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2485043 No.2485043 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to read H.P. Lovecraft.

Should I stick to Necronomicon, The Dunwich Horror and At the mountains of madness (all mentioned in the wiki) or is this one worth it?

It's not very expensive, but some guy commented on amazon that you should wait for the new edition which would be proofread

>> No.2485050

Get the collection of short stories if you haven't read anything.

>> No.2485064

Does proofread mean that they will change the word nigger with "African American"?

>> No.2485079


whoa, how will they change the cat's name then? It's going to sound rather silly.

>> No.2485086



wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.2485198

There's a cat named "Nigger"?

>> No.2485202
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You mean this?

>> No.2485206

You realize that all of Lovecraft's works are public domain, right?


I don't know what's in the other collections so I can't comment, but I would recommend (one) reading some of his stories to see if you have a taste for the author and then (two) ordering the collected fiction if you really really like his work and don't like reading on the computer.

>> No.2485220

'The rats in the walls'

And the name is Nigger Man, to be exact.

>> No.2485250

I guessed it by the prices on kindle, but I don't have an e-reader.

But thanks for the tip, I'll do that

>> No.2485358

I own the collection. There are just a ton of typos in it. It's like someone ran it through a spell checker, but didn't read it at all. So several typos that match other words are all over the place. It can be a little bit like trying to figure out why the little engine that could has the rather feline thought of, "I think I cat. I think I cat."

>> No.2485375

If you want a physical copy look for a paperback "Tales of H.P. Lovecraft"; it has most of his great stories and none of his terrible ones (and trust me, not all of his stuff is worth bothering over)

>> No.2485403
File: 265 KB, 1600x1200, Necronomicon-745239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Necronomicon, the hard leather cover. I possess it myself and everyday I must refrain myself from entering a sexual intercourse with it. It looks magnificent and exquisite.

But they could choose different stories, I would call all of them 'his best'

>> No.2485422

What are you talking about? "The Street" and "The Horror at Red Hook" were some of the best stories the man has ever written and were not included in any of the "best of''s..

>> No.2486119

Final bump for more opinions.

Thanks, guys

>> No.2486121

Perhaps, I could recommend some hard terror novels??

>> No.2486136


Go with that one if you can find it.

>> No.2486149

I own the volume pictured. It's nice. It's nice to have the entire collected works of any good author.

>> No.2486163

It would have been nice if they included all of his collaborations, but other than that I cherish the collection.

>> No.2486171

Yeah, I was disappointed by the lack of collaborations, but it still covers a lot of content for the twenty dollars I paid for it.

>> No.2486191

Don't read "At the Mountains of Madness."

Everyone fucking reads this story first because it has cthulhu in it, but it's one of Lovecraft's longest, most boring, and lackluster stories.

All of Lovecraft's shit is in the public domain, that means you can read it for free on the internet. Go read the Cats of Ulthar. It's three god damn pages long, and if you like that then read Dagon or The Lurking Fear, and if you've decided by then that you like Lovecraft then try some of his longer pieces like The Colour from Outer Space.

Also, that book you posted is crap. It's really poorly bound, and if you try to read it it'll fall into pieces. Unless you really like the way the spine looks and want that on your bookshelf forever unread, get the Necronomicon collection.
This one. It's way better than your $20 Barns and Noble collection.

>> No.2487389
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 51mvqmbp-xL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU02_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very late response, but anyway

What's your opinion on this one? Recommended by

>> No.2487400

>Don't read "At the Mountains of Madness."

>Everyone fucking reads this story first because it has cthulhu in it,

What the fuck is even happening in this post

Dunwich Horror, Colour out of Space, Rats in the Walls, Haunter in the Dark, Mountains of Madness are all fucking fantastic and perfect intros to Lovecraft and cosmic horror in general

>> No.2487474

I started with The Shadow Over Innsmouth, I liked it, but was a bit perplexed. Then read Call of Cthulhu, because I got mislead by a title. Finally, reached for Reanimator, loved it and off it went.

>> No.2487479


I don't think Cthulhu is in At the Mountains of Madness, it's about Shoggoth and Old Ones.

>> No.2487487


Yes, that's right.

>> No.2487497

I think you're thinking of The Call of Cthulhu maybe. I'm pretty sure that's the one everyone reads first since it's The Call of Cthulhu.