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2483475 No.2483475 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on Tao Lin?
I've been meaning to read something by him but I have no idea where to start.

>> No.2483484

tao lin you have to stop posting these

>> No.2483489


oh goodness, is he that terrible?

>> No.2483492

Complete and utter shit.

His writing style is just an attempt to appear deep, edgy and new. It's not, it's just an inability to write. Tao, fuck off. You're a cunt.

>> No.2483491

read his twitter

>> No.2483497

Tao Lin's only appropriate immediately after getting out the shower.

>> No.2483503

I don't think Tao Lin is trying to come off as deep or edgy, but simply enjoys writing and writes with a style that comes naturally to him. He is exorcising his demons and expressing himself in a positive manner.

>> No.2483508

oh ... this wow.. that's pretty terrible. I was about to buy a book by him since I couldn't find one on the webz... But I see why its not possible to find online..

>> No.2483509

I went upstairs. I made a drink. Drank it. Felt good.

This is not a good writing style. This is a lack of ability.

>> No.2483513


read his stuff on bearparade and see if you like it. if not, move on.

read nosferatu by noah cicero on bearparade whilst you're there

>> No.2483515

Tao Lin's writings are similar the content of spam blogs. It's likely that he didn't write any of his writings himself.

>> No.2483521

yes but he crafts a story out of such paltry bricks into a monument of mundane magnificence

>> No.2483524

better than james franco

>> No.2484117
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I had moments while reading Richard Yates where I thought there was possibly something lurking beneath the superficiality of the character's actions and descriptions. Then I was like, "Nah."

>> No.2484123


No, that's just you imagining things.

>> No.2484128

well sure is better than being a smug prick on 4chan!

>> No.2484133

I read one page out of his book at B&N and I was kind of angry. I thought he would be different since he studied so much literature ,but he isn't he is just boring and uninspired.

>> No.2484140


You can say that, but what you're doing is worse still; you're giving credit where credit isn't due. If anyone deserves credit it is you, who go to such great lengths to disentangle nonsense just to get an opportunity to praise it.

I will always remain an adamant enemy of all conceptual artistry.

>> No.2484142

He is a personified reaction to the reaction to postmodernism. So wrapped up in anti-irony and a hyper sense of awareness of criticism of literature more than the literature itself. I can almost guarantee he was thinking about the reviews as he wrote every single word.

>> No.2484145

Holy shit I snorted
I'm totally stealing that line whenever someone mentions him

>> No.2484147


He's just a fucking autistic race mixing gook who wishes he was white and writes shitty books.

>> No.2484150

I hope you realize that that racism completely overshadows any point you might have otherwise had. Cunt

>> No.2484155

Where was i racist?

>> No.2484158

The part where the entire post

>> No.2484162

we walk different paths on the same road, friend.
can't let people shit on my boy Tao when all he did was write a few stories. most people disrespecting him are giving him attributes without backing it up with proof. Show me one interview where it could reasonably be assumed that
are right.
>>2484147 this guy is a racist but at least racism is a concrete excuse (fuck yourself by the way)

>> No.2484163

Again, explain how i was racist.

>> No.2484168

>He's just a fucking autistic race mixing gook who wishes he was white and writes shitty books.
>race mixing gook
>wishes he was white

>> No.2484171


> autistic race mixing gook who wishes he was white
> explain how i was racist.


Also, who's Tao Lin?

>> No.2484176


The great mystery to me is that you care to defend him. If it can at least be concluded that his intention was in any way to deliberately provoke he deserves to quickly be discarded and forgotten.

>> No.2484179

How is that racist?
He is a race mixer, this is just a fact, perhaps you are attaching connotations to it?
Gook, is just a word for "asian".
And he obviously wishes he was white, all asians do.

>> No.2484180

just the feeling that I get. don't take it personally. speak your mind but I will take time now and again to speak mine. it's our right to do so.

>> No.2484182
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>> No.2484200

>Gook, is just a word for "asian".
>And he obviously wishes he was white, all asians
>How is that racist?

I hate people so goddamn much sometimes

>> No.2484236


Sorry, bro. Talk to some people from China, seriously. Some of my best friends at school are Chinese and they literally tug on their nose out of habit to, over time, elongate it a little- at least that's their insane idea. Literally the only chinese I know is gao bi zu- high nose bridge, because their ideal person is someone with a straight, aquiline, European nose. They gush over light skin and soft hair and tall noses; if any race has an inferiority complex it's the friggin Chinese.

It's unfortunate because the one is actually crazy ripped and has a jaw line that could cut glass and American girls think he's super attractive, but he's ashamed of it because of ridiculous Chinese convention. Doesn't even like himself, wtf

>> No.2484254

>all Asian people wish they were white
>How do I know? Some Chinese kids at my school with really low self-esteem

>> No.2484261

You must not know very many asians.

>> No.2484268

>How do I know?
>Every Asian I've ever met, and while there's crazy variety in their personalities, this is what they agree on
>There is such a thing as cultural differences, and this is what Chinese culture is like

Also it's not that they wish they were white, exactly, just that they idealize Western features. The ideal is a person with everything asian but lighter skin and a straighter nose. Most don't even want to marry an American, they want an Asian with american-ish features. It's weird.

Significantly only people actually from Asia are like this; it's just a cultural thing. Like I said it's sad because they're already good looking, at least to an American perspective.

>> No.2484269

Do you not realize that it's absurd (and racist) to assume that because a few people you know of one nationality behave/think a certain way, that an entire race of people composed of multiple nationalities behave/think the same way? It's just ludicrous at that level, and that's not even getting into the first idiocy of assuming that all people from China behave/think the same way.

>> No.2484288

but that IS how they behave and think.

>> No.2484292

It's a generalization. That doesn't mean that it's not -generally- true. Generally, people in America think a healthy tan- not fake, just like a normal tone- is more attractive than a pasty basement-dweller's skin tone. It's a general thing. Doesn't apply to everyone but overall it's an accurate statement.

>> No.2484297
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I read him becaseuh of all dees facking outseepegers and stradladderers of phenol jacks. pipework. five filthy black whores came onto the street and approached us. I didn't say a word, I just approached the leader black bitch, she had the biggest ass and tits, and I strait up fucked her unconscious, literally. When she woke up she made tea and put ounces and ounces of cyanide in mine. I ate poison and became very sick but my body had learned to turn poison into bullets that i would shoot out of my skin and in this way he had assassinated the pope in 1567.

>> No.2484307

Yeah, based on society. You've never been to China, much less the rest of Asian, you're just assuming 2 or 3 dumbasses who talk to an asshole like yourself hold opinions that are common to 4 billion other people.

Shut the fuck up, kid.

>> No.2484308

>Do you not realize that it's absurd (and racist) to assume that blahblahblah

Do you not realize no one gives a fuck? Remove your trip and blow your fucking brains out, you annoying little faggot.


>> No.2484318
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way to in no way disprove me. High nose bridges, a distinctly European/Middle eastern trait, are found to be very attractive in China. Deal with it.

>> No.2484320


you should throw yourself off a high nose bridge

>> No.2484327

Get a job you lazy Jock cunt.

>> No.2484342

>a distinctly European/Middle eastern trait
It's Middle Eastern. You have it? You're basically an arab.

>> No.2484349

Jelly as fuck gooks.

>> No.2484433

>using racial slurs wrong
Wow /lit/ you stooped this low

>> No.2484449

Fail thread is full of fail

>> No.2484472

>Implying I, a member of the master-race, can not use whichever racial slur toward any racial group that I choose.

>> No.2484504

speaking of his twitter

what the fuck is this shit?