me yams any day.

Anyway...sort of explains the 5 million FEMA coffins lining the highways around Atlanta...

>> No.2494691
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>> No.2494693
File: 37 KB, 325x288, dos-equis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't write this: >>2494657

I don't use green text to point out every little bit, I just point at the website, it'll force whomever to read to try and refute my point. Gets them off the thread for a few minutes.

Just FYI: this is what I posted:

Follow grammar, tone, style, lexicon, and evidence.

I'm not always a dick,
but when I am,
I prefer make my point without sounding like a fool.

BTW, the troll-over point on this thread was masterful.

>> No.2494695


hahaha you are seriously deranged. Top scientists in America have stated ammonia, even in small quantites DIGESTED can cause cancer. And apart from the fact IT DOES NOT WORK because e-coli and salmonella has been found in tested samples. So what now fucko? Is e-coli and salmonella bacteria safe to eat too?

Oh and yeah we in Europe are backwards? Right or how about we eat less and more healthy instead of growing more so we can be obese lard-asses? Yeah we can see you have it all figured out...look at your health system...it's something which you would expect to find in a third world country. Millions who can't get treatment because they can't afford it...in Europe it is free.

Oh but anyway your government has taken a u-turn over the pink slime they were trying to feed the kids in schools yet again...it's like your insane government comes up with ideas which anyone who is normal would just balk at, puts it out there and then retracts after the backlash of sane people.

wow...fallen to new lows

Russia...thank God they are Europeans. They will protect and guide us in future. Go Russia...anyway Russia already gives Europe most of their gas...what does America do for Europe? Bring down the banks? Downgrade countries so it add to national debt...wow. Russia please welcome, yes this is your continent as well Russia.


>> No.2494697

>Top scientists in America have stated ammonia, even in small quantites DIGESTED can cause cancer.
I'm calling your bs on that, they didn't. either cite a peer reviewed article or shut up.

>> No.2494699
File: 57 KB, 640x426, misc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


laugh in your plate son, pink slime...it's whats for dinner!!

"mommy..can I have some more pink slime"?

"honey, is the pink slime nearly ready"?

What I don't understand is, why America don't obtane their food from China. You owe trillions to them, they might give you a discount. Hey I'd prefer Chinese produce grown in human manure farms to that pink slime any day...

Oh but yeah, well anyway..important thing is you have enough money to buy bombs...the children can eat pink slime that's ok...bombs are more important. yes.

>> No.2494704


Way more expensive to ship food than to grow it in situ.

Plus, China is a major food importer... They're buying food stuffs from the US. Do you actually know anything about the geography of the country, or are you incapable of talking out of anything but your ass?

Also, peer-review was requested. Put up or shut up.

>> No.2494706

emotional appeals. you learned your English watching old American commercials. admit it, chump, the American dream has been denied to you and your reward is drone labor in the smog ridden wastelands of China.

>> No.2494709

" According to MSNBC, with ammonium hydroxide can be harmful when eaten and can actually turn into ammonium nitrate,"


anything else?

>> No.2494711


>> No.2494712


>emotional appeals. you learned your English watching old American commercials.

fuck you fucka! china dominate marketpplace!!! WE BUY FOOD FROM US BECAUSE YOU OWE MONEY US!!!


>> No.2494715

thanks for the railroads but you're bringing me down

>> No.2494716
File: 13 KB, 196x230, r712r82yh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: americans in denial that they are a fading country destined to be superseded by 4 emerging super-economies.

In the Asian corner we have: China and India

In the European corner we have Russia and the EU

In the South American corner we have Brazil

This is the New World Order and the time you all accept it is the time your butt-hurtedness will disappear. Otherwise: YOU MAD?

mfw: realise future of the planet is in good hands


>> No.2494720


fu我的襪子是乾淨的CK YOU!

>> No.2494721

Well I just hope this new world order, learns to count to 4.

