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/lit/ - Literature

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2489865 No.2489865 [Reply] [Original]

alright /lit/ this is an OC poem thread, any poems go here.
Limericks, Haikus etc. and use of poetic devices is welcome.
We comment on each other's work and try to improve them.

>> No.2489872

Here's my shitty limerick I came up with today in bed.

There was a woman named Glare
And she had lots of hair
she looked in the mirror
and saw what she feared
all of her hair have disappeared.

>> No.2489885


that's not a limerick.

There once was a poster on /lit/
Who thought of his work quite a bit
his limerick verse
could not have been worse
and the scansion just fell all to shit.

Now that's a Limerick

>> No.2489889


oh wow!

>> No.2489890
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>> No.2489894

The internet is for porn
So says Ross five three five four five
4chan is simply forlorn
A complex, sulking beehive
Just give her the dick

>> No.2489895

i am impressed....

>> No.2489898
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>> No.2489912

A darling young /lit/izen, sally
would never with most poets dally
but if at wry jest
your verse is the best
she'll gobble your knob in the alley

>> No.2489936

An author exceedingly abstruse
a very long book did produce
said the critc quite gallant
no discernable talent
So he hanged himself with a noose

>> No.2489937

You call this writing? I could puke into a fountain pen and mail it off to the monkey house and get better work.

>> No.2489940

That david foster wallace gimp
whom /lit/izens considered pimp
gave up his old job
as a literary snob
and supported himself on hemp

>> No.2489955

The internet brought us much merit
More of the world we understood
but teenager brats
not old enough to wear hats
started writing shitty poems... about Bene Gesserit.

Fuck it I can't ryhme this.

>> No.2489964

how old must one be to wear a hat?

>> No.2489977

not sure you understand the scansion and structure of a limerick.

A /lit/erate guy, as a boon
would the virtues of sci fi impugn
couldn't keep up the pace
and he fell on his face
in a doggerel verse about Dune

>> No.2489994

thank you, i was trying to think of the word doggerel, it was totally presque vuing on me.

>> No.2490019

Mozzer hates meat and the Queen;
the Queen loves her swans and her tea,
so Kaufman made dinner,
asked "Who is the winner?"
and pulled out a roast swan tagine.

>> No.2490023

Actually, I wanted to make it good instead of merit and forgot about it afterwards because who gives a fuck, this is bad poetry dump.

>> No.2490024
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/lit/ is such a gay place
even after i had passionate sex
with a boy who was eight
it felt less gay
then being on /lit/ for a day

>> No.2490035

My personal favourite:

A mosquito was heard to complain
That a chemist had poisoned his brain
The cause of his sorrow
Was paradichloro

>> No.2490049

So I searched through my documents and found poems I'd written when I was 15 or something.

As the silence of the night chills down my bone
sound of peace... I'm left alone.
Feeling of calmness, a poetic night
I'm picking through my feelings...
a mixed sight.

Worries of life... You often feel they never leave you alone
But now, they seem so far.
Relax, my friend,
let them be a long forgotten scar.


>> No.2490061

>angsty teenagers

>> No.2490070



>> No.2490077

I wrote a bit of poetry
i fancied quite a bit
in optimistic hubris then
i posted it on /lit/
They scorned me,
they trolled me
in mockery rolled me
and one guy extolled me
as lower than shit

I'm not sure you appreciate
the art that lives in me
my genius somehow
you just will not see
I'm done here,
I'm thru now
I've gone back to /mu/ now
where hackneyed stale verses run free!

>> No.2490130

diaphanous shadows, umbral black sheets
we string up silken nooses
we give praise to their softness
to their suppleness
say 'oh it how it gives'
a yielding chain, oh the novelty
oh the luxury
a foetid corpse lies strung up
a nobleman's arras, a dead mans caress
a siren song sings of peace:
"give up your arm, you have no need to draw"
we set down our steel and slouch in despair
where are the prizes? why should we care?
Here is your prize, a hangman's knot,
take it with care and find a good spot.

>> No.2490183

There once was a thread on /lit/
and i was having a good time in it
but it fell to page one
so to have some more fun
a bump, at the top, it will sit

>> No.2490206


I really liked the two last lines.

