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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 300x300, Myers-Briggs-Type-Indicator-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2465823 No.2465823 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you /lit/izens fellow INTJS?

Take the MBTI test here:

>> No.2465829

Always IN, F, T, J, and P are always changing.

>> No.2465832



>> No.2465836



>> No.2465837


>> No.2465840

intj fag here, always get the same result

>> No.2465844


Are you bros able to find friends? It seems as though I'm destined to forever be a loner.

>> No.2465846

Just for confirmation, what does 'Scheduling' mean in this context? Organisational skills was all I could imagine :S

>> No.2465850


sounds about right. i took up reading in high school to pass the time during lunch because i had no friends with which to hang.

>> No.2465851


IMO, it refers to being able to "schedule" people in categories.

>> No.2465857

INFP's unite

Captcha: Edsucks Schiller
Lucky Schiller.

>> No.2465853
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ENFJ... never got that before. Never even got Extroverted before. It's probably due to my being lonely at the moment.

>> No.2465861


Were you a good student? What is your occupation presently? I apologize for being so nosy; I am very interested in the lives of other INTJs.

>> No.2465873


i don't mind the nosiness, i'm glad someone's interested! i was an excellent student, GPA of 3.97 unweighted, 4.73 weighted. i'm currently enrolled in uni in austria (my mother is austrian and i was born there so i got free admission, hollaaa) and i'm a student of history and french, hoping to be a teacher or a translator (german, english, french) some day.

>> No.2465874

Wood Rat Libra/Libra/Scorpio INTP master race, reporting for duty.

>> No.2465876

this shit is as bad as astrology

>> No.2465884


Ah, good for you! Is Austria a pleasant place to live? I've always wanted to visit Vienna.

>> No.2465895


thank you! :) it's great! there's a great deal of culture and diversity in vienna, where i reside. the smaller towns are frighteningly white-dominant and conservative though!
the weather is shit if you want to be outdoorsy, but i like it since i prefer to stay in and read anyhow.

>> No.2465908

>Jungian Psychology
Get the fuck out of here

I'm an INTJ

>> No.2465909
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INFP here.

>> No.2465922

/x/ here

I thought you guys were better than this, most intellectual board my unwashed ass

>> No.2465932

>the smaller towns are frighteningly white-dominant and conservative though!


>> No.2465938

and back you go >>>/x/

>> No.2465939

A new Hitler is underway

>> No.2465954


>> No.2465965


>> No.2465968

/sci/ > /lit/

>> No.2465972

This is not MSN faggots.

>> No.2465974
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>> No.2465978

Last time I checked I was an INFP.

>> No.2466016
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take this zodiac bullshit to /x/

>> No.2466026

INTJ. Feels bad, man.

>> No.2466029


Anyone who believes in this shit is fucking retarded. Occam's Razor says it's bullshit. The lack of actual proof says it's bullshit. The fact that it corresponds to a common fallacy (ie. a system describing something does not mean that thing is governed by that system) says it's bullshit.

/sci/ is the kid who is really really good at math and science and will undoubtedly get a PhD in the highest level of theoretical physics but who doesn't know anything about history, philosophy, literature, culture, politics, etc.

>> No.2466038

ENTP, feels good man

>> No.2466042

I think the fact that the test can give you different results proves its bullshit.

At least with the Zodiac you don't magically change from a Capricorn to a Leo.

>> No.2467111
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INFJ femanon reporting in.

>> No.2467116
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ITT : No morality in Science - How the atomic bomb was created.

>> No.2467121
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> or maybe it means that the individual is evolving out of it's introverted shell.

>> No.2467129


>> No.2467133
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>> No.2467135

INTJ, lazy fuck.

>> No.2467136

There's tons of books on Jung. I'm not coming across any on meyers briggs or socionics though. It's easier to find books about kohut, so that's likely something I'll be getting into sooner. If I find some books on kepinski's information metabolism theories, I'll defintly look into that.

>> No.2467140

Shit nigga, it's just for fun. It's not like I think this will guide my life.
Also, >not getting a career in science
>while reading up on philosophy, history, fiction, etc in your leisure time

>> No.2467164

>getting a career in science while reading up on philosophy, history, fiction, etc in your leisure time

yeah that's exactly what people that career in science do. totally.

