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/lit/ - Literature

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2487655 No.2487655 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I'm looking for a science fiction series. A big lengthy one, preferably in a series.

And I'm shopping for the kindle, so I'm looking for something that is available on the Kindle.

>> No.2487661

Hm you might want to take a look at Otherland.
I wouldn't call it science-fiction per se, it is more of a genre mix, but it focuses on virtual reality and stuff.
No space fights or such though, but I found it very interesting and a good read.

>> No.2487662

Perhaps, I could recommend some hard terror novels?

>> No.2487669

OP here, what is that

>> No.2487675

>sci-fi recommendation thread
goddamn i wish someone would just sticky the sci-fi chart

>> No.2487680

Culture Series


Consider Phlebas was a little boring and long, they get better. You could skip this all together without losing much. Player of Games is shorter and will give you a good intro to the series allowing you to back out if you don't like the style.

Obviously the Foundation series or Sprawl Trilogy would be other good options.

>> No.2487690

Neal Stephenson

>> No.2487695

William Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy is an obvious suggestion. They aren't long, but there are three of them, plus there is Burning Chrome which functions as something of a prequel to them (it's a series of short stories with some of them taking place in the Sprawl Trilogy setting).

>> No.2487706
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>> No.2487711
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>> No.2487707
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>> No.2487951

I was looking for more personal recommendations than just a giant list. From there I'm not sure where to start.

>> No.2487962

narrow it down for us.

space opera, cyberpunk, comedy? hard science, sociology, science fantasy? give some examples of books you have liked.

>> No.2487969

Thanks; I wondered if anyone had that.

>> No.2488047

Books I've enjoyed that are science fiction:
Battle Field Earth by L. Ron Hubbard
Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons
The Knights of the Black Earth by Margret Weis
Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan

I guess I'm looking for cyberpunk, sciece fantasy, or had science.

I'm interested in Space Opera, but the couple I've found talk about having dozen and dozens of characters and stories that never intersect and just serve as backstory. Is all space opera like that? I'd prefer something that has stories that come together or are together the whole time.

>> No.2488055


the Mote in God's Eye, the Gripping Hand, and also most of the Known Space books by Larry Niven

>> No.2488391

I've read the first two but not the Known Space series. Doesn't really seem to interest me. Got anything else?

>> No.2488401


>> No.2488415
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If you want a really long SF series with lots of space combat, try the Honor Harrington series by David Weber. Or the fuckton of Star Wars novels published over the last few decades. I used to have a shelf full of those growing up but I'm not sure how many I'd want to read again though.

Pic related. The X-Wing series was pretty fun because it didn't involve Han, Luke and Lea so you never knew who was going to survive and who wasn't. Which is perfect because the plots all follow the same pattern of a squadron of X-Wing fighters being sent on a suicide mission against impossible odds and somehow winning but always at a cost.

>> No.2488502

I read Hyperion and Foundation. Isn't the Kindle version of Dune supposed to be riddled with errors? I heard that a lot

>> No.2488516

the"War with the Chtorr" series maybe

Or maybe the Dorsai series.

Whatever that series of Bova's with "the Star Conquerors" in it was, and the Time Traders books by Andre Norton.

Or what aboutJack Chalker? Or Farmer's World of Tiers books? Those were fun. Or even Piers Anthony's Omnivore, Orn, Ox series

>> No.2488531

The Known Space series from Larry Niven
The Culture series from Iain M. Banks
The Revelation Space series from Alastair Reynolds

>> No.2488713

Night's Dawn Trilogy

>> No.2488790
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what do I read next, /lit/?
pic related