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2461840 No.2461840 [Reply] [Original]

Lets list the most complex and deep characters of all time.

The Devil, Lucifer, The fallen angel etc..
Suffering from illusions of grandeur

Is it fair to say that all Villains are created fromt this one character.

>> No.2461845

That's working under the assumption he's one character, he's been interpreted many times in many ways, just because they share a name and perhaps elements of a broader mythos isn't enough to call them the same character.

>> No.2461846
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>Is it fair to say that all Villains are created fromt this one character.

evil is where you point your finger at
it's a man-made construct

book related

>> No.2461847

>illusions of grandeur
>illusions of grandeur
>illusions of grandeur
>illusions of grandeur

>> No.2461852

Excuse me?

>> No.2461853

It is delusions of grandeur, and Anon hoped that you'd feel bad about it.

Do you feel bad, you have been a naughty boy.

>> No.2461855


spank me

>> No.2461882

>rebellion against almighty creator god successful to the point where his minions are constantly scared shitless of you
>not actually being grandiose


>> No.2461948

I thought the satan (saytaan) in the original Hebrew and Semitic sources was just a source of temptation, or a devils advocate. (like in Job or the temptation in the desert in the new testament).

Also, Judge Holden

>> No.2461954

Harry Potter was pretty deep. Like when his parents died and then he got told he was a wizard and then he killed a snake and then he had sex with that ginger girl and then he played Quidditch.

Boy went through a lot.

>> No.2461962

There is always that dilemma about God being all-mighty and all-powerful. And the events, even the rebellion, being how he wanted it.

So yes, delusions of Grandeur

>> No.2461981


Holden is based on aspects of the devil and the Hindu god of destrucion.

>> No.2461984

Except he is an atheist and triumphs in the spirit of man, despite his overbearing absence of morals.

>> No.2462004


He also represents Darwinian theory.

Protip: If you got suffocated that means you will not reincarnate into the next life.