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File: 976 KB, 1986x3000, 1329881381374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2464374 No.2464374 [Reply] [Original]

The gentlemanly crime -let's hear some stories.

>In B&N with a friend
>He wanders off, I see a copy of Less Than Zero with this hazy, sepia shot of LA (as opposed to the dumb 25th anniversary cover)
>Huge pillar obfuscating sec. cam's otherwise direct line of view.
>slip that shit into rather large inner pocket in leather jacket
>friend finished looking at whatever the hell, we walk out
>tragedy strikes
>alarm sounds
>turns out my friend has gift cards or some shit that set them off
>we walk out


>> No.2464377

> 2012
> Barnes and Noble

>> No.2464384

Fuck you

>> No.2464390

Wait you have a large inner pocket in your jacket and you didn't line it with a Faraday cage? Are you even trying?

>> No.2464391

Faraday cage doesn't work for both types of tag.

>> No.2464394

Should've shopped in Waterstones. Everyone knows Waterstones is the best bookshop.

>> No.2464395

>not managing a bookstore for a chain
>not being the one to lock up in the evenings
>not helping myself to whatever books I want every day

C'mon now, guys. It's all about the inside job.

>> No.2464401

I'm not sure how security works in my waterstones.
I buy books they never seem to do anything to them.
I've seen people walk out with books I know they didn't walk in with.
No buzzer

>> No.2464402

damn that's how you do it

>> No.2464403

I was gonna mock you for your job choice but now that I think about it, that's pretty cool

>> No.2464404


Sensors would've do anything, the books (obviously) have no tags on them. The staff there love me so much, they'd probably just take back the books and say to pay next time, anyway. I mean, I keep the story afloat.

>> No.2464407

>see book I want in the vestibule sales area, between the two entrance-ways
>there are obviously no cameras in here
>magnetic sensors line the inner entrance, so you're already past them
>although it's a windowed room, there are beams & things as sight barriers, no employee has eyes trained toward that area
>no security cameras in sight
>looks as though i could just pick up one of these books and walk off with it
>everything is too perfect, it must be a trap
>don't steal the book

>> No.2464410


I know, it IS shitty. But hey, it's laid back, there's free books and I lack ambition anyway. Superfluous man for the 21st century.

>> No.2464411

are you talking about those acoustic induction-y tags? those can be blocked with a faraday cage, just not with a piece of tin foil. Get a decent copper mesh. Also feel free to hook it into ground.

>> No.2464437
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>not going to used bookstores and pay ridiculously low prices for books while making friend with the owners/employees

>> No.2464441

Oh, you're right. Cool.

>> No.2464453

If they love you so much, then how come you couldn't get a job there?

>> No.2464457

I do this. except the friend thing. also it feels like stealing because the volunteers in these shops are always so naive about pricing. but i dont complain.

>> No.2464464

You guys are so poor you need to steal books? lol fucking plebs, this is what you get for being english majors.

>> No.2464483

I get the opposite effect. All the used bookstores around here are run by fucking sharks. They sell for half sticker price, regardless of flaws or damage to the book, but will ding you for any flaws or damage when you're reselling. If you sell anything in bulk they'll try to gut you by looking unimpressed with the selection and going "EHHHHH I'LL GIVE YOU (2/3 what they'd be worth if brought in individually) I GUESS".

>> No.2464491

>book on Amazon £20
>in waterstones for £25
I like books, but for that price it better suck my dick too.

>> No.2464523

>owning books

we have computers now

>> No.2464535

> computers
We have kindles now

>> No.2464545

> kindles
We have data ports on the back of our necks now. I read 40 books yesterday.

>> No.2464880
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OP here, I do that as well.

That's actually shit, Stop giving shitty people money.

>> No.2465011
File: 479 KB, 900x724, KO_3_43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quote is from IASIP but the picture is from Going The Distance and it is going to piss me off for a very long time

>> No.2465016

I hope you faggots don't steal from second hand books stores or small shops.

>> No.2465034

>I hope



>> No.2465040


2nd hand'ers are the easiest targets and rip you off in different ways. Seriously, sell a book to a 2nd hand dealer and they'll give you fuck all for it.

Now a nice independent bookstore is another matter.

>> No.2465041
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>> No.2465043

>bring backpack to barnes and nobles
>grab a shit ton of books
>get out laptop as a cover as I flip through the pages checking for any magnetic strips
>fill backpack with books when no ones looking

>> No.2465042
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>still being a poorfag and stealing.

