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/lit/ - Literature

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2488241 No.2488241 [Reply] [Original]

/g/ has Beats headphones.

/mu/ has Skrillex.

/v/ has Call of Duty.

What does /lit/ have? An "entry level", "casual" thing that will make the entire board swarm on you like hornets if you mention, even offhandedly that you like it?

>> No.2488244

David Foster Wallace

>> No.2488245

ayn rand
tao lin

dfw is our nmh

>> No.2488247

I was going to say a song of ice and fire but you're probably right with DFW

>> No.2488246

Kerouac and mostly anything you read at 15

>> No.2488308
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DFW/Infinite Jest

It's been established a long time ago.

>> No.2488310

A House of Leaves

>> No.2488325

Ayn Rand, undoubtedly

>> No.2488570
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>Hunger Games, the best book I ever red! XD :3c

>> No.2488575

The difference is everyone here loves DFW :3

>> No.2488587

I'm really confused.

does /lit/ hate:
>ayn rand
>tao lin

or sub-consciously enjoy them?

I haven't any of their work so I can't tell for myself.

>> No.2488608


Marry dfw
fuck tao lin
kill ayn rand

Answer your question?

>> No.2488612

kind of

>ayn rand
>tao lin
fuck no

>> No.2488616

/lit/ hates ayn rand and tao lin, but likes dfw. i personally like tao lin, but hate ayn rand and dislike dfw

>> No.2488630

fair enough

>> No.2488637

I'm pretty sure nobody actually liked Tao Lin in the first place.
Randhate is more towards her fans and the trolls that start Aynthreads, even though her philosophy is obnoxious and dumb.
And everyone here loves DFW, c'mon!

>"entry level", "casual" thing
is probably
>I loved 1984, what should I read now?
or anytime anyone asks if they should read something or what they should expect.

>> No.2488653


dfw isn't classic entry level, it's a 3 months old fad

>> No.2489065

I like Toa Lin. I think his poems are funny.

>> No.2489078

One piece - DFW
Bleach - Tao Lin
Naruto - Ayn Rand

You know this to be true.

>> No.2489092

Does this mean Bakemonogatari is Camus?

>> No.2489093

1984 kinda qualifies. It's generally regarded as a good book, but if it's your favourite book then you probably haven't read anything that wasn't required reading for high school.

>> No.2489096

/lit/ hates everything and loathes nothing

Also, the great gatsby

>> No.2489097

the one thing that people do argue about endlessly on here is subjective versus objective interpretation of art

See: deep/edgy

>> No.2489100

Fantasy or other genre fiction here is roughly equivalent to Skrillex for /mu/.

1984 or other high school level lit is /lit/'s
>babby's first ______

It's not that it's disrespected per se, it just usually indicates a lack of depth in experience.

>> No.2489101

more like harry potter

>> No.2489103

>Fantasy or other genre fiction here is roughly equivalent to Skrillex for /mu/.
no that would be more like power metal, e.g. dragonforce

>> No.2489105
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eReaders but the feelings about them are mixed. or else Ayn Rand.

>> No.2489117

I don't think Tao Lin or Rand are the right answers, because no one actually posts about those if they're not trolling.

I think our equivalent would be young adult fiction in general, or 1984.

>> No.2489119

>implying that power metal is any better than skrillex

come on now.

>> No.2489120


What's so wrong with eReaders?

>> No.2489125


I'm not, I mean, I'm comparing it to fantasy books after all

>> No.2489137

The Hunger Games

>> No.2489147

hunger games
if there was a separate /phil/ board, then it would be ayn rand... or "socrates"

>> No.2489155

hunger games
DFW (love-hate relationship ...)
Harry Potter
Ayn Rand
Tao Lin

Tao Lin is a hipsterfaget, so who cares.

I think in comparison to /v/ with call of duty and /g/ with beats -> ayn rand or twilight or hunger games.

>> No.2489157

My two cents says /lit/s entry level is any thing beatnic: keroac, bukawski, ginsberg

>> No.2489158

I think it changes with the time passage. For now it must be Hunger Games, but it used to be Twillight, Haery Potah etc. Everything for teenagers which is way too popular.