>> No.2490214

There once was a nigger named jim
He fancied women that were dim
So he raped a ditz
Her brain went fritz
So now it is jail for him

>> No.2490236

Yeah, it gets better cause i started with "write some angsty trash" and then got drunker as i went and picked up a rhyme scheme somewhere.

>> No.2490254

I was just looking over my records, and honestly I still like the poem i wrote 5 years ago, it has its flaws but i enjoy it. I'd post it now but its too damn long.

>> No.2490257

I slept through the alarm that morning

As I rose from my bed

I thought about old friends I hadn't spoken to in some time

And what it felt

To want to kill my father

>> No.2490269

I'm going to be honest with you. I like that poem. it reminds me of this creepy dude I knew in undergrad who wrote a way too detailed one act play about murdering his father. good times.

>> No.2490277

You reminded me of something
>lunch break
>classmate with whom I speak rather rarely suddenly comes up to me
>I need to kill my father
>I'll do it tonight
>You will?
>Yeah. I just wanted to get this off my chest, see ya.
>he leaves and I stare at his back, as he disappears in the midst of school life
>what just happened.

>> No.2490283

Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes.
Damn you columbus.
clocks can run on potatoes.
Men can run on potatoes.
When the robot revolution comes
They shall find we have already grown their fuel
Damn you columbus,
first the injuns, now the rest of us

>> No.2490287


>> No.2490338

Now I'm imagining robots with potatoes in their heads for a power source.

>> No.2490430

why did her touch fall away?
why did her eyes say she wouldn't play?
why did her laugh always ring hollow?
why did her was her mind such a hard act to follow?
why can i still smell her perfume on the wind?
why must i atone? was it not she who sinned?
I'm lost and alone, and i have never forgot,
the feel of her skin in that most intimate spot.
But night followed day, and her sun it did set
and i now here i lay, remembering her wet.
She cut through her wrist, and bled out her fear
and now all alone I weep and sob into my beer.

>> No.2490457

i mistyped the fourth line, use your best judgement.

>> No.2490503

I ball so hard mother fuckers wanna find me
But they only ever see my hiney
Always just out of reach
the inquisitors preach
about my heresy blindly

>> No.2490585

poetry is nothing but word cancer

>> No.2490701


>poetry is nothing but word cancer

Thanks for the inspiration

I sing the god carcinoma
devourer of beggar and saint.
across all our tissue
the bulls he gives issue
make every is into an ain't

I sing the mighty sarcoma
Consuming the daft and the wise
In the pallid lymph courses
he marshalls his forces
Decembering all our Julys

Come give us the hymn "melanoma"
the bane of both pauper and prince
when the cool probe insults
and we wait the results,
and the specialist cannot but wince

we sacrifice things on their altars
a lobe or a limb or an eye,
that our doings without
may appease them no doubt
that this bribe might just let us get by.

But the comfort of friends is not cheering
and the struggle does not give release
and the glance of an eye
and the tremor and sigh
and the long dismal wait for decease

Oh drink you the health of Lymphoma:
requiter of dread and despair
and the step on the scale
as it tells a new tale
of a soon to be vacanted chair

But we had some good laughs with him didn't we?
and he made a good run of it though;
have another small round,
he won't wake at the sound.
take the bottle back home as you go.

>> No.2490705

I walked through some neighborhood,
The neighborhood was unclean.
I wanted to make them beautiful but,
Their faces were ugly and mean.

>> No.2490738

No way can i compete with these rhymes,
Some are simply sublime,
But I'll try nonetheless,
To not make this a mess,
If only I had some more time...

>> No.2491138

I spent years learning to juggle
One, two, three, four, five
Then someone showed me the system
I was momentarily impressed
His tricks, his slight of hand
He smiled, he said he had ADHD
I stopped watching the balls
and watched him for a few seconds
Before throwing money in his hat.

>> No.2491150
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its got to be the coldest place,
devoid of light pulses,
devoid of pain killers,
all embracing vacuum of eternity
where if brick & feather fall with same flights
I'll finally be a boulder among kites

like water only
runs in packs
spray protesters
see how they react

love, let go for someone else
just some embarrassed little kid
stretching more than arms can bear
fingers be damned for clutching nothing
it takes her so much time to respond

"I just don't think your touch was sincere."

