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/lit/ - Literature

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2472212 No.2472212 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ I come to you with a question
I've been writing poetry for almost 1 1/2 years and I want to do something with it.
I upload it to my facebook and people like it, but I can't get any decent feedback to improve my work.
Do you guys know of any poetry sites that have a good community?
I have done a quick search for poetry forums, though I'd like to see what you guys say before I pick a random site.

>> No.2472215

post it here OP, we'll tell you it's shit, if that's what you're looking for

>> No.2472214

>I upload it to my facebook

I seriously hope etc.

>> No.2472220

Where else am I supposed to put it for opinions?

And sure I'll post a piece of mine, I'm hoping for a forum because it'd be easier to upload and manage them for feedback

>> No.2472230

Chanting, buzzing, ancient curses spoken aloud.
Weeping, sorrow, beasts rise from under the ground.
Inside Oblivion I remain, trapped for far too long.
It's not safe, I have to move, where is my salvation?
This realm within has walls around, trapped with no escape.
Entrance is a simple thing, though leaving is impossible.
Stunted demons, haunted plants, gods without mercy.
This realm is truly a horrid place, an end to all men.
What sick minded fool would dare venture into this land of death?
Ah, the legends, the reasons we exist.
Treasure priceless to their buyers, and powers still untapped.
The risk is always worth it, though few ever live to tell.
To tell their story of their journey, into a placer colder than hell.
Locked away inside this place, are horrors beyond imagine.
Your darkest fears, your greatest weakness, everything that you hold dear.
Everyone has been inside this realm, though only the bravest comprehend.
Friends, companions, enemies even now.
I need help to break down this world, to stop it from rising again.
This dark little nugget, this thing that was so puny.
Packed full of evil things and hoarded thoughts, it is nothing but regret.
Soulless echoes, a world that knows no bounds.
This realm is an endless place, growing in the ground.
Sacrifice and meditation, will never even be enough.
Friends, time and empty prayers are barely up to snuff.
You think it's easy to escape, to break free of this place?
Just try to comprehend the pain, of all those that once could be.

>> No.2472234

Cold, heartless, stoney eyes, forcing down the thoughts again, never able to arise.
Reject our world, and all within, and live inside our vision.
Pain and hurt do not exist, lies to to scare children.
Men are forward, men are strong, men are the swords that protect the fallen and gone.
We live to our lofty standards that no-one does rethink.
Men are iron, born in fire, they think we never rust.
Told to be strong, raised as pure power, any sign of weakness is an insult.
So where do we go?
When life around us is crashing down, our walls start to crumble, though no one's there to fix it.
To lock away all the pain, all that is so weak.
It's stupid and disgusts myself, since when can men not be meek?
And so in my heart their lays a spot, blacker than a winter's sky.
All my hate, pain and agony, locked away for unknown time.
We need it to stay human, but destroy to be strong.
Conquer your fears, we just store them away.
My deepest vault is like a safe, to access at my whim, though never to think about.
Now this safe is getting old, it starts to crumble from constant abuse.
It will shatter, of when I do not know.
And at that time, my world will change, and then begin to grow.
Gently trickle down as Fall's first early snow.
This realm of Oblivion, this hole inside my heart, this shadow that afflicts me still.
Pain and sadness raining down upon myself, leeching down inside.
It wrecks my life, makes me a stone-cold heartless fool, and keeps me from feeling.
Break down these walls, release my bonds, set free my heart of stone.
If I fail, I'm mindless and still, forever left to be alone.
A darkened past, shadows of regret, doubts about my every move.
It brings a tear unto my eye, a sadness long forgot.
I worried of what cannot be, of things that won't go wrong.

>> No.2472237

Betrayal and heart-break dominate my mind, blocking out the world.
Others try, though most will fail, I cannot trust them still.
My heart will not open up, to share what stays within.
To help is worthless at best, it's tough to even think.
To reveal unto them my darkest secrets is something I cannot do.
Every word I speak is like a dagger to my soul.
They say the want to learn, to see what makes me tick.
I like to be mysterious, it saves me from the pain.
Saves me from my darkened past that I have hid away.
And maybe soon, they all will know, just what I had to bear.
The worst is over, the times are through, and my life I live is my badge to wear.
These have made me stronger, changed from what I was.
There's no going back now, I'm not the same I used to be.
They called me weird, said I'm demented, there must be something wrong.
But when they try to find a cure, all sickness disappears.
What you see is but a tired shell, the true beast lies within.
Inside where all my secrets lie, inside the Realm of Oblivion.

>> No.2472239

There you go, one of my pieces.
Pain in the ass to upload on here

>> No.2472249

I don't get it, I mean half of it didn't even rhyme.

>> No.2472253

Welcome to poetry
The simplest form of poetry, the haiku does not rhyme.
I use a rhyme scheme, though I try to not be governed by it.

>> No.2472256

I hate you know with all passion a man can know.

>> No.2472259

Well that's interesting, thank you for being so helpful

>> No.2472283

It's pointless. You won't publish it, so you can only improve it in your eyes, so to speak. Just write more of it, and see which is better and learn.

>> No.2472287

I actually have enough work to publish it and plan to do so.
I was looking for a forum to get feedback before I edit and create a manuscript.
But it does sound redundant asking for feedback when I'd get it from the publisher.

>> No.2472304

Serious question: how old are you?

>> No.2472314

19, why?

>> No.2472311

>Post duplicate thread on /lit/ and /adv/.
>All posters on both boards think your poems suck
Consider how pathetic this is.

>> No.2472321

Oh dear oh dear, some anonymous guy on the internet has discovered my plans and is insulting me!
Can you guess how many fucks I'm giving?

>> No.2472323

A lot, considering these are the people from whom you are asking help.


>> No.2472335

Don't know why but your post amuses me sir

>> No.2472337

Here are the cliff notes to OP's poem

"I'm a 19 year emo faggot with no life experience and even less of a vocabulary"

Your no Keats so don't quit your day job.

>> No.2472347
File: 16 KB, 213x303, notes_underground2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online Literature.com is ok but imo you should stick around here. People are always initially hostile but there's no bullshitting here unlike nearly every other forum.

>> No.2472349

upvote :D

>> No.2472351

Get out get out getoutgetoutgetoutGETOUTGETOUT

>> No.2472352


Ah, that almost explains it. Almost, because I'd expect drivel like this from a 15y.o. rather than someone who's old enough to take care of themselves, but it does make sense that an adolescent is writing adolescent poems.

Don't take it personally, you just have to grow up.

>> No.2472360

Who are your favorite poets OP?

>> No.2472362


OP probably doesn't even read poetry. Would you look at what he (she?) wrote. Just look at it.

>> No.2472366

Another thing is that if the formatting issues here bother you then you could simply link to pastebin.com

>> No.2472389

English cannot be your first language. if you're dead-set on writing that kind of emo drivel, then just read a shit load of poetry and mash up famous lines within yours, so it looks like you're paying homage.

>> No.2472439

You're living better I'm thinking better

>> No.2472474

you should read some really good modern poets in order to learn the craft. I suggest tao lin, he seems really up your alley

>> No.2474019