>> No.2494724

This is the dumbest fucking thread, all you children are idiots. Countries are an illusion. You people are no better than the flag-waving hicks in Alabama who live out of trailers and cry when they see fireworks on the 4th of July. Watch the movie Network so your little brains can understand.

>> No.2494725
File: 320 KB, 1073x1087, joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anyway. Russia is building a moon base and probably China will too.

While NASA watches longingly from the ground...

"Bob...remember when we used to film the moon landings in that draughty Hollywood studio?"

"Yeah Jim...those were sure fun days...!*sigh*

Moon base with a Russian flag. Moon base with a Chinese flag.

Where is the one with the American flag?

mfw: world has a bright future

>> No.2494727


where is your moon base dude?

>> No.2494728

maybe if all the Mongol fucked offspring were on the moon the world would be a better placed

>> No.2494733

That's cute, you really think the US is going down without a fight? you've already seen us throw a tantrum after a few buildings got knocked down. When we get all pissy because our empire has waned to nothing, you think we won't send off a few nukes? Your world might be have a bright future, but to get there will be a whole lot of charred corpses in the way.

>> No.2494734


EU is not an "emerging economy" numbnuts. Look it up. The biggest economy in the world is not the US economy, but the EU economy which is 50 per cent BIGGER than the US economy. So how can it be emerging? So yes 4 emerging economies and 5 superpowers...gets worse doesn't it?

America may think Europe is worse off than what america is, but consider that the EU is 50 per cent bigger and has half the collective public debt of the US and....manufacturing is a big part of it.

See why Europe has a very bright future. That's before you consider the cosy relationship with Russia. Eventually Russia will become the dominant military force (along with the New European Army (NEA) in the continent of Europe when finally america cannot afford to keep bases there (already happening..German bases closing for example). Then Russia will be accepted into the EU and Europe will become the "west" replacing America which will become a huge version of Mexico (i.e. a developing country..or "2nd world country").

The future is bright for Europe. And there's nothing you can do or say that will change it. You can try but then...RUSSIA.

>> No.2494739
File: 34 KB, 531x561, g43tg443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Russia will protect Europe. There's a new slogan in Europe: "In Russia We Trust". They will protect us. We love Russia. RUSSIA WE LOVE YOU...HOPE YOU REMEMBER!!

We are already adopting Russian culture in Europe as we speak.

Such a lovely country Russia is...such lovely people.

>> No.2494742


Ah, now you're just showing that you're a troll. Europeans (especially easterners) utterly detest Russia.

>> No.2494740


I'm sorry to break this to you, but your fantasies about China and Russia being better than the USA are quite misguided, and China and Russia have a load of problems to deal with.

Just worship west european countries if you want to worship any.

>> No.2494741

>a developing country..or "2nd world country"
You are such an idiot

>> No.2494744


Yes america will accept it and shut up. Because it wont be "going down without a fight". It will be like an old person who gets weaker and weaker. Like an old chieftan of a village. Once proud and strong, now weak and uninfluential. Sure there will still be the smaller tribes people who will bow towards the chieftan...but even they are choosing a replacement as they do it.

America will be like the old chieftan..content at what it has (it could be worse after all he will say). The nukes will not be launched in anger, but rather kept to make sure the new big superpowers will always treat the chieftan with a minimum of respect...afterall, nukes are expensive and better to maintain the ones you have than to build new ones of which the chieftan cannot afford.

No...the chieftan will be content with far less power and influence. Control of the village will move onto others, but he will still be treated with respect and kept fed just enough to be content.

Just like Mexico.

>> No.2494751
File: 25 KB, 600x429, jump-for-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. Russia is well loved. Russia will be joining the EU. They have just celebrated St. Patricks Day very similar to what they did in New York. I think the strategy from Russia is that if they take over from the US, the rest of Europe will not miss the US of A. Clever huh? And I think it's working. Starting with St. Paddy's. Instead of going all the way to the US and getting molested by airport security..why not just visit Moscow..it's much closer.

