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/lit/ - Literature

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2477115 No.2477115 [Reply] [Original]

What do you all do for a living, /lit/?

>> No.2477116


>> No.2477119

I am a full time nihilist.

inb4 edgy, hipster, deep, or faggot.

>> No.2477121

Still in school, went full shut in for two years so I had to start over again.

>> No.2477122

Student right now.
Parents give me all I need.


>> No.2477126

I sell my own brand of leather bound classics.

>> No.2477123

> using trowel on dry cement.

>> No.2477136

I live off immoral earnings.

>> No.2477168

Sales. I basically lie to and coerce strangers into giving me money. It's pretty easy / cool, but I do have trouble with the nihilism of it all.

>> No.2477172

What's your average day like?

I've been thinking of turning sophist too. Do you have the feeling your reading helps your conning?

>> No.2477174


Not really, though I now "get" books like "how to make friends and influence people". I mostly read to reconnect with my own humanity, lying to people all day err'y day is bad for your karma.

>> No.2477176

full time education here. no idea what comes next. will probably disregard qualifications and work anywhere preferably abroad to escape family

>> No.2477177

There's hardly a morally sound job to be found in modern society anyway. Might as well accept it.

>> No.2477178
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>> No.2477181

Nothing. I go to high school and leech off my parents.

>> No.2477188

air traffic control. i make a ton of money but it's boring as fuck most of the time, and when it's not it's incredibly stressful. i'm thinking of saving up a lot of money and retiring when i hit 35 in ten years

>> No.2477193
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> believes in karma
> 2012

>> No.2477195


>people who know so little about the concept of karma that it shows they haven't even skimmed the wikipedia page
>not knowing that karma means causality

>> No.2477196

May I speak to your boss, sir. You are obviously being overpaid if you can afford to retire at 35 on an air traffic controllers salary.

>> No.2477199

> lying to people all day err'y day is bad for your karma.

dont i know that. im growing increasingly disconnected from my parents. fiction is partly to blame. my lack of communication is tolerated but i think they might be about to get sick of it.

>> No.2477200
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Pretty much spent in the sweet embrace of the void.

I do nothing at all usually. Unemployed, no friends, no family, just enough money to live off from the government. I am closer to death than life.

Feels so good man.

Don't be late for work this week guys, I'm relying on you.

>> No.2477201


No, I'm not a Hindu. I that working sales makes you hate and despise people and yourself, its not a healthy area of work.


Pays well and I'm VERY good at it, so w/e I guess. I can always kill myself when my life gets too depressing.

>> No.2477205

I get 5000 euros a month, i spend 2000 at the most. Figure in ten years I'll have almost half a million saved which should last me long enough. If I run out of money I can always drink myself to death

>> No.2477206


Leave home. How old are you, anyway?

>> No.2477208


Get a fucking job you lazy cunt. What seriously makes you think you don't have to pull your weight in this world? People like you make me fucking sick.

>> No.2477211

>What seriously makes you think you don't have to pull your weight in this world?

I think the observation that he in fact doesn't might have something to do with it.

>> No.2477209


Differentfag here. Why work if you don't have to?

>> No.2477212
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Why? Just because you chose to submit to the mundane 'rules' of society, doesn't mean I have to.

>> No.2477216


But why should I go out to work everyday just to support nihilistic neckbeards? it doesn't make sense.

>> No.2477220


getting a job will open life up to you. You'll have money to travel, you'll meet new people-- some of whom you might not hate-- and you'll find that your time becomes more precious, and thus you make better use of it.

Or you can sit in your basement until you're old, and complain to everyone who visits you how life has passed you by.

>> No.2477221
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I photograph rare books and manuscripts for a university library.

>> No.2477223

> getting a job will open life up to you

lol, ok buddy.

>> No.2477224


Because we live in a society. Yes, there are always going to be lazy bludgers, but that's the price you pay for providing a safety-net for the needy.

>> No.2477230

>Why? Just because you chose to submit to the mundane 'rules' of society, doesn't mean I have to.
oh god he just found out about fight club

>> No.2477232


Work to survive, survive by consuming, survive to consume: the hellish cycle is complete.

I do not wish to enter that hellish cycle, thanks.

>> No.2477231


Enjoy being closer to death than to life, friendo.

>> No.2477233


That's a pretty cool job. Ho'd you land a gig like that? Also, which university?

>> No.2477241

>I do not wish to enter that hellish cycle, thanks.
Then do us all a favour and kill yourself, instead living like a parasite.

>> No.2477242


It's only that if you let it be that. I work, but that's just what I do in the day. I read most evenings, and weekends I have the money to go places and see cool stuff. My life is really no different than when I was a NEET, just that instead of sitting round in my pants wasting time all day, I just do the fun stuff and fill the rest of my day with making money.

