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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 523x457, 1331871491698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2486725 No.2486725 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys work out at all, or do you just sit around like gelatinous messes?

>> No.2486728

gelatinous messes?

just erase this thread.

>> No.2486738

Hmm. No, don't think I'll be doing that.

>> No.2486743


>> No.2486747

I do a 4 day split. Currently 135lbs, hovering around 2-3% body fat.

>> No.2486749

i lift weights 3 times a week.

>> No.2486751

da fuq
are you 5 feet tall?

>> No.2486761
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 2004-7-29-zhangzhong2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand what 3% body fat looks like. Pic related.

>> No.2486763
File: 96 KB, 960x1280, burlyfreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when all within five feet of me are my bench, weights, squat rack, huge bookshelf, half-finished manuscript, and the old pair of boxers I jerk off into while I look at K-ON hentai

thou all jelly

>> No.2486771

every day i lift twice my weight in steel cut oats like 500 reps and then read the complete works of proust while doing lines of whey powder my arm veins are like sexually aroused garter snakes

>> No.2486773

>within five feet of me are my bench, weights, squat rack, huge bookshelf, half-finished manuscript, and the old pair of boxers I jerk off into while I look at K-ON hentai
Pretty lazy for a guy who "lifts" "weights".

>> No.2486784
File: 47 KB, 297x240, 2012-03-15 21-50-21.122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind and body, bitches.

>> No.2486807


>leendo a Gabo

Hijo me decepcionas.

>> No.2486822

Pues, me gusta.

Prefiero usar La vida es sueño pero es en mi Kindle.

>> No.2486828

I weight train a fair amount. Wish I could do more cardio for toning and respiration, but it's good enough for now. I like reading and writing more.

>> No.2486832

Just what I get from the machine at my gym. Uses electricity.

>> No.2486833

>Wish I could do more cardio for toning and respiration,


>> No.2486842


Like, to get my respiratory system working better -- since obviously it gets your breathing hard and I'm coming of a stint of smoking.

And to resort to exercise pseudoscience for toning: http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/fitness/toning/start-running-today-and-tone-up-fast.html


>> No.2486843

>Just what I get from the machine at my gym. Uses electricity.
Well, it's all wrong.
You are obviously a woman, ya? So you are probably at like 15%.

>> No.2486846

*you *off

Terrible, horrible typos.

>> No.2486849
File: 48 KB, 400x320, male-body-fat-percentages-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The machine is wrong. 3% body fat is literally close to death.

See pic related.

>> No.2486855

Girls like it when I'm squishy.

>> No.2486859

Girls like fat guys because they know they're desperate and are less likely to leave them for hotter/better women.

Enjoy banging 4's.

>> No.2486863


I didn't say I was fat.

Don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.2486868

>implying you could fit words in between those twinkies

>> No.2486870

I'm a guy; going off of >>2486849 I'm inbetween the first and second pics (obviously not as built, but in a relaxed position my abs and ribs are visible).

>> No.2486873

Hey I'm working on it. I'd go swimming but some kid just died in the University pool and I'm weirdly superstitious.

>That feel when 15% body fat

>> No.2486875

To this, /fit/ would put up large "no excuses" disclaimers.

I want all of /lit/ to be /fit/. Imagine all the adonises and goddesses reading Pynchon and Proust. Oh, God. Like glory's gate.

>> No.2486879

I've been meaning to get In Search of Lost Time. And Gravity's Rainbow is sitting on my bookshelf. :O

>> No.2486880

On days that I don't have class, I usually go down to the park at around 11 AM to play some pickup basketball.

>> No.2486891

Being soft and not fat is worse than being soft and fat. it means you're skinnyfat. That's the worst kind of fat right after morbid fucking obesity.
Goddammit I need to exercise.

>> No.2486893

I enjoy working out but I'm too thin.

