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File: 12 KB, 290x260, al-swearengen-deadwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490582 No.2490582 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm gonna be going to London in May and since in my country there isn't a really diverse choice of english books in bookstores, I have the intention of buying a lot. Since I'm naturally not going to have a shit load of cash I'll be looking for cheap bookstores and used bookstores. Can anyone recommend such to me so I now where to go beforehand.

>> No.2490587
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cunts.

>> No.2490586

Try charity shops, they're really cheap

>> No.2490588

>travelling to another country to buy books

You're doing it seriously wrong, man. This is why the Kindle exists, along with IRC.

>> No.2490597


In central London, look around Charing Cross rd. Has loads of second hand bookstores, some specialist, some general, plus Foyles, which is bloody huge and amazing, although obviously there you'll have to pay full price.

>> No.2490601

>Implying digital books are of the same caliber as physical copies.
>Implying you don't read 50% faster with physical copies.

>> No.2490627


>not using IRC to download books

>unable to use block formatting when converting .txt files in calibre.

>> No.2490658

and somehow, not even Foyles carries most of the Finnegans Wake guides

>> No.2490729

This man is right. Have a wander around Charing Cross and Soho to find a fuck load of used book shops.

>> No.2491518

I'm also buying a KIndle, but I'm going to have money left. Paper's aways better and it's battery ain't gonna die after the end of the world.

>> No.2491549


> Implying reading on an e–ink device is different from paper.

>> No.2491550


Stop using that actor playing my relative for reaction images.

>> No.2491555
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ITT: cocksuckers

>> No.2491638

Yeah, London has tons of used book stores in Soho/Charing X (and they have BOOB SECTIONS). Also, check out the Waterstones and Hatchards on Piccadilly b/c those bookstores are fucking game changers. I sit in the Waterstones on Pdly for hours on end some days. Also, in London there are hot girls in bookstores. It's sci-fi shit. Bring a condom.

>> No.2491649

Fuck yeah!

>> No.2491667

How are you going to get those books home OP?

>> No.2491702

They're not gonna be that many. I was just intending on buying a kindle, several books and maybe some other geek memorabilia or something, probably a cheap TV series because in my country nobody sells tv series. Probably whatever I buy on paper's gonna be something that has santimental value to me as a title, so as I said, gettin them hom won't be a problem.

>> No.2491711
File: 46 KB, 600x400, 1329676030477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice series. I came to love his nemisis more though.

>> No.2491712

As in you like Bullock more?

>> No.2491714
File: 1.61 MB, 1992x2560, Cy-Tolliver-deadwood-14831357-1992-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2491719

>even remotely able to see the glory of Swedgin from down below in his valley of uncoolness

>> No.2491736
File: 59 KB, 153x180, dan dority 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' A right he doesn't have the power or the glory. Or the Doherty. The power of Al lies partially in the quality of his henchmen.

>> No.2491739

You know the second Dan went off to run his own hotel his loyalty over all those years would mean nothing to Al. He would just be another competitor. Feels badass, man.

>> No.2491741
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>valley of uncoolness