And there's always part-time work, if you value your navel-gazing time that highly.

>> No.2477247

Sounds fun. Do tell. Can I patronize?

>> No.2477249


Parasite? I take free money which is given to me, what's the problem?

You appear slightly agitated, bro.

>> No.2477250

I sleep with 40 year old single women.
I make £100 a day, 4 days, £400, 4 people.

>> No.2477251

>what's the problem?
That money is meant for people who have no choice in whether or not they have a job, you're taking that money and surviving on the hard work of other people just so you can sit around and pretend to be deep, doing nothing of value to anyone.

>You appear slightly agitated
I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.2477252

Lots of photography experience paired with theater and a deep appreciation and respect for literature.

How'd I get the job? Get this: I wrote a letter to the curator and offered my services. It was 2007 and jobs were dying in the streets, like mine just had, so fuck the newspapers and monsterdotcom, I wrote letters to people who are doing the sorts of things I'm interested in doing. Fate had oddly given me relevant experience before I ever intended to do this, so that helped.

>> No.2477256

now that's just wrong. you could charge at least double that, from the few hookers i've bought i know there are guys that get paid as much as them.

>> No.2477254
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I shit you not. pretty much that exact job was recommended to me by an aptitude test.
>feels hikikomori

I am currently one of those people now factored out of unemployment statistics. Something promising's come up though

>> No.2477255


Huh, lucky bastard. You been able to get your hands on anything really nice?

>> No.2477257

>implying he's worth it

$100 is probably pity money. Still, 40-yo women can't be too choosy I guess.

>> No.2477259


You'd be surprised, most of the people claiming benefits are able to work, just choose not to. What difference does it make to your life?. If anything you're the idiot not making use of such a fantastic first world luxury.

How was your day at work today, bro?

You vapid drone. Have a look around you, the 'structure' you value so much means nothing, nothing at all.

>> No.2477266

I'm studying, but I'm seriously considering saying "fuck you all" and going to live in a buddhist temple either in my country or in Spain.

The only thing I'll miss will be the internet.

>> No.2477267

>What difference does it make to your life?

My taxes are funding your parasitic way of life. I'd have you all shot if it was up to me, you stupid fucking thief.

>> No.2477268

I charge that because it means I'm guaranteed my 4 customers a week. I do no more than 4, no less. I could charge £200 and cut that down to 2 visits a week, but honestly I don't care.

Women need sex, I need enough to pay my rent and support my hobbies and interest.

I have no real use for money outside of that.

£ not $

I'm worth a £100.
Baby, I'm worth £300

>> No.2477269

You are the reason the fucking torries are fucking over the welfare.

I hope they cut you off and you have to do that work placement shit. Scum.

>> No.2477270


You seem so bitter. But yeah, you do contribute to my life of leisure in a way, so thanks. People like me who see through all the bullshit need lemming morons like you to stay on the treadmill.

Don't be mad at me anyway, be mad at the 'system'. Like I already said, I'm just accepting free money.

>> No.2477271

Is it alright that I love you? I'm thinking of having really passionate consensual sex with my mother later on and I'm not entirely sure what position to start in. I haven't really run the idea past her yet but I'm fairly certain she won't say no.

>I love you, so much.
>We should live together in the rocky mountains.
>We could grow potatoes.

>> No.2477275


What do you do with your time?

>> No.2477278

Taxes meant for the benefit of society as a whole are being wasted by supporting your worthless existence. You are a useless burden on your fellow human.

If it means nothing why not just end it all?

>> No.2477280

ITT: people getting trolled.

>> No.2477282

>just accepting free money

The money really isn't free. When they cut you off, and believe me, they will at some point, you'll have no job history, no marketable skills. You'll be unemployable when you go looking for a job and when that happens, think of this thread and the sound of my laughter over your crippling poverty.

>> No.2477281

He is a member of the state, the state has a duty of care, deal with it.

>> No.2477283


Please stop feeding the Hipster such easy-to-swallow questions.

He does nothing, ever. So he has an answer to all the typical questions ready to swing, it justifies things alot more firmly for him.

>> No.2477286

>the state has a duty of care
Only for those who cannot care for themsleves.

>> No.2477291

More money is lost on Corporate tax evasion than people claiming benefits.

Banks and financial traders fuck 'society' up the ass more than people who claim benefits.

Wake up and stop reading the daily mail you pathetic right wing moron.

>> No.2477297

[citation needed]

>> No.2477302


Thats just for starters.

Fucking plebs.

>> No.2477303
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>asking for citations from a troll

>> No.2477305

> At £30 billion per year, fraud in the UK is more than twice as high as thought, with tax evasion costing the public purse over £15 billion per year and benefit fraud just over £1 billion.

Suddenly silence, silence errywhere.

>> No.2477311

Just because other people are doing worse it makes this right? Nice logic retard.