Next on the agenda: DisneyshiLand, St. Petersburg. Las Vegashia, Moscow.

Yes Russia will be a very good European superpower...we love you Mother Europe!!!

mfw: the love Europe feels for her mother Russia

>> No.2494754

> Russia will be joining the EU

>> No.2494760

Nope, American's are childlike, scared of foreign things, and addicted to guns, when they get threatened things blow up. America is not some old man, its a wounded animal facing being devoured, and it will bite and scratch with everything it has before its inevitable doom, and it has nukes.

>> No.2494766
File: 16 KB, 400x312, fenfiwn18181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a poem for you Mother Russia:

Oh Russia! kind mother of Europe and beyond
Your children cradle in your arms
Waiting for evil to be gone
Protect them from harm

For bad men device of evil deeds
Take pleasure in agony and tears
These children who have so many needs
Find comfort in your strong bussom

Look...look Mother, do you recognise your children:

28,748 2,831,741 98.5 Tirana
Andorra 468 68,403 146.2 Andorra la Vella
Armenia [k] 29,800 3,229,900 101 Yerevan
Austria 83,858 8,169,929 97.4 Vienna
Azerbaijan [l] 86,600 9,000,000 97 Baku
Belarus 207,600 10,335,382 49.8 Minsk
Belgium 30,510 10,274,595 336.8 Brussels
Bosnia and Herzegovina 51,129 3,843,126 75.2 Sarajevo
Bulgaria 110,910 7,621,337 68.7 Sofia
Croatia 56,542 4,437,460 77.7 Zagreb
Cyprus [e] 9,251 788,457 85 Nicosia
Czech Republic 78,866 10,256,760 130.1 Prague
Denmark 43,094 5,564,219 129 Copenhagen
Estonia 45,226 1,340,194 29 Tallinn
Finland 336,593 5,157,537 15.3 Helsinki
France [h] 547,030 63,182,000 115.5 Paris
Georgia [m] 69,700 4,661,473 64 Tbilisi
Germany 357,021 83,251,851 233.2 Berlin
Greece 131,940 10,645,343 80.7 Athens
Hungary 93,030 10,075,034 108.3 Budapest
Iceland 103,000 307,261
Vatican City
Your children are many oh Mother Russia and look up to you.


In Russia We Trust.

>> No.2494769

America is too young and obscene to trust the old world, let alone the new.

If the CCCP was the tragedy of communism, then the USA is the tragedy of liberal democracy.

>> No.2494772


no no no...America is controlled by people who make deals. They will make a deal in the hope one day they can once again make the country strong again. You will accept it. Just like every other past empire has accepted their demise. How misguided you are.

>> No.2494776

Accepted? Rome had to burn, the ottomans needed WWI, Japan needed two nukes. What makes you think people just accept it either now or throughout history?

>> No.2494778


The EU had started steps to welcome Russia into its fold a very long time ago. Russia had started steps to integrate its economy into the EU a long time ago.

The truth makes one uncomfortable, does it?

Imagine the economic might of Europe with Russia (economic superpower).

I heard there are more millionaires in America than anywhere else. I also heard there are more billionaires in Russia than anywhere else.

Russia = USA 2.0

God Bless Russia

>> No.2494794


Different times, different methods. Rome was brought down by Christianity and transititioned Eastwards. If the "burning of Rome" was enough to bring down the Empire, than why was it stilla round after Nero? WW1 merely highlighted the futility of the Ottoman Empire. The world had moved on from sweeping tribes conquering everything in their path. And Japan was already finished before the two nukes fell on the Japanese women and children (the men were off fighting). It was more an act of mindless barbarism and no doubt an unpunished war crime.


No, America will transition into a lesser role. Just like she did in Libya when she asked help from Britain and France in order to bomb the government of Libya. It will be a gradual process, but unstopable nonetheless.

>> No.2494798

"you heard" where did you hear that? the ministry of bullshit statistics?

