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/lit/ - Literature

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2462706 No.2462706 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel that you are lacking, /lit/?

I ask this because I saw an add for a writing contest and I got interested.
Out of curiousity I read some of the previous winners' entries.
It was far better than anything I had ever written and I now feel very unmotivated to enter.
I realise now I don't really have anything new or original to say, my writing is generic at best.

Do any of you feel the same?
Should I give up?
Will dreams always be just that, dreams?

>> No.2462709

You will most likely die in 60 or 70 years time. Might as well become as good as you can be and do as much as you can while you're alive. Even if the highest height you can reach is complete shit. You're going to be dead whether you're complete shit or a fucking genius, so you might as well go for it.

>> No.2462713
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If I don't have anything to say I tend to shut my whore mouth. I see writing as a communication technology. It can be beautiful in it's own right of course, but if there is nothing there but the writing itself it will often be terrible.

Also, don't force yourself to find something to say in order to be a writer. Just be quiet until you have anything you really want to put down on paper.

>> No.2462715

Oh yeah I feel like total shit ass fuck failure whenever I do work. It's just that there's nothing else for me to do that I'm interested in or good at so it's this or distract myself and work until I die unsatisfied that I ever even gave it a shot.

>> No.2462719

>still anticipating death instead of the singularity

>> No.2462721
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>If I don't have anything to say I tend to shut my whore mouth

>> No.2462757

Fuck "not having something to say." Most people don't have anything new to say; it usually takes a genius to come along and write something revolutionary like
"The Catcher in the Rye" or "Infinite Jest." But you damn well have some kind of story to TELL. Everybody does. If you search long enough and work hard enough,
you can bring that story to fruition and share it with other people. I, and the majority of the reading public, would rather be entertained than lectured to.

>> No.2462761

>Do you ever feel that you are lacking, /lit/?
Yeah, all the time.
>Do any of you feel the same?
No, I try to let superior work inspire me to do better. It is a learning opportunity.
>Should I give up?
Not if your only reason is you're not as good as you wish.
>Will dreams always be just that, dreams?
Depends on the dream.

>> No.2462771
File: 479 KB, 1293x1600, reynard7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having anything new to say is different from not having something to say. And forced writership comes out horrible. If you don't write naturally and happily, like a young talented soccer player might play with his ball all day, you shouldn't bother. People who try to force it are often more obsessed with being a writer than with writing.

>> No.2462795
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>Reyneart de vos

>> No.2462859
File: 90 KB, 450x567, reinaert4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of literature's most glorious tricksters.