>right wing moron.
Nope, I'm fully in support of a benefit system for people who deserve it. People who abuse the system simply because they can do far more damage to a social agenda than any right wing retards could ever do.

>> No.2477309

No, that's just not true.

>> No.2477315

I don't think that was his point at all.

>> No.2477322

Concept design.

Work for Paizo, Magic the gathering, DnD.
Pay's decent, fun stuff, 70% free time to do anything else, piano, foreign languages etc.

Few friends, no gf, semi-happy.

>> No.2477325

Yes it was. He was trying to justify his laziness by pointing out that are bigger contributors to the debt.

>>2477311 got it exactly right. Every time some right-wing radical speaks about welfare ruining the country it's because of people like him.

>> No.2477326


Don't worry, he's a lost cause. Brainwashed beyond savior.

>> No.2477335

Ex-Airline Pilot turned
Ex-Flight Instructor turned
currently a Brewmaster at a large regional brewery.

(B.S. in Aeronautical Science)

>> No.2477339
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According to me detailed and verified research, they will continue to pay benefits for around 10 years, then after that you run a high risk of being cut off.

I have plenty of time left mah nigga.

Also, if that time ever comes, I would simply apply for the numerous loans available to me by that time, and start up my own business. No need for a CV or work related references, negro.

>> No.2477340

I don't see what laziness has to do with anything. I'd rather someone be "lazy" than work at a call centre and be paid to annoy me and rip off the old and gullible.

>> No.2477344

>I would simply apply for the numerous loans available to me by that time, and start up my own business. No need for a CV or work related references, negro.
You always need a business plan, and that nearly always requires relevant experience. This is why you don't get more people being self employed and doing start-ups.

>> No.2477348

We live in a world where housewives filming their puppies get paid for doing nothing but that.

A world where you can rant for two pages about a restaurant and get a load for it, provided you make it snarky/interesting.

Do you honestly think anybody gives a flying monkey's tits about work benefiting society anymore? The only care about it is only based on personal self-esteem and how you feel you'll get judged by society should you reveal what is your occupation to them. Nobody really gives a shit about what you do for a living anyway.

>> No.2477346
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Lots of very cool stuff, but nothing I'd take home. Being out of a job is entirely too scarey, and this one is an answered prayer in a lot of ways, so can't risk it and couldn't live with myself. Gaming a bank or corp. is one thing, but I don't fuck with book collections.

Having said that, I just photographed a collection of scientific apparatus left by a prof. dating in between 1890 and 1930, and came across a box that was a gift to him. It was handmade and contained (in an organized and labeled manner) coins used in the Bible and basically from that time and place. There was one from 500BC, and one that was the type used to payoff Judas, lots of other coins probably worth hundreds of thousands of dollars at least. Think anyone is tracking that box? barely, I reminded someone it even existed and they didn't know what was in it. I also found something relating to Voynich since it was here when the prof was.

But mostly books. Like people some are cool and some are boring but mostly it depends on what you like.

>> No.2477354
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Not according to my research, but if it helps you sleep easier at night thinking I will be out in the cold, starving to death, then so be it you kind soul.

>> No.2477362

>Not according to my research
It's poor research/wishful thinking. Especially now. I doubt, unless you tried, you'd end up on the "cold streets" however.

>> No.2477365

Dear Angry Working Guy,

You do know circumstances are everything right? I find it hard to get angry at benefit cheats when in another life I could have easily been in the same position.

>> No.2477363

How did you start doing this? I'm interested.

>> No.2477367
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Are you content and fulfilled in your job? If I may ask.

As I know if I was, I sure as shit wouldn't give a flying fuck how anyone else chose to live their life.

>> No.2477373
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> 2012
> having morals

Do you guys seriously do this?

>> No.2477374

Eh? It's just advice. No one is lending money atm for anything vaguely risky. There are some good loans and grants for start-ups, but they expect you to have a working business plan.

Also, better question would be are you content/fulfilled in your life? And, yeah, more or less.

>> No.2477376



will troll morons

>> No.2477378

I made $2000 selling the rights to my book.
I still live with my parents so pay no rent.
u mad.

>> No.2477451

I am a full time student. I study history and literature. I have no plan for the future, though it is coming up on me faster than I would like. The last thing in the world I want to be is a teacher.
I see all the evils of the world in them, and it would drain my soul and creative wellspring to have to face a roomful of apathetic 13 year old students day in and day out for the rest of my life.
I'd like to get a job with a museum, a place where I could my thing and not have to deal with fuckers all day long.

>> No.2477548

I work in a drug rehab.

I also give all the people who are having a hard time in life a few god-tier books to read.

>> No.2477572

Any Burroughs there?

>> No.2477590

> it would drain my soul and creative wellspring

welcome to 'life', it appears you still have a lot to learn, young grasshopper.