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/lit/ - Literature

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2480173 No.2480173 [Reply] [Original]

Dante, Goethe and Joyce wrote the three most valuable literary works, EVER.

Divine Comedy, Faust and Ulysses.


>> No.2480176

>no Milton/Paradise Lost

>> No.2480177
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I acknowledge it's important, and "good," even though I don't really like it, but ranking it alongside Dante and Goethe in importance?

>> No.2480184

Why are they valuable?

>> No.2480188

Shakespeare is less important than Joyce?

>> No.2480190
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>no Shakespeare

Otherwise, I agree in a broad sense, although you should specify which part of Faust and why

>> No.2480191

>not listing Marlowe's tirade on pretension in academia and the humanist movement alongside Faust

>> No.2480200

The Iliad, Hamlet, Ulysses

Are actually better choices anyway...

>> No.2480205

Fe fi foe fum
I smell a motherfucking homework thread.

>> No.2480222

>ctrl+f "chaucer"
>none to be found

I don't want to live on this plant anymore.

>> No.2480232

Okay, yes it's had influence on culture

>> No.2480481

Dante, Shakespeare, Milton.

>> No.2480486

>>no Iliad.
>>no bueno

>> No.2480492

>>Some scholars argue that written Greek was created to put Homer to paper.

Controversial, but man I've read it in quite a few different sources.

>> No.2480496


What plant are you living on? And can I have a toke?

>> No.2480508
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op didnt talk about influence but about value ...

>> No.2480534

The Iliad/Odyssey
The Bible

>> No.2480938

un fanatico de joyce...

three most valuable literary works:
Canterbury Tales, La Divina Commedia, Don Quijote

For cataloguing language, philosophy, and prosody, as well as inspiring original thought, imagination, and the appreciation of erudition, as well as the limits of it, and humour.

>> No.2481397


>> No.2481422

Dante, Milton, Shakespeare

you know it to be true...

>> No.2481431


Homer, Shakespeare, God

The Iliad, Hamlet, The Bible

Beat that trinity /lit/.

>> No.2481439
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>> No.2481441

define value

>> No.2481445


>Homer, Shakespeare, God
>three 'authors' whose corpus consist of amalgamations of work from many different authors

>> No.2481464 [DELETED] 


>> No.2481465

I've been meaning to read Faust. Unfortunately I don't know German and I don't have the time to learn it. Are there any translations you all would recommend?

>> No.2481467
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