>> No.2467195


I used to get INTJ pretty consistently, huh.

>> No.2467197

I'm not saying most do; I'm saying I believe it is a good course of action.

>> No.2467208
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maybe since i'm drunk i'll answer this quiz better let's see!

>> No.2467209


It's a pretty terrible course of action, actually.

You would have all these wonderful thoughts about what you're reading, and no one would care one half inch.

You could think, but you could not speak. It would be tortuous.

>> No.2467210
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Maybe you feel more than you think, now ?
Anyways, welcome to the land of complexity!

>> No.2467214

Just because you're a scientist does not mean you will talk only with other scientists, and no one else.

>> No.2467221


I didn't mean literally speaking. I meant publishing.

>> No.2467230

Sorry for the dense question, but could you please elaborate on that?

>> No.2467233
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ENFP here!

>> No.2467244



Sounds about right.

>> No.2467247
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>> No.2467467

I'm an IN. The finer categorizations aren't significant or marked enough to mention.

Want to know my personality type? Mainly avoidant-negativistic, with lesser antisocial-histrionic and masochistic elements.

>> No.2467474
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I was wondering if I was the only INTP here, fuck yeah master race.

>> No.2467475
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>> No.2467479

INTJ Mastermind here.

>> No.2467480
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INTJ Nietzschean master race reporting in

>> No.2467496
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>> No.2467501

I did this ages ago and got INTJ I think. Now I've got ENFJ.

Shit's magic, yo.

>> No.2467509
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mah niggas

>> No.2467515

Normally get this but this time around I'm an EFSP

>> No.2467516

Have you recently taking up smoking reefer/

>> No.2467521

Nah man, may do soon though.

>> No.2467536
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>> No.2467555


Oh wait, you have become extraverted. My bad. You must have increased alcohol intake and as such become a social being to the point of coming in contact with people who offer you cannabis.

>> No.2467563

Yeah, probably.

>> No.2467572

You will in the future be confronted with the problem of your dual nature, the social one having a taint of self-destruction and the introverted one missing the bright lights and jolliness of social life, to the point of having to choose between mental and physical health, and lack of one ultimately turning into lack of the other anyway.

Or you won't. I don't know.

>> No.2467579

Nah, probably not.

>> No.2467582


Then maybe you have indeed succesfully thrown of the burden of your shadow creeping INTJ mastermind ways.

>> No.2467583
File: 44 KB, 442x341, 1315069510395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys do NOT, and I repeat DO NOT ever take tests that give you a percentage between letters (for example 60%T - 40%F) because that is a very incorrect way of measuring functions and is the easiest test type to falsify.
http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm Here, if I remember correctly this test was the one I found to provide more accurate results. Not to mention it has a long section on the workings of each functions instead of describing letters which gives it a lot more accuracy (for instance, you may think the difference between an INTP and an ENTP is the I/E but it is actually the order of the functions that is swapped, the functions themselves are still fundamentally the same).

For the skeptics I reccomend reading the paragraphs provided on the website for a simple, yet detailed explanations on the workings of the cognitive functions. The more mainstream websites nowadays work with the letters instead of the actual congnitive functions which gives the public half assed information and has a lot less reliability, the closer these tests work with cognitive functions the better the results.

>> No.2467586

But the whole test is bullshit anyway. It's only use is for HR departments that need to look like they're doing something.

>> No.2467588


And for all those saying that this is all pseudo-science with no actual proof, you may be right, but deeming something as "paranormal" only deprives it of proper study. Regardless the current theory has a very good explation on cognitive functions, albeit it doesn't have much grasp on the principles that govern it (this is subject to change in the recent future, given the advances on brain-mapping research). And about Forer effect, that is the mainstream website's fault, not the theory's, they only show the bright side of the types because people tend to prefer the more favourable results, but if you study the types further you'll find that there is a lot more to it than what most websites tell you.

Oh and always remeber that the weakest link of the theory is the actual testing, not the theory itself, since the tests are easily falsifiable. My advice on this is, just don't be a lying shithead,seriously you gain nothing from lying in these tests (only false self-gratiffication perhaps) since really no one but you cares what about what personality type you are.

IINTP here by the way.