>> No.2486895

I used to run up and down a small mountain (c.500m) every day. It didn't give me muscle, but I managed to run the 100m in 12 seconds because of unknown resistance training. Those fuckers didn't put me in the final though. Didn't they believe the result or something?

>> No.2486900

I run every single day and lift free weights. Nothing else that I find worthwhile. I don't want to bulk up and have it turn to fat when I'm older and busier. I want to stay trim and hardbody for the rest of my life, and fit into my tailored clothing for 10 years at a time.

>> No.2486903

You don't bulk up without roids, idiot.

>> No.2486985

i do a set of 30 pushups once every two days so my muscles don't atrophy and i ride my bike everywhere

"working out" is for amerifats

>> No.2486996

>God created the human body and mind but only so much blood.
Brain or brawn? Your choice.

>> No.2486997

Socrates was renowned for his physical strength and had served in the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.2487006

I thought he was just a shitty hoplite.

>> No.2487122

>set of 30 pushups
>every two days

Nigga are u for fucking real? If you're younger than 70, that's just fucking pathetic.

>> No.2487130


How about the idiocy of the brain/brawn divide and the fact that smarter people also happen to be more fit and more "beautiful" on average than idiots?

How about the fact that exercise helps maintain the entire CNS feedback circuitry involved in bodily movements which exercises your brain in kinesthetic intelligence?

I can forgive you though for merely parroting a multi-thousand year falsification of mechanics.

>> No.2487320

I go to orgies.

>> No.2487472

So funny story. My wife is a resident physician, and was doing a rotation in the cardiac care unit. Kid comes in, ripped to hell, 33, eats only steamed vegetables and grilled meat, no smoking or drinking.

Guy is taking superdrol or ANABOLIC or whatever it is you buy from GNC. Shit metabolizes steroids in your body. Basically exploded his heart, massive coronary, has to be on blood thinners for the rest of his life.

Wouldnt warn you if i didnt care anon.

>> No.2487477

>Peloponnesian War
Ha ha ha, no.

>> No.2487483

Skinny as fuck, play baseball 2 times a week

>mfw no one plays any team sports in this thread

>> No.2487494

Nigger, someone already said they play pick-up basketball.

I also do.

Baseball is like the most boring an least physically engaging popular sport.

>> No.2487501

not that physically engaging, no. But a bit more complicated and strategic, what maybe draws me to the game a bit, besides the physical talent you need to have.

>> No.2487503

I lift three days a week, and try to run every day. Lifting is just for the strength training, but running helps clear my mind.
I started working out and running to various degrees about a year ago to lose weight. I've lost fifty pounds, but I'm still going. I still have some fat and I also like getting stronger. Plus the running helps my asthma.

>> No.2487506

Yes, I've been doing pretty good. Should be moving onto 35 pound dumbbells for my biceps, and two plates for bench presses pretty soon.
I should also be working out with my friend who's doing the P90X routine, mixed with a little bit of his own stuff, pretty soon. I did it once with him and it was intense. I haven't been that sore since.
And for anyone who listens to heavy music while they lift, I suggest Acacia Strain's album Continent, Meshuggah's Catch 33, and Slayer's Reign in Blood.
I listen to these two songs consecutively during every workout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83WfkdhjsoM At 1:55 I brace for shit hitting the fucking fan when it reaches 2:09 seconds and every time it gives me a burst of energy on the treadmill.

>> No.2487512


>> No.2487516

So funny story. My wife is a resident physician, and was doing a rotation in the cardiac care unit. Kid comes in, ripped to hell, 33, eats only steamed vegetables and grilled meat, no smoking or drinking.

Guy is taking superdrol or ANABOLIC or whatever it is you buy from GNC. Shit metabolizes steroids in your body. Basically exploded his heart, massive coronary, has to be on blood thinners for the rest of his life.

Wouldnt warn you if i didnt care anon.

>> No.2487521

I listen to Wagner and Spanish hymns while I lift.

Bach's choral music for cardio.