>> No.2489163

>Everything for teenagers which is way too popular.
The issue is not with popularity but rather that everything made for teens is badly made.

>> No.2489174


Yes, that too. Honestly, I'm surprised that /lit/ doesn't get Tiger's Curse troll threads.

>> No.2489259
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Jesus Christ, why all the hate for 1984?

>> No.2489265

Nietzsche? lololol

>> No.2489270

And come on guys, you know Kerouac and the Buk inspire something in you, they're good writers. Shame they were frendz with ginburger tho - the beats.

>> No.2489276

Ok... here goes. I am a guy, and I like reading Harlequin Romance novels. Also, I am not gay. Have at it, then.

>> No.2489279

they're not very good writers, actually

>> No.2489281
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young adult literature.

Well, it fits the profile of being "entry level" and "casual" but /lit/ doesn't go bonkers over ya literature because it's all /lit/ ever reads.

>> No.2489286

I'm not from here, but would it not be something incredibly casual like Twilight?

>> No.2489295

Seriously, no Palahniuk yet?
That was the first name that came up to my mind.

>just read fight club, pls recommend me some other deep & edgy stuff, shit really maeks you think, yo

>> No.2489309


>> No.2489315


>> No.2489317

/tv/ would have big band theory
/fit/ would have bicep isolation
/fa/ would have cargo shorts

>> No.2489329

I'd say /mu/ has beats as well.
Have you ever seen a guy ask for a headphone recommendation?

>> No.2489331

DFW fans hating on 1984 and fantasy.

How cute.

>> No.2489336

/fa/ would be fedoras, no?

>> No.2489378

that best not include the early dialogues.

>> No.2489390

faggots come here instead of /g/, EVERY FUCKING DAY and ask what e-reader should they buy, mods are faggots and won't make a sticky to tell them to fuck off and ask /g/

and I read a shitton on my kindle but I'm sick of them too

>> No.2489394


>> No.2489396

most of the people here who like DFW are also fantasy nerds, and that really shouldn't surprise anyone

>> No.2489410

Every poster in this topic who says that the answer is "Tao Lin" is Tao Lin. Stop samefagging Tao Lin.

>> No.2489418

Bukowski probably never even met Ginsberg

>> No.2489423

>House of Leaves

I've heard nothing but love for that book on /lit/

>> No.2489619

ayn rand

>> No.2489660

No, there's almost no overlap between those two groups, and DFW has absolutely nothing in common with genre writers. Seriously, have you even read any DFW, you faggot?

>> No.2489663


it isn't good

>> No.2489687

I love Ayn Rand. I enjoy her philosophy, and I love her writing style. Throwing that out there. Not trolling, standing up for an author.

>> No.2489689

e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers e-readers
hey guise where 2 download books?

>> No.2489698

People get annoyed because Camus is shouted on here daily, but I get the sense that people enjoy him. It's not that he's overrated, but perhaps that he's over-discussed.

>> No.2489699


I agree with this assessment.

>> No.2489709

Sasha Grey and philosophy.

>> No.2491431

the catcher in the rye

>> No.2491444


Maybe too much love. There was a time when The House of Leaves was our Neutral Milk Hotel. There were a shitton of threads and everyone got tired of talking about it. At least that's how I remember it, I could be wrong.

>> No.2491447

Genre Fiction = Metal
Rand/HS literature = Skrillex
Current pop lit = Deadmau5
Western Canon = Classical
Kerouac/Ginsberg/Bukowski/Poetry in general = Jazz
100 Years of Solitude/Satanic Verses/Borges/Nabokov = The Flaming Lips

>> No.2491448

Oh, and HoL = Kanye West

>> No.2491450

And philosophy = sharethreads
and video games = whatever shitty metathreads you people are having these days.

>> No.2491455

And poetry/writefag threads are like trackswap/vocaroo threads except they are never fun.

I keep thinking of new ones. I'm so tired...

>> No.2491480

Don't lump every other poet who ever lived in with Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Bukowski. Those three have obnoxious teenage fans.

>> No.2491488

it's ayn rand obviously