>> No.2467590

Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
1 88 62 78

oh yes please shove down my throat more of what I want to hear oh yes feed it to me -yes!- more!

>> No.2467600

>but if you study the types further you'll find that there is a lot more to it than what most websites tell you.
That they're based on Jungian archetypes and that some wanker tacked on some pseudoscientific crap. It's the modern version of phrenology.

>> No.2467608

I agree the test itself is deeply flawed (although the one I linked is one of the better ones I found).

The best way to type yourself is to find which type suits you best and evaluate which functions you use the most. Just remember to not go for the type that you think is more favourable to you, but even then you are still subject to false ideas you hold over yourself (such as an INFP thinking he's an INTP or even and INTJ, which surprisingly happens a LOT). But hey, no one said self-realisation was gonna be simple.

My advice is to find a close friend who understands this theory so you can type each other for greater objective accuracy. But I'll admit even with all these measures the theory still has some flaws (mostly in regards to variations within the types) but I believe that if people stop bitching about it being pseudo scientific crap and start actually putting some study into it this theory just might get somewhere in the future.

>> No.2467619

INTP reporting in

Finally managed to write down a "diary" of philosophy shit that I'd been thinking about as a kind of internal dialogue. It's probably unoriginal and the topics been discussed before, but I haven't read much philosophy so it's "pure" I guess. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you a link.

Goddamn I can't stop thinking about and analyzing shit all the time. And then I feel like everyone in the world is a twat because I can easily find mistakes, pretension or arrogance in how they act.

>> No.2467622

>Goddamn I can't stop thinking about and analyzing shit all the time. And then I feel like everyone in the world is a twat because I can easily find mistakes, pretension or arrogance in how they act.

Well your alarm must be going wild by now then.

>> No.2467629

As a fellow INTP I never managed to actually get started on anything like that, but the idea of a "thought diary" sounds interesting. Although I doubt I'll be able to actually write shit down, it might be useful since I tend to forget theories and conclusion I've arrived at about a day I've thought about them.

>> No.2467637

Seriously guys, the MBTI is simply grouping and labeling, it doesn't, or it shouldn't aim to be predictive, but that doesn't mean its not interesting or useful. Yes its 'stamp collecting' to a certain degree, but so is much of science. The fact that these distinctions are meaningful and useful to people is enough. It would be equivalent to astrology if it claimed meaningful prediction, but all it does is description, so everyone stop complaining. Anyway its not /lit/.

>> No.2467737


>> No.2467764

holy shit, madala symbolism!

>> No.2467837
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That doesn't prevent me from being periodically depressed though.

>> No.2467843

I can't accurately answer because, being a human-being, I am inconsistent. Many of my answers are dependent on context and such. For instance, I am always "I" but switch between the rest almost every test because the questions slightly differ and, at the same time, I slightly differ.

The theory is bullshit because there is no reliable means of testing and, I would argue, nobody fits into a single categorisation all the time in every situation anyway. Not to mention you are answering how you think you are, which is inevitably influenced by how you want to be beyond your control.

>> No.2467853

>haven't read philosophy

No, I'm not interested in your ramblings that mostly likely will be things I've already read and heard in a far less well articulated form.

>> No.2467859

I'm trying to get better at poetry.

>> No.2467883

INTP composer here. I've never really managed to start writing anything literary because getting thoughts out of my head on paper seems so prosaic. Music has the advantage of having only abstract ideas.

>> No.2467896


I'm a counselor?

>> No.2467923

No you're just plain weird.

>> No.2467952

I either get ISTJ or INTJ, usually ISTJ

>> No.2467959

ENTP. I get ESTP or INTP at times.
>not /lit/

>> No.2467964


>> No.2467968
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am I the only ISFP here?

>> No.2467982

I still have no idea what that matters or means though.

>> No.2467989
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>no idea what that matters or means


>> No.2467991



>> No.2467997

Big 5 is superior


>> No.2468000

INTJ would only drop from 78% "accuracy" (see Forer effect) to 65% "accuracy" if you replaced all the questions with "Are you a deep spiritual person?" and "Do you have a need to examine and critically analyze the world around you?"