>> No.2494806

>Rome was brought down by Christianity and transititioned Eastwards. If the "burning of Rome" was enough to bring down the Empire, than why was it stilla round after Nero?
Because it was not burned by its enemies, the whole point is that the state entered a period of decay followed by a crippling violent finishing blow.

>WW1 merely highlighted the futility of the Ottoman Empire. The world had moved on from sweeping tribes conquering everything in their path.
Yes, it did that, and it was necessary in order to do that.

>And Japan was already finished before the two nukes fell on the Japanese women and children (the men were off fighting). It was more an act of mindless barbarism and no doubt an unpunished war crime.
But they had not surrendered

Do you see the point, in all these cases the empires are crumbling away, feeling the tides of history against them, but it is in that state that the violent spasms of death lash out and do their damage. America will follow the same path, lashing out at the darkness as death tightens its grip.

>> No.2494807

I wrote another poem:

God, please bless Russia
Land of the free
Land that I adore
Stand beside her guiding her
At the steppes of the door
From the hills to the fields
Russia will never yield
Stand beside her and guide her, God
God Bless Mother Russia, mother sweet mother
God Bless Mother Russia, mother sweet mother

>> No.2494812


are those statistics from the same people who claim pizza is a vegetable? Yes, very credible. So how does that work I wonder. Millions on food stamps. 20 trillion in debt and rising. Record unemployment. And the most billionaires in the world.

>does not compute

>pizza is a vegetable

>grow a pizza field

>> No.2494823

dude we already addressed the pizza vegetable thing
You can't just revive a troll from the same thread because you think its been long enough. You have to keep it fresh, like my backyard pizza garden.

>> No.2494844


>Because it was not burned by its enemies, the whole point is that the state entered a period of decay followed by a crippling violent finishing blow.

Rome was sacked/destroyed/burnt to the ground and rebuilt 7 times you ignorant fuck.


The thing that destroyed the Roman Empire was Christianity. i.e. it lost its influence and power. Just like America today.

>America will follow the same path, lashing out at the darkness as death tightens its grip.

Then if America chooses this path it will bear the consequences just like Japan did or the Ottomans (which are no more). That's why they wont choose this path because despite the insanity of your government they are not that dumb and can see a comfortable existence is better than a one which befell Germany or Japan...unless you don't mind losing Texas to the Mexicans and Alaska divided between Russia and Canada etc.

But anyway...maybe all this Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya IS the backlash you talk about. If that's the case...the world can take your tantrums and we will move on once you finally run out of energy/money.

You can't stop the world from turning. Bigger Empires have fallen and America is a mere drop in the ocean. America was never really much of an Empire to speak of when you take history into account, anyway.

But it is exciting to witness the end of an mini-Empire like the USA though, admit it. How many people can say that they witnessed the changing of the World Order? Doesn't happen often..


>> No.2494848


did you like my poem?



Don't you think it would be good as words to a song that goes sort of:

laaa la la laa la la
la la la
laaa la la laa la la
la la laa laa
god bless mother russia
la la laa laa

nice eh? :)

>> No.2494851

>America was never really much of an Empire to speak of when you take history into account, anyway
America never claimed to be an empire, that was the slander of its detractors.

>> No.2494861

Still filled the definition, especially in its imperialist tendencies during the cold war.

>> No.2494869


bahahaha...your pretentious forefathers modelled the whole nation on the Roman Empire. The Capitol building is an exact replica of the Pantheon in Rome. The Eagle was a symbol of Rome. The symbology you use i.e. the "fasce" (bundled up oats tied around with rope and an axe in the middle) was a strong symbol of Rome and is at the back of the Senate in Washington and used in other parts of the government. Your currency has a lot of symbology relating to the Roman and Egyptian empires. The Cleopatra's needle in Washington...shall I carry on?

Oh please...

Anyway. All grandeous plans which went to shit. Oh well. lol

But that was the problem with America...you borrowed everything from your language, religion, culture...you never invented anything yourselves.

How can an Empire expect to survive by being a cheap rip-off of great Empires of before? Come on...