>> No.2487525

I'm a classical guitarist and a musical performance major so I'm always listening to that. I couldn't imagine Spanish Hymns doing much for me, but I bet Vivaldi's "Winter" could get me going.

>> No.2487534

I don't understand the point of being /fit/

I run to stay in shape, but this is the 21st century and I'm not employed in manual labor, why the fuck would I need to lift.

>> No.2487538

when you feel healthy you feel good.
Also it helps get women so you can find other ways to feed the human need for sexual release besides masturbation. And that wasn't some sort of witty remark, I'm dead ass serious.

>> No.2487541

Let's /sp/ this place up.

How tall is everyone?



That's pretty short.

>> No.2487542

Car accidents come to mind.

>> No.2487545

Some people start lifting in order to maintain muscle mass while losing fat (or at least maintain more than you would if you just did cardio). They like the results and push themselves even further.

There's also a sort of body dysmorphia in a lot of lifters, where even if they're in good shape they think they're too small or too fat.

But, yeah, you don't need to be 200lbs 7% body fat to be healthy. Same weight and 12-14% body fat is fine, even a little higher perhaps.

>> No.2487553

>Also it helps get women so you can find other ways to feed the human need for sexual release besides masturbation. And that wasn't some sort of witty remark, I'm dead ass serious.

masturbation takes less time, so I can get back to reading sooner. I dont understand your logic bro

>> No.2487555

It's an inch under average in muuuuricka though.
6'3" Norwegian here - would kill to be 6'5"

>> No.2487556

I work out at least three times a week. Lifting/swimming in my local gym. Feels great, I have energy, confidence, motivation and look good. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why somebody shouldn't work out. No reason at all.

>> No.2487557

>There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why somebody shouldn't work out. No reason at all.

You know, there are people who actually have jobs, or have to study 24/7?

>> No.2487560

I'm working on depression and making friends first. I think succeeding there will grant me more reserves for exercise. Right now I do an hour of cardio every week, kind of pathetic but yeah I try to put the resistance level up each time.

>> No.2487561

>study 24/7

Maybe if they worked out more often they'd retain more in shorter study sessions.

>> No.2487562

So do I, but there is no excuse. You really can't devote even an hour to going for a jog or even for a walk or lifting a little bit? For example, that one hour you sit on /lit/ complaining how you don't have time to workout because of whatever reason?

>> No.2487563

I just eat right and stay active. Eat right - mostly vegetarian, try to avoid food full of "crap", Stay Active - walk a few miles a day, take the stairs, DO THINGS.
I had a physical job most of my life (hanging lighting instruments and general roadie type work), and a super fast metabolism has kept me in shape but
who knows what'll get you in the end.

>> No.2487566

Working out more might make you feel a little better.
Being in shape tends to attract all of the wrong people friendship-wise, though.

>> No.2487569

Yeah, I'm lazy for not just doing my med. studies in a couple of hours, do my shifts at the hospital and then work out?

>> No.2487574

Then work out over the weekend. Even on a Sunday. Surely you aren't busy ALL the time.

>> No.2487603

Are you a "professional trainer"?

>> No.2487631

What the fuck is this, /fit/ in my /lit/?

I don't work out and don't give a fuck.

>> No.2487635

He doesn't need to be a trainer to realize you're a lazy fuck who somehow can't manage squeezing a few hours a week at the gym in between med studies/shifts like countless others do.

>> No.2487637

Right. Well that's why I've started something called "sleep lifting" He's right, there is no excuse. So I went to a hypnotist who helped me.

When i wake up in the morning there are some discarded Power Bar wrappers and water bottles, and my sweatshorts are all sweaty, and my muscles are rippling.

You should try it, because there is no excuse. Pussy.

>> No.2487642

All of this time you've spent with your worthless excuses would have been better spent at the gym, hombre.

>> No.2487659

I just jumped in here, not the one originally in this with all the med school stuff.

But...why would it have been spent "better" at the gym? As opposed to what you think I'm doing that is "lesser"?