All the people who want to be wicked cool edgy smartypants Atheists answer YES, I AM A SCIENTIST!! and all the dumbshit soccer moms answer NO, I AM A SPIRITUAL SELF-ENLIGHTENED DREAMER. Then everyone gets a nice Forer-y writeup about how wise and interesting and deep they are, and jerk themselves off over the fact that even without achieving anything, writing anything, or thinking anything noteworthy, they are still exactly the prestigious intellectual they wish they could be.

>> No.2468110

I wish more people would realize this. Also, how there may not be a true relation between someone's actual identity and the features that the MBTI is based on.

>> No.2468182
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Bro fist.

>> No.2468197

Are you me? My Ts, Fs, Js, and Ps are fickle, but I'm most consistently an INFJ.

>> No.2468412

INTP here.

>> No.2468514

That means you're impressionable and aggresive in the name of convention and "common sense". At least that's what the S means. The E amplifies it a bit. Depends how strong the S is.

Fucking S.

>> No.2468522
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not this shit again

>> No.2468526

Btw i'm a GTFO

>> No.2468529
File: 13 KB, 294x298, 1327107474620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being an INFJ, do you really need to point out that you're a femanon? The whole point of INFJ is that's it's mega-rare, a male INFJ would be even rarer.

>> No.2468538

I'm male and INFJ.

I'm also gay, that could explain it.

>> No.2468545

Are you particularly girly and/or gender dysphoric?

>> No.2468548

Not particularly.

>> No.2468559 [DELETED] 

You should learn to properly compartmentalize your anima and stop being attracted to your shadow so you can stop being so gay.

>> No.2468562
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you should learn to properly compartmentalize your anima and stop being attracted to your shadow so you can stop being so gay

>> No.2468566

Now why would I go and do that?

>> No.2468569

Get the fuck out, disgusting bigot.

>> No.2468574

You're just insecure and defensive because the set of archetypes integrated into your ego is weak, lame and crappy.

>> No.2468575

No matter how many times I take it I get INTJ

>> No.2468578

how mundanely special.

>> No.2468582


>> No.2468595

it's got nothing to do with phrenology. It's a western version of enlightenment and balance focused religion - buddhism, hinduism and so on.

but you're maliciously ignorant of this because you're the type of person that's overvalued in the west.

and you're scared of what your type is.

>> No.2468600

Famous INTPs:
Rene Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Sir Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
Charles Darwin
Sherlock Holmes

feck yeaw

>> No.2468602

I've taken this test 4 times, twice I got INTJ and twice I got INTP.

>> No.2468609

That's a lot of questions for some shitty test.

>> No.2468635

Nope, /sci/ is worse than lit, /sci/ is the most insecure, autistic board on 4chan.

Anyways, as a psychology studet i have to admit, that the briggs myers personality test is not really valid.But sometimes the results seem pretty accurate, just like astrology.

>> No.2468662

Male INFJ. don't really read fiction any more, just philosophy. i know its bad. read de Sade recently, that was a nice compromise.

>> No.2468678

/sci/ is even more /homework/ than here.

>> No.2468890


It's strange to see so many INFPs on here. I'm usually the only person with that result on the other boards I visit.

>> No.2468908

Keep getting either INTJ or INTP. Can't figure out which is me.

>> No.2468947

ISTP master race reporting in...

>> No.2468987

Im a guy and I just got INFJ but before hand I got ENFP... if anything Im a mix and am actually an INFP

>> No.2468994

INFP i guess

but P is basically so weak sa to be non-existent and F is also very weak, so somewhere between INFJ and INTP


>> No.2469027


You guys should follow my blog where I offer insightful criticisms on a range of topics.

>> No.2469121

Get out of here with this Jungian masturbatory bullshit. People don't work this way. There's so much wrong with these tests (or more specifically, the use in education, higher education and the general work environment).

People don't work this way and this means NOTHING.

>> No.2469823 [DELETED] 

Shut up and die, you persona consumed lacanian behaviorist sensing extrovert. Shut up forvever.

Just shut up.

Get your fingers broken.

Get your vocal folds ripped up.

And shut up once and for all.

The less the world hears from people like you the better.

Fucking shut up.

>> No.2469830

Shut up and die, you lobotomy, prozac, ritalin and indoctorination pushing persona consumed lacanian behaviorist sensing extrovert. Shut up forvever.