>> No.2465050

> data ports in the back of our necks
We have achieved the singularity now

>> No.2465056

There's this book store in my area that is run out of out a big, creaky 19th century house. There is no security. There is usually one employee on
duty at all times, but they remain stationary at the desk and leave all of the customers alone unless they approach the desk. They are completely
overstocked, and I doubt they would notice if one or two of their books went missing, especially if there are multiple copies of the same book and edition on the shelf. Sometimes I will go in there, buy one paperback, and line my coat pockets with two or three more. Then I walk out the door with a smile on my face. They would never suspect the guy who actually buys stuff. It's the perfect crime.

>> No.2465058
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Do they ever notice the missing merchandise, or do you only steal a book once in a while?

>> No.2465060

So if you remove the magnetic strip, it won't set off the alarm, right? And no one actually monitors the security cameras, right?

>> No.2465070

You might have to tear out a page. Security cameras depends on the security guards.

>> No.2465072

>Doesn't know how businesses work
I hate to point out the obvious, but book stores have to make a profit if you want their to be a fucking book store. If you don't like Waterstone/whatever, buy Amazon and fuck off

>> No.2465075

Stealing from a cool old creaky indie bookstore, have you no shame?

>> No.2465077


most shoplifters buy something small when stealing

faggot(s) itt

>> No.2465078

at my b&n theres only cameras in the corners of the store and at the front so its easy to avoid them.
And yeah, like 1 in 3 books will have a magnetic strip randomly slid in the pages which is the only thing that sets off the alarm.
Dont forget to check the book sleeve if its a hardback.

>> No.2465092


Obviously not. They ridiculously overcharge for used books (8 dollars for a mass market paperback with cracks down the spine? fuck that) and they
take a lot of donations, too, so it's not like they're really LOSING money.

Though, even if I didn't have any justifications for my thievery, I would still steal because of the thrill I get when I do it (and the money I save, too; reading is an expensive hobby.)

>> No.2465098
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Stealing from chain bookstores is so incredibly easy. Just elevate the item above the censor as you walk out. It's not like the teenage cashier or whichever other deadbeat employee watching cares enough to take note of the theft. It's not their money.

Or maybe I'm convinced of that simply because B&N employees have never seen my blatant and conspicuous shoplifting scheme in action...

>> No.2465102


>> No.2465110

>The year is 2012
>I want a book
>I type that book into demonoid
>I download that book
>I put that book on my kindle
>mfw I got away with it.

>> No.2465112


I prefer to have a friend waiting right by the door, past the sensors. Then I yell "JOHN ELWAY!!!" so the whole store can hear, and chuck the book(s) over the sensor into my buddy's waiting arms. Then we both high tail it out of there, laughing maniacally. We've never been caught.

>> No.2465114

What if you're too short to lift the books above the censor? What then, tough guy?

>> No.2465119

becuase then I cant parade my intellectually large collection of books, obviously

and reading from paper doesnt make my eyes melt

>> No.2465120

I steal freely on the internet, and pay for physical goods. The funny thing is I haven't needed to buy anything but groceries and the internet for a year, now. Thank god for the digital age.

>> No.2465149

>chapters has little, if any cameras with limited vista
>cameras don't see inbetween aisles of bookshelves
>bend down
>books in bag
>books in pants
>hundreds of dollars of free books
>most of them just philosophy I don't understand so I can put them on my bookshelf and look smart when I bang chicks at my place

>> No.2465159
File: 68 KB, 499x525, idkthatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers the >Fucking Borders threads?

Good times.

Now I'm depressed.

>> No.2465166


>> No.2466184

wtf is this, no more replies? bump

>> No.2466225

>at chain bookstore
>jerk off in bathroom, get it on the toilet seat
>don't wash hands
>go into aisles, find & read the collected short fiction of samuel beckett, making pen notes and highlighting, copying important or interesting phrases into notebook
>consider stealing. leave on seat

>> No.2466259
File: 490 KB, 480x340, 1330244546929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was working in a B&N or any used book store and one of you fags kept coming back every so often to every day to just "look at books" I would expect you the most and watch you the most.

>> No.2466277

My local bookstore doesn't have cameras, barcodes (you just hand the dude money), or practically any security features. It's usually devoid of customers while i'm there, it's fucking huge and packed with books, and the shelves reach to the ceiling.

