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/lit/ - Literature

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2477570 No.2477570 [Reply] [Original]

So some young fly honey in my sociology class (shit course) was trying to impress me by namedropping random people.

"Have you heard of zee-sek?"

"Yes. He's Slovenian, you're pronouncing his name weird."

"Oh. I don't speak Russian. Sorry."

She then went on about how life in late capitalism was mediated by lolcat fetishes.

What is wrong with the blooming intelligentsia /lit/? Half the people in my classes don't read the material let alone do reading outside of the classroom. Was she right? Is the internet ruining our ability to think?

>> No.2477582

sauce on op's pic

>> No.2477579


Sounds about right. Or at least close enough. Don't be a cunt Adorno.

>> No.2477588

Does Zizek even speak his native language? I always see him speaking in broken English.

>> No.2477587
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thats lena meyer-landrut, a dumb german bitch

>> No.2477594


That's nowhere near a correct pronunciation.

>> No.2477593
File: 87 KB, 454x563, Tegan&Sara8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't read outside of the classroom.
This fags still in high school and complaining about people who are not fully educated.

this fucking guy.

>> No.2477596


Mofo I'm in University.

And I'm not ragging on Sociology as a discipline, it's just this particular course.

>> No.2477597

Sociology isn't a real science, that's why most sociology majors are female and sociology classes attract retards. I'm taking into to sociology and I only go to about half the classes. I got a 93% on the last test just because I read the textbook once.

>> No.2477598

Here we go, some idiot thinks they know how to pronounce Zizek. In the mean time, nobody cares.

>> No.2477602

It's not the Internet's fault, it's our own. The Internet is merely a tool, we're the ones who are misusing it.

>> No.2477603
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>thinks people aren't reading material outside of the classroom.

They have to in order to pass.
At least in the uk. When I was in college we had to reference the shit out of every essay. 15-20 references minimum. I'm pretty sure they are doing some external reading else they ain't passing shit.

>> No.2477609

adorna, satan, derrida

they are all really just lousy imitations of caracalla, am I not right?

>> No.2477605

>Oh. I don't speak Russian. Sorry

Wow, What a dumb bitch.

>> No.2477616

Does Caracalla still come around here?

>> No.2477615


I'm talking about delving into texts not talked about in the course. If you're a sociology major then you should at least have some familiarity with Mills or Horkheimer, regardless of whether they're talked about or not in the classroom.

>> No.2477622
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>> No.2477623

stop brooding over past defeats

pick yourself up, son!

>> No.2477629

Zizek is such entry level bullshit. Boring.

>> No.2477631

Horkheimer and Mills are first year shit. If they aren't talked about then your college is doing you an injustice.

Mills is a wank though.

>> No.2477635


Derp and Edgy is depressed over the fact that new up and coming tripfriends are taking over his territory.

Deal with it Derp annd Edgy. You're not the only one who can ramble about obscure and meaningless philosophy,

>> No.2477638
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>mfw this is true

>> No.2477644


D & E has no feelings. He can't be depressed. He's like a lifeless potato.

>> No.2477645

zizek is not 'entry level' because he is the entrance only to Lacan, if anything. And no one should enter Lacan.

>> No.2477647

So people are supposed to know where every writer is from? You sound very butthurt, OP. Go masturbate or something.

>> No.2477653

I don't know about those, have only seen satan and wasn't impressed, but Caracalla is an a-grade shithead who will constantly demand proof for your commonsensical statements and if you provide proof act like that particular issue was not important anyway.

>> No.2477657

>post a fiction online about how the internet's ruining the blooming of a generation's intelligentsia
>posing a question on the lesson of the story as if we didn't have enough intelligence to understand it

>> No.2477655

>calls Zizek entry-level
>makes it 15 pages into The Parallax View before realizing he needs to read more Lacan, first to have fun with it
>doesn't want to fuck with Lacan and mathemes
>"fuck it they're teaching Husserl in class I'll just stick with that"
>calls Zizek "entry-level" as if its a synonym for "well-known"


>> No.2477661


Come on anon.

She brought ZiZi up in a very offputting fashion. She then proceeded to butcher his name and fail in her attempt to impress me. I then cordially informed her that he was from Slovenia, and in Slovene country they pronounce their names in the correct manner.

>> No.2477671

I read In Defense of Lost Causes and it just made me want to read Marx
Also word, fuck Lacan

>> No.2477675
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wasn't impressed = couldn't understand

i will destroy anyone at any topic.
i am the brooding burst pancreas of destruction.
i am the molten iron of a thousand generations
i am the living ape man
i will destroy you on any topic. i am the greatest tripfag on /lit/.

>> No.2477684
File: 903 KB, 245x139, tegan&sara75.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she was trying to impress you.
Maybe just make general conversation.
Maybe she saw you reading him once?
It's good to get to know people in you class.

I bet you haven't even been to one dorm party yet have you?

