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File: 17 KB, 480x328, wittgenstein_duck_rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2479636 No.2479636 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain Axiom 5 of propositional logic to me? I can't follow it.

>> No.2479655

what is it, like if something is possibly true then it's necessarily possibly true?
Something that is prima facie unintuitive

>> No.2479671

i cant tell if that pictures a duck or a rabbit

>> No.2479672

It is neither a duck nor a rabbit.

>> No.2479674

duck obviously. for it to be a rabbit, the ducks neck doesnt fit anywhere

>> No.2479680

I'm with you, that is quite clearly a duck. I don't see how you could get rabbit out of that, unless you were only familiar with rabbits in some sort of vague way, like you read about them in a book once.

>> No.2479683


That's an example given by Wittgenstein (not sure if it was drawn by him or by someone else about his work, though), right?

According to him, it is both a rabbit and a duck. A duckrabbit, rabbitduck. It's meant to show the ambiguities of language.

>> No.2479685

but its not, its a duck.

>> No.2479688


rotate your head (or the picture mentally) 90 degrees.

>> No.2479696

I did, but it looks nothing like a rabbit, the 'ears' are weirdly positioned, there's no nose, or snout or anything, the eye seems oddly positioned. Its just not a rabbit.

>> No.2479697

...ok, but it's still a duck, just a bit upside down. as if it was interested in astronomy or something.

>> No.2479699

Maybe Wittgenstein was making a point about ducks being great astronomers, but no one will ever know because we can't speak duck... I mean they are skilled navigators, with all that migrating and such.

>> No.2479700
File: 25 KB, 510x364, Magritte-pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now This is a Duck...

>> No.2479703

the fuck? the rabbit is the one looking up. if anything, he's the astronomer

>> No.2479704

No that's a mallard.

>> No.2479707

Nah, its french so its a canard

>> No.2479706


and THAT"S a canard...

>> No.2479709

weirdest hivemind I've yet seen.

>> No.2479714

Never read wittgenstein, but probably Axiom 5 is:
>If you're a duck, rotate your head. You'll discover the stars.

Which rabbit? I do not see any in that pic.

>> No.2479717

Its such a shame that Wittgenstein never got to lay out the full structure of his revolutionary Duck Logic.

>> No.2479719
File: 5 KB, 172x252, WABBIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2479725

Oh, my is that duck dead? Get your fowl snuff pictures out of here!

>> No.2479748

wtf are you saying? it's just an astronomer, nothing to worry about

>> No.2479762

It's not a duck, it's a drawing...

>> No.2479767


looks more like a rabbit with a long tail, anyone else seeing that?

>> No.2479768

No, it is a duck, the fleshy feathered water birds are just pale imitations of this one true duck archetype.

>> No.2479769


>> No.2479771

now I see the turtle. It seems obvious now lol

>> No.2479773


>> No.2479780


I see a head and a rabbit's neck. No tail.

>> No.2480122

what axiom do you mean?