I could steal all sorts of shit but I don't because i'm not a cunt.

>> No.2466313

>see book that I want
>buy it with the money I make from my job
>go home happy and read my new book

>> No.2466344

I have never done this, but since the cashiers usually don't care, you could probably put some books in your coat while buying something cheap. Of course, you would then proceed to exit the store, and the buzzer would go off, but you just have to wave your item you just bought in the cashiers face -- and that's if they even ask you about anything. In lots of stores, the employees don't even care if the alarm goes off. I actually had a barnes and noble gift card at one point that I realized was setting off the alarm whenever I entered or exited the store... On a few occasions i realized that I could have been carrying books out, since the cashiers just "okayed" me when I gave them a puzzled look after setting off the alarm.

>> No.2466354

i dunno man ... recessionary times, you've got adults working there w/ levels of self-respect not commensurate with the typical notion of a bn employee ... they'd relish the chance to do some "stop right there, criminal scum" bullshit, mgiht even risk getting into a scuffle in the parking lot. (granted i've no musculature to speak of, but neither do they!)

>> No.2466357

I was really sure that this was a tao lin from the title.

>> No.2466375 [DELETED] 

>want book
>download torrent of the audiobook version

>> No.2466381
File: 58 KB, 600x350, 016_powells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell, I only go into book stores if I intend on giving them money.
>pic related, it's my favorite local(ish) bookstore
inb4 lol hipster

>> No.2466389

The problem with a LOT of used bookstores is that they're run by ex-hipster 40 year assfuck english majors and all the books, regardless or original price, are as absolutely high as they can get away with. If a book from 1970 says 1.20 they'll sell it for $6, regardless. Fuck them. I steal from used bookstores all the time

>> No.2466391

yeah i like used bookstores because they're cheap + cool, annoying as hell when they have dumb confiscatory prices

most of the ones i go to regularly are pretty good, but the REALLY cheap one closed down a couple years back

>> No.2466410

The Salvation Army is good too: I bought a hardcover copy of Mailer's "Ancient Evenings" there for 50 cents. I haven't read the book yet, but I've heard lots of mixed feelings about it. The jacket looked cool though...

>> No.2466434

I have 5 shelves + stacks around my apartment filled to the brim with stolen books. The only books I ever pay for are gifts to friends.
My biggest trip I've made to B&N resulted in 12 books being brought home, mostly Nabokov.

>> No.2466565

Go back to the cave you came from you knuckle dragging troglodyte.

>> No.2466624

Hipster? bitch, the store I get my books from doesn't even have books in English -get on my level.

>> No.2466626

well, thats punk rock in a nut shell

silver spoon, paper plate.

>> No.2466735


>> No.2467050

>in bookshoppe
>reading poetry of sappho
>I'm a lesbian so I'm justified to pilfer a copy

>> No.2467073


People like you make me ashamed to be gay.

Fucking dyke whore.

>> No.2467083

post your face when

and your tits when

>> No.2468250

>suggesting I am a concubine
>having nothing to indicate harlotry from my post

>> No.2468453

post stories

>> No.2468488

>"gentlemanly crime"

Nah, you are scum.

>> No.2468491

Why don't you people get jobs and buy books instead? If you're so worried about money then go to second hand bookstores or something.

>> No.2468518
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Some pimply faced jobless kid stealing books? Sounds so ungentlemanly...

>> No.2468546

quit being faggots who know nothing about crime
few people shoplift things because they're poor. Theres a rush behind it that can't be described to conservative twats

>> No.2468572

>quit being faggots who know nothing about crime
But but but... i've read Crime and Punishment.

>> No.2468586
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Ah yes, the rush of petty crime. Something far beyond the comprehension of normal man.
You guys just don't get it. We need to feel cool and edgy and instead of actually doing something worthwhile we act like ignorant scum and then pass it off as something an admirable man would do.

>> No.2468616
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>Something far beyond the comprehension of normal man.
according to the people in this thread going HURR Y U STEAL, certainly
>instead of actually doing something worthwhile
creating entertainment for ourselves isn't worthwhile? And I suppose whatever you do it. Stay a cunt, cunt

>> No.2468619

I was referring to the fact that the depicted bookstore is in Portland.

>> No.2468637
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I do. I steal from everywhere. My shelves are full of library books because I steal them from the shelves, and whenever I move house I take out lots of books and keep them.

