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/lit/ - Literature

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2481528 No.2481528 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ i just finished reading Trudi Canavans Black Magician Trilogy (waiting with Traitor Spy untill the last one comes out since i like to Marathon read a series).

Can /lit/ recommend me any other good Books about Magicians/Wizards and stuff like that? Dosn't matter if it's set in dark ages or present day but i would love me some Magicial action.

inb4 Harry Potter

>> No.2481700
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A Little magical Bump.

Comon? Does nobody have any interesting books about mages and wizards to recommend?

>> No.2481803
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Desperate bump (and last one untill i will let this die..) for magical reading material?

pretty please?

>> No.2481812

Sure, why not?
There's the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. They have a wizard-ish characters.
There's the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, I thought they were okay, some people love them.
The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett has quite a few wizards, and they're pretty funny books.
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, again, I thought they were okay, some people love them.
I'll throw in the Bas-Lag trilogy by China Mieville too. They're the best books in this list, but they might not fill the wizard-void you're after.

>> No.2481818

Magician by Feist
Shannara by Brooks
Belgariad by Eddings
Death gate cycle by Weis & Hickman
Vance's Dying Earth is chock-full with wizards. The stories about Rhialto the Marvellous especially.
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Clarke (or so I hear)

Maybe you'll get something out of these.

>> No.2481822

At least two of the principal cast of the The Black Company novel series are wizards. There are more wizard characters, of course, as the setting is quite heavy on that sort of thing, but these either are not present from the first novel, or are not as heavily involved as One-Eye and Goblin. Note that these two main character wizards generally serve as comic relief.

More wizard-y types are added to the cast over the course of the series. There's one very, very interesting one that I can't really say anything else about without spoiling the whole thing.

I wouldn't say magic is the focus of TBC, though. But it's a big part.

>> No.2481830

Thank you. Alltought i'm looking for something that has a focus on magic / the main story person as a magician/wizard/whatever. I Know there is LOTS of work with Magic elements.

Like how in Lord of the Rings the Magic was really nice and powerfull and big (and in the Movie Gandalf does what? Hit enemys with his Stick..) but of course the main Plot person isn't a Mage or Wizard himself.

>> No.2481841

You can read her other series. 'Age of the Five' I think.

>> No.2483595

Yeah i really wanted to read more from her.

>> No.2483608
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The Magicians by Lev Grossman. It's essientially Harry Potter in college (then they go to a Narnia analogue). It comes off more as a deconstruction/affectionate parody.
The Kingkiller Chronicle. Mary Sue protagonist, but it's a rather interesting story with a good setting. Basically, it was written by a neckbeard who went to college for a decade studying random shit before he taught at the college. Then he wrote a book about a ... you guessed, college ... but with MAGIC!!

>> No.2483612

Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel

>> No.2483613
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Here you go OP.

>> No.2483661

Lolita? Hmmm..

anyways. I see Percy Jackson in there. I've only watched the Movie (wich was unbelivable horrible) are the books any better?

>> No.2483686

LOL sorry my fellow book lover, those are my list of books i always took magic or magic related but /lit/.... persuaded me to read lolita...... sad day..

And yes HollyWood is the end of anything good they books are GREAT if you love mythology its perfect for you. Movie 1 left out MAIN characters that help resolve the book in the end, yet they still plan to have a book 2.... which has one of the said main character taking up alot of screen time.

>> No.2483691



>> No.2483702

Yeah i was wondering how that got into that list..

And the Movie was.. i don't know.. it looked like it should REALLY have Nic Cage in there.. he would've fit right in there and the movie would fit right in with his other works.

Anyway.. it's kinda hard to find good books with Wizards/Mages as Protagonit that aren't too childish

>> No.2483727

Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop
Downside Ghosts by Stacia Kane
Let Me In by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Night Angel by Brent Weeks
The Black Magician by Trudi Canavan
The Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett

These are no childish books , these are hardcore why boner why magic books read at your own peril... you wouldn't be able to stop the boners man.

>> No.2483746

>reading books by women

>> No.2483747

already read the Black Magician trilogy and loved it to death. But let me in? Isn't that more of a Vampire/horror story?

>> No.2483753 [DELETED] 

J-just because of the six Books by Trudi i read all six had Homosex it dosn't mean she's bad or anything...