Oh yeah the SENATE. The Senate was where the Roman politicians gatheres. Yeah..all a coincidence. BAHAHAHAHAAH

>> No.2494872

You're confusing symbols of Rome with symbols of the Roman Empire. Its the republic that the forefathers wished to associate with, that's why we have a president instead of a Caesar.

>> No.2494882

What destroyed America is that it became what it despised. The fact that George Bush Jr. is famously quoted as saying "BUT THE CONSTITUTION IS JUST A PIECE OF PAPER", sums it all up. I don't doubt America did have good intentions to begin with. But the road to hell is paved with it as the saying goes. But the failing economy didn't bring America down. The bad political decisions did. The abuse of her allies. That is what brought America down ultimately. You can't buy influence with money or soldiers, you have to earn it.

The fact of the matter is America has become the Soviet Union of the 1950s and Russia has become America of the 1980s. That's the reality whether you like it or not. If America makes the same policy decisions and runs the country in the same manner, spying on its citizens, taking away civil liberties, then it IS the Soviet Union in everything but name.

Other nations are treating the USA like they treated the Soviet Union during the Cold War...and americans have a problem with that? Why?

>He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

>If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche isn't required reading in the US I take it?

>> No.2494893
File: 1.35 MB, 1915x1276, Obama_Health_Care_Speech_to_Joint_Session_of_Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




click on the photo of Obama addressing US congress. To the right and left of the flag are the Roman "fasce"..symbol of the military might of the Roman Empire.

I could go on but I think I will spare you further embarassment.

>> No.2494895

from your own link:
> It was used as a symbol of the Roman Republic in many circumstances, including being carried in processions, much the way a flag might be carried today.
>the Roman Republic
So, nope.
Feel free to go on, I'm not embarrassed yet.

>> No.2494901


Also the fact that the word "fascism" comes from "fasce" the symbology so used by the American government. Yes because Mussolini was really trying to build a modern day Roman Republic what with the voting they were doing in Italy...wait a minute, wasn't Mussolini in power for 18 years without having been voted in by the time WW2 started. YEP. So yes Mussolini invented fascism and borrowed the term from the "fasce" which heavily features in Fascist Italy in order to build a modern day Roman Empire and yet America uses it to symbolise the Roman Republic?

>does not compute

>> No.2494907

Yes, America predates Mussolini. You can't tie use of the symbol to his ideology when he followed us.

>> No.2494914


Read on. It was also used during the Roman Empire to symbolise the might of the Roman army. Want me to show Mussolini with the "fasce"?

>> No.2494925

So? the symbol itself represents an idea, strength through unity, fitting for the UNITED States. It does not represent everyone who's ever used it.

>> No.2494929

The fasces was used by both the Empire and Republic. Your claim that the US does not associate with the Republic because of the use of the fasces is false. Bringing the fasces up as proof of this claims was pointless, as is continuing to bring up Mussolini since the US use of the fasces predates Mussolini.

>> No.2494931


Yes but so who was the ignorant one? Mussolini for using it as a symbol of the Modern Day Roman Empire he wanted to build (but according to you it symbolises the Roman Republic), so he made a mistake choosing that and naming fascism after it?

Or were the ignorant ones the founding fathers of America who thought they were using a Roman Republic symbology but instead were using a symbol of the Roman Empire.

Choose one..unless you are saying you have the same government in place in the US as fascist Italy did.

Seeing Italy is closer to Rome and should know more about Roman history (having lived it), I would guess the American founding fathers misguidedly used a symbol of the Roman Empire when in fact they thought it was a symbol of the Roman Republic and the WIKI ARTICLE IS COMPLETE REVISIONIST HISTORY NONSENSE TO HIDE THAT MISTAKE. Hence why no one takes wiki seriously.

Ok then so you are saying that the American founding fathers, through their ignorance, chose the wronf symbol? Or do you actually believe Mussolini and all the scholars in Italy do not know their own history (bahahaahahaha).