Just shut up.

Get your fingers broken.

Get your vocal folds ripped up.

And shut up once and for all.

The less the world hears from people like you the better.

Fucking shut up.

>> No.2470011

distinctively expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality


>> No.2470032

seconded. jungian archetypes are for insecure babbies. people are dynamic and are in the process of change until they die.

cry some more.

>> No.2470872

samafag some more, lacanian behaviorist.

>> No.2470879

Astrology for New Age Jungians, Or the mystery of how the genius is lauded for common sense.

>> No.2470888

what are you like anon?
>I'm like this, tester
Wow, anon! Check out these results! According to this test, you are like this!
>really? Wow! That's just like me! Amazing how much accuracy you told me about myself, tester!
No problem, anon, thank your company for paying me to do these tests

>> No.2470904

The Myers-Briggs thing is a gross perversion of Jung's ideas anyway.

>> No.2470911

You aren't now! Favorite books, by chance? I like when we pair that with the Myers-Briggs threads.

>> No.2471046

Myers-Briggs is watered-down pop astrology with important sounding names replacing the four elements. And I bet you bash astrology.

This shit is about as relevant and accurate as racism. Read some Stephen Arroyo, then Richard Tarnas.

>> No.2471055

Right, the ideas Jung got from astrology.

>> No.2471140

Thank you.

That's eastern religions, not astrology, among other things, smartass.

>> No.2471172

I got INTJ.

I'm new to these tests. What does this say about me? Is it bad that I got this or good?

>> No.2471180

INTJ here

dating another INTJ

>> No.2471187

Fuck your shit, astrology is something dumbfuck compulsives love to get behind to try to pitch against anything they freak out about being not sufficiently respectable, rigid and wholesome. Go back to doing recreational math at a 4th grade level.

God damnit, how I want to beat the shit out of some compulsives.

>> No.2471189

NT (no strong preferences between E/I or P/J) married to an ISFJ.

>> No.2471194


The old superstitious stuff is as dumb as you say, and the pop stuff is worse. But the new schools (humanistic astrology, archetypal cosmology) aren't deterministic or predictive, they're pretty much Myers-Briggs with much more detail and an ear for synchronicity. Is your opinion based on any reading? Arroyo's a good place to start.

>> No.2471195

ISTJ reporting in, feels great man.

>> No.2471198

Yes, it is based on readings, and in none of those books have I come across anything about jung and astrology, so it never looked like a big focus of his.

Too bad, I've already started with much better psychology. I don't care how litaraturish this astrychology you're into is.

>> No.2471202

archetypal synchronicity. Sounds rather jungian.

the great point of jungian stuff is that it's somewhat mainstream, it's a common thing you can discuss with people

>> No.2471209

And how could anything archetypal be otherwise? You can find them in TV commercials, billboards, Hollywood. Joyce found them all over Dublin.

Sometimes archetypal stories take funny twists: there's this Brita water filter commercial where whitey gives a Brita bottle to an Eskimo who had been drinking from a river with his hands; he happily accepts the gift.

The commercial is an inversion of the story of Diogenes at the river bank with his only possession save a loincloth: a cup. A boy drinks beside him with his hands, and Diogenes gets upset, "I have been beaten in simplicity by a child!" and throws the cup into the river.

>> No.2471212

Jung only got into astrology late in life; once he did, it became his chief subject of study.

The archetypal cosmologists are all Jungians.

>> No.2471223
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WTF is the point of this anyway?

>> No.2471246

What personality type do I have if I exit the page a third of the way through the test because it's far tl;dr?

>> No.2471273

serious question

>> No.2471543

I almost always get INFP. occasionally INTJ

>> No.2471546

Please don't judge Jung by these personality tiests. THey are retarded. His other philosophy of mind ideas are not though. THey are god tier

>> No.2471552

Jungian archetypes and the Myers-Briggs idea or two different things.

>> No.2471560

>people are dynamic and are in the process of change until they die.
that's actually jung's philosophy. you know nothing of jung other than his shitty meyers-briggs scale which is the only popular thing about him. it's his retarded philosophy. read on his actually study of the subconscious and dreams and you might change your mind

>> No.2471570
File: 16 KB, 200x299, gtfo_you_condescending_gook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a video of chris-chan chatting up his own mum


he tells his mum when he goes to masturbate and he said they spoon each other on his bed

What 4 letters are you going to use to encapsualte his personality, myers-shitts?