There's a second-hand bookshop near where I live and there's an old lady who runs it and all you need to do is say hello to her and she always trusts you as a fellow bibliophile. The shop's like a maze and she's got no line of sight - it's a joke really.

One time I was coming out and she said something like "didn't find anything you like?" and I told her nothing I could afford [sad frog face] and she gave me a copy of The Doors of Perception for free "just to keep me going". I had about 5 stolen books in my backpack so I couldn't even fit it in. I just took it off her and smiled and walked out.

>> No.2468639

wat a yellow cunt. stealing from a little old lady's independent book store? you are the one who's a joke you shitty reverse robin hood.

>> No.2468649

I've never stolen anything from a store intentionally, except a few candies from the grocery store occasionally. The idea of stealing something that costs twenty dollars fills me with dread. I'd just be fucking scared and worried for weeks afterwards like when I stole street signs as a freshman. I remember those Borders threads where people were just walking out with stuff and I just couldn't do it.

>> No.2468659

Congratulations you genuinely warrant the use of lol so edgy. Haven't seen that on 4chan in a while. Go die.

>> No.2468671
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>having morals at all
>being a sanctimonious cunt
>calling other people 'scum' for not subscribing to your faggot morals
stay boring, boringfaggots

>> No.2468684

I wish I could be as cool as you. Can you teach me how to be an edgy faggot?

>> No.2468698

You really need to stop being so cool, I just can't handle of it.

You don't read. You just steal books for the kick of it. Hell, you probably don't even steal books and you're likely just posting this shit to make yourself look cool in comparison to- wait, haha, no that's not it, is it?

>> No.2468707

You went to a mid tier state school. You drive a mediocre car that you have customized with shitty aesthetic "improvements" like a spoiler. When someone mentions something they have accomplished you automatically one up them regardless of whether or not what you're saying is true. You justify all of this with a shitty pseudo-nihilistic philosophy you picked up from the last book you read, Chuck Paulaniuk's Survivor. Since that day in high school you have harbored a resentment for the world because you wish something fucked up would happen to you in your white bred suburban life.

>> No.2468708
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> be browsing waterstones
> security guard following me as soon as i walk in
> watisthisidonteven
> never intended to steal
> security goon pissing me off
> he's crouching behind shelves and shit
> pretend to slip book in my bag in front of him
> go to walk out
> he runs after me excitedly
> walk outside
> wrestles me to the floor
> searches my bag
> nope.jpg
> ask to see his manager
> security prick has to apologize
> get given vouchers as compensation
> mfw

>> No.2468716


Your name really befits you.

>> No.2468742

you are pathetic. good thing you have 4chan.

>> No.2468751

I used to steal books from Books a Million all the time, but it was before I was into literature so I stole really dumb books.

I just go to thrift stores now, you can get incredibly good deals on hardback and paperback books. I got To kill a mockingbird and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for like 2 bucks. Just take a handful of change.

>> No.2468760
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>And I suppose whatever you do it.

>> No.2468771
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>white bred

Why can't I hold all these assumptions? Who says my favorite author isn't the exact same shit you love? Who says I have different tastes or lead a different lifestyle than you, other than the fact I enjoy doing this like stealing and doing drugs which aren't even fringing or outrageous at all, yet you assume I take pride in being 'edgy'?
Stay presumptious, sanctimonious cunts
>one dimensional aspect of life presented is different than mine

>> No.2468779

This thread is so sad.

Nobody from Barnes and Noble will ever stop you from stealing a book... even if the alarm goes off. They won't even call the police.

They specifically tell their employees not to stop theft (except in the separate cd/dvd section). They don't really make money off book sales. The real money is in the overprice cafe. You can seriously just pick up a book and walk out the door with it. It doesn't matter.

>> No.2468783

We don't need to assume, it shows in your posts. Also no one really says sanctimonious, stop trying so hard.

>> No.2468789

Did you work there?

>> No.2468794

>insulting me and thus affirming your own moral superiority
ya, thats sanctimony.
>make yourself look cool in comparison to- wait, haha, no that's not it, is it?
can't answer this because I don't know what you're saying

>> No.2468795

stealing things and doing drugs is pretty mainstream teen where im from. I can't say it's the same everywhere else, but that's what I hear. near every teen goes through that rebel phase.

>> No.2468818
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The Borders going-out-of-business fucktastrophe was your chance to do it with minimal effort, Besides, Borders tended to employ the kind of person who was just like you and thus a comrade in your literary ventures.