>> No.2491180

All ready to put up the tents for my circus.
I think I will call it the Circus McGurkus.
And NOW comes an act of Enormous Enormance!
No former performer's performed this performance!

>> No.2491680

well don't leave us hanging, did his father die in mysterious circumstances or not?

>> No.2491693

oh god I can't stop doing quatrains:

It is a time unspecified
Soon though, no less vilified
You rise and bend your creaking arms
Shattered resting's shattered calms
Roof broke - night's in - whole ceiling flooded
You open up succouring cupboard
Peel photos from the quilt of air
And crudely stitch your own in there
Now faintly bergamot nostalgia
Fainter, sweeter ataraxia
The change, in the course of a cup of tea
To taste, to dregs, to end, and clean
Our little white-walled furnace days
And Hierophants with hammer ways
Skin and wallpaint bubbling, peeling
But some - you took their cane - sent reeling
Now muscle-watered saturnalia
And now-discarded trite regalia
What then? Too busy watching crows
And girls performing corvine shows
On partial precipices, pacing
Forward falling, backward facing
Climb down, or slip, the way supernal
Is smooth, sharp-angled, and eternal
You hacked that face into that tree
And through split bark, conveyancy
Now you'll never move, just reach
To driving lives, though short of each
A beloved hoard of obscure finds
The rafts of mitred, languid minds
The Ferris wheel of flying friends
A shame, here you are, and you know how it ends

>> No.2491715

Do you seriously think I would ask him that? Nu-uh, stayed away. If he really did that, it wasn't in papers or telly, I suppose it did not happen.

I hope

>> No.2491738

it seems my skill in limmerick
is untouchable by most
some might call me arrogant
for I do so love to boast

my rhymes are known and feared
all along the coast
so to my countless foes
I do now raise a toast

at heart I have your best of wishes
please know my good intent
it is no fault of mine
your dicks are horribly bent

truly I am no fool
though a jester I may be
while you are unaware
into your glass I pee

now I merely grin
as you sip your wine
blathering on about
how its so dry and fine

no doubt you are a connoisseur
a wine tasting you'd never miss
but you cannot guess this vintage
for it is my piss

>> No.2491745

You have shown no rhythm, nor talent displayed
Your rhymes are all weak, your shit's all out played
You glow with pride, unmerited, unwise, misplaced
because a vintner has praised your watery waste
Well I'll spell it out clear, you deaf, dumb, blind soul
label me rude, call me callus, but I'm certainly no troll
For your lyrics are so bad that none can dismiss
In preference to reading them, I'd gladly drink piss

>> No.2491797


A piss drinker you are I could tell from the start
so forgive me then if I don't take it to heart
A troll? Thou say nay, but I assure thee, thou art.

weighty insults brought forth in rapid dispensation
Hear me! I won't tolerate such baseless accusation
so I make this poem henceforth a celebration

with harsh words I could cast thee down into the darkest pit
But I prefer to praise my own glib charm and beguiling wit
while you sit high and gloat upon your throne of shit

I have no quarrel with thee my good friend and fellow
but If thou must retort please do and I'll play thee like a cello
unless of course like my piss you turn out to be yellow

>> No.2491813

Look at the poor nigger on the wall.
Look at him. Look at the poor nigger.
Look at the poor nigger on the wall.
Fuck him. Fuck the nigger on the wall.
Black man is debil.

>> No.2491818


The scansion and cadence in all these are awful., and the style is pedestrian and clumsy.

It's funny that you're arguing and baiting each other though; gives it a nice touch of badinage that the board often lacks, and is refreshing.

but seriously, polish it a little, or at least pick a conventional model.

>> No.2491826

you fight shadows with sad blows, think you're master?
your verse is shallow and your ego too great
Any fool who can read, knows yo're a poetaster

You are poser who's rhyme carries no weight,
Oh, tell us how you hold charm, guile, and wit
Well, well, here's a mirror go masturbate

your imagined throne may shine brighter than shit
a seat for a king, not just some poor schmuck
yet no substance has it, should you desire to sit

The greats of the art carve thrones from the muck
well do as you like, I don't give a fuck

>> No.2491829

I'm not going to edit my shitty feud poems

>> No.2491838


I had to look up two words in your post
my enlightenment heightened
I question
my art
the validity
I have no need for your models, your preordained forms
All the sonnets have been written...
...and burned

Whenever someone bring harsh word down upon my poetry

.......................I remember................

