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/lit/ - Literature

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2485097 No.2485097 [Reply] [Original]

>Post books that offer unyielding enjoyment.
>pic related. I have read this book 10 times over the course of maybe 8 years and I always leave with a new outlook on life.
Hesse's language and honesty really inspires me. I hope to write something just as honest and powerful as this.

>> No.2485104

What's it about?

>> No.2485110


some hippy.

>> No.2485111

A young son of a brahman on a spiritual journey in the Buddha's time.

I always listen to the audiobook on bus journeys, one of my traditions.

>> No.2485113

In a nutshell. A man's journey to find truth in the world.

>> No.2485132

imo, over rated book imo, steppenwolf and demian are far superior imo. tbh.

>> No.2485137

I really liked Narcissus and Goldmund too.

>> No.2485160

A white boy version of Buddha, no better than an alternative retelling of the bible, such as ones where Jesus has a brother named Christ.

>> No.2485212

Wish I could travel back in time and assassinate Hesse in hopes of preventing the whole Hippie dippie, New age, Eastern philosophy, cure-it-with-herbs subculture from ever coming into existence.

>> No.2485221
File: 358 KB, 1122x1600, DonQuijoteDeLaMancha-767176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adults have entered the room

>> No.2485236

You'd also need to kill Jung, Kerouac, and Terence McKenna.

>> No.2486115

Perhaps, I could recommend some hard terror novels?

>> No.2487434
File: 200 KB, 800x604, 1831s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Wether you like the novel or not is irrelevant.
>Post books that offer unyielding enjoyment.

>> No.2487491

do it

>> No.2487498

scientism detected