Well look at Mr 1% here

I love invoking Occupy jargon months after its relevancy.


I've posted the phrase "knuckle-dragging troglodyte" at least three times here in the past twenty-four hours before you, thanks for playing.

Yeah, stealing from used/independent bookstores and thrift shops will probably invoke some kind of karmic retribution a la choking to death on pizza rolls, unwanted autoerotic asphyxiation, etc., so don't do it.

Megachains on the other hand...

>> No.2468825

I personally am an absurdist. I don't assert moral authority nor hold any. Someone who jumps when an accusation is thrown at them certainly acts quickly to throw them right back.

You're a moron. We don't need to know you. If you're a troll, you're still a moron, just in a different way.

>> No.2468848
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>I personally am an absurdist
Lol'd and stopped reading there. Stay 16 or aspie, can't tell

>> No.2468850
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OP here, he's probably a bit of a troll but if you've ever verbally uttered the sentence "I personally am an absurdist," so are you.

>> No.2468861

I don't understand, what's wrong with absurdism?

I'll give that my sentence structure was poor, but I don't really give much thought to my posts.

>> No.2468957

because you called him 'edgy' and classifying yourself as a person under ideals of entry level teenager-popular philosophy is the epitome of this

>> No.2468982

I think the complaint was the price of the book in general on both Amazon and waterstones.

Are you the militant manager of waterstones that posted here months ago trying to get us back int your shitty store?

>> No.2469049
File: 30 KB, 347x465, Kindle-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes sir, you can ALL THE BOOKS!!!

>> No.2469071

can the kindle read pdfs? I have a bunch of them and would like to drop them into a kindle.

>> No.2469092

Not very well, nope. PDFs are the worst format there is. Ipads or your desktop computer are your best bet.

>> No.2469095

sigh...yes they can.

i don't have a source to cite. fuck you.

>> No.2469123

Yes they can. However, because of the non-floating ways of pdfs, the Kindle can't re-arrange paragraphs. It's OK when you flip the screen sideways, but a bigger pad might be a better thing.

>> No.2469135

>Not stealing library books and wash off the stickers with lighter fluid

That feel when library binding allday errday.

>> No.2469187
File: 49 KB, 301x500, please kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this in reference to the entire thread, or a specific post?

>> No.2469193

I've stolen plenty of books from chain stores, but you, sir, are the biggest faggot i've seen on 4chan in days--quite the accomplishment! go back there, buy a cheap paperback, pay with a twenty, tell her "keep the change, and thanks for The Doors Of Perception" or you are a shitty pole-smoker for life.

>> No.2469289


Use calibre to convert pdf's and it's all fine and dandy. If you have a Kindle download Calibre asap, great for managing your kindle.

>> No.2469313

Don't steal from bookstores, they have a hard enough time as it is. Just buy boring books nobody wants cheap from used stores. I recently got 4 books for £9.50, even though most looked annoying. Oh well.

>> No.2469341

Any bookstore specific thieving tips for a poorfag with equally low morals?

>> No.2469342

>long coat with inside pockets
>stay close to the shelves
>browse and reshuffle the books around the book you want to knock
>buy something to throw off suspicion to any unseen guard
>or just slip out casually if you think suspicion is low

>> No.2469348
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>Physically stealing books and exposing yourself to the risk of being caught

You niggers steal cd's too, right?

>> No.2469350
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>long coat with inside pockets

>> No.2469353

Here's a Protip: At most Barnes and Noble-type shops, the books have a metal detector strip wedged somewhere in the middle of the book. Take it out BEFORE you attempt to shoplift.

>> No.2469357

Godtip: Slip it into someones pocket who tries to leave the store before you do.

>> No.2469411

Today I just stole some handy pocket sized notebooks from the pound shop.


>> No.2469425

>stealing books
>not slinging dat diesel and buying books with the profit

>> No.2469494

yea, I totally care about what you said

>> No.2469502

The Bible is the most frequently stolen book. Fact.

>> No.2469518


What pound shop? I really hope it wasn't the one I'm thinking of, which is the worst store in the world.

>> No.2469531

I stole a couple of Moleskin notebooks from Waterstones.
I don't even use them. The paper quality is rubbish.

>> No.2469533

I buy all my books at a local second hand store... Pockets:2SEK (0,30$) and Hardcovers:5SEK (0,74$).

>> No.2470072

>The paper quality is rubbish
0/10. I bet you also pronounce it mole- skin