William Carlos Williams and how I had to read his linguistic garbage heaps in school

his work..terrible

His name...legendary

also ee cummings
who sucked

but a valuable lesson learned

don't pile all of your shit in someone else's

red wheelbarrow

>> No.2491889

last night was the night of the clover
but you had no friends to come over
so you sat alone
on 4chan at home
fapping till dry as a stover

>> No.2491907

terza rima just doesn't work for rap beef

>> No.2492576

I wrote a poem, i wrote it twice
the first captcha did not suffice
the first was lost
my wit did exhaust
so this one isn't very nice

>> No.2493211

Well /lit/ its been a few hours, time to crown a winner in this feud. Pick a side.

>> No.2495052


>> No.2495094

The Boogey Bears of Boog Boog Mountain
Part III

Alas the trial ended
faster than light
Poor little Boogwan did not put a fight
Not a scream not a peep
They pushed him off the big ol' straw heap
and those little bears with hats of twigs
dragged Poor Boogwan to be fed to the pigs
And those hogs ate and ate and ate some more
Poor Boogwan's body was given to the boars

The Boogey Bears howled with glee
Billy and Mary took this chance to flee

But the Boogey Bear with the snare
Blocked them both with the speed of a hare

Wheres does your feets thinketh they shall runeth
"Oh please kind bear spare our lives" Mary Cried
" Oh please kind bear have mercy with your knives " Billy sighed
Silence and stopeth your pleading

we bears are not going to part of your beating

"Thank you kind bear can we go home!"
Yes kind bear we shall leave you alone
Fools you hath broketh our laws

But your punishment shall not involveth Boogey Bear claws

Nor shall it involveth our Boogey Bear saws

You are not one of our kind as you can obviously find

Yeth cried Boogly Boo, the prophecy must be fulfilled yeth it's true

you children shall not die boogly boo let out with a cry

you shalth be given to the ---

Quiet boogly boo !
you shall be turned into hog pooh-pooh
silence your tongue silence it so
turn on your heels and and go

>> No.2495106

[This Space Intentionally Left Blank.]

>> No.2495111

I looked at the screen -
Five new replies:
One was a troll,
The other was a troll,
Next a troll
And then another.
Finally I looked
And saw the last:
A long post of ass
About Milton and Shakespeare.

>> No.2495119

Rate this, please:
The harrow tree with the orange leaves,
Angered by the sorrowed cheese,
I wavered yet I managed, lest my rats be maimed
By your disgraceful, hateful ways

Love comes through my little ones
Red shines down on happy days
Hay's food for your furry drones
Oh how dapper, there she lays

Drained by nonsensical motives
Exploding colors in the night sky
Flowing down after the little birds died
And the red I can't see no more

Opened her eyes, we went for a ride
Chased the light through the winter cold
Just wanted to feel once more
That feel when you read spaghetti lore

>> No.2495132


>> No.2496675


The man and the sea
Lived humbly
Their hearts laid with one another
With the sea always calm
The man played a song
Hoping never to be torn asunder

And when the man died
The ocean cried
Its winds a dismal sigh
But what hurt the most
It was always so close
Yet never waved goodbye

>> No.2497941


>> No.2497945


Hey Shame, I thought I knew you.
I thought we were old friends, but each time we meet,
I see again how much more we have
to discover of each other.

I thought I got to know you very young,
poking around in the handbag of my mother's friend.
I thought we saw eye to eye at the dinner table with my uncle,
even though I said all the wrong things.

Perhaps, Shame, we were intimate
when, in laziness, I did not buy my mother a birthday present
and she was too polite to complain?
No, each time we meet,
we always find the perfect things to do and say together,
and I discover you anew, all over again.

Come on Shame, let's be sixteen together again!
We can listen to some very sad music in my room
and enjoy it,
because we do not understand, yet, fully
quite what it means.