>> No.2471574

I always get INTJ.

>> No.2471577


>> No.2471581

the architect

>> No.2471584


>> No.2471586


You are not alone

>> No.2472574

INTJ, yup

>> No.2472624

No, jungian philosophy does not claim that people's personality types change. it claims that people's personality types *should* change, that they should balance out, but that the way it actually happens in modern society, ESTJ's become even more ESTJ-ish, and similarly for others.

>> No.2473240
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but that's wrong, you fucking retard.

do you seriously know nothing of his theories of the subconscious, the shadow, anima, and animus, and individuation?

you're a fucktard pleb who's only heard of the meyers briggs personality type scale.

read a fucking book.

jungian philosophy sees a person as someone who can completely transform and is not their true self until they become aware of other aspects of their subconscious and realize their true self/potential.

>> No.2473316
File: 21 KB, 400x267, NO U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is you that is a fucking retard. it is you that is fucking wrong

What I said went completely over your head.

Jungian schools of thought say that, for example, an extraverted sensing thinker will typically just constantly infalte their overvalued thinking and sensing faculties. They will typically not develop their shadow, anima and animus but instead will overdevelop their persona.

You seem a lot like the lobotomy, prozac, ritalin and indoctorination pushing persona consumed lacanian behaviorist sensing extrovert here.

I'm sorry you're a stuck up, deaf retard.

>> No.2473332

INFJ. Close, but not quite.

>> No.2473382

What do you have against ritalin and prozac?

>> No.2473398

>for example, an extraverted sensing thinker will typically just constantly infalte their overvalued thinking and sensing faculties. They will typically not develop their shadow, anima and animus but instead will overdevelop their persona.

That isn't even close to true. Jung's MBTI completely contradicts his other philosophies and is completely retarded and a separate theory from his consciousness philosophies. You haven't read much of Jung, obviously. But you really should. You might like it.

Also why are you against drug use? You sound more like a Reagan indoctrinated persona.

>> No.2473465
File: 33 KB, 533x495, Lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardline "modern" corporationist push them as the solution to all sorts of things that don't have any intrinsic connection.

>Jung's MBTI

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

I don't think I should read much jung. Since we''ve gotten on the topic of drugs, shouldn't I be reading Leary instead? Naturally, along with Sullivan, Thompson and Benjamin?

>> No.2473473

Ritalin is cocaine, only less natural.

>> No.2473476


>drops names
>your intelligent man

>> No.2473497
File: 258 KB, 576x590, amp_44_5_803_fig1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know 'bout Leary.

>> No.2473500


>> No.2473502
File: 33 KB, 500x386, cp20083.f1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know 'bout Benjamin either.

>> No.2473507

In order for drug use to be useful it should be prescribed and the amounts should be monitored.

>> No.2473508

it's released into the brain much too fast when consumed in a refined form.

>> No.2473518 [DELETED] 

After a time
You may want to keep using more

>> No.2473805
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 13130575002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I Am I.N.F.P

>> No.2473819

INTJ or INTP, changes sometimes

>> No.2473839

I am part of an adv sci tutorial at a university in which the lecturer/teacher got us to do this test at discuss it...
I guess I'll see how things go down...
INTP here.

>> No.2474189

INFJ in this bitch

>> No.2474912

If you use cocaine a second time, you will probably not have the same effect
The high feeling may not be as strong and you may not feel as good

>> No.2474919
File: 9 KB, 391x644, FLIP THE POOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this non-literature, zodiac bullshit still doing on /lit/?

>> No.2474921

true but you can use them for whatever use you see fit.

also you are confusing two of Jung's philosophies together.

MBTI was developed from his theories, and completely misinterprets and misrepresents them

>> No.2474930
File: 26 KB, 633x480, french mime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>182 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

I knew you guys were stupid, but god damn.

>> No.2474948
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Do you guys have self-identity issues or something?

You should read your daily horoscope for more insight into your "personality".

>> No.2474972

I'm an INFJ.
Also, I got 100 for intuitive.