Either way...doesn;t look so good does it?

>> No.2494939


Sorry but that's complete and utter bullshit. I don't think a bundle of sticks and an axe shoved in the middle of it would be a proper symbol of the Roman Republic i.e. a violent thing with the axe it almost looks like a weapon. Why would the peaceful, democratic Roman Republic adopt such a symbol? I believe Americans, having realised their mistake, engaged in a little revisionist history...

>> No.2494940
File: 324 KB, 532x399, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have any evidence that Mussolini thought the Fasces was never used by the Roman Republic?

>> No.2494942


>The fasces was used by both the Empire and Republic.

But earlier it was stated that "it is a symbol of the Roman Republic". All of a sudden, it is both. If that's the case, how can you be sure it was not chosen because it symbolised the Romen Empire...where does it say it was chosen because it symbolised the Roman Republic...find a source.

But at least now you admit was used during the Romen Empire...that's a step forward

>> No.2494949

>All of a sudden, it is both. If that's the case, how can you be sure it was not chosen because it symbolised the Romen Empire...where does it say it was chosen because it symbolised the Roman Republic...find a source.

You are the one who claimed that the fasces was a symbol of the Empire and ignored that it was a symbol of the republic in this post:
And you also claimed that it was proof that the US emulated the Empire but not the republic in the same post.

>> No.2494951


>Do you have any evidence that Mussolini thought the Fasces was never used by the Roman Republic?

The point was not that and you missed it. The point is that it must have been used by the Empire because he chose it...because before the guy said it was used by the Republic. But Mussolini using it is proof right there that it WAS used by the Empire. Then if it was ALSO used prior to that by the Republic is another matter. Unless you are saying Mussolini wanted to build a New Roman Republic? Which is complete idiocy since he was in power from 1922 to 1943 without Italy ever having elections.

So I used the example to prove it WAS in fact used during the Roman Empire. And saying it wasn't is saying Mussolini and his advisors (scholars, generals) did not know about Italian history (very unlikely).

So I ask you...giving this fact, how can you be sure America intended it as a symbol of the Roman Republic and not the Empire? hey hey..

>> No.2494957


>You are the one who claimed that the fasces was a symbol of the Empire and ignored that it was a symbol of the republic in this post:

Because I have always read it was a symbol of the Empire. Being a symbol of the Republic is a new one on me and before the Wiki article I had not come across it. So...

>And you also claimed that it was proof that the US emulated the Empire but not the republic in the same post.

I did not say it was "proof", I have other things besides. But what I am saying is...you can't be certain they did choose the symbol because it represented the Republic and not the Empire.

>> No.2494958

I was having fun with this troll, then it just got boring. You know that feeling when you're really getting into it with a troll, they're all unpredictable, what are they gonna say next? You feel it sharpening your wit and your responses. Its a fun feeling.

Then the troll loses steam, and gets stuck in a rut and suddenly its time to just accept your victory and walk away.

>> No.2494961


You have lost the argument. It's ok to walk away and accept defeat. It's ok. I understand.

I have opened your eyes to the truth and you need to sit down because you don't like hearing it. Pity..because it's just the tip of the iceberg...there was the Pantheon of Rome which I wanted to establish when it was built, seeing there is an exact replica in Washington. Oh well...

>> No.2494963

>So I ask you...giving this fact, how can you be sure America intended it as a symbol of the Roman Republic and not the Empire? hey hey..

You are moving the goalposts. Your claim was
>To the right and left of the flag are the Roman "fasce"..symbol of the military might of the Roman Empire.

They are not exclusively the symbol of the Empire as you claimed, but also the Republic. Your bringing up of the fasces was pointless because they do not prove anything about the US emulating the Empire and not the Republic.

>> No.2494967

>They are not exclusively the symbol of the Empire as you claimed, but also the Republic. Your bringing up of the fasces was pointless because they do not prove anything about the US emulating the Empire and not the Republic.