>that feel when I have a first in sociology and I pronounce it sisek and DGAF. I don't pronounce a lot of names right, and I don't care. Because everyone knows who the fuck I'm on about and only pretentious fags get upset.

>> No.2477688

my nigger adorno will never get anywhere with women, the borderline intelligent looking for a serious relationship are the easiest to fuck


>> No.2477693

Reading Lacan is just one huge misinvestment of time and effort. The only people who value Lacan are those who do not understand what they are reading and assume that it is their own fault so they just pretend and use the same style as everyone else in the game and those who have invested enough personal ressources in Lacan to be emotionally incapable of admitting to themselves that it is bullshit.

>> No.2477694

Apparently it's zsche-zschek like almost a j-sound like jzie-jzek
According to my oldfag Ethics professor who knows all

>> No.2477698

Go back to /fit/. We don't need you trashin' up this place here, too.

>> No.2477700


I don't read Zizek in public.


Hey now. I still have a shot with her.

>> No.2477696

Get off your high-horse OP. Stop bitching and actually help to educate these kids.You're intelligent, help them out. As far as internet memes go, aren't they only a reflection of technological advancement? Sure, such frivolous things aren't necessarily productive, but the decay and corruption of society aren't caused by lolcats.

>> No.2477703


I've never been to /fit/.

>> No.2477704

nice anticlimax you have going on there Satan. Also, bring it on. You don't even have to destroy me, I am nothing. Just tell me something that I don't know already and which is not total shit and my opinion of you, /lit/ and tripfags will rise. If you cannot think of a topic, say something about sovereignty or empire, a historical anecdote or an interesting personal experience.

>> No.2477708

>still have a chance.
Not after you were a dick to her.
Broads are dense, but despite what Brownbear claims, girls don't like dicks.

>> No.2477717

>You now realise the only reason people appear smart is because they don't talk much
>You now remember that you heard 'anon, why are you so quiet?' and 'anon, you are so smart!' in roughly equal measure

Also, I don't subscribe to the dwindling intelligence thing. On the surface it is easy to believe but the facts simply aren't there.

>> No.2477723

eh, trying to win over a girl who hates you can be fun i guess, rarely worth it though

any fb pics?

>> No.2477726


I've never thought someone was smart because they were quiet.

>> No.2477729

inb4 not even Facebook friends.

>> No.2477734


She doesn't use facebook. She thinks it's just a step below the whole lolcats thing.

>> No.2477740

on the contrary

>> No.2477742

Adorno you are such a bad poster

>> No.2477743

>Oh, Facebook? Er, I don't have a Facebook anon...

>> No.2477748
File: 32 KB, 427x507, laughing_blue_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey now. I still have a shot with her.
>wanting such a twit even though the whole point of your OP is to criticize her
Oh god this thread

>> No.2477764

so there's no way adorno isn't a troll, right

and probably just d&e with a new name

i mean, right

>> No.2477765


I like to build women up.

Like a home improvement project.

>> No.2477772

any pictures at all?

if you don't have content never make another thread again you fucking faggot

>> No.2477776
File: 103 KB, 227x251, itsfridayfortheblackman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2477790


I don't even know what to say to this. Good luck I guess.

>> No.2477800

How to properly pronounce Zizek

>develop lisp
>fill mouth with saliva
>try your best to say jizz-wreck

>> No.2477815

That's not it. Also, his lisp is a lot less noticeable in Slovenian.

>> No.2477816

sorry i didnt see your reply earlier, theres a link on the wikipedia page for an old translation of it. i think it has really good homely wisdom.

>> No.2477817

>She then went on about how life in late capitalism was mediated by lolcat fetishes.

I have no idea what she means by this.

>> No.2477834

>theres a link on the wikipedia page for an old translation of it
>the miscellany of a japanese priest (1914)

sounds like a solid, legitimate translation and overall exemplary exercise in hermeneutics

>> No.2477841

she was just saying words she heard in the class
it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.2477849


different guy here:

sounds like she means "we all live in a brutal world as wage slaves with a few rich and powerful on top, but we ignore this because we have our fun distractions".

as long as we're distracted the meat grinder keeps on rollin'.

>> No.2477882
File: 66 KB, 750x501, 1327515304371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you're her type.

>> No.2478246


you just sound like franny bitching bout teachers massy hair. does it really matter? people are ignorant, stupid, and you just seems lucky enough to ignore the fact.

>> No.2478267

Nailed it.

>> No.2478296

I don't know. I think Lacan is a bit of a cult leader, and a bit of a hack, but when I've simply read his work, rather than trying to study it, I've found him a writer with a wealth of insights and an incredibly creative thought process. Besides, if Althusser thought he was so fantastic, it inclines me to believe he was actually quite good.

Most people dislike Lacan because:
a) They don't understand Lacan.
b) Lacan has stupid terminology.
c) Lacan is an absolute pain to learn.
d) Most of the diagrams are impediments to understanding.