I cannot prove they were exclusively used by the Empire, just like you cannot prove they chose that to symbolise the Republic and not the Empire...swings both ways.

My "proof" was elsewhere. Bear with me...

>> No.2494972
File: 137 KB, 800x600, 800px-Pantheon_rome_2005may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pantheon of Rome. Built during the Roman Empire. 126 AD during the reign of Emperor Hadrian.

>> No.2494973

>>I cannot prove they were exclusively used by the Empire, just like you cannot prove they chose that to symbolise the Republic and not the Empire...swings both ways.

I never claimed what they chose to symbolize. You claimed that they symbolized the Empire and not the republic in this post:
That is false. You are wrong.

Your "proof" has to be elsewhere because this point is in arguably wrong. The fasces was used by both.

>> No.2494974

Replica of the Pantheon of Rome:


Designed by Thomas Jefferson, founding father of America.

Symbol of the Roman Repbulic? Please answer.

I am not finished.

>> No.2494976

Its like you can't even read, It says in THE PICTURE you posted, Marcus Agrippa son of Lucius Consul 3 times, built it. Which dates it 27 BC, THE ROMAN REPUBLIC!!! You colossal idiot.

>> No.2494977


>Your "proof" has to be elsewhere because this point is in arguably wrong. The fasces was used by both.


Ok, disprove that.

The Pantheon was built during the height of the Roman Empire..Hadrian even famously conquered Britain and thus the Empire was the furthest it had ever reach northwards...Hadrian's Wall anyone?

But ok let's carry on...

>> No.2494981

No, the Pantheon was RE-built by Hadrian.

>> No.2494986


You seem to be trying to change the subject from your obvious and inarguable mistake about the fasces. Do you admit that you are completely wrong about the Fasces not being a symbol of the republic?

Also, hilariously, the original Pantheon was built during the Roman Republic.

>> No.2494988


It was rebuilt. What part of "rebuilt" don't you get. If they wanted to emulate the original temple...why not build it as the original temple instead of the exact replica Hadrian built to signify the Roman Empire's might and power?

Also you will note the US Congress is an exact replica of Hadrian's Pantheon.

Oh but please explain also why when Hadiran rebuilt the Pantheon during the height of the Roman Empire, he put certain "pictures" on the Pantheon and these ones (which were not on the original) were also copied on the US Capitol building. These supposedly show triumph in battle during many of Rome's battles and conquests as an Empire.

I have more anyway.

>> No.2494992


Nope. I'm saying you are squirming yourself out of it for now but I will get to one piece of evidence you cannot disprove you slimy cock muncher. You're like a greasy new york lawyer who would sell his grandmother for the right price.

You will note you need many bits of evidence to prove a theory without doubt..and that is what I will get.

>> No.2494993

>These supposedly show
well great now that we know what you "suppose" they show that should settle all debate [/sarcasm]

>> No.2494999


supposedly you retard because you have a cunt with a sword attacking another cunt with a spear and in those days they didn;t have the insight to write what was going down, but historians SUPPOSE that it was from a battle...CERTAINLY THE CUNT WAS NOT GOING FISHING FOR COD!!! WITH A SWORD...

you sound like the lawyer from ok simpson trial..."the glove doesn't fit the glove doesn't fit...i must be innocent ignore the blood all over his clothes and the murder weapon in his car"...seriously...FECK OFF!

>> No.2495005

Listen bro, I know you're getting all mad because everyone's saying you're wrong and treating you like a retard, but that's only because you're wrong and you're a retard. There's no need to get upset.

>> No.2495007



Apologize now and I spare your blushes.

>getting ready to win internet argument in 3...2...



>> No.2495011
File: 31 KB, 480x320, 0085-Roman-Eagle-q75-480x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Aquila" was adopted by the first EMPEROR of the ROMAN EMPIRE. Before that, it was not used.

pic related:

ha fuckers...now deny The Eagle, symbol of America, REPRESENTS THE FUCKING ROMEN REPUBLIC....HAHAHAHAHA

>inb4: bald eagle native to america blah blah

you lost the fucking argument...GIVE ME MY FUCKING 1 INTERNETS NAO!!