But, if you don't want to write about him, he can be a joy to read. The equations and diagrams, or some of them at least, are actually very simple, powerful tools once you get them. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to communicate why to anybody who doesn't get them.

Also, on Zizek, I went through the entry-level phase of reading Z, then the post-entry phase of hating on him (I still do this a little) then came to the conclusion that he's one of the best in a bad bunch. Most of his books are a bit thin in terms of innovation or really decent analysis, but he's actually very good when he's not trying to be pithy. Furthermore, I'm really looking forward to his book on Hegel. And Stephen Houlgate's (one of my tutors).

>> No.2478324
File: 172 KB, 1600x1200, Photo01060005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zizek is hilarious. He makes outlandish statements and then justifies them well enough to make them seem plausible, then he puts on his troll face.

>> No.2478346

I do, however, say zJ-ijek. It makes me sound like Sean Connery.

>> No.2478343

Also, on the issue of pronunciation, I've went through:

Pronouncing everything as if I was a native speaker of wherever they're from: SarT, Valtar Benyameen, etc.

Pronouncing everything in a purposely provincial fashion to make accademics flinch: Sar-trer, Walter Benjamin.

And now I just pronounce things how the fuck I like. Seriously, nobody important gives a shit if you say Spin-ou-doodle-za if you know his work. I err towards the second one, since to use a french pronunciation of Sartre is to imply you're a french speaker, and you've read him in french, rather than the english Sartre (translated). Which in my case, is not the case. I have actually read som Benjamin in german, but I really like the way Walter Benjamin sounds in english vernacular, so I still say it english.

>> No.2478345

Which one of these should I read if I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about? I mean, which will give me the most pseudo-intellectual fodder?

>> No.2478358


that rage when people say BURK-lee instead of BARK-lee
also OG-is-steen instead of uh-GUS-teen

>> No.2478390

who do you want to piss off the most?
in general interrogating the real will give you the most fodder as it has the most content. If you want to sound like you know what you're talking about, then the sublime object of ideology will give you the best grasp of his most relevant contributions to academia. Of course this advice is limited by the titles pictured.

>> No.2478418
File: 8 KB, 250x322, hitchens5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the third tripfriend to have studied sociology on this board.

Everyone in my class was fucking unbearable, including the lecturer.

>> No.2478424

Isn't it just a charade for the dissemination of cockamamie Marxist theories?

>> No.2478437

also you should at least spell Žižek's name correctly if you're going to mock others for their mispronunciation.

get on my level

>> No.2478438


>> No.2478443


>fuck this french faggot. clearly not qualified. next!

>> No.2478475


I'm a Political Theory major you cunt.

>> No.2478479

It's a TripFestivus miracle!

>> No.2478487

Potato, tomato, let's call the whole thing off.

>> No.2478491

>What is wrong with the blooming intelligentsia /lit/
From what I've gathered from many other books, especially Dostoevsky, history has always been plagued with "intelligentsia" who masturbate over a few obscure facts they may know.

>> No.2478533


They're two different fields. SOC is useless shit masquerading as science. PT is more philosophy and humanities based.

>> No.2478544

>SOC is useless shit masquerading as science. PT is more philosophy and humanities based.
Not seeing the difference here.

>> No.2478555


Political theory doesn't pretend to be science.

Learn to read.

>> No.2478566

>Political theory doesn't pretend to be science.
Hmm, you make a good point.
But one wonders if you fall asleep in lectures.

>> No.2478577



You realize Political Theory is a subfield of Political Science right? Game Theory is an IR methodology.

How can people be so ignorant. Geez /lit/.

>> No.2478588

>Political Theory is a subfield of Political Science
So this is not claiming to be a science how?
>Game Theory is an IR methodology.
It's used throughout Poli Sci, which you should know.

>> No.2478602

Go return some videotapes you faggots.

>> No.2478612

Political Theory is a subfield oftentimes divorced from Comparative Politics, IR, American Politics, etc. Different methods, interests, figureheads etc.

The other anon is right.

And if by used you mean critiqued, then yes Game Theory is 'used' in PT. Heck, even the Straussians disregard the proponents of it as failed mathematicians.

>Regression Models

Yeah, no. Fuck off with that.

>> No.2478646

>Political Theory is a subfield oftentimes divorced from Comparative Politics, IR, American Politics, etc. Different methods, interests, figureheads etc.
But still Poli Sci
>The other anon is right.
"Other" "Anon"
>And if by used you mean critiqued, then yes Game Theory is 'used' in PT. Heck, even the Straussians disregard the proponents of it as failed mathematicians.
Throughout Poli Sci, not some shit you take in Comm. Collage
>>Regression Models

>Yeah, no. Fuck off with that.
Apropos of nothing. Not that you'd understand econometrics or any shit like that though, so I don't see why you'd mention it.

>> No.2478677


Yeah. Second-rate statistics are sure hard to decipher.

When's the next armed conflict in Western Africa? TELL ME.

>> No.2478687

Good point.