>> No.2495013
File: 25 KB, 360x278, clip_image002_thumb[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: it has been established America's founding father's had delusions of grandeur by attempting a new Roman Republic.

mfw: how it turned out

>> No.2495015

so far better than the first roman republic

>> No.2495018


The Roman Republic lasted 500 years. The US has been slogging at about 300 and that's without having an actual republic to speak of. This was actually one of the arguments Anti-federalists posed because all the Federalists used roman pen names in reference to Rome.

>> No.2495019


Nope. The Roman Republic lasted for 100 years longer than the American Empire. I would compare the defunct American Empire to the Rajhistan Empire of Culcatta. They were pretty big in the 6th century..owned all the cattle farms around southern India. That's how America will go down in history. Imagine, in 100 years from now...a book: "The American Empire of the 17th to 20th century" 31 pages long.

Byzantium Empire, Roman Empire, Greek Empire, Persian Empire.

Vatican, Luxembourg, Andorra

Somewhere in the middle lies the defunct American Empire of the US of A.


>> No.2495021

>inb4: bald eagle native to america blah blah
I love when people use the "inb4" to concede that they already realize their wrong.

>> No.2495027


The famous American education system strikes again:

>realize their wrong.
>their wrong.

This annuls your whole argument.

p.s. I suppose Cleopatra's needle is also native to the US? Because that's in Washington too...

>> No.2495038

that's perfectly acceptable grammar.
>8. that which is wrong, or not in accordance with morality, goodness, or truth; evil: I committed many wrongs.

>> No.2495040

>Cleopatra's needle
Nope, its just an obelisk.

>> No.2495043

It is so exciting thinking about the world and how it will be with Russia, China, Brazil, EU and India all working together in mutual benefice. It makes such a refreshing change from the old cold war era backstabbing foreign policies. Maybe..later on..we can stop spending so much on the military and instead of more useful things. You know when the "threat" has finally fucked off for good and stopped interfering in other country's affairs. That is so last century..starting wars for oil and greed.

New World Order.

>> No.2495048


Fuck you are dense. "They're wrong". As in "they are wrong". You fucking numbskull are you seriously that stupid?

You wrote:

> that they already realize their wrong.

It should either be: "that they already realize THEY'RE wrong. or "that they already realize their wrongDOING."

Don't tell me, you graduated Harvard with honours. I wouldn't be surprised.

WTF are you even doing on /lit/ if you can't get basic grammar right?

>> No.2495053


>Nope, its just an obelisk.

Stolen from Egypt at the sight of Cleopatra's tomb which bears her name and once belonged to her. Ok then, sorry...my bad. "just an obelisk".

>> No.2495060


For the currency of these "old" ways, try lurking around /k for a while. Scary.

>> No.2495063

Learn to use a dictionary son. "wrong" is among other things a noun, synonymous with error.

>> No.2495064

what the fuck happened in this thread

did a radical pan-slavic nationalist go buck wild or something

>> No.2495068

Are you talking about the one in New York? you know, the place that ISN'T Washington?

>> No.2495076

>meet the new boss
>same as the old boss
>(we hope)

>> No.2495082

I don't know, but it's both beautiful and horrifying to see the process of its derailment.

>> No.2495086

There is a rabid element of anti-American nationalism on 4chan, but I've always assumed its some shitty teenaged American troll trying to be edgy. They never advocate a coherent nationalism of their own.

>> No.2495087

it just goes to show, you never can tell, with the internet

>> No.2495112

Hardbacks are so fucking unwieldy. Only an idiot who doesn't know how to care for a book damages a paperback. And personally, I'm willing to buy books if it means authors has the funds to continue their jobs (This doesn't apply to dead authors)
And to those who pirate all their books, how many of you have directly donated to authors? I assume slim to none, since most of you are greedy pricks